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#REDIRECT Pagination nothing special about the way journals paginate, newspapers/magazines/newsletters do it similarly
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'''Journal pagination''' refers to the manner in which [[academic journals]] assign page numbers to their publications. Academic journals usually organize their published articles into volumes (often by year) and issues (anywhere from 2 - 24 per year). When a journal restarts page numbering with each issue they are said to paginate by issue; when page numbering restarts after each volume they are said to paginate by volume.

Certain publication styles (such as [[APA style]] and [[MLA style]]) require different formats for journals that are paginated by volume and by issue. For this reason it is important to be aware of the pagination of a given journal.

Below is an alphabetical list of academic journals and their pagination.

*Academy of Management Review (''by volume'')
*Academic Exchange Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Acta Sociologica (''by volume'')
*Action in Teacher Education (''by issue'')
*Addictive Behaviors (''by volume'')
*Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Administrative Science Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Aggressive Behavior (''by volume'')
*Aging & Mental Health (''by volume'')
*Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (''by issue'')
*American Educational Research Journal (''by volume'')
*American Educator (''by issue'')
*American Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Evaluation (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Health and Behavior (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Physics (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Political Science (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Psychotherapy (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Public Health (''by volume'')
*American Mathematical Monthly, The (''by volume'')
*American Political Science Review (''by volume'')
*American Psychologist (''by volume'')
*American Scientist (''by volume'')
*American Secondary Education (''by issue'')
*American Sociological Review (''by volume'')
*American Speech (''by volume'')
*American Statistician (''by volume'')
*Annals of Behavioral Medicine (''by volume'')
*Annual Review of Sociology (''by volume'')
*Annual Review of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Anthropology and Education Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Anxiety, Stress, & Coping (''by volume'')
*Applied Economics (''by volume'')
*Applied Linguistics (''by volume'')
*Applied Measurement in Education (''by volume'')
*Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (''by volume'')
*Appraisal Journal (''by volume'')
*Archive for History of Exact Science (''by volume'')
*Archives of General Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Archives of Neurology (''by volume'')
*Arithmetic Teacher (''by issue'')
*Artificial Intelligence (''by volume'')
*Asia Pacific Education Review (''by volume'')
*Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Assessment for Effective Instruction (''by volume'')
*Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice (''by volume'')
*Attachment & Human Development (''by volume'')
*Australasian Journal of Special Education (''by issue'')
*Australian Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Australian Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy (''by volume'')
*Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Autism (''by volume'')

*Basic and Applied Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Behavior Analyst Today (''by volume'')
*Behavior Modification (''by volume'')
*Behavior Research Methods (''by volume'')
*Behavioral and Brain Sciences (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Interventions (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Medicine (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Sleep Medicine (''by volume'')
*Behaviour & Information Technology (''by volume'')
*Behaviour Research and Therapy (''by volume'')
*Biological Psychology (''by volume'')
*Biometrika (''by volume'')
*Blood (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Educational Technology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Industrial Relations (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Medical Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Sociology of Education (''by volume'')
*British Medical Journal (''by volume'')

*Cambridge Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Canadian Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Canadian Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Canadian Modern Language Review (''by volume'')
*Child & Family Behavior Therapy (''by volume'')
*Child & Family Social Work (''by volume'')
*Child Abuse & Neglect (''by volume'')
*Child Development (''by volume'')
*Child Development Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Childhood Education (''by volume'')
*Children & Schools (''by volume'')
*Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Clinical Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Cognition (''by volume'')
*Cognition and Emotion (''by volume'')
*Cognition and Instruction (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Psychology (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Science (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Therapy and Research (''by volume'')
*Communication Education (''by volume'')
*Communication Monographs (''by volume'')
*Communications of the ACM (''by issue'')
*Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Community, Work, and Family (''by volume'')
*Comparative Education Review (''by volume'')
*Comprehensive Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Computers & Education (''by volume'')
*Constructivism in the Human Sciences (''by issue'')
*Contemporary Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Contemporary Family Therapy (''by volume'')
*Counseling Psychologist (''by volume'')
*Counselling and Psychotherapy (''by volume'') Note: Spelling is correct, journal changed name to Therapy Today in 2005.
*Counselling and Psychotherapy Review (''by volume'')
*Counselor Education & Supervision (''by volume'')
*Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Current Issues in Molecular Biology (''by volume'')
*Curriculum Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Cybernetics and Human Knowing (''by issue'')
*Cyberpsychology & Behavior (''by volume'')

*Death Studies (''by volume'')
*Depression and Anxiety (''by volume'')
*Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Developmental Review (''by volume'')
*Discourse Processes (''by volume'')
*Distance Education (''by volume'')
*Document Design (''by volume'')
*Drug and Alcohol Dependence (''by volume'')
*Durham Anthropology Journal (''by issue'')

