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The following describes the history of the TLDR.
Golden Era (July - October 2005)
OT Exodus II: The Forging of the TLDR
Little is known about the early weeks of the TLDR since many records were lost in the Great Deletions and only stories have been passed down through generations of Tilders. What is known is that primitive immigrants from the OT made their way to this promise land after the great admin, NickLachey, forged the TLDR. The immigration was the Second OT Exodus. The TLDR culture quickly formed into a strong YTMND and 4chan meme-worshipping society.
Ancient Times
One of the oldest stories that has been passed down is the Great Bumping of All Threads by Hastus and Glue, in which every thread ever created was bumped to the top in one night. Little is known about their motivation or how they were able to achieve this feat in such primitive times.
The OT's moderator at the time, Fangtooth, was said to have visited this fledgling empire to give his blessing, but he never returned.
There was also a small cold war between TLDR and Flanker's OT, but it quickly dissolved into nothing, and Flanker's OT faded into obscurity. However, the peoples of the newborn TLDR would soon know the true meaning of war.
From Infant to Empire
Restless for conflict, the raiders of the TLDR took part in many minor skirmishes, destroying small forums which did not fit into their view of the perfect internet. Among them were emo forums, kiddie forums, PETA forums, feminism forums, and many more. As their victories mounted up and their victims ran from their destroyed communities, the TLDR began to regard itself as an invincible military superpower, able to shape the internet to fit its whims.
The Emma War
This was one reason why, as the TLDR army charged boldy into the EmmaWatson.net forums, a destructive conflict was ignited which for the first time put the future of the TLDR at risk. Spamming the forums unmercilessly with rated-X images and obscene phrases, the TLDR reveled in what it thought was another easy victory.
However, as they soon found out, sinister figures allied with Emma Watson were put to work on a counter-attack on the TLDR, completely upping the ante of the war. The TLDR was hacked by at least one unnamed individual, who posted screenshots of the original attack's coordination and delivered several threats and warnings.
The peoples of the TLDR went into a panicked frenzy, fretting over what might happen if their ISPs actually intervened. Also at this time was the disappearance of HellPenguin, one of the greatest raiders, famous for leading the charges on several forums and fighting with courage. It was generally accepted that the Great Penguin had fallen in combat, disconnected by his own ISP. As news spread, HellPenguin quickly became a martyr.
In the end, it was revealed that HellPenguin had actually been on a trip which had unwittingly coincided with the Emma War. No one's ISPs took action against them and the TLDR continued to stand tall. However, the Emma War had shaken the TLDR to its foundations and changed it forever. The steady stream of victories came to a halt as the raiders reevaluated their strategies.
A time of restless tranquility had begun. Due to the Emma War, all forum invasions had almost completely come to a stop. A new series of guidelines were approved, outlawing the usage of weapons such as Tubgirl due to the attention they might bring from the ISPs. New tools and techniques which are taken for granted in modern times, such as proxies and mailinator.com, were put into use for the first time.
Still, there were several intermittent conflicts in which the TLDR was victorious, some of which did not completely conform to the new guidelines. On several occasions the idea of mounting a counteroffensive on EmmaWatson.net was discussed, but the idea was met with disapproval from the majority of the now paranoid TLDR community.
Imperialism in Other Forms
It was during this era that Dubbus the Troller shined for the first time. Little was known of him, and what was known seemed enigmatic. He seemed to enjoy practicing his own form of combat on his fellow Tilders. Unlike spamming, which had been the TLDR army's primary method thus far, trolling took on the guise of a serious discussion, designed to evoke anger and chaos on the target. Only the most clever of moderators could see through this method. Although not as destructive as spamming, trolling became the new fad. The primary target of spamming was the OT, the original homeland of the TLDR's ancestors. EmmaWatson.net was trolled on several occasions as well with varying success.
AIM raiding also came into fashion at this time. Raiders would target one person and intentionally provoke and verbally abuse them, then their work was displayed in the TLDR for others to admire.
The Last of Paradise
The distribution of power was greatest during this period. NickLachey and Nigma, previously the only admins, divided their power to members such as Bloodfists, Hastus, Padwenda, and Sylke.
