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User:B10111/minerva.css: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Content deleted Content added
B10111 (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
B10111 (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
Line 1: Line 1:
.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content h6, .pre-content h1, .pre-content h2, .pre-content h3, .pre-content h4, .pre-content h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h6 { page-break-after: avoid!important; }
:root {

--translucent-background: transparent; --infobox-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); --menu-background: rgba(234, 236, 240, 1); --hatnote-background: rgba(234, 236, 240, 0.8); --body-background: #ffffff; --text-color: #000000; --link-color: #3366cc; --visited-link-color: #6684df; --filter: none; --caption: #54595d; --image-border: none;
:root { --translucent-background: transparent; --infobox-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); --menu-background: rgba(234, 236, 240, 1); --hatnote-background: rgba(234, 236, 240, 0.8); --body-background: #ffffff; --text-color: #000000; --link-color: #3366cc; --visited-link-color: #6684df; --filter: none; --caption: #54595d; --image-border: none; }

#mw-mf-page-left ul.hlist li a, .content table.infobox a, .dablink a, .hatnote a, .rellink a, a { color: var(--link-color); }

#mw-mf-page-left ul li a, .client-js .mw-edittools-section input[type=button], .content table.infobox, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:active, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:hover, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:visited, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:active, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:hover, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:visited, .oo-ui-toolbar-bar, .overlay.search-overlay li.page-summary .wikidata-description, .page-summary h2, .page-summary h3, .pre-content h1, .toggle-list-item__label, h2 .mw-headline, h3 .mw-headline, h4 .mw-headline { color: var(--text-color); }

#mw-mf-page-left, .hatnote, .overlay-footer-container, .overlay-header-container, .toggle-list-item:hover, .toggle-list__list { background: var(--body-background); }

.content table.infobox { background: #ffffff10!important; border: 0; background: var(--menu-background)!important; border-radius: 4px; font-size: .85em!important; padding: 0!important; line-height: normal!important; display: table!important; }

#mw-mf-page-left { -webkit-transform: translate(100%,0); -moz-transform: translate(100%,0); -ms-transform: translate(100%,0); transform: translate(100%,0); top: 45px; right: unset; left: -1em!important; z-index: 100!important; position: absolute; height: 100vh; margin: 0; box-shadow: none!important; min-width: 20vw!important; }

#main-menu-input:checked~.main-menu-mask, .mw-editsection:hover { opacity: 1; }

.mw-searchresults-has-iw .iw-resultset { background: var(--infobox-background); }

#main-menu-input:checked ~ body { overflow: hidden!important; }

.main-menu-mask { background: rgba(0,0,0,.2); }

#content, #mw-mf-page-center, .mw-body, body, html { background: var(--body-background); color: var(--text-color); }

.mw-highlight { background: var(--translucent-background); border-radius: 0; border: 0; }

#mw-usercssyoucanpreview, .wikitable, table { background: #fff; }

.branding-box img, .haudio, .mw-ui-icon-before:before, .mw-ui-icon-element, .oo-ui-iconElement-icon, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup.oo-ui-widget-enabled>.oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle .oo-ui-iconElement-icon, .oo-ui-popupToolGroup.oo-ui-widget-enabled>.oo-ui-popupToolGroup-handle .oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator, .unicode { filter: var(--filter); }

.header .branding-box { width: 0; transition: none; opacity: 1; }

.header .branding-box a img, .header .branding-box h1 img { transition: none; vertical-align: middle; filter: invert(1)!important; filter: none!important; margin-left: 10px!important; }

.client-js .toc { background-color: var(--body-background); border-radius: 0; }

#pt-notifications-alert .mw-echo-notifications-badge.mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read, #pt-notifications-notice .mw-echo-notifications-badge.mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read { opacity: 1; filter: var(--filter); }

.content .thumb .thumbinner, .content figure .thumbinner { border-radius: 0; border: 0; background: var(--infobox-background); box-shadow: none; }

.infobox .thumb, .infobox .thumbimage, .infobox img { border-radius: 0!important; }

.header, .infobox.geography td, .infobox.geography th { border-top: none; }

.content table caption { background: 0 0; }

.infobox img { background: rgba(255,255,255,.7); }

.overlay, .overlay.search-overlay { background: var(--translucent-background); }

.content table.infobox a:visited, .infobox a:visited, .wikitable a:visited, a:visited, table a:visited { color: var(--visited-link-color); }

.content .infobox td, .content .infobox th, .content .mw-parser-output>h2, .content .section-heading, .infobox tr:first-child td, .infobox tr:nth-child(2) td { border-bottom: none; }

