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(history) [[Lobotomy]] was a brutal, criminal cruel human experiment comparable with the [[Nazi]] experiments. Left thousands permanently incapacitated, as [[Rosemary Kennedy]], sister of President [[John F. Kennedy]].
(history) [[Lobotomy]] was a brutal, criminal cruel human experiment comparable with the [[Nazi]] experiments. Left thousands permanently incapacitated, as [[Rosemary Kennedy]], sister of President [[John F. Kennedy]].

(history) hun hungarian ogres ugric Kunság orcs [[Yugra]] have common etymology.
(history) hun hungarian ogres ugric Kunság orcs [[Yugra]], [[Ingria]] have common etymology.

(history) mongolian race have 蒙古襞 and 蒙古斑
(history) mongolian race have 蒙古襞 and 蒙古斑

Revision as of 16:12, 19 April 2016

Research Topics, Trivia, Plans, Matome (Collection), Self taught

United Kingdom English

(success) Fail to Win (Youtube, Scott Adams)

(nerd) What Japanese think of Weeaboos (Youtube)

(lang) geminated or implosives are consonants preceded by glotal stop. ejectives are consonants followed by glotal stop.

(lang) aspirated are tenuis consonants followed by h as when Whispering. When Whispering, h is added also after voiced consonants and before vowels becoming breathy.

(lang) nasal vowel are very similar to a vowels followed by uvular nasal or velar nasal

(writing) To conceal identity we can use an Alias or Placeholder name as John Doe.

(Lang) Language tests like TOEIC, JLPT or KanKen can certify language proficiency of self-learners.

(politics) Socialism not even once

(science) False Ideologies create Pseudoscience. Example: Stalin's Soviet Union promoted Lysenkoism in Biology rejecting Mendelian inheritance, concept of "gene", Darwinian evolution and natural selection. Global warming and Marxism also. We see that the first research areas affected by Ideologies are less based on math, as biology, economics, history, geology and psychology. applied math and physics are the least affected areas by Ideologies.

(nerd) Pixiv and Deviantart for Portfolios. Patreon to be sponsored. And sites as Sketchmob to be paid to draw.

A comparison of activity between a Asperger brain and a neurotypical brain

A comparison of the activity between a Asperger brain and a neurotypical brain.

Neurotypicals have 10x more powerful Broca's Area.

So neurotypicals have better social skills as mimicry, interaction and communication. And also better motor skills as object grasping and manipulation.

Then Aspergers are more awkward, clumsy and eccentric, have poor social context comprehension and are less influenced by social environment. And stutter more.

However Aspergers have 10x more powerful brain's Brodmann areas related with visual-spatial intelligence.

That's why Aspergers score higher on Raven's Progressive Matrices IQ tests. And why Aspergers can catch details with higher resolutions.

An advantage to achieve more in areas such as Engineering, Design, Architecture, Physics and Math.

Corpus callosum is well active in both brain types.

Damaged or Weaker Broca's Area cause Expressive aphasia or stuttering. It's why many Aspies stutter.

(brain) A Brodmann area is a region of the cerebral cortex, in the human or other primate brain, defined by its structure and organization of cells.

(brain) If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking?

(brain) Scientists are alarmed by shrinking of the human brain

(brain) Neanderthals needed more visual spatial brain to survive alone. However the more social human being becomes, less the human need to think alone by self, so the brain are shrinking in more social societies, becoming a wide social network of weaker brains, with more repetition and plagiarism, adopting a crown mentality. While genius have more powerful brains, original and creative however tends to be more eccentric, less influenced by public opinion, and less sociable.

Aspergers brain is more similar to Neanderthal brain, when human needed less social skills to survive.

(brain) High-functioning autism and Asperger & editors

(brain) People with higher IQ have troubles to interact with people with much lower IQ.

(brain) Neurolinguistics is the study of the neural mechanisms in the human brain that control the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language.

(history) Lobotomy was a brutal, criminal cruel human experiment comparable with the Nazi experiments. Left thousands permanently incapacitated, as Rosemary Kennedy, sister of President John F. Kennedy.

(history) hun hungarian ogres ugric Kunság orcs Yugra, Ingria have common etymology.

(history) mongolian race have 蒙古襞 and 蒙古斑

Japan Japanese

(success) 富豪は新聞を読む (ニコニューズ)

(success) 速読方法 (NAVER)

(lang) 日本語訛の英語 (Youtube)

(lang) 日本人が英語が苦手な理由 (EigoKoryaku)

(lang) カタカナ英語が通じるか? (Youtube)

(history) 文明法則史学→21世紀は西の文明が崩壊し、代わって東の文明が夜明けを迎える文明交代期となる。

(nerd) 初音ミク関連の動画を次々と削除された事件

(news) 「パナマ文書」検索ツール

(gadget) 実はガラパゴス化している文字フリック入力

(lang) 英語に長音はない

(lang) 日本語で外国人が挫ける所

(nerd) Wacom's pen tablet are better. As intuos comic.

(nerd) 日本人「アニメのキャラは白人が原型っていうけど縄文人のほうが近いよね」【海外反応】

(brain) コミュ障 is common in Aspies.

Brazil Portuguese
