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=== === Debut
* '' Bucaramanga AM '' debuted this year '' 'Arguello Juliana Delgado' '' City as a participant of the event <ref name = "Bucaramanga"> {{quote website. | Publisher = [[Weather (newspaper) | Weather]] | title = Bucaramanga candidate will debut in National CompetitionBelleza|url=http://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/nombramiento-de-la-nueva-senorita-bucaramanga/14254596|fecha=16 July 2014 | accessdate = 16 August 2014}} </ ref>

=== Return ===
* '' 'Ariadne María Gutiérrez Arévalo' 'was released by various media as'' Miss Sucre 2013 '' and represent your department in the last version of the National Beauty Pageant, but due to personal reasons not could do <ref> {{web appointment. | title = Twenty candidates will vie for the title of MissColombia|url=http://www.eluniversal.com.co/farandula/reinados/veintidos-candidatas-se-disputaran-titulo-de-senorita-colombia-133324|fechaacceso=1 September 2014 | Date = 2 September 2013 | publisher = [[El Universal (Colombia) | Universal]] | location = [[Cartagena | Cartagena]]}} </ ref>

=== === Retreats
* '' 'ESTEFANY Lizeth Orozco Amel' '' '' Miss Magdalena 2014 '', on September 25 released a statement in which the withdrawal of the candidate reportedly due to a severe relapse in his health This has had medical complications that make it impossible to present at the event, his replacement contest departmental appointed viceroy '' 'Yessica Paola Hernandez Moran' '' <ref> {{quote website. | title = Medical does not authorize the Miss Magdalena participation inCartagena|url=http://www.hoydiariodelmagdalena.com.co/noticias/ciudad_DESPUES_DE_LAS_CIRUGIAS_Medico_no_recomienda_participacion_de_Srta_Magdalena_en_Cartagena.html|fecha=25 September 2014 | publisher = Hoy Diario del Magdalena}} </ ref>
* '' 'Morales Leydi Carolina Carvajal,' '' '' Miss Nariño 2014 '' on 31 October issued a press release mentioning the medical part of the Free University Corporation Comfenalco Valley where the withdrawal of the candidate reportedly due to a second degree sprain to his right ankle so it will be disabled for two weeks making it impossible for her presence at the event, therefore, the department did not participate in this year's contest but will be especially invited to all events <ref> {{web quote. | title = Nariño was left without a representative in the National CompetitionBelleza|url=http://www.eluniversal.com.co/reinado/2014/nacional/narino-se-quedo-sin-representante-en-el-concurso-nacional-de-belleza-48|fecha=31 October 2014 | publisher = Universal | location = Cartagena}} </ ref>

=== === Dismissals
* '' 'Michel Gomez' '', chosen as' Miss Cundinamarca 2014 '' <ref> {{quote website. | Publisher = [[Radio Santa Fe]] | title = Córdoba candidate already has the National CompetitionBelleza|url=http://www.radiosantafe.com/2014/08/01/michel-gomez-es-la-nueva-reina-de-los-cundinamarqueses/|fecha=1 August 2014 | Author = Ivan Briceño}} </ ref> dismissed for having participated in another pageant <ref> {{quote website. | title = Miss Cundinamarca, another Queen dismissed withoutcorona|url=http://www.elespectador.com/entretenimiento/arteygente/gente/senorita-cundinamarca-otra-reina-destituida-y-sin-coron-articulo-510777|fechaacceso=16 August 2014 | date = 15 August 2014 | publisher = [[The Spectator (newspaper) | The Spectator]]}} </ ref>
* '' 'Paola Builes Aristizabal' '' was chosen as '' Miss Antioquia 2014 ''; however, to come out some pictures where she was modeling suggestive clothing, was stripped of the title <ref> {{quote website. | publisher = [[El Colombiano]] | title = Paola Builes was dismissed as MissAntioquia|url=http://www.elcolombiano.com/BancoConocimiento/P/paola_builes_fue_destituida_como_senorita_antioquia/paola_builes_fue_destituida_como_senorita_antioquia.asp|fecha=12 August 2014 | location = [[Medellin]]}} </ ref>
* '' 'Leidy Carolina Espinosa Galván' '', was chosen as '' Señorita Córdoba 2014 '', but was removed for violating the rules of the national beauty contest having participated in more than 2 national reigns. <Ref name = Cordoba > {quote {web | publisher = The Meridian Cordoba | title = Now, namedreinas|url=http://elmeridianodecordoba.com.co/vida-hoy/item/59520-ahora-s%C3%AD,-nombradas-reinas|fecha=10 May 2014 | accessdate = 16 August 2014}} </ ref>

