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Revision as of 04:26, 13 May 2005

Anthropology, Sociology, Class Structure

Agokwa (chippewa,ojibwa) - Arapesh - Jan Assmann - Bhilala - Cultural broker - James Clifford - crowd counting - Dunbar's number ([1]) - Ian Goody - Jack Goody - Walter Jackson Ong - Eric A. Havelock - The Ica Stones - Liberal Theory of State - Low Suite - Name and Shame - Power Elite - Shasta (tribe) - Clyde Snow - social pendulum- Suri tribe (Ethiopia) - Survival tactic - Tchambuli - urban anthropology -

See Category:Anthropology.

Cultural Practices, Customs and Folkways

Asian Culture - Asian Studies - California Culture - Computer culture - Criminal Tattoos (see recent encyclopedia by on Russian Criminal Tattoos by Danzig Baldaev) - Gangster Culture - Gun culture - Indo-Caucasian - Irish wake - Joe Magarac - Kinship systems - Kuzbu - Lie in repose (U.S. funerary terms) - List of Catholic Dioceses - Middle Eastern Studies - Namesday (possibly incorporate Namesdays in Sweden) - Social intelligence Sydney Mintz - Tamaya and Kagiya (popular phrases with historical significance shouted during fireworks in Japan) - Zagmuk (a festival to help the Sumerian god Marduk in his struggle against Tiamat and the forces of chaos) African Traditional Religions Jñatjo - Thakkars


Hippie Paranoia - Authoritarian character - Cross-case analysis - Giovanni Arrighi - Heterochronicity - Imperitively coordinated associations (Ralf Dahrendorf, author) - Isomorphism (sociology)--once this is created, update the disambig text at the bottom of Isomorphism. - Key stimulus - Randall Collins - 'I' and the 'me' - acute disease - affluent alienation - age grades - age structure - agency of socialization - agrarian societies - alternative communities - altruistic love - anomie theory - apollonian - approach - archaeology of knowledge - ascriptive characteristic - authentic act - authoritarian personality - autocratic rule - background expectancies - biomedic model - bureaucratization - capital-intensive agriculture - capital-intensive manufacturing - cash-crop production - catholic worker - civil disorders - class reproduction - class structure - collective representation - collective violence - commodity chain - commodity riots - communal riot - comparable worth - Comparative Sociology - conflict methodology - conflict perspective - conscience collective - contingency work - contradictory class locations - covenant marriage -created environment - creolization - crisis medicine - crisis of representation - critical sociology - crude birth-rate - crude death-rate - cultural deprivation - cultural lag - cultural pluralism - cultural reeducation - cultural relativity - cultural reproduction - cultural superstructure - cultural transmission - cultural universal - curative medicine - custodial care - defensive medicine - definition of the situation - deinstitutionalization - deskilling - developmental state - deviance amplification - deviant subculture - dionysian - domestic labor - doubling time - dual career family - dual welfare system - ecologism - economic determinism - egalitarian ethic - egalitarian family - empirical studies - encounter - export-processing zone - family of orientation - forces of production - formal relations - functional rationality - gendered division of labour - genealogy of power/knowledge - generalised other - Great Transformation - high-trust systems - higher circles - Historical Sociology - history of peoverty in the united states - hunting and gathering society - hybridity - in-group - inclusivist - industrial democracy - industrial production - industrial societies - industrialization of war - informal relations - infrastructural determinism - instinctual theory - institutional capitalism - institutional demand - institutional discrimination - intensification - intergenerational mobility - international division of labor - interpersonal violence - interpretive - Japanization - kergymatic - late modernity - latent function - latent functions - legitimation crisis - life-course - life-cycle - life-span - life-world - lifestyle changes - local knowledge - looking-glass self - low-trust systems - macro-level - male inexpressiveness - managerial capitalism - managerial class - manifest function - master status - mechanical solidarity - medical gaze - medical model - medicalisation - mental superstructure - meta-narratives - micro-level - mode of reproduction - moral entrepreneurs mortification of the self - munich wersonality rest (MPT) - multilinear evolution - neo-locality - neolocality - new international division of labour - non-state actor - non-tariff trade barrier - occupational personality questionaire - ontological security - open lineage family - patient dumping - personal is the political - pluralist theory - post-Fordism - post-socialist state - powerlessness - primary deviance - primary group structure - private health care - proto-globalization - radical sociology - rationalisation process - realist perspective - recidivism rate - recursiveness of social knowledge - reflexive sociology - reify - relative autonomy - relative deprivation - reserve army of labour - resocialization - restratification - Robin Blackburn (academic, author & editor)- role conflict - ruling elite - sampling frame - secondary data - secondary group structure - self-consciousness - sexual script - sick role - situational identity - social closure - social conflict - social disorganization - social forces - social institutions - social position - social rights - social reproduction - social trend - sociocultural materialism - sociology of the body - solid waste - state society - stateless society - status offence - stigmatise - strategic defense initiative - symbolic world - theoretical approach - total institutions - trading network - traditional state - transformative movement - troll-sysop power struggle (see anarchopedia article for one point of view) - unilinear evolution - University of Chicago Committee on Social Thought, Bellow, Grene, Shils, Bloom, etc. - vertical mobility - world system theory - zweckrational - liebenstrom -


