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Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive index: Difference between revisions

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m Writing index of archives in Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive <#> due to request from Talk:Prescott Bush - Bot edit
Legobot (talk | contribs)
Bot: Updating index
(23 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
<!-- HBC Archive Indexerbot can blank this -->
<!-- HBC Archive Indexerbot can blank this -->
This report has been generated because of a request at [[Talk:Prescott Bush]]. It covers the archives that match '''Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive <#>'''
<br/>Report generated at 20:22, 21 June 2011 (UTC) by <small><sup>[[User:HBC Archive Indexerbot|HBCAI]]</sup></small>

Report generated based on a request from [[Talk:Prescott Bush]]. It matches the following masks: Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive <#>, Talk:Prescott Bush.<br>
{{last edited by}}
{| class="sortable"
{| class="sortable"
! Discussion Topic !! Replies (estimated) !! Archive Link
! Discussion Topic !! Replies (estimated) !! Archive Link

| G.H.W. Bush&#39;s motivation to join the Navy contested || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#G.H.W. Bush&#39;s motivation to join the Navy contested]]
| &quot;socially liberal&quot; || 4 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#.22socially_liberal.22|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| disgusted with his family&#39;s business || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#disgusted with his family&#39;s business]]
| 9/11 Truth Candidate || 31 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#9/11_Truth_Candidate|Talk:Prescott Bush]]

| The &#39;slave labor&#39; remark || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#The &#39;slave labor&#39; remark]]
| ADL as a source, and Jewish Advocate || 13 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#ADL_as_a_source.2C_and_Jewish_Advocate|Talk:Prescott Bush]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| ADL quote was cut off by the prior edit || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#ADL_quote_was_cut_off_by_the_prior_edit|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Deletion of New Hampshire Gazette external link || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Deletion of New Hampshire Gazette external link]]

| consistent pattern here of suppression of material || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#consistent pattern here of suppression of material]]
| AJC source on Buchanan || 40 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#AJC_source_on_Buchanan|Talk:Prescott Bush]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| BBC does not state Bush knew of Nazi WW II activities || 19 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#BBC_does_not_state_Bush_knew_of_Nazi_WW_II_activities|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| False history is not Neutral Voice || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#False history is not Neutral Voice]]

| blogs as sources || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#blogs_as_sources|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Possible information to add to Wikipedia || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Possible information to add to Wikipedia]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Moved this off the main page, where it had no business being || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Moved this off the main page, where it had no business being]]
| Bush censorship || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Bush_censorship|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

| [[Business Plot]] || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Business_Plot|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| Text moved from article || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Text moved from article]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| can we avoid editting the Talk page, please? || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#can_we_avoid_editting_the_Talk_page.2C_please.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Corporate Success || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Corporate Success]]

| Cecil Adams&#39; doubts about the Harrimans receiving $4 billion || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Cecil_Adams'_doubts_about_the_Harrimans_receiving_.244_billion|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Unbalanced the other way || 4 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Unbalanced the other way]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Planned Parenthood || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Planned Parenthood]]
| changed some parts related to Silesian-American Corporation || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#changed_some_parts_related_to_Silesian-American_Corporation|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

| Cecil Adams&#39; doubts about the Harrimans receiving $4 billion || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Cecil Adams&#39; doubts about the Harrimans receiving $4 billion]]
| Changes to the talkpage? || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Changes_to_the_talkpage.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Checkers/Nixon || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Checkers/Nixon|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| ADL quote was cut off by the prior edit || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#ADL quote was cut off by the prior edit]]

| Citing sources || 6 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Citing_sources|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| Checkers/Nixon || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Checkers/Nixon]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| co-operation with germans? || 9 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#co-operation_with_germans.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Geronimo skull || 10 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Geronimo skull]]

| consistent pattern here of suppression of material || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#consistent_pattern_here_of_suppression_of_material|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Rockefeller Republicans || 6 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Rockefeller Republicans]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Contribution || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Contribution|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Tarpley &#38; Chaitkin || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Tarpley &#38; Chaitkin]]

| Corporate Success || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Corporate_Success|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Removal of Sentence || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Removal of Sentence]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Current state of this Wikipedia article || 43 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Current_state_of_this_Wikipedia_article|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Bush censorship || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Bush censorship]]

| Deletion of New Hampshire Gazette external link || 4 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Deletion_of_New_Hampshire_Gazette_external_link|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Possibly this could also be added || 14 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Possibly this could also be added]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| disgusted with his family&#39;s business || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#disgusted_with_his_family's_business|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| So what about the ADL? || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#So what about the ADL?]]

