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#REDIRECT [[List of acronyms: 0–9]]
This is a list of [[initialism]]s, [[acronym]]s that are pronounced as a series of the names of the constituent letters (but, there is disagreement on some; eg RBOC as "are-bock").

* AA - [[Alcoholics Anonymous]] / Automobile Association
* [[AAA]] - American Automobile Association
* AAD - analogue analogue digital<!--re CD quality--> - [[Australian Antarctic Division]]
* [[ABC]] - alcoholic-beverage commission - [[phantom cats|alien big cat]] - Always Be Careful - [[Chinese American|American-Born Chinese]] - [[American Broadcasting Company]] - [[anti-lock braking system|anti-lock brake controller]] - [[Associated British Corporation]] - [[Atanasoff Berry Computer]] - [[Atlantic Baptist University|Atlantic Baptist College]] - Atomic Biological Chemical (see NBC) - [[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]]
* [[ABM]] - [[anti-ballistic missile]] - [[Asynchronous Balanced Mode]] - [[automatic teller machine|automated banking machine]]
* [[ABS]] - [[acrylonitrile butadiene styrene]] - [[anti-lock braking system]]
* [[AC]] - adriamycin-cyclophosphamide (chemotherapy) - [[alternating current]] - [[Anonymous Coward]] - ante christum - [[air conditioning]] - [[Albert Champion]]
* ACL - Access Control List
* [[ACLU]] - American Civil Liberties Union
* [[ACM]] - ''see [[ACM|entry]]''
* [[AD]] - [[Latin language|Latin]] "[[Anno Domini]]" (In the year of our [[God|Lord]])
* ADA - [[American Dental Association]]
* ADD - analogue digital digital<!--re CD quality--> - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|attention-deficit disorder]]
* ADHD - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder]]
* ADHS - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome]]
* ADL - [[Anti-Defamation League]]
* ADM - [[Archer Daniels Midland]]
* ADS - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|attention-deficit syndrome]]
* ADT - Atlantic Daylight Time (UTC-3 hours)
* AFACT - As far as I can tell
* AFAIK - As far as I know
* AFAIR - As far as I remember
* AFJ - April Fool's Joke
* AFK - Away from keyboard
* [[AFL]] - American Federation of Labor - [[American Football League]] - [[Arena Football League]] - [[Australian Football League]]
* [[AGM]] - Annual General Meeting
* AI - [[Amnesty International]]; [[Artificial Intelligence]]
* AIC - [[African Independent Church]]
* [[AIDS]] - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
* AIM - [[AOL Instant Messenger]], among others
* aka - also known as
* AKDT - [[Alaska]] Standard Daylight Saving Time (UTC-8 hours)
* AKST - [[Alaska]] Standard Time (UTC-9 hours)
* ALS - [[Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis]]
* [[AM]] - ''see [[AM|entry]]''
* AMA - [[American Medical Association]]
* [[AMD]] - Advanced Micro Devices
* AMS - American Mathematical Society
* ANSI - [[American National Standards Institute]]
* [[AOL]] - America Online
* AP - [[Associated Press]]
* apm - [[Advanced Power Management]]
* [[ASA]] - Acete[[salicylic acid]] - [[American National Standards Institute|American Standards Association]] - [[Army Security Agency]] - [[Atlantic Southeast Airlines]]
* [[ASCII]] - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
* ASIO - [[Australian Security Intelligence Service]]
* [[ASL]] - American Sign Language
* ASP - Application service provider
* [[ASP]] - Active Server Pages
* AST - Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4 hours)
* [[AT&T]] - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