*Early Childhood Education Journal (''by volume'')
*Early Human Development (''by volume'')
*Eating Behaviors (''by volume'')
*Economics and Human Biology (''by volume'')
*Economics of Education Review (''by volume'')
*Education Digest (''by issue'')
*Education Week (''by issue'')
*Educational and Psychological Measurement (''by volume'')
*Educational Assessment (''by volume'')
*Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (''by volume'')
*Educational Leadership (''by issue'')
*Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (''by issue'')
*Educational Media International (''by volume'')
*Educational Policy (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychologist (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology in Practice (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Educational Research and Evaluation (''by volume'')
*Educational Researcher (''by issue'' prior to 2007, beginning in 2007 with volume 36 it paginates ''by volume'')
*Educational Studies (''by volume'')
*Educational Studies in Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Elementary School Journal, The (''by volume'')
*Equity & Excellence in Education (''by volume'')
*Ergonomics (''by volume'')
*ETC: A Review of General Semantics (''by volume'')
*Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (''by volume'')
*European Heart Journal (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Applied Physiology (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Psychology of Education (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Science Education (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Evaluation Review (''by volume'')
*Exceptional Children (''by volume'')
*Exceptionality (''by volume'')

*Family Journal (''by volume'')
*Family Relations (''by volume'')
*First Language (''by volume'')
*Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (''by volume'')
*Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics (''by issue'')
*For the Learning of Mathematics (''by issue'')
*Future of Children (''by issue'')

*Gender and Education (''by volume'')
*Gender Issues ((''by volume'')
*Gender, Work & Organization (''by volume'')
*Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law (''by volume'')
*Gifted Child Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice (''by volume'')

*Harvard Educational Review (''by volume'')
*Harvard Law Review (''by volume'')
*Health & Social Work (''by volume'')
*Health Communication (''by volume'')
*Health Psychology (''by volume'')
*High School Journal, The (''by issue'')
*Higher Education Research & Development (''by volume'')
*History and Philosophy of Logic (''by volume'')
*Human Development (''by volume'')
*Human Factors (''by volume'')
*Human Resource Management Journal (''by volume'')

*Industrial Relations (''by volume'')
*Intelligence (''by volume'')
*Interchange (Volumes 1-22, ''by issue''; Volumes 23-present, ''by volume'')
*International Journal of Applied Linguistics (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Behavioral Development (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Cognitive Therapy (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Eating Disorders (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Educational Reform (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Human Resource Management (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Inclusive Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Public Opinion Research (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Science Education (''by volume'')
*International Nursing Review (''by volume'')
*International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education (''by volume'')
*International Reviews on Mathematical Education (''by volume'')
*Intervention in School and Clinic (''by volume'')

*Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (''by volume'')
*Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Abnormal Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Advanced Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The (''by volume'')
*Journal of African American Men (''by issue'')
*Journal of American College Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of American Indian Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of American Medical Women's Association (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (''by volume'')
*Journal of Behavioral Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Black Studies (''by volume'')
*Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media (''by volume'')
*Journal of Business and Technical Communication (''by volume'')
*Journal of Career Assessment (''by volume'')
*Journal of Children's Mathematical Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Cognition and Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of College Student Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Community Health Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Community Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (''by volume'')
*Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (''by issue'')
*Journal of Computing in Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Conflict Resolution (''by volume'')
*Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Counseling and Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Counseling Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Economic Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Computing Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders (''by volume'')
*Journal of Environmental Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Environmental Health (''by issue'')
*Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Family Issues (''by volume'')
*Journal of Family Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Genetic Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Health and Social Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Instructional Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Latinos and Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Learning Disabilities (''by volume'')
*Journal of Management in Engineering (''by volume'')
*Journal of Managerial Issues (''by volume'')
*Journal of Marital And Family Therapy (''by volume'')
*Journal of Marriage and Family (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematical Sociology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Negro Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Nursing Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Nursing Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Occupational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Organizational Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Personality (''by volume'')
*Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Philosophy (''by volume'')
*Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (''by volume'')
*Journal of Pragmatics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychosomatic Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Quality (''by volume'')
*Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research and Development in Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Research in Reading (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research in Science Teaching (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research on Technology in Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of School Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of School Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Sociology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Special Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Staff Development (''by issue'')
*Journal of Structural Learning (''by issue'')
*Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (''by volume'')
*Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'' except for Volumes 28 through 41 which were paginated ''by issue'')
*Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Learning Sciences (''by volume'')
*Journal of Urban Economics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Vocational Behavior (''by volume'')