| Failed Coup || 11 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Failed_Coup|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Changes to the talkpage? || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Changes to the talkpage?]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| RE: Hitler declared war on the US / Trading With the Enemy Act || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#RE: Hitler declared war on the US / Trading With the Enemy Act]]
| False history is not Neutral Voice || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#False_history_is_not_Neutral_Voice|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

| G.H.W. Bush&#39;s motivation to join the Navy contested || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#G.H.W._Bush's_motivation_to_join_the_Navy_contested|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Failed Coup || 11 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Failed Coup]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Geronimo&#39;s bones || 102 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Geronimo's_bones|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| What was his degree in? || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#What was his degree in?]]

| Geronimo skull || 10 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Geronimo_skull|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| need help - nazi medal to bush is real? || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#need help - nazi medal to bush is real?]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Guardian/Hitler article has been debunked? || 13 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Guardian/Hitler_article_has_been_debunked.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| references and notes duplicate || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#references and notes duplicate]]

| Guardian article || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Guardian_article|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Guardian/Hitler article has been debunked? || 13 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Guardian/Hitler article has been debunked?]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| What does Cecil Adams really debunk? || 9 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#What does Cecil Adams really debunk?]]
| Guardian cite || 44 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#Guardian_cite|Talk:Prescott Bush]]

| More anti-Bush stuff has been sneaking in || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#More_anti-Bush_stuff_has_been_sneaking_in|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Current state of this Wikipedia article || 43 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Current state of this Wikipedia article]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| BBC does not state Bush knew of Nazi WW II activities || 19 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#BBC does not state Bush knew of Nazi WW II activities]]
| Moved this off the main page, where it had no business being || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Moved_this_off_the_main_page.2C_where_it_had_no_business_being|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

| need help - nazi medal to bush is real? || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#need_help_-_nazi_medal_to_bush_is_real.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Quagmire || 4 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Quagmire]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| can we avoid editting the Talk page, please? || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#can we avoid editting the Talk page, please?]]
| New editor - confused about &#39;relevant&#39; sources || 5 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#New_editor_-_confused_about_'relevant'_sources|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]

| NPOV || 20 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#NPOV|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| blogs as sources || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#blogs as sources]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Pancho Villa || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Pancho_Villa|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| &#34;socially liberal&#34; || 4 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#&#34;socially liberal&#34;]]

| Planned Parenthood || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Planned_Parenthood|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| NPOV || 21 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#NPOV]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Possible information to add to Wikipedia || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Possible_information_to_add_to_Wikipedia|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Watch the POV re: Geronimo lawsuit || 27 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Watch the POV re: Geronimo lawsuit]]

| Possibly this could also be added || 14 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Possibly_this_could_also_be_added|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Guardian article || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Guardian article]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Prescott Bush || 7 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Prescott_Bush|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| Pancho Villa || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Pancho Villa]]

| Proposal at AN/I || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Proposal_at_AN/I|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| co-operation with germans? || 9 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#co-operation with germans?]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Publication dates of assertions || 4 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#Publication_dates_of_assertions|Talk:Prescott Bush]]
| Prescott Bush || 7 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Prescott Bush]]

| Quagmire || 4 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Quagmire|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Citing sources || 6 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Citing sources]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Business Plot || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Business Plot]]
| RE: Hitler declared war on the US / Trading With the Enemy Act || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#RE:_Hitler_declared_war_on_the_US_/_Trading_With_the_Enemy_Act|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

| New editor - confused about &#39;relevant&#39; sources || 6 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#New editor - confused about &#39;relevant&#39; sources]]
| references and notes duplicate || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#references_and_notes_duplicate|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Removal of Sentence || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Removal_of_Sentence|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Sock work || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Sock work]]