* [[ATM]] - [[automated teller machine]] - [[asynchronous transfer mode]]
* ATV - All-Terrain Vehicle
* [[AUC]] - 1. [[Latin language|Latin]] "[[Ab Urbe Condita|AB URBE CONDITA]]" (from the founding of the city (of [[Rome]]) or "ANNO URBIS CONDITAE" (in the [[year]] from the founding of the city (of [[Rome]]) 2. "area under the curve" in the concentration time curve ([[medicine]])
* AVO - Apprehended Violence Order
* [[AZT]] - azidothymidine<!--probably not an init'ism-->
* B&amp;W - black and white - Babcock &amp; Wilcox
* [[B2B]] - [[Business]] to Business
* B2C - Business to Customer
* B2E - [[Business]] to Employee
* BART - [[Bay Area Rapid Transit]]
* BATF - Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
* BB - [[Brigitte Bardot]] ([[actress]]) / Boys' Brigade (Christian youth organisation)
* [[BBC]] - British Broadcasting Corporation
* BBQ - Barbeque
* BC - Before Christ / Blind Copy (in emailers)
* BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
* BCE - Before Common Era - British Columbia Electric
* BDA - British Dental Association
* BDU - battle-dress uniform
* BFE - Beyond/Butt F*****' [[Egypt]] (colloquial for "quite far away")
* BMI - [[Broadcast Music Incorporated]] / [[Body mass index]]
* [[BMW]] - Bayerische Motoren Werke/Bavarian motor-works
* [[BMX]] - [[Bicycle]] Motor Cross
* BNS - [[Bank of Nova Scotia]]
* BO2K - [[Back Orifice 2000]]
* [[BOFH]] - Bastard operator from [[hell]]
* BP - British Petroleum (today, BP doesn't officially stand for everything)
* bpm - Beats per minute
* BRB - Internet chat abbreviation, "be right back"
* BSA - [[Boy Scouts of America]]
* BSD - [[Berkeley Software Distribution]] (distinct from BSoD)
* BSE - [[Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy]], better known as Mad Cow disease
* BSL - [[British Sign Language]]
* BSoD - [[Blue screen of death]] (distinct from BSD)
* [[BST]] - [[bovine somatatotrophin hormone]] - [[Blended Sales Tax]] - [[British Summer Time]]
* BT - British Telecommunications plc
* BTO - Built to Order
* BTU - [[British thermal unit]]
* BTW - By the way
* BWR - [[boiling-water reactor]]
* BYOB - Bring your own beverages/bottle
* CB - [[citizens' band radio]]
* [[CBC]] - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
* CC - carbon copy
* CCCP - Cyrillic letters corresponding SSSR, see USSR
* CCD - [[charge-coupled device]]
* [[CD]] - [[Compact disc]]
* [[CDC]] - Centre for Disease Control and prevention - [[Control Data Corporation]]
* [[CE]] - Common (or Christian) Era (cf. AD)
* [[CEPT]] - Conference Européenne des administration des Postes et des Télécommunications (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
* ''cf.'' - Latin ''confer'' (compare, or see also)
* CFG - [[Context-free grammar]], [[Control flow graph]]
* CIA - [[Central Intelligence Agency]] - [[Culinary Institute of America]]
* [[CID]] - Criminal Investigations Department
* [[CIO]] - [[Chief information officer]] - [[Congress of Industrial Organisations]]
* [[CIS]] - Commonwealth of Independent States (former [[Soviet Union]]
* [[CLEC]] - [[Competitive Local Exchange Carrier]]
* CMHC - Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
* [[CMM]] - Capability Maturity Model
* CMR - Coaxial Main Rotors (helicopter type)
* [[CMYK]] - cyan magenta yellow key (colour model)
* [[CND]] - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
* [[CNN]] - Cable News Network
* CO - Central Office (Phone Company office or POP)
* COD - cash on delivery
* [[CPA]] - Certified Practicing Accountant
* [[CQD]] - come quick, distress (?)