In the course of time, some members left and some came. Hastus disappeared for a time. After a disturbing proclamation, NickLachey vanished, leading most to believe that he had died in real life after announcing the possibility he had cancer. The people of TLDR wept for the creator of the TLDR. In a much more minor incident (or what appeared to be a minor incident at the time), a member known as Alani, regarded as a friend by some and hated by others, was driven from the TLDR after a disagreement. No one paid any mind to the possible consequences of this event...
But the TLDR had a higher population than ever before, including as many as five girls. Great friendships had been forged and the community had fallen into place. The only inner conflicts seemed trivial and undamaging. At the time, this period was considered by many to be the height of TLDR civilization.
However, unbeknownst the most Tilders, the stage had already been set for ages of conflict, and not everyone would survive.
Post-Golden Era (October - December 2005)
OT Exodus III
The Third OT Exodus occurred. The Off Topic Raiders – or OTR – created their own forum in much the same way that TLDR had ages before. The TLDR desire for conquest had originated among their primitive OT peoples and that desire had remained on the OT culture to become the basis of the OTR civilization. However, the OTR had not the benefit of the Emma Wars to teach them caution. They were much like the early and primitive Tilders, looting and plundering the internet and boisterously making their presence known. As a result, the OTR was repeatedly deleted, its members forced to defiantly rebuild again and again.
Great Deletion I
The TLDR would soon get their own taste of deletion as well. Without warning, the TLDR was deleted one October afternoon. Without their citadel of power, the admins were helpless. Invisionfree had deleted this great community without a second thought.
Forced to retreat back to their homeland of OT to regroup, the determination of the Tilders not to abandon their community was proven. TLDR members settled briefly at a forum that was quickly set up by Cracker after the deletion; however, no one remained there long. HellPenguin, popular among virtually everyone for his great leadership skills and ingenuity during forum raids, decided to create the replacement forum, but gave it a new name: Dregs of Society, using a derogative that the peoples of EmmaWatson.net had given the TLDR during the Emma War.
HellPenguin elevated Glue and Lazrik back to admins, as well as promoting Waterwitch and Riscaa, a popular antagonist from the original TLDR and her boyfriend. The peoples of the TLDR were saddened by the loss of their entire posting history, but were determined to write a new, better history as they forged a shining future. For the time being DoS was thought of as the new TLDR. Little did they know that a new era of strife and conflict had just been set into motion.
Tilders, now DoSians, tried to return to their normal routines, and there was a very short period of peace of approximately two days. Thankfully no one had been left behind during Great Deletion I due to Glue having a backup of all the contact information for the TLDR posters; however, Nigma refused to register for the new forum because he was a lazy nigger. It was discovered that Alani, the member who had left long ago, had lied to Invisionfree about the activities of TLDR, precipitating its destruction.
The TLDR Civil War
Soon after the forum's creation, Glue and Lazrik observed Waterwitch abusing her powers against DoS members due to trolling by members such as Dubbus and Roffaler. The two admins consulted Nigma, who finally decided to join DoS in order to deal with the situation, and the three of them made a joint decision to remove the admin rights of Waterwitch and Riscaa since they were threatening permanent account deletions of members who they did not like. As a result of their demotions, Waterwitch and her boyfriend, Riscaa, left DoS, but not before severely scolding the three admins and the entire TLDR community.
DoS went into upheaval. Although Waterwitch had been considered mean-spirited and unforgiving during the entire history of the TLDR, verbally abusing citizens and publicly opposing all TLDR military actions, the fact that she was female had kept her in constant celebrity status. Riscaa had been liked and considered a friend by nearly everyone. Their departure drove a division between the admins, as well as the members. Hellpenguin subsequently stripped Nigma, Glue, and Lazrik of their powers.
During this time, Nicklachey returned unscathed, causing DoS to unite in a brief celebration. Again, he vanished in the midst of the Civil War, leaving people to speculate his fate for some time.
The first and last battle between Nigma/Lazrik's small forces and HellPenguin's large amount of supporters took place on DoS. Unfortunately Nigma and Lazrik were no match for HellPenguin's admin powers. In the end, Nigma and Lazrik were banished from DoS. Unlike his fellow demoted admins, Glue did not participate in the revolt against HellPenguin, but instead remained neutral in the conflict.
The second forum to have the name "TLDR" was born as a result. Nigma and Lazrik forged it to be the true continuation of the old TLDR. Due to their small support on DoS, the early days of the second TLDR were rough and unsure. At one point it appeared that DoS had won, since barely anyone appeared to be willing to relocate. The two empires never directly attacked each other after this moment. A shaky peace reigned.
