List of acronyms: C: Difference between revisions
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m sp: amunition→ammunition |
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* [[CUB]] - (s) [[Cuba]] (ISO 3166 trigram) |
* [[CUB]] - (s) [[Cuba]] (ISO 3166 trigram) |
* [[CUCV]] - (i) Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle |
* [[CUCV]] - (i) Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle |
* [[cunt|CUNT]] - (a) Chief Utiliser of Novel Technologies |
* [[CUNY]] - (a) [[City University of New York]] ("CUE-knee") |
* [[CUNY]] - (a) [[City University of New York]] ("CUE-knee") |
* [[CUPE]] - (a) Canadian Union of Public Employees ("CUE-pee") |
* [[CUPE]] - (a) Canadian Union of Public Employees ("CUE-pee") |
Revision as of 10:03, 5 March 2007
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter C.
For the purposes of this list:
- acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as if it were a word, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome, pronounced to rhyme with cars
- initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc, pronounced cee dee
- pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters mean that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
- (a) = acronym, e.g.: SARS – (a) severe acute respiratory syndrome
- (i) = initialism, e.g.: CD – (i) compact disc
- (p) = pseudo-blend, e.g.: UNIFEM – (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
- (s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz – megahertz)
Some terms are spoken as either acronym or initialism, e.g., VoIP, pronounced both as voyp and V-O-I-P.
(Main list of acronyms and initialisms) chat]]
- C2D or C²D - (i) Intel Core 2 Duo - CERDEC Command and Control Directorate
- C2IEDM or C²IEDM - (i) Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model
- C2IS or C²IS - (i) Command and Control Information System
- C2PC or C²PC - (i) Command and Control Personal Computer
- C2V or C²V - (i) Command and Control Vehicle
- C2W or C²W - (i) Command and Control Warfare
- C3 or C³ - (i) Colorectal Cancer Condition - Command, Control, and Communications
- C3I or C³I - (i) Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
- C4 or C⁴ - (i) Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
- C4I or C⁴I - (i) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
- C4ISR or C⁴ISR - (i) Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
- Ca - (s) Calcium
- CA - (s) California (postal symbol) - Canada (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) - Catalonia - (i) Civil Affairs - Close Armour - Computer Associates - Counter-Air
- CAA - (i) Canadian Automobile Association - (NORAD) Center for Aerospace Analysis - (U.S.) Center for Army Analysis - (U.S.) Clean Air Act - (U.S. Army) Concepts Analysis Agency - Civil Aviation Authority - Colonial Athletic Association
- CAAT - (i) or (a) Campaign Against Arms Trade - The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- CAC - (i) California Association of Criminalists - Chronic Asymptomatic [Disease] Carrier
- CACM - (i) Communications of the ACM
- CAD - (a) Computer-Aided Design - Computer-Aided Dispatch
- CADPAT - (p) CAnadian Disruptive PATtern
- CADMID - (a) Concept, Assessment, Demonstration, Manufacture, In service, Disposal (life cycle mnemonic)
- CAE - (i) Canadian Aviation Electronics (originally) - Certificate in Advanced English
- CAEn - (i/a) Close Action Engagement (constructive simulation)
- CAF - (s) Central African Republic (ISO 3166 trigram) - (i) Confederation of African Football (or French Confédération Africaine de Football)
- CAFAD - (a) Combined Arms For Air Defence
- CAFDE - (a) Canadian Association of Film Distributors and Exporters - Computer Aided Federation Development Environment
- CAFE - (a) Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard
- CAI - (i) Computer Assisted Instruction
- CAIR - (i) Council on American-Islamic Relations
- CALABARZON - (p) A region in the Philippines: CAvite, LAguna, BAtangas, Rizal, queZON
- CALL - (a) (U.S.) Center for Army Lessons Learned
- CAM - (a) Chemical Agent Monitor
- CAMRA - (p) CAMpaign for Real Ale
- CAN - (s) Canada (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CANA - (a) Convulsive Antidote, Nerve Agent
- CANDU - (p) CANada Deuterium Uranium (nuclear reactor design)
- Canola - (p) Canadian oil, low acid (referring to a specific cultivar of rapeseed bred to have a low erucic acid content)
- CAP - (i) Combat Air Patrol - Common [Operating/Operational] Air Picture - Crisis Action Procedures - Common Agricultural Policy
- CAPES - (p) CAPability Evaluation System - (a) Combined Arms Planning and Execution System