Bromme Culture - Hamburgian Culture - Mabel Lang - Meh (goddess) (ancient egyptian) - General Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt Rivers - Ain Mallaha/Eynan (Natufian Settlement?) - Walter W. Taylor - conjunctive archaeology; fore-runner of the New Archaeology of the 1960s Vicus

Azazez - Spirit wife - Wulgaru (or possibly woolagaroo; aboriginal australian) Rainbow crow Feminine Divine - Kintarou - Dekanahwideh -

Administrative Associate - AIM (British secondary stock market) - Antofagasta Plc - Peter Bauer Brenner, Reuven (distinquished economic scholar) [2] [3] - British Airways Ads - Karl Brunner - Bunzl Plc - British Thompson-Houston - Business Case - Capita Group - CID, CVC2, CVV2 credit card verification - College Athletics - Corporate veil - Cross-Border-Leasing - Dabney Oil Syndicate - Economic collapse - Economic diversification - Economic Fascism - Export Performance (OECD indicator) - Financial Databases - Fortress Re[4] - Franklin Community Credit Union[5] - Grattan - Hay (UK company) - HighMark - Hilton Group (British listed company) - HYIP (investment, e-gold, forex) - Indian Ocean Trade - Indirect Reseller - Interbank pricing - Internal Revenue Code - International Clearing Union - International Policy Network (IPN) - Investment analysis - Jerry Speyer - JetGreen - Kingdom holdings - Latin American debt crisis - Level-of-effort (contractual term) - Leveraged portfolio - Lombard banking - Greg and Mac Voisin - Mandatory tender offer - Julian Morris - National Grid Transco - National Frozen Pizza Institute - 'New' Political Economy - OD Practitioner Network [6] - Old Mutual - Organization dynamic - Paired choice matrix - Phillips machine - Pre-industrial society - P&O LINE Private Sector Developement (an new strategy of the Worldbank) - Reach through claims (relating to patents and intellectual property) - Reckitt Benckiser - Rediscount rate(s) - Revolving Account - Revenue Management - Rexam - Rolling turbo - Schroders (UK company} - Scottish and Southern Energy - ServiceMaster - Smiths Group (UK company) - Soft skills - Stock Watering - Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London - Term sheet (venture capital) - Thin Capitalisation Rules - Underinvestment employment relationship - UN Sustainable Development [7] - Volga car - Sir Isaac Wolfson (British philanthropist) - Work for welfare - William Esrey - Zentec -

National economies

Economy of England (Blank article) - Economy of Montenegro - Economy of Northern Ireland - Economy of Palestine - Economy of Scotland - Economy of Wales -