* [[CRC]] - Christian Reformed Church - [[Cyclic redundancy check]] - Chemical Rubber Company
* CRM - [[Customer_relationship_management|Customer Relationship Management]]
* CRT - [[cathode ray tube]] - [[Chinese remainder theorem]]
* CRTC - [[Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission]]
* [[CSA]] - [[Confederate States of America]] - Canadian Standards Association - [[Canadian Space Agency]] - Child Support Agency - Czech Airlines - [[Community Supported Agriculture]]
* [[CSICOP]] - [[Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal]]
* CSIS - [[Canadian Security Intelligence Service]] - Center For Strategic &amp; International Studies
* CUPE - Canadian Union of Public Employees
* CUPW - Canadian Union of Postal Workers
* [[CV]] - ''see [[CV|entry]]''
* CVR - Cockpit voice recorder
* CWC - [[Chemical Weapons Convention]]
* DC - da capo - [[Italy|Italian]] [[Democrazia Cristiana]] - [[direct current]] - [[District of Columbia]] - [[Douglas Aircraft Company]] - [[Dublin Core]] - [[duty cycle]]
* DDD - digital digital digital<!--re CD quality--> - [[Data Display Debugger]]
* DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
* [[DDT]] - dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (insecticide)
* [[DEA]] - Drug Enforcement Agency
* DH, DD, DS - dear husband, dear daughter, dear son (increasingly prevalent on social mailing lists, blogs, and bulletin boards)
* DHSS - Department of Health and Social Security
* [[DIY]] - do it yourself
* DMZ - [[demilitarized zone]]
* [[DNA]] - DeoxyriboNucleic Acid - [[Douglas Adams]]
* DND - Do Not Disturb - Department of National Defense
* DOA - Dead On Arrival
* DPDT - [[switch|double-pole double-throw]]
* DPST - [[switch|double-pole single-throw]]
* DTRA - [[Defence Threat Reduction Agency]]
* [[DUI]] - [[drunk driving|Driving Under the Influence]] - Data Use Identifier - Data Use Institute - Davis Unified Ignition - Diving Unlimited International - Documento Único de Identidad - Documento Unico de Importación - Duke University Improv
* [[DVD]] - Digital Versatile Disk (was Digital Video Disk)
* [[DWI]] - [[drunk driving|Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired]] - [[Dance With Intensity]] - [[Danish West Indies]] - Diffusion-weighted imaging - Direct water injection - Disaster Welfare Inquiry - Drinking Water Inspectorate
* [[EBCDIC]] - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
* EBE - extraterrestrial biological entity
* [[EEC]] - European Economical Community
* eg - example gratis (Latin, roughly "for example")
* [[ELF]] - [[Earth Liberation Front]] - [[Endangered Language Fund]] - [[Eritrean Liberation Front]] - [[Executable and Linkable Format]] - [[Extremely Low Frequencies]]
* EMF - electromotive force
* EMO - emergency-measures organisation
* EMP - electromagnetic pulse
* ENE - east northeast
* [[ESA]] - [[European Space Agency]]
* ESE - east southeast
* ESP - Extra-Sensory Perception
* ETA - estimated time of arrival; [[ETA|Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna]]
* etc - latin "et cetera" (and remaining)
* ETLA - Extended [[TLA]]
* EU - [[European Union]]
* [[EULA]] - End-User License Agreement
* EVA - [[extra-vehicular activity]]
* [[FAO]] - Food and Agriculture Organization
* FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
* [[FBI]] - Federal Bureau of Investigation
* FCM - [[Fogarty's Cove Music]] - [[Federation of Canadian Municipalities]]
* FDR - [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]] / Flight data recorder
* FEMA - [[Federal Emergency Management Agency]]
* FLIR - [[forward looking infrared]]
* FLK - Funny-Looking Kid (medical diagnosis in-joke)
* FM - [[frequency modulation]]
* FMSF [[False Memory Syndrome Foundation]]
* FPS - [[First person shooter]]
* FST - [[Finlands Svenska Television]] (Finland's Swedish-language television)
* FTL - Faster Than Light
* [[FUBAR]] - F****d Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition
* [[FUD]] - Fear Uncertainty Doubt
* FWIW - For What It's Worth
* FYI - For Your Information
* GCD - greatest common divisor
* [[GCD]] - ''see [[GCD|entry]]''
* GCF - [[greatest common divisor|greatest common factor]]
* GE - [[General Electric]] - Genetic Engineering (see GM)
* GEV - Ground Effect Vehicle
* GFCI - ground fault circuit interrupter (aka GFI)
* GFDL - [[GNU Free Documentation License]]