Substitutions === ===
* '' 'Maribel Mendoza Londoño' '' Vicereine the '' 2014 Miss Cundinamarca '' replaces '' 'Michel Gomez' '' <ref name = cundinamarca> {{quote website. | Publisher = 15 minutes | title = has been recalled Michel Gomez, Miss Cundinamarca2014-2015|url=http://www.15minutos.co/LoMas/LeerLoMas/tabid/94/ArticleId/5031/Destituyen-a-Michel-Gomez-Senorita-Cundinamarca-2014-2015.aspx|fecha=15 August 2014}} </ ref>
* '' 'Natalia Ochoa Street' '' Vicereine of '' Miss Antioquia 2014 '' replaces '' 'Paola Builes Aristizabal' '' <ref name = "antioch"> {{quote website. | Publisher = The Voice of Cinaruco | title = Natalia Ochoa Street is the new MissAntioquia|url=http://www.elcolombiano.com/BancoConocimiento/N/natalia_ochoa_calle_es_la_nueva_senorita_antioquia/natalia_ochoa_calle_es_la_nueva_senorita_antioquia.asp|fecha=12 August 2014 | accessdate = 16 August 2014}} </ ref>
* '' 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' '' replaces the ousted '' Señorita Córdoba 2014, '' '' 'Leidy Carolina Espinosa Galván' ''. <Ref name = Cordoba />
* '' 'Yesica Paola Hernandez Moran' '' Miss Magdalena Vicereine of 2014 replaces '' <ref name = cupcake> {{web cites 'Amel Estefany Lizeth Orozco.' | Publisher = The Herald | title = Yesica Hernandez Moran Magdalena goes by the National PageantBelleza|url=http://www.elheraldo.co/tendencias/yesica-moran-hernandez-va-por-magdalena-al-reinado-nacional-de-la-belleza-168693|fecha=3 October 2014 | accessdate = October 4, 2014 | author = Saith Ferez Boneth}} </ ref>
* '' 'Jealisse Andrea Tovar Velásquez' 'was released as'' 2014 Miss Choco '' and was registered at the national competition supported by the '' Miss Colombia 2001, '' Vanessa Alexandra Mendoza Bustos; turn, '' Zapata Iliam Fariza Jensen '' 'was chosen by competition chaired by the Departmental Committee, so that the department had for about a month with two carriers title. After several meetings at the head of the National Competition Policy is decided it '' 'Jensen Iliam Fariza Zapata' 'who participate this year,' 'Andrea Tovar' '' participate in the 2015 version of the national tournament. <Ref > {quote {web | publisher = Chocó 7 days | title = Reconciled controversy with the National Beauty Contest | url = http: //www.choco7dias.com/972/index.html | Date = 18 juio of 2014 | location = [[Quibdo]]}} </ ref>

=== 2014 === Minicromos
* The '' Minicromos '', organized by the [[Knitting (magazine) | Knitting magazine]], is one of the events in the previous activities of the competition. The candidates were divided into three groups, and in the event the official photo shoot for the 2014 version <ref name = "80 years" /> is done
** '' 'Santander' '' (9 to 13 September), in which the Ladies: Atlantic, Bucaramanga, Caquetá, Córdoba, Guajira, Huila, Meta, Santander and Valle visited tourist places like [[Curití] ], [[Cabrera (Santander) | Cabrera]], the [[national Park Chicamocha | Chicamocha national Park]], the [[Bucaramanga # Parks | the Water Park]], the [[Church of St. # Bucaramanga Laureano | San Laureano Park]], La Plaza de Galan and The Alley. This edition was published on October 10 <ref> {{quote website. | Title = Began Minicromos 2014Santander|url=http://www.srtacolombia.org/site/Noticias/Detalle/tabid/85/smid/392/ArticleID/1459/reftab/78/t/Inicia-el-Minicromos-2014-en-Santander/Default.aspx|fechaacceso=12 September 2014 | date = 10 September 2014 | publisher = National Beauty}} </ ref>
** '' 'Quindio' '' (18 to 22 September), in which the Ladies: Bogotá DC, Cesar, Chocó, Norte de Santander, Quindio, Risaralda San Andrés, P. and SC and Sucre will visit tourist places like [[Coffee Park | The Coffee Park]], [[Salento (Quindio) | Salento]], [[Armenia # Parks | Park Life]] and Coffee Estates. This edition was published on October 17 <ref> {{quote website. | Title = BeganMinicromos|url=http://www.srtacolombia.org/site/AdminArticle/tabid/76/smid/392/ArticleID/1469/reftab/38/Default.aspx|fechaacceso=21 September 2014 | date = 21 September 2014 | publisher = National Beauty}} </ ref>
** '' 'Bolivar' '' (24 to 28 September), in which the Ladies: Antioquia, Arauca, Bolívar, Boyacá, Cartagena, Cauca and Nariño, visit tourist attractions like the Museo Rafael Núñez, [[Mompox | Mompox]] (Plaza de la Concepción, El Portal de la Marquesa, La Plaza Santa Barbara, La Casa del Fuerte and Streets) and [[Magangué | Magangué]]; also included in this edition Misses Cundinamarca, Magdalena and Tolima, the photo shoot was done in the right photo studio magazine. This edition was published on October 24 <ref> {{quote website. | Title = BeganMinicromos|url=http://www.srtacolombia.org/site/Noticias/Detalle/tabid/85/smid/392/ArticleID/1473/reftab/78/Default.aspx|fecha=22 September 2014 | publisher = National Beauty}} </ ref>