Economic theory

Agalmic - Bidding function - Calculus of voting - Capital deepening - Capital-augmenting - CARA utility - Cash-in-advance constraint - Censored dependent variable - CES production function, CES technology - Chartalism - Common pool resource - Compensating variation - Complete market - Conditional factor demands - Consumption beta - Corner solution - Cowles Commission - Decision rule - Demand set - Divisia index - Domar aggregation - Economic discrimination - Economic environment - Edgeworth Box Diagram - Education production function - Effective labor - Efficiency units - Embedding effect - Engel elasticity - Entrenchment (management) - Epsilon-equilibrium - Epsilon-proper equilibrium - Event studies - Exponential utility - Extensive margin - First Welfare Theorem - Fiscalist view - Fisherian criterion - Flexible-accelerator model - Free entry condition - Free reserves - Generalized Ozaki cost function - GGH preferences - Golden Rule capital rate - Gorman form - Habakkuk thesis - Hahn problem - Harrod-neutral - Hazard rate - Hedonic - Hicksian demand function - Hicks-Hansen IS-LM Model - Hicks-Kaldor criterion - Hicks-neutral technical change - Hicks-neutral - IC constraint - IIA Irrelevance of Independent Alternatives - Implementable - Inada conditions - Inadmissible - Indirect utility function - Individually rational - Intensive margin - Interim efficient - Interior solution - Internal knowledge spillover - Internal labor markets - Inverse demand function - Investment analysis - IR constraint individually rational - IRR Modeling - JEL classification codes - K percent rule - Labor productivity - Labor-augmenting - Labor-leisure tradeoff - Leontief production function - Lerman ratio - Lerner index - Linear pricing schedule - Liquidity constraint - Locally nonsatiated - Log utility - Malmquist index - Market for corporate control - Market power theory of advertising - Markov perfect - Markov strategy - Maximin principle - Metaproduction function - Monetized economy - Money-in-the-utility-function models - Mundell-Tobin effect - Nash product - Nash strategy - National innovation systems - Nondivisibility of labor - Nonlinear pricing - Nonuse value - Organizational capital - Organization chart - Outcarving Overshooting - Perfect equilibrium - Precautionary savings - Pre-fisc - Pricing schedule - Private ordering - Productivity paradox - Profit center - Property income - Putty-putty - Quasi-hyperbolic discounting - R&D intensity - Rationalizable - Rationalize - Real price rigidity - Recursice economics - Residual claimant - Resiliency - Return to skills - Revelation principle - Schumpeterian growth - Scitovsky paradox - Screening game - Second Welfare Theorem - Semi-strong form - Shadow price - Shakeout - Sharing rule - Shephard's lemma - Shubik model - Smithian growth - Social savings - Sonnenshein-Mantel-Debreu theorem - Staggered contracting - State price vector - State price - Strategic form - Strategy-proof - Strong incentive - Superlative index numbers - Survival function - Team production - Terje Hansen Tightness (market) - Tornqvist index - Total factor productivity - Townsend inefficiency - Transition economics - Translog - Transnationalism- Treatment effects - Trembling hand perfect equilibrium - Two-factor model - Union threat model - Value function - Vintage growth model - WACM, Weak axiom of cost minimization - Wage curve - Wage equation - Walrasian general equilibrium - Weak incentive -


Asymptotic normality - Asymptotic variance - Asymptotically equivalent - Asymptotically unbiased - Augmented Dickey-Fuller test - Basin of attraction - BHHH (numerical optimization by Berndt, Hall, Hall, and Hausman) - Bonferroni criterion - Box-Jenkins - Box-Pierce statistic - Breusch-Pagan statistic - Burr distribution - BVAR, Bayesian VAR (Vector Autoregression) - Chow test - CLAD Censored least absolute deviations estimator - Clustered data - Cochrane-Orcutt estimation - Conditional variance - Control variable - Cook's distance - Delta method - Dickey-Fuller test - Donsker's theorem or Functional central limit theorem, FCLT - Durbin's h test - Durbin-Watson statistic - Dynamic multipliers - Dynamic optimization - EGARCH - Ergodic properties - Ergodic set - Error-correction model - Essentially stationary - Euler equation - Exclusion restrictions - FGLS - Full information maximum likelihood - Fisher consistency - Fixed effects estimator - Frechet derivative - Frechet differentiable - Frequency function - FWL theorem - Generalized Tobit - Generalized Wiener process - Generalized method of moments - Grenander conditions - J statistic - Hausman test - Heckit - Heckman two-step estimation - Huber-White standard errors - Identification (parameter) - IGARCH Integrated GARCH - ILS Indirect Least Squares - Incidental parameters - Information matrix - Inverse Mills ratio - Invertibility - Ito process - Jackknife estimator - Kernel function - Kitchen sink regression - K-nearest-neighbor estimator - Knots (regression) - Kruskal's theorem - LAD, Least absolute deviations - LAN, locally asymptotically normal - Least squares learning - Limited dependent variable - Limited information maximum likelihood - Locally identified - Lower hemicontinuous - Martingale difference sequence - Maximum score estimator - M-estimators - Method of moments - Mixing (stochastics) - Monotone likelihood ratio property - Multinomial logit - Multinomial probit - Nadaraya-Watson estimator - Noncentral chi-squared distribution - Nonergodic - Order condition - Partially linear model - Phase portrait - Phillips-Perron test - Portmanteau test - Prais-Winsten transformation - Proper equilibrium - QLR, quasi-likelihood ratio statistic - QML, quasi-maximum likelihood - Q-statistic - Quasi-differencing - Quasi-maximum likelihood - Random effects estimation - Ridit scoring - Robust smoother - Roughness penalty - Sargan test - Scedastic function - Schwarz Criterion - Self-generating - Semilog - Semi-nonparametric - Semiparametric - Sieve estimators - Single-crossing property - SMA, Structural moving average model - Smoothers - Smoothing - Spatial autocorrelation - Spline function - Spline regression - Spline smoothing - Stable steady state - State-space approach to linearization - Stochastic difference equation - Stochastic dominance - Strongly dependent - Strongly ergodic - Structural change - Structural moving average model - Structural parameters - Structure (model) - Subdifferential - Submartingale - SUR, SURE, Seemingly unrelated regressions - SVAR - Test for structural change - Test of identifying restrictions - Time-varying covariates, Time-dependent covariates - Tobit model - Top-coded - Transversality condition - Truncated dependent variable - Tukey boxplot - Two stage least squares - Type I extreme value distribution - Unbalanced data - Unit root test - Unit root - Univariate binary model - Univariate - Upper hemicontinuous - UVAR, Unstructured VAR - UWLLN, Uniform weak law of large numbers - VAR, Vector autoregression - Variance decomposition - Variance ratio statistic - Wallis statistic - Weakly dependent - Weakly ergodic - Weighted least squares - Wold decomposition - Wold's theorem -