.infobox a, .wikitable a, table a { color: #36c; }

.content .infobox td:only-child, .content .infobox th:only-child { flex: 1!important; background: 0 0!important; padding: .2em 0 .3em!important; }

.content .infobox tbody > tr > td, .content .infobox tbody > tr > th { background: 0 0!important; }

#searchInput { border-radius: 0; }

.search-overlay { z-index: 3; }

#mw-mf-page-left ul { padding-bottom: 0; padding-top: 22px; }

#mw-mf-page-left ul li { background: 0 0; border: 0; }

.overlay.search-overlay.visible { overflow: scroll; }

.overlay.search-overlay .results, .overlay.search-overlay .search-feedback { background: 0 0; box-shadow: none; }

.overlay.search-overlay li.page-summary { margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 10px; }

.page-list, .site-link-list, .topic-title-list { overflow: visible; }

.list-thumb.list-thumb-none, .list-thumb.list-thumb-y, .results-list-container div { border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }

.overlay.search-overlay .search-content { border-bottom: 0; }

.header-container.header-chrome { background: var(--body-background); top: 0; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0; height: auto; box-shadow: none; transition: none; position: absolute; left: 0; right: unset!important; z-index: 200!important; width: 100%; }

@media screen and (max-width:768px) { #mw-mf-viewport { padding-top: initial; }
.header-container.header-chrome { width: 100%; height: auto; }
.content .thumbcaption, .content figcaption { color: var(--text-color); padding: initial; }
.notifications-overlay.navigation-drawer { top: initial; }

@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark)
.header-chrome.overlay-header-container + .overlay-content { padding-top: 0; margin-top: initial; }

:root {
.overlay-content { z-index: 1; }
--translucent-background: #ffffff20; --infobox-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.8); --menu-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 1); --hatnote-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.5); --body-background: #2c2c2c; --text-color: #eaeaea; --link-color: #6684df; --visited-link-color: #9933cc; --filter: brightness(0) invert(1); --caption: #eaeaea; --image-border: none;

#bodyContent { margin-top: initial; }

.content h1, .pre-content h1, body, h1, h2 .mw-headline, h3 .mw-headline, h4 .mw-headline, p { font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'SF Pro Text','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; }

.thumbinner img { width: 100%; }

.thumbinner { display: contents; }

.content .thumbcaption, .content figcaption { background: var(--background-color); margin: 2px 0 0; font-size: 85%!important; line-height: 1.5; padding: 0!important; color: var(--caption); text-align: center; }

h3 .mw-headline { font-weight: 600; font-size: 25px; }

.minerva-footer, footer .last-modified-bar, footer > .post-content > h2 { border-bottom: none; border-top: none; }

.overlay.media-viewer .cancel { top: initial; }

.infobox { padding: 0; }

.infobox, .thumbimage, table { border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; }

input { border-radius: 4px; }

.header { height: 100%; }

.overlay.search-overlay .header input, .overlay.search-overlay li.page-summary { border-radius: 0; border: 0; box-shadow: none; }

.client-js #searchIcon { display: block; }

#mw-clearyourcache, .main-menu-mask, .skin-minerva-search-trigger, a[title='Wikipedia:Citation needed'] span { display: none; }

table.infobox { max-width: 500px; }

thead { border: 1px solid rgba(84,89,93,.3); }

thead th { background-color: rgba(234,236,240,.8)!important; }

.oo-ui-toolbar-bar { background-color: var(--body-background); }

.heading-holder { padding: 0; position: relative; }

header { font-size: 85%; }

#content { font-size: 90%; }

.navigation-drawer { max-width: 30px!important; }

.branding-box { margin-left: -30px!important; margin-right: 10px!important; }

#mw-mf-main-menu-button, nav.navigation-drawer.toggle-list.view-border-box { width: 30px!important; max-width: 30px!important; }

.branding-box img { width: 100px!important; }

.header .search-box .search { width: 45em; max-width: 45em; }

.wikitable, table { color: unset; background: unset; width: auto!important; margin: 0!important; padding: .5em .5em 1em 0!important; }

.hatnote, .header-container { background: var(--menu-background); }

dl { margin-left: 0; }

body { zoom: 0.8; }

.content h1, .pre-content h1, h1 { display: block!important; font-size: 2.15em!important; font-weight: 700!important; margin: .67em 0 .1em; padding: 0!important; }