* GFI - ground fault interrupter (aka GFCI)
* GFY - Internet chat acronym, "good for you", or "go [[fuck]] yourself", depending on the context
* GL - Grenade Launcher
* GM - GameMaster (role-playing terminology) / [[Genetically Modified]] / General Motors
* GmbH - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (German, roughy "Inc" or "Ltd")
* [[GMO]] - Genetically modified organism
* GPS - [[Global Positioning System]]
* GT - [[Gran Turismo]]
* GUT - [[grand unification theory]]
* HCF - [[greatest common divisor|highest common factor]]
* HDD - [[hard disk]] drive - [[high-density disk]]
* HEPA - High-efficiency particulate air (filter)
* HKS - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|hyperkinetic syndrome]]
* HMCE - Her/His Majesty's Customs and Excise
* HMCS - Her/His Majesty's Canadian Ship
* [[HMO]] - Health Management Organization
* HMP - Her (or His) Majesty's Prison
* HMS - Her (or His) Majesty's Ship (see [[Royal Navy]])
* HMSO - Her (or His) Majesty's Stationery Office
* [[HPGL]] - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
* HPIB - [[Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus]]
* HQ - Headquarters
* HRH - His/Her Royal Highness
* HSS - [[High-Speed Steel]]
* [[HST]] - ''see [[HST|entry]]''
* [[HSV]] - [[herpes simplex virus]] - hue saturation value ([[HSV color space|colour model]])
* [[HTML]] - Hypertext Markup Language
* [[IAAL]] - I am a lawyer
* [[IAEA]] - International Atomic Energy Agency
* [[IAI]] - [[International African Institute]]
* IANA - [[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]]
* [[IANAL]] - I am not a lawyer
* IATA - [[International Air Transport Association]]
* [[ICAO]] - International Civil Aviation Organization
* ICBM - [[intercontinental ballistic missile]]
* ICC - [[International Criminal Court]]
* IDF - [[Israeli Defence Force]]
* ie - ?? (Latin, roughly "that is")
* IEEE - [[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]]
* IFO - Identified flying object
* IIRC - If I recall correctly
* [[ILC]] - International Law Commission
* [[ILO]] - International Labour Organisation
* [[IMF]] - [[International Monetary Fund]]
* [[IMHO]] - In My Humble Opinion
* IMO - [[International Maritime Organization]] - In My Opinion
* IMRI - [[Industrial Membrane Research Institute]] - [[Information Management Research Institute]] - [[International Market Research Information]] - [[Institut pour le Management de la Recherche et de l'Innovation]] - [[intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging]]
* [[INLA]] - [[Irish National Liberation Army]]
* INRI - Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iud&aelig;orum (Latin, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews)
* IPN - [[Instytut Pamieci Narodowej]] (Institute for National Memory)
* IR - [[infrared]]
* [[IRA]] - [[Individual Retirement Account]] - [[Irish Republican Army]]
* IRC - [[Internet relay chat]]
* [[IRO]] - International Refugee Organisation
* [[IRS]] - Internal Revenue Service
* [[ISA]] - [[Individual Savings Account]] - [[industry standard architecture]] - [[instruction set|Instruction Set Architecture]] - [[International Seabed Authority]]
* ISO - [[International Organization for Standardization]]
* [[ITN]] - Independent Television News (British TV news company)
* [[ITU]] - International Telecommunication Union (yet to be established)
* JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
* JCS - [[Joint Chiefs of Staff]]
* JDL - [[Jewish Defense League]]
* [[JFK]] - [[John Fitzgerald Kennedy]]
* JRA - [[Japanese Red Army]]
* JW - [[Jehovah's witness]]
* [[KARNAC]] - Knowledge Aided Retrieval in Activity Context
* [[KGB]] - Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Committee for State Security - Soviet Intelligence Service
* KIA - Killed In Action
* KKK - [[Ku Klux Klan]]
* [[LATA]] - Local Access Transport Area
* [[LBGT]] - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, [[Transexual]]
* LBJ - [[Lyndon Johnson]] - "Lady Bird" Johnson - [[Lightbulb joke]]
* LCM - [[least common multiple]]
* LDAP - [[Lightweight Directory Access Protocol]]
* LDS - latter-day saints
* LEC - Local Exchange Carrier
* [[LED]] - Light Emiting Diode
* [[LGB]] - [[Lesbian]], [[Gay]], [[Bisexual]]
* LGM - little green men
* [[LIFO]] - Last In First Out
* LMAO - Laughing my a** off.