The first contact between TLDR and OTR was made around this time period. OTR, although hardened by conflict of its own, appeared as children to the TLDR. Many citizens of both empires met each other with disdain. Emissaries were exchanged, but to no avail. The people of OTR demanded that TLDR join them. Popular opinion among both forums plummeted. The TLDR and the OTR fell into a cold war.
HellPenguin's – and subsequently DoS's – undoing revolved around his corruption by an emo known only as the Goth Girl. Once a TLDR general, proud slayer of emos, and soldier with unflinching loyalties, HellPenguin suddenly descended into madness. Even his enemies wept for him as the fallen hero spiraled farther downward, blinded by the lure of pussy. People began to leave DoS, and TLDR gained popularity. However, several notable individuals refused to leave, including Landova, Rhok, and Rochila. Some people believe it was their loyalty which kept DoS from completely dying.
The Haze/Celi Debacle
Another event which further caused Hellpenguin to lose popularity was the Haze/Celi debacle. Haze, a notable raider with an exceptional history of TLDR military service, offended the pregnant Celi on DoS, bringing forth the wrath of the corrupted admin, HellPenguin, who banned Haze, forcing him to relocate completely to the TLDR. Several outspoken DoSians tried to convince HellPenguin to reconsider, but the insane admin would not listen. His popularity dropped even further and the majority of posters relocated to TLDR II.
Post-Civil War TLDR
The devastating civil war was over. What once had been a great empire was now two, both severely weakened. Although the population in the new TLDR surged, DoS retained Rochila and Celi, the only two remaining females since the disappearance of Hastus and Pad and the banishment of Waterwitch. HellPenguin's ruling in the Haze/Celi debacle had gained favor with female members. But TLDR was a sausage fest. Despite this setback, the recreated empire forged onward.
There was talk of trying to reunite DoS and TLDR, but disagreements between the admins and members who refused to change their stances kept the empires separated even longer. Their alliance grew from one of convenience to a more stable arrangement as time passed. Some citizens, although holding fast to their loyalties, occasionally visited the opposing forum. Even Hellpenguin was seen on TLDR several times.
The controversy surrounding Hastus's disappearance left many feeling betrayed and disturbed. The fact that she was in fact a female seriously came into question a time after her second disappearance. Tilders had questioned her femaleness even before the creation of the TLDR, in the primitive forum of OT. Now their suspicions seemed confirmed. To this day no one knows for sure, but it was believed that Hastus was only an alias of someone calling himself Ag00n. He/she was never seen again.
The OT Holocaust
A devastating event, although it took place on the ancestral forum of OT, was to shape this period of TLDR history and all periods to come. Fangtooth, longtime moderator of the OT, suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared. Known for his sense of humor and lack of intervention, Fangtooth had been loved and worshipped by the primitive inhabitants, and some believe that Fangtooth was terminated because he breached his contract by visiting TLDR under his employee name (Coreiel would later state that the Blizzard employees were not allowed to post in private forums). Coreiel, a brutal, cruel admin rose in his place, banning all who disagreed with her twisted views and driving some to emigrate to the TLDR. A new, dark age began to descend upon the TLDR's former homeland. The qualities which had forged the original TLDR culture began to fade from the OT. From this point on, a division between the OT and the TLDR began to widen.
Abbreviated Independence Era (December 2005 - February 2006)
The founding of TLDR.com
Without warning or explanation, the admins, Nigma and Lazrik, made a pact with a powerful entity known only as TheBlackMage, who remains mysterious to this day. TheBlackMage, calling himself Tiffanie at the time for reasons unknown, rebuilt an even greater TLDR, free of the jurisdiction of the Invisionfree rulers and filled with many new marvels including a domain name, TheTLDR.net. The peoples of TLDR, although overwhelmed and cautious, seemed overjoyed.
The newest TLDR saw a resurgence of the girl population with the arrival of more females including Minxii, Bootstraps and the return of Pad. It was at this time that the remaining members of DoS finally merged with TLDR. As dissent against the TheBlackMage rose, DoS became thought of as a backup. To this day it remains a reminder of the TLDR's roots and a relic of the war that nearly destroyed it.