Facts about == == candidates
* The candidate is taller '' 'Viviana Davila Alexandra Giraldo' '' (Miss Bogota) to 1.81 m, the smaller stature are '' 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' '' (Ms. Córdoba) and '' Anne Jay Zulleine Newball '' '(Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) with 1.65 m.
* The older candidate is '' 'Jennifer Medina Trivino' '' (Miss Caquetá) at 25, the youngest is '' 'Anne Jay Zulleine Newball' '' (Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) with 18.
* Some of the candidates were born outside the department they represent:
** '' 'Viviana Davila Giraldo' '' (Miss Bogota), born in Cali, Valle del Cauca.
** '' 'Laura Katherine Orjuela Holguin' '' (Miss Boyacá), born in Bogota, Cundinamarca.
** '' 'Arguello Juliana Delgado' '' (Miss Bucaramanga AM), born in Ibague, Tolima.
** '' 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' '' (Ms. Córdoba), born in Caracas, Venezuela.
** '' 'Natalia Contreras Guzman' '' (Miss Norte de Santander), born in Buga, Valle del Cauca.
** '' 'Daniela Gutierrez Fourth' '' (Miss Quindio), born in Cali, Valle del Cauca.
* '' 'Annie Zulleine Jay Newball' '' (Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) is a cousin of Miss San Andrés, P. and SC 1974 Inés Loyda Jay Taylor.
* '' 'Maria Paula Melo Rodriguez' '' (Miss Tolima) could not attend the Minicromos Bolivar because of a medical disability until October 12, as a result of chickenpox, so official photographs will be taken in studio and will be digitally included in the printed version of Minicromos.
* '' 'Maribel Mendoza Londoño' '' (Miss Colombia) and '' Yesica Paola Morán Hernández '' '(Miss Magdalena) did not participate in the activities of Minicromos, since they were registered to contest after the activity was carried out, so official photographs will be taken in studio.
* This year several departments return to the National Beauty Contest, including [[Boyacá]] whose last appearance was in 2011; and the Departments of [[Cordoba (Colombia) | Cordoba]], [[Gauteng]] [[Santander_ (Colombia) | Santander]] and [[Sucre_ (Colombia) | Sucre]] whose last appearance was in 2012 respectively.

Revision as of 15:17, 6 November 2014

Miss Colombia 2014
DateNovember 11, 2014
VenueAuditorio Getsemani-Centro de Convenciones Julio César Turbay Ayala Cartagena de Indias  Colombia
BroadcasterRCN TV
Best National CostumeTBD

The National Beauty Contest in Colombia will make his 80th edition on November 11, 2014 in the city of Cartagena de Indias. In the evening of election and coronation, Paulina Vega Dieppa, Miss Colombia 2013 will deliver the crown and the royal jewels to the winner, who will go on to represent Colombia at Miss Universe 2015.


Títle Contestants
Señorita Colombia 2014-2015
1st Runner UP

(Miss Colombia International)

2nd Runner-UP
3rd Runner-UP
4th Runner-UP
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

Scores of the night

Department Evening Gown Swimsuit Average
Norte de Santander
San Andres
     Señorita Colombia 2013-2014
     Primera Princesa
     Segunda Princesa
     Tercera Princesa

Specials Awards

Award Winner
Best Regional Costume (Mejor Traje Artesanal) TBD
Miss Congeanilaty (Mejor Compañera) TBD
Miss Photogenic (Señorita Fotogenica) TBD
Best Face (Rostro Jolie) TBD
Best Body (Figura Bodytech) TBD
Queen of the Police (Reina de la Policía) TBD
Miss Elegance (Señorita Elegancia Primatela) TBD
Zapatilla Real TBD


26 delegates have been selected to compete.