- CARE - (p) Community database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe - (a) Cooperative for Aid and Relief Everywhere (originally Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe)
- CARMONETTE - (p) Computerized Monte Carlo Simulation
- CARP - (a) Computed Air Release Point
- CART - (a) Championship Auto Racing Teams (now defunct)
- CAS - (i) Chemical Abstracts Service - Chief of the Air Staff - Close Air Support
- CASE - (a) Cellular ammunition storage equipment - Computer-Aided Software Engineering
- CASS - (a) Command Activated Sonobuoy System
- CASTFOREM - (p) Combined Arms and Support Task FORce Evaluation Model
- CASTOR - (a) Canadian Automatic Small Telescopes for Orbital Research
- CAT - (a) Community Acceptance Testing - Computer-Assisted (or Axial) Tomography
- CATK - (p) Counterattack
- CATS - (a) Computer Active Technology Suspension
- CATT - (a/i) Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
- CAV - (p) Cavalry
- CAVOK - (p) Ceiling And Visibility OK ("Kav-okay")
- CAW - (i) Canadian Auto Workers trade union
- CB - (s) Cambodia (FIPS 10-4 country code) - (i) Citizens' Band radio
- CBASSE - (a) Commission on Behavioral And Social Sciences and Education ("sea bass")
- CBC - (i) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Christmas Bird Count - Cipher-Block Chaining - Cornering Brake Control
- CBE - (i) Commander of the Order of the British Empire - Cab Beside Engine (see truck)
- CBLA - (i) Comparative Bullet Lead Analysis
- CBM - many, including Canadian Baptist Ministries and Commodore Business Machines; see entry
- CBML - (i) Coalition Battle Management Language
- CBOL - (i) Consortium for the Barcode Of Life
- CBR - (i) Case-Based Reasoning
- CBRN - (i) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (weapon or event)
- CBRNE - (i) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or [high-yield] Explosive (weapon or event)
- CBS - (i) Columbia Broadcasting System - Corps Battle Simulation
- CBT - (i) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - (p) Combat
- CC - many, including carbon copy; see entry
- CCA - (i) Counter Command Activity
- CCC - (i) Corpus Christi College, Oxford
- CCCP - (i) Central Committee of the Communist Party - Cyrillic for SSSR (Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, Russian Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
- CCD - (i) Charge-Coupled Device
- CCG - (i) Canadian Coast Guard - Collectible Card Game
- CCH - (i) Computer-Controlled Hostile
- CCIF - (p) Comité consultatif international des communications téléphoniques à grande distance (French for International Telephone Consultative Committee, merged with the CCIT in 1956 to form the CCITT)
- CCII - (i) Command and Control Information Infrastructure
- CCIR - (i) Comité consultatif international pour la radio (French for Consultative Committee on International Radio, became the ITU Radiocommunication Sector, ITU-R, in 1992) - Commander's Critical Information Requirements
- CCIT - (p) Comité consultatif international télégraphique (French for International Telegraph Consultative Committee, merged with the CCIF in 1956 to form the CCITT)
- CCITT - (p) Comité consultatif international téléphonique et télégraphique (French for International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, became the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector, ITU-T, in 1992)
- CCK - (s) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CCOC - Canadian Children's Opera Chorus, Crosley Car Owners Club
- CCOP - (i) Coalition Common Operating/Operational Picture
- CCP - (i) Casualty Collection Point - Communications Checkpoint - Contingency Communications Package
- CCRAp - (p) Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance party
- CCRP - (i) Command and Control Research Program
- CCRTS - (i) Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium
- CCSCS - (i) Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
- CCSIL - (i) Command and Control Simulation Interface Language ("cecil")
- CCSK - (i) Cyclic Code Shift Keying
- CCT - (i) Current Commitments Team
- CCTT - (i) Close Combat Tactical Trainer
- cd - (s) Candela
- Cd - (s) Cadmium
- CD - many, including Compact Disc; see entry
- CD1 - (i) Cluster of Differentiation 1 (a small gene family)
- CDA - (i) UK Centre for Defence Analysis
- CDC - (i) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Control Data Corporation - Cult of the Dead Cow
- CDD - (i) Capabilities Development Document
- CDE - (i) Chemical Defence Equipment
- CDEC - (i) U.S. Combat Development Experimentation Center
- CDF - (i) California Department of Forestry [and Fire Protection] - Common Data Format