The Porn Riots
There were arguments as usual among Tilders, but only one conflict threatened to have a lasting effect. The Porn Riots erupted as the admins suddenly decided to stop allowing the public display of pornography. Throughout history, one thing that had endured was the TLDR's disregard for rules concerning porn. Now, the TLDR no longer the responsibility of Invisionfree, TheBlackMage realized that the he himself could be held legally responsible. The people cried out in rage, but TheBlackMage asserted his power on TLDR members. Some traveled back to the DoS for the time being and others talked of rebellion. A full-scale war was only averted due to TheBlackMage's quick thinking. He created a new subforum, invisible and unreachable without the proper password, where porn could be shared freely. The coming conflict was thankfully averted.
On the same day as the Porn Riots, NickLachey, to the joy of Tilders everywhere, returned as a normal member. Although stripped of his admin powers, he still carried much authority. It was also revealed that Coreiel, the hated new moderator of the OT, was aware of the TLDR and visited often as a disguised lurker (but never posting under the name Coreiel, which is what possibly got Fangtooth in trouble). The peoples of TLDR were not sure what to think of this news.
The OTR and the TLDR Join Forces
Meanwhile, the cold war between the OTR and the TLDR was heating up. On the verge of the first TLDR military action against the OTR, the leaders, to the outrage of many members, revealed that a treaty had been secretly established. The two empires were able to put their troubles behind them and became close allies. This was the beginning of the end of the OTR, and many of its members joined TLDR full time as the OTR began to die over the next months. Many popular modern Tilders are of OTR heritage, including Pintsized, CABM, Mitten, brambles, smock, and others.
A new enemy had also been revealed, allowed to fester and grow in the new corrupt OT under the rule of Coreiel. Nortebella the hideous camwhore and her army of mindless manslaves. She attempted to expand her rule to encompass the TLDR, making the mistake of posting pictures and demanding acceptance (and willing assimilation) from the TLDR. However, Tilders would not stand for it, and verbally abused the overweight sociopath until she left in a huff, not before calling the TLDR childish and immature. SS Raistlin, a low-quality TLDR poster who had gained little attention thus far, revealed himself as a member of Nortebella's manslave army at this time, denouncing the TLDR and also leaving.
The End of TLDR.com
The era came to a halt as TheBlackMage's TLDR crumbled, causing citizens to wander the internet homeless. After a time TheBlackMage was able to construct a replacement, but it did not measure up to the TLDR's high standards of living and riots erupted. Finally TheBlackMage gave up, and the entirety of the TLDR moved back to its old Invisionfree board, the domain name and TheBlackMage's gifts lost forever.
Ssraistlin had created his own forum called IBTL, a crude imitation of TLDR that many TLDR members found offensive (not to be confused with a different IBTL forum created by former TLDR members Biafra and Greed after their banishment). Nortebella was known to post there often, and for the second time, Tilders were in direct contact with her. Although no formal raid was ever carried out, some Tilders spammed and harassed IBTL into disarray. There was much verbal abuse between Nortebella and TLDR members during this period of time.
Only a short time after its creation, the short-lived IBTL met its end as TheBlackMage made a new appearance, using brute force hacks to get Raistlin's admin password and directing the URL to freeipods.zoy.org, effectively destroying IBTL forever. It remained up for several months afterward before Invisionfree finally deleted it.
The Medial Era was considered to be the "intermission" between major developments at the TLDR. It was relatively uneventful. The community had tired of war, and their general, HellPenguin no longer visited as often. The community began to be drawn inward. The arrival of Shaletron, another partaker of the First OT Exodus who quickly became a core Tilder, helped to create an era that is still thought of as a time of all around quality posting and general lack of inner conflict.
Tilders began to play Warcraft III together, and more specifically DOTA. While this occasionally killed the forum since no one could post while they were playing, it also created a lasting bond that further blurred the distinction between Tilder and OTRian.
Although it was never confirmed, a reliable source that wished to remain anonymous contacted Morek about a coming attack by Flanker, enemy of TLDR and creator of the New OT. Flanker was known for using spam bots, and he had apparently already created many dummy accounts on TLDR. Morek passed this information onto Lazrik, who promptly deleted all accounts with very few or no posts.