Department / District Name Age Height Hometown
Antioquia Natalia Ochoa Calle 22 1,77 m Medellin
Arauca Lynda Shirley Guedes Castro 23 1,76 m Arauca
Atlántico Mayra Alejandra de León Charris 22 1,71 m Barranquilla
Bogotá Viviana Dávila Giraldo 22 1.80 m Bogotá
Bolívar Alejandra Camacho Piñeres 22 1,75 m Cartagena
Boyaca Laura Katherine Orjuela Holguín 20 1,72 m Tunja
Bucaramanga Juliana Argüello Delgado 19 1,78 m Bucaramanga
Caquetá Jennifer Triviño Medina 22 1,72 m Florencia
Cartagena Gabriela Margarita Puente Sojo 19 1,75 m Cartagena
Cauca Jessica Paola Castañeda Guevara 22 1,78 m Cali
Cesar María Paulina Núñez García 24 1,70 m Valledupar
Chocó Iliam Fariza Zapata Jensen 23 1,63 m Quibdó
Cordoba María Eugenia Baglio Doria 23 1,72 m Monteria
Guajira María Fernanda Daza Ramírez 23 1,74 m Riohacha
Huila Laura María Saavedra Gómez 22 1,72 m Bogotá
Magdalena Estéfany Lizeth Orozco Amel 22 1,82 m Santa Marta
Meta Daniela Andrea Castañeda Pardo 21 1,75 m Villavicencio
Norte de Santander Natalia Guzmán Contreras 19 1,78m Cúcuta
Nariño Leidy Carolina Carvajal Morales 23 1,75 m Linares
Quindío Daniela Gutiérrez Cuartas 21 1,78 m Armenia
Risaralda Manuela Velasco Arias 19 1,73m Pereira
San Andrés Annie Zulleine Jay Newball 18 1,87m San Andrés
Santander Lina María Ardila Flórez 22 1,72m Bucaramanga
Sucre Ariadna María Gutiérrez Arévalo 20 1,78m Cordoba
Tolima María Paula Melo Rodríguez 22 1,70m Ibagué
Valle Nathaly Rojas Correa 19 1,76m Cali

=== === Debut

  • Bucaramanga AM debuted this year 'Arguello Juliana Delgado' City as a participant of the event <ref name = "Bucaramanga"> Template:Quote website. </ ref>


  • 'Ariadne María Gutiérrez Arévalo' 'was released by various media as Miss Sucre 2013 and represent your department in the last version of the National Beauty Pageant, but due to personal reasons not could do <ref> Template:Web appointment. </ ref>

=== === Retreats

  • 'ESTEFANY Lizeth Orozco Amel' Miss Magdalena 2014 , on September 25 released a statement in which the withdrawal of the candidate reportedly due to a severe relapse in his health This has had medical complications that make it impossible to present at the event, his replacement contest departmental appointed viceroy 'Yessica Paola Hernandez Moran' <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
  • 'Morales Leydi Carolina Carvajal,' Miss Nariño 2014 on 31 October issued a press release mentioning the medical part of the Free University Corporation Comfenalco Valley where the withdrawal of the candidate reportedly due to a second degree sprain to his right ankle so it will be disabled for two weeks making it impossible for her presence at the event, therefore, the department did not participate in this year's contest but will be especially invited to all events <ref> Template:Web quote. </ ref>

=== === Dismissals

  • 'Michel Gomez' , chosen as' Miss Cundinamarca 2014 <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref> dismissed for having participated in another pageant <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
  • 'Paola Builes Aristizabal' was chosen as Miss Antioquia 2014 ; however, to come out some pictures where she was modeling suggestive clothing, was stripped of the title <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
  • 'Leidy Carolina Espinosa Galván' , was chosen as Señorita Córdoba 2014 , but was removed for violating the rules of the national beauty contest having participated in more than 2 national reigns. <Ref name = Cordoba > {quote {web | publisher = The Meridian Cordoba | title = Now, namedreinas|url=http://elmeridianodecordoba.com.co/vida-hoy/item/59520-ahora-s%C3%AD,-nombradas-reinas%7Cfecha=10 May 2014 | accessdate = 16 August 2014}} </ ref>