- CDIAC - (a) Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center ("see-dee-ack")
- CDipAF - (i) Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance
- CDM - (i) Clean Development Mechanism (Kyoto protocol)
- CDMA - (i) Code Division Multiple Access
- CDMSII - (p) Cryogenic Dark Matter Search II
- Cdr - (p) Commander
- CDS - (i) Chief of the Defence Staff
- Cdt - (p) Commandant
- CDT - (i) Central Daylight Saving Time (UTC-5 hours)
- Ce - (s) Cerium
- CE - many, including Christian/Common Era (cf. AD); see entry
- CEA - (i) Campaign Effectiveness Analysis
- CECOM - (p) U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command
- CEGEP - (i) Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel (French, "College of General and Vocational Education")
- CEI - (i) Competitive Enterprise Institute
- CENTCOM - (p) United States Central Command
- CENTO - (a) Central Treaty Organization (Baghdad Pact)
- CENZUB - (p) Centre d'entraînement aux actions en zone urbaine (French, "Urban Operations Training Centre")
- CEO - (i) Chief Executive Officer
- CEP - (i) Circular Error Probable
- CEPT - (a/i) Conférence européenne des administrations des postes et des télécommunications (French, "European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations")
- CERCLA - (a) U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund)
- CERDEC - U.S. Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
- CERGA - (a) Centre de recherches en géodynamique et astrométrie (French, "Astrometry and Geodynamics Research Centre")
- CERN - (a) Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (French, "European Organization for Nuclear Research")
- CERT - (a) Computer Emergency Response Team
- CESS - (i) Centre for Earth Science Studies (India)
- CEV - (i) Combat Engineer Vehicle - Crew Exploration Vehicle
- CEWC - (a/i) Council for Education in World Citizenship
- cf. - (i) confer (Latin "compare", or "see also")
- Cf - (s) Californium
- CF - (i) Canadian Forces - (s) Central African Republic (ISO 3166 digram) - Republic of the Congo (FIPS 10-4 country code)
- CFA - (i) Cat Fanciers' Association - Chartered Financial Analyst - Colour Filtering Array - County Fire Authority - Covering Force Area
- CFC - (i) ChloroFluoroCarbon
- CFFZ - (i) Call For Fire Zone
- CFG - (i) Context-free grammar - Control flow graph
- CFHT - (i) Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- CFI - (i) Center For Inquiry (CSICOP)
- CFL - (i) Canadian Football League - Co-ordinated Fire Line
- CFLCC - (i) Coalition Forces Land Component Command
- CFO - (i) Chief Financial Officer
- CFR - (i) Code of Federal Regulations
- CFRP - (i) Carbon fibre reinforced plastic
- CFS - (i) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- CFSP - (i) Common Foreign and Security Policy
- CFV - (i) Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
- CFZ - (i) Critical Friendly Zone
- CG - (i) Client Group - Computer Graphics - (s) Democratic Republic of the Congo (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 digram)
- CGDC - (i) Computer Game Developers Conference (became GDC in 1998)
- CGF - (i) Computer-Generated Forces (Simulation)
- CGIG - (i) Cross-Government Implementation Group
- CGM - (i) Computer Graphics Metafile
- CGS - (i) Chief of the General Staff
- CGT - (i) Capital Gains Tax
- CH - (p) Chieftain tank - (s) China (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Switzerland (ISO 3166 digram; from Latin Confoederatio Helvetica)
- CHAMPUS - (a) (U.S.) Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
- CHAOS - (a) Cambridge Heart Anti-Oxydant Study
- CHE - (s) Switzerland (ISO 3166 trigram; from Latin Confoederatio Helvetica)
- CHI - (i) Computer-Human Interaction
- CHiP - (a) California Highway Patrol
- CHIPS - (a) Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer
- CHL - (s) Chile (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CHN - (s) China (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CHP - (i) California Highway Patrol - Combined Heat and Power
- CHS - (i) Combat Health Support
- CHT - (i) Certified Hand Therapist
- Ci - (s) Curie
- CI - (s) Chile (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Counter-Intelligence
- CIA - (i) Cairo International Airport - Central Intelligence Agency - Culinary Institute of America
- CIAO - (i) Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office - Component-Integrated ACE ORB
- CIB - (i) Complete In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
- CIBC - (i) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (obsolete)
- CICS - (a) Customer Information Control System (IBM mainframe software; "kicks" or "C-I-C-S")
- CID - (p) Combat Identification - (i) Criminal Investigation Division - Criminal Investigations Department