OT Exodus IV
News of the Fourth OT Exodus reached the TLDR, but this time a dark place had been spawned from Coreiel's ruined OT as a result of a prominent OTer named Clamz being banned. MiM, of which Nortebella was an admin, was a closed society to anyone who was not part of the clique, in part because of the IBTL disaster. Nearly all attempts to create accounts by Tilders were met with failure. Any hope at carrying out any sort of raid, or even performing reconnaissance, was an impossibility. The violent history of MiM and its eventual downfall were largely a mystery to the TLDR community until months later after Clamz had become a Tilder.
Imperialism Resurgence Era (June - August 2006)
A Bold Proposal
HellPenguin made a return a short time later, proposing a second raid on EmmaWatson.net, a bold proposal that was met with some criticism. Even after almost a year, paranoia and superstition surrounding EmmaWatson.net still remained. However, HellPenguin succeeded in rallying many Emma War veterans, as well as fresh-faced new recruits who only knew of EmmaWatson.net from fables and history texts. The reformed TLDR army planned to strike several weeks later on the exact anniversary of the 2005 Emma raid. This time, they would use proxies and fake emails, and would avoid posting material that would get them in trouble with their ISPs. The raiders began to gather their resources, thirsty for long-awaited revenge.
The TLDR One Year Anniversary
For the one year anniversary of TLDR, the forum got a new more attractive skin, as opposed to the Invisionfree default that had been in use for the past year. A thread was made, recognizing all of the original members that still posted.
Fresh Meat
Another indirect OT spinoff forum, KEK, came into being, created by disgruntled former MiM members. Among their regulars were Raistlin and Flanker. At first met with hostility from Tilders, their hatred for Nortebella and the quality of some of their posters stopped a full scale raid from being carried out, and many TLDR posters also became KEK posters. At one point, so many Tilders were posting at KEK that normal members were becoming angry and some were leaving. The incident was likened to white settlers moving into North America and driving the Native Americans from their homeland. KEK never fully recovered from TLDR's unintentional invasion, and today KEK is a mostly dead forum (although other factors did contribute to this as well).
Preparing for War
In order to reduce the risk that TLDR be discovered by EmmaWatson.net admins again, the now dead DoS was transformed into a raid forum and the entirety of raid planning was moved there. After the attack, the plan was to delete DoS to destroy the last traces of anything that could link TLDR to the raid.
As mid July approached, the raid plans were going into full swing. Members had been trolling EmmaWatson.net for weeks already, creating unrest and dissent within their members. Morek had sneaked in 80 extra accounts, proxies had been stockpiled, Glue was experimenting with destructive Flash bombs that froze computers and caused memory leaks. Another form of raiding that had become popular among Tilders over the past few months was quote bombing. Making empty quotes within quotes repeatedly would eventually break the format on Invisionfree, rendering complete threads unviewable.
However, shortly before the attack there were setbacks. A great many of Morek's accounts had been somehow discovered by an Emma Watson admin. All but 30 of them were deleted. It was also discovered that quote bombing would not work since EmmaWatson.net used Invision, not Invisionfree, and its software was slightly different. Glue's Flash bombs would not be as effective since Flash avatars were also not enabled.
The Battle of Emma
Regardless, as the TLDR armies advanced, they had more than enough resources at their disposal. Exactly one year after the beginning of the Emma War, the TLDR struck again with disturbing images linked to Flash bombs and enough proxies to make them completely untraceable. Every forum was flooded with spam topics and old threads were being bumped with military precision. The largest problem during the raid was the overload of the EmmaWatson.net server, slowing down spam considerably but also making it almost impossible for admins to take any action. After the forum had been trashed to their satisfaction, the raiders withdrew on their own terms.
Disappointingly, however, the lack of obscene pornographic or scatological images did not force the admins to shut down the entire board as they had a year earlier, nor did they make any official statement. The whole forum had been completely disrupted and a lot of people were angry and shocked, but the mess was completely cleaned up within a few hours.
The Invasion of TIAC
Although they were disappointed and knew the attack hadn't lived up to their expectations, Tilders had enjoyed raiding. Because of this, and the lack of any serious action on the part of the Emma Watson admins, the plan to delete DoS was abandoned and it became a permanent raid board, autonomous yet loyal to the TLDR.