* LMS - [[London Mathematical Society]]
* LOL - Laughing Out Loud
* [[LSD]] - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
* LSE - [[London School of Economics]] - [[London Stock Exchange]]
* LSI - [[Large-Scale Integration]]
* MAA - [[Mathematical Association of America]]
* [[MAD]] - [[magnetic anomaly detector]] - [[mutual assured destruction]]
* [[MADD]] - [[Mothers Against Drunk Driving]] - [[Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency]]
* MASH - Mobile army surgical hospital
* MBTA - Massachussetts Bay Transit Authority
* MCD - [[Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder|minimal cerebral dysfunction]]
* MDF - [[main distribution frame]] - [[medium-density fibreboard]]
* MG - [[Machine gun]]
* MHz - [[Megahertz]]
* MIT - [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]]; Milli Istihbarad Teskilati (Intelligence service of Turkey)
* [[MMU]] - Manned Maneuvering Unit
* MND - [[Motor Neurone Disease]]
* [[MO]] - [[modus operandi]]
* [[MOPE]] - Most Oppressed People Ever (politics)
* MRI - [[magnetic resonance imaging]]
* [[MS]] - [[Master of Science]] - [[Microsoft]] (sometimes M$) - [[Multiple sclerosis]]
* MSG - [[Monosodium glutamate]]
* [[MSIE]] - [[Microsoft]] Internet Explorer
* MTR - Main and Tail Rotor (helicopter type)
* [[MTV]] - Music TeleVision; MainosTeleVisio (Finnish commercial TV company)
* n/a - not available / Not applicable
* [[NAIRU]] - Non Accelerating [[Inflation]] Rate of [[Unemployment]]
* [[NASA]] - Nat'l Aeronautics and Space Administration - Never A Straight Answer
* NB - nota bene - [[New Brunswick]]
* NBC - Nuclear/Biological/Chemical - [[National Broadcasting Corporation]]
* [[NC]] - [[network computer]] - non-consensual - [[relay|normally closed]] - [[North Carolina]]
* NE - northeast
* NET - [[National Educational Television]]
* NFER - [[National Foundation for Educational Research]]
* [[Nfld]] - [[Newfoundland and Labrador | Newfoundland]]
* [[NGO]] - Non-Governmental Organization
* NIH - [[National Institutes of Health]] - [[Not Invented Here]]
* NIMH - [[nickel metal hydride]] - [[National Institute of Medical Herbalists]] - [[National Institute of Mental Health]]
* NLP - [[Natural Language Processing]] or [[Neuro Linguistic Programming]]
* NNE - north northeast
* NNW - north northwest
* NO - [[relay|normally open]]
* NPC - Non-Player Character (roleplaying terminology)
* NPOV - [[Neutral point of view]]
* [[NPR]] - National public radio
* NSA - [[National Security Agency]]
* NW - northwest
* NYSE - [[New York Stock Exchange]]
* NZ - [[New Zealand]]
* OAC - on approved credit
* [[OAU]] - Organization for African Unity
* OBE - [[Order of the British Empire]]
* OED - [[Oxford English Dictionary]]
* OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
* OO - [[object-oriented programming|object oriented]] - over &amp; out
* OOP - [[object-oriented programming]]
* OSB - oriented-strand board
* OSI - [[Office of Strategic Influence]] / [[Ontario Swine Improvement]] / [[Open Source Initiative]] / [[Open systems interconnect]]
* [[OSS]] - Organization for Strategic Services (forerunner of [[CIA]])
* OTOH - On The Other Hand
* [[PABX]] - [[Private Automated Branch Exchange]] (company phone system)
* PARC - Palo Alto Research Center
* PBS - [[Public Broadcasting Service]]
* [[PBX]] - [[Private Branch Exchange]] (company phone system)
* PC - [[Personal Computer]]; Player Character (roleplaying terminology); Politically Correct(ness)
* [[PCB]] - ''see [[PCB|entry]]''
* PCC - [[Presidents Conference Committee]]
* PCMCIA - People Can't Memorise Computer-Industry Acronyms
* [[PCP]] - [[phencyclidine]] - [[pneumocystis carinii pneumonia]] - [[Probabilistically Checkable Proof]]
* PDA - [[Public display of affection]] - [[personal digital assistant]] - [[push-down automaton]]
* PDQ - pretty damn quick (?)