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*Language Testing (''by volume'')
*Learning and Individual Differences (''by volume'')
*Learning and Instruction (''by volume'')
*Learning Disabilities Research and Practice (''by volume'')
*Learning Disability Quarterly (''by volume'')

*Management Science (''by volume'')
*Mathematical Cognition (''by volume'')
*Mathematical Thinking and Learning (''by volume'')
*Mathematics and Computer Education (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Education Research Journal (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Educator (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Magazine (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Teacher (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Teaching (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (''by volume'')
*Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (''by volume'')
*Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Memory (''by volume'')
*Memory and Cognition (''by volume'')
*Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Mind, Culture, and Activity (''by volume'')
*Motivation and Emotion (''by volume'')
*Multicultural Education (''by issue'')
*Multivariate Behavioral Research (''by volume'')

*Nature (''by volume'')
*New England Journal of Medicine (''by volume'')
*New Zealand Journal of Psychology (''by issue'')
*Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Notices of the American Mathematical Society (''by volume'')

*Obesity: A Research Journal (''by volume'')
*Obesity Reviews (''by volume'')
*Oncology Nursing Forum (''by volume'')
*Online (''by issue'')
*Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (''by volume'')
*Oxford Review of Education (''by volume'')

*Pacific Sociological Review (''by volume'')
*Peabody Journal of Education (''by issue'')
*Pediatrics (''by volume'')
*Perception and Psychophysics (''by volume'')
*Perceptual and Motor Skills (''by volume'')
*Personality and Individual Differences (''by volume'')
*Personnel Psychology (''by volume'')
*Perspectives in Psychiatric Care (''by volume'')
*Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Phenomenology and Pedagogy (''by volume'')
*Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (''by volume'')
*Phi Delta Kappan (''by volume'')
*Philosophica (''by issue'')
*Physical Educator (''by volume'')
*Political Behavior (''by volume'')
*Preventing School Failure (''by issue'')
*Principal (''by issue'')
*Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (''by volume'')
*Psychiatry Research (''by volume'')
*Psychological Bulletin (''by volume'')
*Psychological Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Psychological Review (''by volume'')
*Psychological Science (''by volume'')
*Psychology & Health (''by volume'')
*Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (''by volume'')
*Psychology in the Schools (''by volume'')
*Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*Psychosomatic Medicine (''by volume'')
*Psychosomatics (''by volume'')
*Psychotherapy (''by volume'')
*Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training (''by volume'')
*Public Opinion Quarterly (''by volume'')

*Qualitative Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Qualitative Report (''by volume'')
*Quarterly Review of Distance Education (''by volume'')

*Reading Research Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Reading Teacher (''by volume'')
*Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques (''by volume'')
*Remedial and Special Education (''by volume'')
*Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (''by volume'')
*Research in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Research in Middle Level Education Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Research in Nursing & Health (''by volume'')
*Review of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*Review of General Psychology (''by volume'')
*Review of Research in Education (''by volume'')
*Roeper Review (''by volume'')
*Rural Special Education Quarterly (''by issue'')

*School Administrator, The (''by issue'')
*School Effectiveness and School Improvement (''by volume'')
*School Psychology International (''by volume'')
*School Psychology Quarterly (''by volume'')
*School Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*School Science and Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Science and Education (''by volume'')
*Scientific Studies of Reading (''by volume'')
*Semiotica (''by volume'')
*Sex Roles (''by volume'')
*Social Behavior and Personality (''by volume'')
*Social Development (''by volume'')
*Social Forces (''by volume'')
*Social Indicators Research (''by volume'')
*Social Research (''by volume'')
*Social Psychology Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Sociological Review, The (''by volume'')
*South African Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, The (''by issue'')
*Stress and Health (''by issue'')
*Support for Learning (''by volume'')
*Supportive Care in Cancer (''by volume'')
*Survey Research Methods (''by volume'')

*Teacher Education Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Teachers College Record (''by volume'')
*Teaching and Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Teaching Exceptional Children (''by issue'')
*Teaching Children Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Teaching of Psychology (''by volume'')
*TESOL Quarterly (''by volume'')
*The Annals of Thoaric Surgery (''by volume'')
*The Grounded Theory Review (''by issue'')
*The Review of Economics and Statistics (''by volume'')
*Theory Into Practice (''by volume'')
*Trends in Cognitive Sciences (''by volume'')

*Urban Education (''by volume'')
*Urban Review (''by volume'')

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*Waikato Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Work and Occupations (''by volume'')
*Work, Employment & Society (''by volume'')
*Work & Stress (''by volume'')

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*Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathmatik (''by volume'')

==External links==
[[Academic journals]]
[[Academic publishing]]


Latest revision as of 14:46, 26 June 2011

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