- CIÉ - (i) Commission internationale de l'éclairage
- CIEF - (i) Comité international d'enregistrement des fréquences (International Frequency Registration Board)
- CIF - (i) Cost, Insurance, and Freight (Paid) (shipping)
- CIMIC - (p) Civil-Military Co-operation
- CIMMYT - (a/i) Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz Y Trigo (Spanish, "International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center")
- CINC - (p) Commander in Chief
- CINEOS - (a) Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Objects Survey
- CIO - (i) Chief information officer - Congress of Industrial Organizations
- CIP - (a) Combat Identification Panel
- CIPE - (i) (European) Centre for International Political Economy
- CIR - (i) (Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
- CIS - (i) Canadian Interuniversity Sport - Commonwealth of Independent States - Command and Information System - Communication and Information System
- CISA - (a) (U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity
- CISB - (i) Complete In Sealed Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
- CISPR - (i) Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques (Special International Committee on Radio Interference)
- CISSP - (i) Certified Information Systems Security Professional
- CITES - (p) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna and Flora) ("sigh-tease")
- CITS - (i) Combat Identification Training System
- CIV - (s) Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CIVPOP - (p) Civilian Population
- CIWS - (i) Close-In Weapon System
- CHRS - Canadian Heart Rhythm Society
- CJ - (s) Cayman Islands (FIPS 10-4 country code) - (i) Criminal Justice
- CJC - (i) Canadian Jewish Congress
- CJD - (i) Chronological Julian Day - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- CJCS - (i) Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- CJO - (i) Chief of Joint Operations
- CJTF - (i) Combined Joint Task Force
- CK - (s) Cocos (Keeling) Islands (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Cook Islands (ISO 3166 digram)
- CKA - (a) Canada Kicks Ass
- CKND - Codename: Kids Next Door
- Cl - (s) Chlorine
- CL - (s) Chile (ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Co-ordination Line
- CLEC - (i) Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
- CLEMARS - (a) California Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Radio System
- CLI - (i) Command Line Interface/Interpreter
- CLIC - (p) Compact LInear Collider
- CLO - (i) Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- CLOB - (p) Character Large OBject
- CLOS - (i) Command to Line-Of-Sight (missile control system)
- CLOS - (a) Common Lisp Object System
- CLP - (i) Common [Operating/Operational] Land Picture
- CLPFC - (i) CentroLateral PreFrontal Cortex
- CLRP - (a) College Loan Repayment Program
- Cm - (s) Curium
- CM - (s) Cameroun (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Cruise Missile
- CMA - (i) U.S. Chemical Materials Agency
- CMB - (i) Cosmic Microwave Background
- CMBR - (i) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- CMHC - (i) Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- CMJ - (i) Christopher Martin-Jenkins (BBC sports commentator)
- CML - (p) Chemical - (i) Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (formerly Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)
- CMM - (i) Capability Maturity Model
- CMMC - (i) Corps Materiel Management Centre
- CMML - (i) Chronic MyeloMonocytic Leukemia
- CMO - (i) Civil-Military Operations
- CMOC - (i) Civil-Military Operations Centre
- CMOS - (i) Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
- CMP - (i) Common [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
- CMPD - (i) Chronic Myeloproliferative Disease
- CMPD - (i) Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
- CMR - (s) Cameroon (ISO 3166 trigram) - (i) Coaxial Main Rotors (helicopter type)
- CMS - (i) Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- CMYK - (i) Cyan Magenta Yellow Key/blacK (colour model)
- CN - (i) Canadian National (railway) - (s) China (ISO 3166 digram) - Comoros (FIPS 10-4 country code)
- CNA - (i) Center for Naval Analyses - Certified Network Administrator - Computer Network Attack
- CND - (i) Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - Computer Network Defence
- CNE - (i) Canadian National Exhibition - Computer Network Exploitation - Certified Network Engineer
- CNI - (i) Communications, Navigation and Identification
- CNN - (i) Cable News Network - Cellular Nonlinear Network
- CNO - (i) Computer Network Operations
- CNR - (i) Canadian National Railway - Combat Net Radio