Substitutions === ===

  • 'Maribel Mendoza Londoño' Vicereine the 2014 Miss Cundinamarca replaces 'Michel Gomez' <ref name = cundinamarca> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
  • 'Natalia Ochoa Street' Vicereine of Miss Antioquia 2014 replaces 'Paola Builes Aristizabal' <ref name = "antioch"> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
  • 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' replaces the ousted Señorita Córdoba 2014, 'Leidy Carolina Espinosa Galván' . [1]
  • 'Yesica Paola Hernandez Moran' Miss Magdalena Vicereine of 2014 replaces <ref name = cupcake> Template:Web cites 'Amel Estefany Lizeth Orozco.' </ ref>
  • 'Jealisse Andrea Tovar Velásquez' 'was released as 2014 Miss Choco and was registered at the national competition supported by the Miss Colombia 2001, Vanessa Alexandra Mendoza Bustos; turn, Zapata Iliam Fariza Jensen 'was chosen by competition chaired by the Departmental Committee, so that the department had for about a month with two carriers title. After several meetings at the head of the National Competition Policy is decided it 'Jensen Iliam Fariza Zapata' 'who participate this year,' 'Andrea Tovar' participate in the 2015 version of the national tournament. <Ref > {quote {web | publisher = Chocó 7 days | title = Reconciled controversy with the National Beauty Contest | url = http: //www.choco7dias.com/972/index.html | Date = 18 juio of 2014 | location = Quibdo}} </ ref>

=== 2014 === Minicromos

  • The Minicromos , organized by the Knitting magazine, is one of the events in the previous activities of the competition. The candidates were divided into three groups, and in the event the official photo shoot for the 2014 version [2] is done
    • 'Santander' (9 to 13 September), in which the Ladies: Atlantic, Bucaramanga, Caquetá, Córdoba, Guajira, Huila, Meta, Santander and Valle visited tourist places like [[Curití] ], Cabrera, the Chicamocha national Park, the the Water Park, the San Laureano Park, La Plaza de Galan and The Alley. This edition was published on October 10 <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
    • 'Quindio' (18 to 22 September), in which the Ladies: Bogotá DC, Cesar, Chocó, Norte de Santander, Quindio, Risaralda San Andrés, P. and SC and Sucre will visit tourist places like The Coffee Park, Salento, Park Life and Coffee Estates. This edition was published on October 17 <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>
    • 'Bolivar' (24 to 28 September), in which the Ladies: Antioquia, Arauca, Bolívar, Boyacá, Cartagena, Cauca and Nariño, visit tourist attractions like the Museo Rafael Núñez, Mompox (Plaza de la Concepción, El Portal de la Marquesa, La Plaza Santa Barbara, La Casa del Fuerte and Streets) and Magangué; also included in this edition Misses Cundinamarca, Magdalena and Tolima, the photo shoot was done in the right photo studio magazine. This edition was published on October 24 <ref> Template:Quote website. </ ref>

Facts about == == candidates

  • The candidate is taller 'Viviana Davila Alexandra Giraldo' (Miss Bogota) to 1.81 m, the smaller stature are 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' (Ms. Córdoba) and Anne Jay Zulleine Newball '(Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) with 1.65 m.
  • The older candidate is 'Jennifer Medina Trivino' (Miss Caquetá) at 25, the youngest is 'Anne Jay Zulleine Newball' (Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) with 18.
  • Some of the candidates were born outside the department they represent:
    • 'Viviana Davila Giraldo' (Miss Bogota), born in Cali, Valle del Cauca.
    • 'Laura Katherine Orjuela Holguin' (Miss Boyacá), born in Bogota, Cundinamarca.
    • 'Arguello Juliana Delgado' (Miss Bucaramanga AM), born in Ibague, Tolima.
    • 'Maria Eugenia Baglio Doria' (Ms. Córdoba), born in Caracas, Venezuela.
    • 'Natalia Contreras Guzman' (Miss Norte de Santander), born in Buga, Valle del Cauca.
    • 'Daniela Gutierrez Fourth' (Miss Quindio), born in Cali, Valle del Cauca.
  • 'Annie Zulleine Jay Newball' (Miss San Andrés, P. and SC) is a cousin of Miss San Andrés, P. and SC 1974 Inés Loyda Jay Taylor.
  • 'Maria Paula Melo Rodriguez' (Miss Tolima) could not attend the Minicromos Bolivar because of a medical disability until October 12, as a result of chickenpox, so official photographs will be taken in studio and will be digitally included in the printed version of Minicromos.
  • 'Maribel Mendoza Londoño' (Miss Colombia) and Yesica Paola Morán Hernández '(Miss Magdalena) did not participate in the activities of Minicromos, since they were registered to contest after the activity was carried out, so official photographs will be taken in studio.
  • This year several departments return to the National Beauty Contest, including Boyacá whose last appearance was in 2011; and the Departments of Cordoba, Gauteng Santander and Sucre whose last appearance was in 2012 respectively.


  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference Cordoba was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference 80 years was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