Thirsty for a more satisfying raid, DoS turned its attention on TIAC, Ssraistlin's newest forum. This would be especially difficult since all new accounts had to be approved by admins, and because TIAC had so many admins. For this reason, raiders had to sneak accounts in, pretending to be former female TLDR posters such as Padwenda and Celi, along with random people from the OT and OT Spinoffs, in order to be more easily approved.
The most important of these impersonations was of Mep, the admin of KEK and associate of Raistlin. At first they used the fake Mep account to try to get access to TIAC's admin panel. Although Ssraistlin was completely fooled and thought he was talking to Mep, he was unable to provide access due to the wishes of the other admins. The second attempt was to convince Raistlin to enable Flash avatars, which would allow raiders to set Glue's Flash bombs as avatars, effectively freezing anyone's computer if they clicked on a thread that a raider had posted in. Xtortion posed as a charismatic female poster and convinced Raistlin to enable flash avatars so "she" could make her avatar a flash "turtle." This time, Raistlin took the bait and enabled Flash avatars shortly before leaving for the night.
After several tense hours of waiting for all admins to leave, DoS struck, bumping every thread and getting them lost forever in the pages and pages of spam. Upon finding the wrecked forum the next morning, Raistlin was forced to delete every single topic and start over. On KEK, he expressed his anger and was promptly made fun of.
Plans for a second, more permanent attack that would destroy TIAC for good were discussed shortly afterward, but HellPenguin vanished again and DoS lost its focus. Along with summer, the TLDR's brief military surge had come to a momentary end.
Era of Strife (August 2006 - February 2007)
The Exodus of the Jews
Landova, a long-time regular whose popularity had been steadily dropping for the past few months, had convinced his girlfriend, Ashgef, to post at TLDR some time ago. Although no one is completely sure of their motivation, it is believed that in an attempt to appear hip and edgy, Landova displayed a topless picture of Ashgef with a black bar covering her breasts. However, he neglected to censor the tiny thumbnail at the bottom of the picture.
With the assistance of 4chan, Burkek masterminded the delicate operation to uncover these Jew tits using the thumbnail and Photoshop. The forum exploded into an uproar as Ashgef's breasts were proudly displayed in full size for all to see.
Although Ashgef was angry, Landova appeared even angrier. He immediately ordered Ashgef to never post on the TLDR again. Maddened at being deprived of a female poster only to have the unpopular Landova remain, in the eyes of many Tilders this was the straw that broke the camel's back in a long line of unpopular actions. They drove him from the forum and he was never seen again.
Great Deletion II
Those were the final days of TLDR II. Shortly afterward, the sum of every Tilder's fears came to pass for the second time in history. Invisionfree deleted the TLDR. This time it was easy to regroup with the aid of backup forums like DoS and KEK, but the event was still a slap in the face to the entire community. At first it was suspected that the deletion had had something to do with Landova and Ashgef, but it was soon discovered that Raisltin had reported TLDR to Invisionfree weeks before after the invasion of TIAC. Raistlin became one of only two people to ever be permabanned in the history of the TLDR.
Adjusting to yet another forum was not a difficult task for the battle-hardened Tilders. The fourth forum to bear the name "TLDR" quickly became their new home.
The Lazrik Riots
Throughout September, the Tilders adjusted to their new forum, but as the weeks passed some people were noticing a disturbing trend. Lazrik, although not all of his actions had been popular, had been generally respected since the very earliest days of the TLDR. In the Golden Age, many people had been granted admin, but over time they had all either left or somehow lost their power, including the founder of the TLDR, Nicklachey; only Lazrik and Nigma had managed to hold onto theirs.
By the end of September, some were growing dissatisfied with Lazrik's decisions. It seemed to them that he was using Great Deletion II as an excuse to abuse his power. The old days of multiple, equal admins were gone, they realized. Nigma was barely present and when he was, he neglected to use his authority. Lazrik was changing the TLDR culture, he created a set of three rules that would warrant account suspention. These rules were, no spam, no shock links or NSFW material image linked, and no quote bombs. Lazrik used an "I hate fun" meme as a guise to carry out these unpopular actions.
Although he wasn't the first to criticize Lazrik, Morek decided to take a major step in trying to change the TLDR leadership by demanding that additional admins be elected. In Morek's mind, all that was great about the TLDR was slipping away. Although many people supported Morek, Lazrik refused to take his proposal seriously. Doubts still linger as to whether Morek was attempting an elaborate troll. Morek and his supporters decided to take further action and mercilessly spammed the TLDR for a straight week.