- c/o - (i) care of (postal code indicating temporary address change)
- Co - (s) Cobalt
- CO - many, including Central Office (phone company); see entry - (s) Colorado (postal symbol) - (i) Commanding Officer (military)
- COA - (i) Concept Of Analysis - Course Of Action (military)
- COB - (i) Close Of Business [day]
- COBOL (p) - COmmon Business-Oriented Language
- COCOM - (p) Combatant Command (military)
- COD - (i) Cash On Delivery - (s) Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 trigram)
- codec - (p) Coder-Decoder / Compressor-Decompressor / Compression-Decompression algorithm
- COE - (i) Cab Over Engine (see truck) - Common Operating Environment (military)
- COEA - (i) Cost Operational Effectiveness Analysis (military)
- COEIA - (i) Combined Operational Effectiveness and Investment Appraisal (military)
- COFT - (i) Conduct Of Fire Trainer (military)
- COG - (i) Centre Of Gravity - Current Operations Group (military) - (s) Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 trigram)
- COGENT - (a) Cognitive Objects within a Graphical EnviroNmenT
- COIN - (p) Counter-Insurgency (military)
- COK - (s) Cook Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
- COL - (s) Colombia (ISO 3166 trigram)
- COLA - (a) comp.os.linux.announce - Cost Of Living Adjustment
- COLT - (a) Combat Observation and Lasing Team (military)
- COM - (s) Comoros (ISO 3166 trigram) - (a) Component Object Model
- COMECON - (p) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (economic counterpart of the Warsaw Pact, 1949-1991)
- COMMZ - (p) Communications Zone (military)
- COMSEC - (p) Communications Security (military)
- CONAD - (p) U.S. Continental Air Defense Command
- CONCACAF - (a) Confederation Of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football
- CONMEBOL - (p) Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Spanish, "South American Football Confederation")
- CONOPS - (p) Concept of Operations (military)
- CONUS - (p) Continental United States
- COO - (i) Chief Operating Officer
- COP - (a) Common Operating/Operational Picture
- COPE - (a) U.K. Committee On Publication Ethics
- CORBA - (a) Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- CORD - (i/a) Common Operational Requirements Document
- CORG - (i) (U.S.) Combat Operations Research Group
- COS - (i) Cooper Ornithological Society
- COSCOM - (p) Corps Support Command (military)
- COSER - (p) COoperative SERvice
- COTS - (a) Commercial Off The Shelf
- Coy - (s) Company (military unit)
- CP - (i) Canadian Pacific - Check Point - Command Post
- CPA - (i) Certified Public Accountant
- CPAC - (p) Canadian Parliamentary Affairs Channel - Conservative Political Action Conference ("see-pack")
- CPD - (i) Capabilities Production Document
- CPE - (i) Certificate of Proficiency in English
- CPF - (i) Calibration Parameter File - Canadian Patrol Frigate
- CPG - (a) Clinical Practice Guideline
- CPON - (i) Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse
- CPPCC - (i) Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
- CPR - (i) Canadian Pacific Railway - CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
- CPSM - (i) Continuous Phase Shift Modulation
- CPSU - (i) Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- CPT - (i) Contingency Planning Team
- CPU - (i) Central Processing Unit
- CPV - (s) Cape Verde (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CPX - (p) Command Post eXercise
- CQ - (i) Carrier Qualification - Central Queensland - Charge of Quarters - Congressional Quarterly - Constellation Airlines (IATA airline designator) - Northern Mariana Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
- CQD - (i) Close Quarters Drill (Morse distress code preceding SOS: CQ "calling all stations", D "Distress"; often incorrectly interpreted as "Come Quick, Distress")
- Cr - (s) Chrome
- CR - (s) Coral Sea Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code) - Costa Rica (ISO 3166 digram)
- CRAM - (i) Combined Radiometric Correction Model
- CRC - (i) Central RTI Component - Chemical Rubber Company - Christian Reformed Church - Control and Reporting Centre - (s) Costa Rican Colón - (i) Cyclic Redundancy Check
- CRD - (i) Capstone Requirements Document
- CREB - (a) Cyclic AMP-response Element Binding (protein)
- CREEP - (a) Committee to Re-Elect the President, a pejorative nickname used by opponents
- CRI - (s) Costa Rica (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CRIPL - (i) Consolidated Remain-In-Place List
- CRM - (i) Cardiac Rhythm Management - Customer Relationship Management
- CRP - (i) Committee to Re-elect the President - Control and Reporting Post
- CRT - (i) Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - Cathode Ray Tube - Chinese Remainder Theorem