.content h3, .pre-content h3, h3 { font-size: 1.75em!important; margin: 1em 0 .1em; }

.content h2, .pre-content h2, h2 { font-size: 1.9em!important; margin: .83em 0 .1em; }

.content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content h5, .pre-content h2, .pre-content h3, .pre-content h4, .pre-content h5, h2, h3, h4, h5 { font-weight: 400!important; }

.content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content h5, .content h6, .pre-content h2, .pre-content h3, .pre-content h4, .pre-content h5, .pre-content h6, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { display: block!important; padding: 0!important; font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'SF Pro Text','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif; }

.content h6, .pre-content h6, h6 { font-size: 1em!important; font-weight: 700!important; margin: 2em 0 .1em; }

.content h4, .pre-content h4, h4 { font-size: 1.5em!important; margin: 1.33em 0 .1em; }

.content h5, .pre-content h5, h5 { font-size: 1.25em!important; margin: 1.67em 0 .1em; page-break-after: avoid; }

.content h1 + .content h2, .content h2 + .content h3, .content h3 + .content h4, .content h4 + .content h5, .content h5 + .content h6, .pre-content h1 + .pre-content h2, .pre-content h2 + .pre-content h3, .pre-content h3 + .pre-content h4, .pre-content h4 + .pre-content h5, .pre-content h5 + .pre-content h6, h1 + h2, h2 + h3, h3 + h4, h4 + h5, h5 + h6 { margin-top: .1em!important; }

.content p + h3 { margin-top: 0; }

.content .infobox td { padding: 0 0 .8em!important; }

.content .infobox tbody > tr > th { flex: 0 1 30%!important; white-space: normal!important; min-width: 30%!important; }

#mw-content-text > form, .banner-container, .content, .content-unstyled, .header, .overlay-content, .overlay-header, .page-header-bar, .post-content, .pre-content { width: 100%; max-width: 80vw; margin: 0 auto; }

#mw-mf-page-left, .header, .header-container.header-chrome { background: var(--menu-background); padding: 0; }

.header, .header-container.header-chrome { max-width: unset; }

.header-container { max-width: unset; padding: 0 1em!important; }

@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) { :root { --translucent-background: #ffffff20; --infobox-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.8); --menu-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 1); --hatnote-background: rgba(75, 75, 75, 0.5); --body-background: #2c2c2c; --text-color: #eaeaea; --link-color: #6684df; --visited-link-color: #9933cc; --filter: brightness(0) invert(1); --caption: #eaeaea; --image-border: none; }
.header .branding-box a img, .header .branding-box h1 img { filter: invert(1)!important; }

.header-container, header { opacity: 0; top: -35px!important; }

.header-container:hover, header:hover { opacity: 1; top: 0!important; }

* { transition: none!important; animation: none!important; }

.page-actions-menu { float: right; }

.page-actions-menu__list-item { display: inline-block; align-items: unset; overflow: unset; }

.page-actions-menu__list-item > a, .toggle-list__toggle { min-width: unset; min-height: unset; font-size: .85em; }

.minerva__tab-container { white-space: normal; overflow-x: unset; display: inline-block; vertical-align: sub; }

.page-actions-menu__list-item > a:nth-child(1) { margin-left: 15px; }

.mw-ui-icon-with-label-desktop::before { min-width: 0!important; min-height: 0!important; width: 18px; height: 18px; background-size: 16px 16px!important; }

.mw-editsection { opacity: 0; }

.content .mw-ref, sub, sup { font-size: .65em!important; line-height: normal; opacity: 1; }

.content .mw-ref a span, sub a span, sup a span { text-decoration: none; color: unset!important; margin: 0 1px; }

a[title='Wikipedia:Citation needed']:before { content: '?'; font-style: normal!important; margin: 0 1px; }

.content .infobox > tbody > tr { min-width: unset; padding: 0 3%; display: flex!important; flex-flow: row nowrap!important; }

.infobox img { padding: 0!important; margin: 0; top: 0; left: 0; display: inline-block!important; }

.content .infobox { margin: .5em 0 1em 35px!important; max-width: 24vw!important; }

.infobox a.image:first-child { display: block; margin-left: -3%; width: 108%; margin-bottom: .1em; }

.page-actions-menu__list { height: 1em; vertical-align: sub; display: contents; padding: 0; margin: -.6em 0 0; }

.page-actions-menu .toggle-list, .page-actions-menu__list-item { display: contents; }

.mw-ui-icon::before, mw-ui-icon-with-label-desktop::before { min-width: 0!important; min-height: 0!important; width: 16px; height: 16px; background-size: 70%!important; margin: 0; }