* PETA - [[pentaerythritol triacrylate]] - [[People Eating Tasty Animals]] - [[People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals]]
* PFO - Pissed, Fell Over (medical diagnosis in-joke)
* PINF - [[People In Need Foundation]] (Czech charitable organization)
* [[PLC]] - (British) public limited company
* [[PLO]] - Palestine Liberation Organization
* [[PM]] - post meridian - [[Prime Minister]] - [[phase modulation]] - [[Perry Mason]]
* PNAC - [[Project for the New American Century]]
* [[PNG]] - Portable Network Graphic
* [[PNP]] - [[Partido Nuevo Progresista]] - [[plug-and-play|plug 'n' play]] - [[transistor|positive negative positive]]
* POP - Point of Presence - Post Office Protocol
* [[POTS]] - [[Plain Old Telephone Service]], also PANS - Pretty Advanced (or Awsome) Network Services
* [[PPP]] - ''see [[PPP|entry]]''
* [[PSA]] - [[Prostate specific antigen]] - Production Services Association - Paralysis Society of America - Pharmaceutical Society of Australia - Public Service Association - [[Public Service Announcement]] - pressure-sensitive adhesive
* PTA - [[parent-teacher association]]
* [[PVC]] - [[virtual circuit|permanent virtual circuit]] - [[polyvinyl chloride]] - [[premature ventricular contraction]]
* PWP - Plot, What Plot? (in online fiction, especially [[Fan fiction|fanfic]] or erotic fiction, to denote plotless, um, "feel-good" stories)
* PWR - [[pressurised water reactor]]
* [[QANTAS]] - Queensland And Northern Territories Air Service
* QC - Queen's Counsel
* QCA - [[Qualifications and Curriculum Authority]] - [[Quality Council of Alberta]]
* QCD - [[quantum chromodynamics]]
* QED - Latin "quid es demonstrata" (that proves it) - [[quantum electrodynamics]]
* QSL - [[Qu&eacute;bec sign language]]
* qv - Latin "quod vide" (which see)
* R&B - [[Rythm and Blues]]
* RA - [[right ascension]]
* RAF - [[Royal Air Force]]; [[Red Army Faction]]
* [[Rap]] - Rythm and poetry
* RBOC - [[Regional Bell operating company]] ("Baby Bell")
* [[RC]] - ''see [[RC|entry]]''
* RCA - [[Radio Corporation of America]]
* RCAF - [[Royal Canadian Air Force]]
* RCCO - [[Royal Canadian College of Organists]]
* RCMP - [[Royal Canadian Mounted Police]]
* REACT - [[REACT belt|Remote Electronically Activated Control Technology]]
* RGB - red green blue ([[RGB color space|colour model]])
* RIAA - [[Recording Industry Association of America]]
* [[RIP]] - Rest in Peace (requiescant in pace)
* [[RMS]] - Royal Mail Ship (eg [[RMS Titanic|RMS ''Titanic'']]) - Root-mean-square - [[Richard Stallman]] - [[Rate-monotonic scheduling]]
* [[RNA]] - Ribonuclear Acid
* ROFL(MAO) - Rolling On the Floor Laughing (My A** Off)
* ROV - [[remotely operated vehicle]]
* RP - role-playing
* RPG - [[role-playing game]]; Rocket Projectile Gun/Rocket Powered Grenade
* rpm - Revolutions Per Minute; [[Red Hat Package Manager]]
* RPN - [[Reverse Polish Notation]]
* rps - Revolutions Per Second
* RUC - [[Royal Ulster Constabulary]]
* SA - Sturmabteilung (Storm Detachment, forerunner of SS)
* SAD - [[Seasonal Affective Disorder]]
* SALT - [[Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty]]
* SAR - [[Search and Rescue]]
* [[SARS]] - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
* SAS - [[Special Air Service]]; [[Scandinavian Airline Systems]]
* SATB - soprano alto tenor bass
* [[SBS]] - Special Boat Service
* SCRAM - safety control rod axe man
* [[SCSI]] - small computer system interface
* [[SDI]] - ''see [[SDI|entry]]''
* SDP - [[Social Democratic Party]] (European politics)
* SE - southeast
* [[SETI]] - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
* SF - [[San Francisco]] - [[science fiction]]
* SGML - [[Standard Generalised Markup Language]]
* SIAM - [[Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics]]
* SIG - Special Interest Group
* SIS - [[Secret Intelligence Service]] (also known as [[MI6]])
* SLA - [[Symbionese Liberation Army]]