- CRTC - (i) Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Cs - (s) Caesium
- CS - (i) Combat Support - Computer Scientist - (s) Costa Rica (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Serbia and Montenegro (ISO 3166 digram)
- CSA - (i) Canadian Space Agency - Canadian Standards Association - Child Support Agency - Command Staff Advisor - Community-supported agriculture - Confederate States of America - Corps Storage Area - (p) Czech Airlines
- C/S/A - (i) CINC, Service, and Agency
- CSAR - (p) Combat Search and Rescue ("seessar")
- CSC - (i) Closed Spacelike Curve (relativity) - Computer Security Centre
- CSEAL - (i/a) Combat Systems Engineering and Analysis Laboratory ("see-seal")
- CSERIAC - (p) (U.S. DoD) Crew Systems Ergonomics Information Analysis Center
- CSG - (i) Corps Support Group
- CSI - see entry
- CSICOP - (i) Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
- CSIP - (i) Commercial Stable Image Platform (AMD)
- CSIS - (p) Canadian Security Intelligence Service ("seessiss") - (i) (U.S.) Center for Strategic & International Studies
- CSK - (s) Czechoslovakia (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete since 1993)
- CSL - (i) U.K. Central Science Laboratory
- CSPI - (i) Center for Science in the Public Interest
- CSR - (i) Control Supply Rate
- CSRC - (i) Conflict Studies Research Centre
- CSRF - (i) Cross-Site Request Forgery
- CSS - (i) Cascading Style Sheets - Catalina Sky Survey - Central Security Service - Combat Service Support - Confederate States Ship - Content-scrambling system - Cross-site scripting
- CSSCS - (i) Combat Service Support Control System
- CST - (i) Central Standard Time (UTC-6 hours)
- CT - (s) Canton and Enderbury Islands (ISO 3166 digram; merged into KI in 1984) - Central African Republic (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Connecticut (postal symbol)
- CTBT - (i) Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty
- CTC - (i) Closed Timelike Curve (relativity) - (U.S.) Combat Training Center
- CTDB - (i) Compact Terrain Data Base (file format)
- CTE - (s) Canton and Enderbury Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984)
- CTGF - (i) connective tissue growth factor
- CTI - (i) Co-operative Target Identification
- CTIL - (i) Critical Tracked Items List
- CTIS - (i) Central Tire-Inflation System
- CTMS - (i) Clinical Trial Management System
- CTO - (i) Chief Technical Officer - Chief Technology Officer
- CTS - (i) Clear-To-Send - Collective Training Standards - Communications Technology Service - Contract Technical Services - Conversation Time Sharing - COSMIC Top Secret
- CTSS - (i) Compatible Time-Sharing System
- CTU - (i) Counter Terrorist Unit (fictional branch of the Central Intelligence Agency in the television action series 24)
- CTVT - (i) Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour
- Cu - (s) Copper (Latin Cuprum)
- CU - (s) Cuba (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
- CUB - (s) Cuba (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CUCV - (i) Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle
- CUNY - (a) City University of New York ("CUE-knee")
- CUPE - (a) Canadian Union of Public Employees ("CUE-pee")
- CUPS - (a) Common Unix Printing System
- CUPW - (i) Canadian Union of Postal Workers
- CUREA - (a) Consortium for Undergraduate Research and Education in Astronomy
- CV - many, including curriculum vitae (resumé); see entry
- CVCC - (i) Combat Vehicle Command and Control
- CVI - (i) Combat Vehicle Identification
- CVLL - (i) Crypto Variable Logic Label
- CVR - (i) Cockpit Voice Recorder - Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance
- CVR(T) - (i) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked)
- CVS - (i) Concurrent Versions System
- CVSD - (i) Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation)
- CVT - (i) Continuously Variable Transmission
- CW - (i) Continuous Wave (laser) - (s) Cook Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
- CWC - (i) Chemical Weapons Convention
- CWS - (i) Canadian Wildlife Service
- CWRU - (i) Case Western Reserve University
- CX - (s) Christmas Island (ISO 3166 digram)
- CXR - (s) Christmas Island (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CY - (i) Calendar year - (s) Cyprus (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
- CYM - (s) Cayman Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CYP - (s) Cyprus (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CZ - (i) Combat Zone - (s) Czech Republic (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
- CZE - (s) Czech Republic (ISO 3166 trigram)
- CZMA - (i) (US) Coastal Zone Management Act