.mw-ui-icon:before { margin-right: 2px!important; }

.page-actions-menu__list-item > a, .toggle-list__toggle { padding: 0; margin: 0!important; }

#page-actions-overflow-toggle { padding: 0; margin: 0; display: inline-flex!important; }

.page-actions-menu__list-item:not(:last-child) a { margin-right: 12px!important; }

.content .infobox th { padding: 0 4px 0 0!important; }

.content .infobox tbody > tr > td { flex: 0 auto!important; min-width: 70%!important; }

.content .mw-image-border, .content .thumbborder { border: 1px solid transparent!important; }

.infobox ul { padding-left: 0!important; margin-bottom: 8px!important; }

.infobox li { margin-bottom: unset!important; }

.hatnote { color: var(--caption); border-radius: 4px; padding: 2px 8px!important; font-style: normal; margin-bottom: 0; width: -moz-fit-content; width: -webkit-fit-content; width: fit-content!important; }

.reference { color: var(--text-color)!important; color: unset!important; padding-right: 0!important; filter: saturate(.85) contrast(.95) brightness(.85); }

.page-heading { flex: 1 auto; }

.heading-holder { display: flex; align-items: flex-end; }

.page-actions-menu * { display: unset; }

.page-actions-menu__list { zoom: unset; display: inline-flex; }

.page-actions-menu { border: 0; margin-right: 16px; flex: 0 auto; display: unset; margin-bottom: 13px; }

.minerva__tab-container { float: right; order: 1; flex: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 6px; }

.content { -webkit-hyphens: auto!important; -webkit-hyphenate-character: '-'!important; -webkit-hyphens: auto!important; -webkit-hyphenate-character: "-"!important; line-height: 157%; }

:root { --link-color: #7dacfa!important; --visited-link-color: #e674de!important; --text-color: #eaeaea!important; --link-color: #7dacfa!important; --visited-link-color: #e674de!important; }

.dablink, .hatnote, .rellink { overflow: initial!important; }

.reference a { color: var(--link-color)!important; }

.reference a:visited { color: var(--visited-link-color)!important; }

.mw-body-content sub, .mw-body-content sup, span.reference { font-size: 75%!important; }

sup.reference { white-space: normal!important; }

a+sup.reference, sup.reference:first-of-type { padding-left: .1em!important; }

a + sup.reference:last-of-type { margin-right: -0.em!important; }

sup.reference:last-of-type { margin-right: -.1em!important; }

.toctitle {
padding: 0;

#mw-mf-page-left ul.hlist li a, .content table.infobox a, a {
color: var(--link-color);
#mw-mf-page-left, .overlay-footer-container, .overlay-header-container {
background: var(--body-background);
.content table.infobox {
background: #ffffff10 !important; border: 0; background: var(--menu-background) !important; color: var(--text-color); border-radius: 4px; font-size: 0.85em !important; padding: 0 !important; line-height: normal !important; display: table !important;
#mw-mf-page-left {
-webkit-transform: translate(100%, 0); -moz-transform: translate(100%, 0); -ms-transform: translate(100%, 0); transform: translate(100%, 0);
#main-menu-input:checked ~ .main-menu-mask {
opacity: 1;
.mw-searchresults-has-iw .iw-resultset {
background: var(--infobox-background);
#main-menu-input:checked ~ body {
overflow: hidden !important;
.main-menu-mask {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
#content, #mw-mf-page-center, .mw-body, body, html {
background: var(--body-background); color: var(--text-color);
.toggle-list-item:hover, .toggle-list__list {
background: var(--body-background);
#mw-mf-page-left ul li a, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:active, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:hover, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab.new:visited, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:active, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:hover, .minerva__tab-container .minerva__tab:visited, .overlay.search-overlay li.page-summary .wikidata-description, .page-summary h2, .page-summary h3, .toggle-list-item__label {
color: var(--text-color);
.mw-highlight {
background: var(--translucent-background); border-radius: 0; border: 0;
#mw-usercssyoucanpreview, .wikitable, table {
background: #fff;
.branding-box img, .haudio, .mw-ui-icon-before:before, .mw-ui-icon-element, .unicode {
filter: var(--filter);
.header .branding-box {
width: 0; transition: none; opacity: 1;
.header .branding-box a img, .header .branding-box h1 img {
transition: none; vertical-align: middle; filter: invert(1) !important; filter: none !important;
.client-js .toc {
.client-js .toc {
background-color: var(--body-background); border-radius: 0;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