* SMDR - Station Message Detail Recording
* SMG - [[Submachine Gun]]
* [[SNAFU]] - Situation Normal (All Fouled Up)
* SOE - [[Special Operations Executive]] (WW2 British organization)
* SOL - S**t Out of Luck
* [[SOV]] - Single occupant vehicle
* SPDT - [[switch|single-pole double-throw]]
* [[SPQR]] - [[Roman Senate|Senatus]] Populus Que Romanus
* SPST - [[switch|single-pole single-throw]]
* SRB - [[solid rocket booster]]
* [[SS]] - Schutzstaffel (elite guard) - [[United States Secret Service|Secret Service]] - Spanish ship - [[stainless steel]] - [[Stockholm Skins]] - Super Sport
* SSDD - same shit, different day
* SSE - south southeast
* [[SSRI]] - [[Social Systems Research Institute]] - [[Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor]]
* SSW - south southwest
* [[STOL]] - Short Take Off and Landing
* [[STOVL]] - Short Take Off and Vertical Landing
* STP - [[standard temperature and pressure]]
* SUB - student-union building
* SVO - [[Subject Verb Object|subject, verb, object]]
* SW - southwest
* [[SWAPO]] - South West African People's Organization
* TATT - Tired All The Time (medical diagnosis in-joke)
* [[TCP]] - [[Transmission Control Protocol]] - [[trichlorophenol]]
* TGIF - Thank God it's Friday
* TGV - [[TGV|Train &agrave; Grande Vitesse]] (high-speed train) - Tanjong Golden Village - Test Generation with Verification
* [[TLA]] - Three-Letter Acronym
* TLC - tender loving care - [[The Learning Channel]]
* TLD - [[top-level domain]]
* TM - [[trademark]] - [[Turing machine]]
* TMR - Twin Main Rotors (helicopter type)
* [[TSR]] - ''see [[TSR|entry]]''
* TTYL - [[Internet chat acryonym]], "talk to you later"
* TUNS - [[Technical University of Nova Scotia]]
* TWAT - [[War on Terrorism|The War Against Terror]]
* UBC - [[united baptist church]] - [[University of British Columbia]]
* [[UCK]] - acronym for two Albanian guerilla movements
* [[UCLA]] - University of California Los Angeles
* [[UFO]] - Unidentified Flying Object
* UHF - [[ultra high frequency]]
* UHMW - ultra-high molecular weight
* UL - [[Underwriters Laboratories]]
* [[UN]] - United Nations
* [[UNHCR]] - United Nations High Commission for Refugees
* UNSM - [[Union of Nova Scotian Municipalities]]
* [[UPI]] - United Press International
* [[UPS]] - [[United Parcel Service]] - [[uninterruptible power supply]]
* [[UPU]] - Universal Postal Union
* USA - [[United States of America]]
* USAF - [[United States Air Force]]
* USAPATRIOT - [[USA PATRIOT Act|Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism]]
* USC - [[United States Code]]
* USGS - [[United States Geological Survey]]
* USS - [[United States]] ship
* USSR - United Soviet Socialist Republics (ie. [[Soviet Union]])
* UV - [[ultraviolet]]
* VAT - [[value-added tax]]
* VHF - [[very high frequency]]
* VLSI - [[Very-Large-Scale Integration]]
* VSO - [[Voluntary Services Overseas]]
* [[VTOL]] - Vertical Takeoff & Landing
* VV - [[Via Voice]] - <cite>[[Village Voice]]</cite>
* [[W3C]] - World Wide Web Convention
* WB - [[Warner Brothers]]
* WC - [[Winston Churchill]] - water closet
* [[WCL]] - World Confederation of Labour
* [[WFP]] - World Food Program
* [[WHO]] - World Health Organization
* [[WIPO]] - World Intellectual Property Organization
* [[WMO]] - World Meteorological Organization
* WNW - west northwest
* WRT - with respect to
* WSW - west southwest
* [[WTC]] - World Trade Center
* WTO - [[World Trade Organization]]
* WW1 (or WWI) - [[World War One]]
* WW2 (or WWII) - [[World War Two]]
* WWF - [[World Wildlife Fund]]; [[World Wrestling Federation]]
* WWW - [[World Wide Web]]
* [[YMCA]] - Young Men's Christian Association
* YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
* [[YWCA]] - Young Women's Christian Association

==See also:==
*[[Abbreviations used in CIA World Factbook]]
*[[List of acronyms]]

==External Links==
*[http://www.acronymfinder.com Acronymfinder]

Latest revision as of 15:25, 9 January 2019