| The ADL may have made an error,or it&#39;s a case of vandalism || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#The ADL may have made an error,or it&#39;s a case of vandalism]]
| Rockefeller Republicans || 9 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Rockefeller_Republicans|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Seizures under the &#39;Trading with the Enemy&#39; Act, 1942 || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Seizures_under_the_'Trading_with_the_Enemy'_Act.2C_1942|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| You need to start a new page || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#You need to start a new page]]

| So what about the ADL? || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#So_what_about_the_ADL.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Geronimo&#39;s bones || 102 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Geronimo&#39;s bones]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Sock work || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#Sock_work|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| Proposal at AN/I || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Proposal at AN/I]]

| Tarpley &amp; Chaitkin || 4 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Tarpley_.26_Chaitkin|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Guardian cite || 51 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Guardian cite]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Text moved from article || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Text_moved_from_article|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| 9/11 Truth Candidate || 32 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#9/11 Truth Candidate]]

| The &#39;slave labor&#39; remark || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#The_'slave_labor'_remark|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| AJC source on Buchanan || 41 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#AJC source on Buchanan]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Publication dates of assertions || 4 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Publication dates of assertions]]
| The ADL may have made an error,or it&#39;s a case of vandalism || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#The_ADL_may_have_made_an_error.2Cor_it's_a_case_of_vandalism|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]

| ADL as a source, and Jewish Advocate || 13 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#ADL as a source, and Jewish Advocate]]
| UBC: Huon&#39;s draft || 15 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush}}#UBC:_Huon's_draft|Talk:Prescott Bush]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Unbalanced the other way || 3 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Unbalanced_the_other_way|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| UBC: Huon&#39;s draft || 15 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: Huon&#39;s draft]]

| Unlink years || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Unlink_years|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| UBC: THF&#39;s edits || 5 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: THF&#39;s edits]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Watch the POV re: Geronimo lawsuit || 27 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Watch_the_POV_re:_Geronimo_lawsuit|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Birthname || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Birthname]]

| What does Cecil Adams really debunk? || 8 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#What_does_Cecil_Adams_really_debunk.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| UBC: Conspiracy theories removed || 2 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: Conspiracy theories removed]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| What was his degree in? || 1 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#What_was_his_degree_in.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]
| Business Plot again || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Business Plot again]]

| Cheerleader || 3 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Cheerleader]]
| Why link &quot;Merchants of Death&quot; to larger &quot;Military Industrial Complex&quot;? || Unknown || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_1}}#Why_link_.22Merchants_of_Death.22_to_larger_.22Military_Industrial_Complex.22.3F|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| You need to start a new page || 2 || [[{{urlencode:Talk:Prescott_Bush/Archive_2}}#You_need_to_start_a_new_page|Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2]]
| Geronimo once again || 6 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Geronimo once again]]

| Truman&#39;s &#34;Harry Hopkins&#34; || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Truman&#39;s &#34;Harry Hopkins&#34;]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Prescott Bush, the Business Plot, and Nazi-entanglement. || 6 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush#Prescott Bush, the Business Plot, and Nazi-entanglement.]]

| Military service || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Military service]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Conspiracy theories... || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Conspiracy theories...]]

| External links modified || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush#External links modified]]

|- style="background: #dddddd;"
| Business Plot || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush#Business Plot]]

| Interesting facts reported in the Guardian || 1 || [[Talk:Prescott Bush#Interesting facts reported in the Guardian]]


Latest revision as of 02:29, 22 August 2023

Report generated based on a request from Talk:Prescott Bush. It matches the following masks: Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive <#>, Talk:Prescott Bush.
This page was last edited by Legobot (talk | contribs) 15 months ago. (Update timer)