#pt-notifications-alert .mw-echo-notifications-badge.mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read, #pt-notifications-notice .mw-echo-notifications-badge.mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read {
.client-js .toc .toctitle h2 {
opacity: 1; filter: var(--filter);
margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;

.content .thumb .thumbinner, .content figure .thumbinner {
.toctogglecheckbox ~ ul {
border-radius: 0; border: 0; background: var(--infobox-background); box-shadow: none;
visibility: unset;
height: unset;

.content table caption {

background: 0 0;
.client-js .toc > ul {
margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;

.infobox img {
#toc li {
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 6px;

.overlay {
navbox, .navbox-subgroup {
background: var(--translucent-background);
background-color: transparent;
.navbox {
.content table.infobox a:visited, .infobox a:visited, .wikitable a:visited, a:visited, table a:visited {
border: 1px solid #ffffff16;
color: var(--visited-link-color);
.content .infobox td, .content .infobox th {
border-bottom: none;
.infobox.geography td, .infobox.geography th {
border-top: none;
.infobox a, .wikitable a, table a {
color: #36c;
.content .infobox td:only-child, .content .infobox th:only-child {
flex: 1 !important; background: 0 0 !important; padding: 0.2em 0 0.3em !important;
.content .infobox tbody > tr > td, .content .infobox tbody > tr > th {
background: 0 0 !important;
.infobox .thumb, .infobox .thumbimage {
border-top-right-radius: 0 !important; border-top-left-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important; border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important;
#searchInput {
border-radius: 0;
.search-overlay {
z-index: 3;
#mw-mf-page-left ul {
padding-bottom: 0; padding-top: 22px;
#mw-mf-page-left ul li {
background: 0 0; border: 0;
.overlay.search-overlay.visible {
overflow: scroll;
.overlay.search-overlay .results, .overlay.search-overlay .search-feedback {
background: 0 0; box-shadow: none;
.overlay.search-overlay li.page-summary {
margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 10px;
.page-list, .site-link-list, .topic-title-list {
overflow: visible;
.list-thumb.list-thumb-y, .results-list-container div {
border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
.overlay.search-overlay .search-content {
border-bottom: 0;
.overlay.search-overlay {
background: var(--translucent-background);
.header-container.header-chrome {
background: var(--body-background); top: 0; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0; height: auto; box-shadow: none; transition: none;
@media screen and (max-width:768px)
#mw-mf-viewport {
padding-top: initial;
.header-container.header-chrome {
width: 100%; height: auto;
.content .thumbcaption, .content figcaption {
color: var(--text-color); padding: initial;
.notifications-overlay.navigation-drawer {
top: initial;

#mw-mf-page-left ul.hlist li a, .content table.infobox a, a {
color: var(--link-color);

a:not([href]) {
.header-chrome.overlay-header-container + .overlay-content {
color: var(--text-color);
padding-top: 0; margin-top: initial;
cursor: pointer;
.overlay-content {
z-index: 1;
#bodyContent {
margin-top: initial;
h2 .mw-headline, h3 .mw-headline {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'SF Pro Text', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
.pre-content h1, h2 .mw-headline {
color: var(--text-color);
.thumbinner img {
width: 100%;
.thumbinner {
display: contents;
.content .thumbcaption, .content figcaption {
background: var(--background-color); margin: 2px 0 0; font-size: 85% !important; line-height: 1.5; padding: 0 !important; color: var(--caption); text-align: center;
.content .mw-parser-output > h2, .content .section-heading {
border-bottom: none;
h3 .mw-headline {
font-weight: 600; font-size: 25px;
h3 .mw-headline, h4 .mw-headline {
color: var(--text-color);
.content h1, .pre-content h1, body, h1, h4 .mw-headline, p {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'SF Pro Text', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
.minerva-footer, footer .last-modified-bar, footer > .post-content > h2 {
border-bottom: none; border-top: none;
.overlay.media-viewer .cancel {
top: initial;
.infobox {
padding: 0;
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a + sup.reference:last-of-type {
margin-right: -0.em!important;
sup.reference:last-of-type {
margin-right: -0.1em!important;

Revision as of 04:17, 14 September 2021

.content h1, .content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content h6, .pre-content h1, .pre-content h2, .pre-content h3, .pre-content h4, .pre-content h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h6 { page-break-after: avoid!important; }

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table.infobox { max-width: 500px; }

thead { border: 1px solid rgba(84,89,93,.3); }

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