As Lazrik still refused to comply, Morek began a smear campaign, spreading lies about Lazrik in an attempt to turn more members to his cause. As the spamming reached its climax, having disrupted the TLDR on a daily basis for days, Lazrik announced that he was going to leave, and that TLDR would have no rules from then on. Many believed it was an attempt to show Tilders that they needed his rule, but Lazrik claims that it was only a strategy to end the spam. In either case, the spam ceased and tensions relaxed slightly. Lazrik returned within a few days and gave everyone on the forum mod powers, an action that would prove quite destructive. Over 5000 threads were deleted in the following minutes of chaos.
Nigma intervened and restored order. Morek's short-lived alliance was dissolved. Although their organization was defeated, the former members of the insurgency continued to hold strong to their beliefs about Lazrik's leadership.
Lazrik gained much favor as he announced that he would be hosting TLDR himself at the domain name TheTLDR.org. It was the first time TLDR had been free from Invisionfree since TheBlackMage's TheTLDR.com almost a year earlier.
In late October it went live. Even though it was still in its infancy, many members were unsatisfied with the new forum and viewed the old one as equal or better. There had been much controversy surrounding the new ignore feature and the abolishment of postcounts, as well as other issues on which Lazrik seemed unwilling to be flexible. The future of the TLDR once again seemed uncertain. Regardless, Tilders were happy to have a place of their own.
The TLDR Strikes Back
The previous Summer, the attack on TIAC had come at a great price. It had ushered in Great Deletion II and the Era of Strife, an period of inner turmoil that seemed to have no end in sight. The confrontation had been bloody for both boards. But as the months passed, TIAC had proven itself as the only other major power among the OT Spinoff forums, having recovered completely from TLDR's devastating attack, still harboring TLDR enemies such as Raistlin and Foxpaw.
Covert TLDR operative, NickLachey, infiltrating TIAC under an alias, gaining access to the admin panel thanks to Raistlin and his gullibility. NickLachey then gave the admin access to Lazrik, who gained complete control of TIAC and, after several hours of admin abuse and gloating, redirected TIAC to freeipods just like Raistlin's first forum, IBTL, had been months earlier. With TIAC utterly destroyed, its residents had little choice but to flee to TLDR itself.
Coup De'TIAC
The on-going war with TIAC still had no end in sight. TIAC members discussed plans for retaliation, including a proposal by Raistlin's e-girlfriend, Ninja, to pay off the root admins and have TLDR shut down. After the conversation was leaked, it was a source of great amusement for Tilders.
TIAC was having too many problems of its own to deal with TLDR, however. A violent uprising took down Raistlin, stripping him of his admin powers, leaving a sole admin in charge of TIAC: a 14 year old girl named Tarbarcy. Although Raistlin still posted at TIAC as a normal member, the ousting of one of TLDR's greatest enemies did much to improve relations between the two forums. For the first time in TIAC's history, it was no longer in an open conflict with TLDR. The two OT superpowers reached a shaky truce.
The TLDR Revolution
Nearly three months had passed since theTLDR.org was launched, and the anti-Lazrik cause was again gaining momentum. They felt that little had changed in the past months as far as new features or improvements over the Invisionfree forum. According to them, the only thing that seemed to have improved was the totalitarian atmosphere created by Lazrik and his regime. The group's ultimatum was this: if the Lazrik Regime did not restore NickLachey's admin status, their followers would leave theTLDR.org and create a new Invisionfree forum.
After nearly two weeks of rallying, prospects seemed bleak for the group. Lazrik's inflexibility threatened to force the Revolution to go ahead with their plan. A second civil war was only averted by a surprising turn of events. Just as with the Lazrik Riots, some believed the entire thing to be an elaborate troll carried out by Morek, but unlike the Lazrik Riots, this conflict brought about true change and finally marked the end of the Era of Strife.
Modern Era (February 2007 - present)
Lazrik Ushers In The Winds of Change
In early February, Lazrik updated TLDR by reinstating post counts, promoting NickLachey to admin, setting up the rating system, and creating an official TLDR Wiki. Within the first day of the changes, posts per day were up and Tilders seemed happier and more excited about their forum.
To be continued...