Discussion Topic Replies (estimated) Archive Link
G.H.W. Bush's motivation to join the Navy contested 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#G.H.W. Bush's motivation to join the Navy contested
disgusted with his family's business 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#disgusted with his family's business
The 'slave labor' remark 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#The 'slave labor' remark
Deletion of New Hampshire Gazette external link 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Deletion of New Hampshire Gazette external link
consistent pattern here of suppression of material 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#consistent pattern here of suppression of material
False history is not Neutral Voice 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#False history is not Neutral Voice
Possible information to add to Wikipedia 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Possible information to add to Wikipedia
Moved this off the main page, where it had no business being 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Moved this off the main page, where it had no business being
Text moved from article 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Text moved from article
Corporate Success 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Corporate Success
Unbalanced the other way 4 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Unbalanced the other way
Planned Parenthood 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Planned Parenthood
Cecil Adams' doubts about the Harrimans receiving $4 billion 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Cecil Adams' doubts about the Harrimans receiving $4 billion
ADL quote was cut off by the prior edit 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#ADL quote was cut off by the prior edit
Checkers/Nixon 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Checkers/Nixon
Geronimo skull 10 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Geronimo skull
Rockefeller Republicans 6 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Rockefeller Republicans
Tarpley & Chaitkin 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Tarpley & Chaitkin
Removal of Sentence 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Removal of Sentence
Bush censorship 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Bush censorship
Possibly this could also be added 14 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Possibly this could also be added
So what about the ADL? 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#So what about the ADL?
Changes to the talkpage? 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Changes to the talkpage?
RE: Hitler declared war on the US / Trading With the Enemy Act 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#RE: Hitler declared war on the US / Trading With the Enemy Act
Failed Coup 11 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Failed Coup
What was his degree in? 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#What was his degree in?
need help - nazi medal to bush is real? 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#need help - nazi medal to bush is real?
references and notes duplicate 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#references and notes duplicate
Guardian/Hitler article has been debunked? 13 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Guardian/Hitler article has been debunked?
What does Cecil Adams really debunk? 9 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#What does Cecil Adams really debunk?
Current state of this Wikipedia article 43 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Current state of this Wikipedia article
BBC does not state Bush knew of Nazi WW II activities 19 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#BBC does not state Bush knew of Nazi WW II activities
Quagmire 4 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Quagmire
can we avoid editting the Talk page, please? 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#can we avoid editting the Talk page, please?
blogs as sources 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#blogs as sources
"socially liberal" 4 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#"socially liberal"
NPOV 21 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#NPOV
Watch the POV re: Geronimo lawsuit 27 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Watch the POV re: Geronimo lawsuit
Guardian article 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Guardian article
Pancho Villa 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#Pancho Villa
co-operation with germans? 9 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 1#co-operation with germans?
Prescott Bush 7 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Prescott Bush
Citing sources 6 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Citing sources
Business Plot 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Business Plot
New editor - confused about 'relevant' sources 6 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#New editor - confused about 'relevant' sources
Sock work 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Sock work
The ADL may have made an error,or it's a case of vandalism 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#The ADL may have made an error,or it's a case of vandalism
You need to start a new page 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#You need to start a new page
Geronimo's bones 102 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Geronimo's bones
Proposal at AN/I 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Proposal at AN/I
Guardian cite 51 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 2#Guardian cite
9/11 Truth Candidate 32 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#9/11 Truth Candidate
AJC source on Buchanan 41 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#AJC source on Buchanan
Publication dates of assertions 4 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Publication dates of assertions
ADL as a source, and Jewish Advocate 13 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#ADL as a source, and Jewish Advocate
UBC: Huon's draft 15 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: Huon's draft
UBC: THF's edits 5 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: THF's edits
Birthname 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Birthname
UBC: Conspiracy theories removed 2 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#UBC: Conspiracy theories removed
Business Plot again 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Business Plot again
Cheerleader 3 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Cheerleader
Geronimo once again 6 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Geronimo once again
Truman's "Harry Hopkins" 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Truman's "Harry Hopkins"
Prescott Bush, the Business Plot, and Nazi-entanglement. 6 Talk:Prescott Bush#Prescott Bush, the Business Plot, and Nazi-entanglement.
Military service 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Military service
Conspiracy theories... 1 Talk:Prescott Bush/Archive 3#Conspiracy theories...
External links modified 1 Talk:Prescott Bush#External links modified
Business Plot 1 Talk:Prescott Bush#Business Plot
Interesting facts reported in the Guardian 1 Talk:Prescott Bush#Interesting facts reported in the Guardian