Asset-pricing function - Capital ratio - CAR, Cumulative average return - CARs, Cumulative average adjusted returns - CCAPM, Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model - Chit Fund - Factor loadings - Fama-MacBeth regression - Gordon model - ICAPM, Intertemporal CAPM - Nominal ledgers - Pricing kernel - Reverse listing - Roll critique - SEATS - SEC filing codes - Sukkuk - Unit Registry - Annuity formula - Trust fund - Warehouse Credit - Swap de Taux - Series 7

Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union - Laborers' International Union of North America - Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical & Energy Workers International Union - Full-time and part-time work - Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund - shylocking - congressional pension

Central banks

Once an article from this section has been created, please ensure it is linked to both from the article Central Bank, and the appropriate "Economy of Continent" article.

Banque Centrale des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - Banque des États de l'Afrique Centrale - Bahrain Monetary Agency - Banco Central de Bolivia - Banco Central de Chile - Banco Central de Costa Rica - Banco Central del Ecuador - Banco Central de Honduras - Banco Central de la Republica Argentina - Banco Central de la Republica Dominicana - Banco Central de Nicaragua - Banco Central de Reserva del Peru - Banco Central del Paraguay - Banco Central de Venezuela - Banco Central del Uruguay - Banco de Guatemala - Bank Al-Maghrib - Bank Indonesia - Bank of Albania - Bank of Algeria - Bank of Botswana - Bank of Central African States - Bank of Ghana - Bank of Guyana - Bank of Jamaica - Bank of Mauritius - Bank of Mozambique - Bank of Namibia - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Bank of Sierra Leone - Bank of Sudan - Bank of Tanzania - Bank of Zambia - Bank van de Nederlandse Antillen - Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - Banque Centrale de Tunisie - Banque du Liban - Banque Nationale du Rwanda - Cayman Islands Monetary Authority - Central Bank of Armenia - Central Bank of Belize - Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Central Bank of Cyprus - Central Bank of Egypt - Central Bank of Haiti - Central Bank of Kenya - Central Bank of Kuwait - Central Bank of Lesotho - Central Bank of Libya - Central Bank of Madagascar - Central Bank of Malta - Central Bank of Montenegro - Central Bank of Nigeria - Central Bank of Oman - Central Bank of Sri Lanka - Central Bank of The Bahamas - Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino - Central Bank of Samoa - Central Bank of Seychelles - Central Bank of Solomon Islands - Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago - Central Bank of United Arab Emirates - Central Bank of Yemen - Centrale Bank van Aruba - Centrale Bank van Suriname - Danmarks Nationalbank - Eesti Pank - National Bank of Azerbaijan - National Bank of Ethiopia - National Bank of Georgia - National Bank of Hungary - National Bank of Kazakhstan - National Bank of Slovakia - National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic - National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia - National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan - National Reserve Bank of Tonga - Qatar Central Bank - Reserve Bank of Fiji - Reserve Bank of Malawi - Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe - Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan - Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency - Schweizerische Nationalbank - The Bank of Mongolia - The Central Bank of Swaziland - The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran - The Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador - The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - The National Bank of Moldova -


Once an article from this section has been created, please ensure it is linked to from the article List of currencies, and the appropriate State's article, as well as the appropriate "Economy of Continent" article.

Algerian Dinar - Burundi Franc - Cape Verdean Escudo - Comoran Franc - Congolese Franc - Djiboutian Franc - Kenyan Shilling - Malagasy Franc - Rwandan Franc - Yemeni Rial - Zimbabwean Dollar -

Geography, cities, regions and named places

Harold Washington Public Library - Consolidated Statistical Area - See also: Wikipedia:Requested articles/subdivisions, World Heritage Sites - Miscellaneous: Map measure - Afghanistan: See: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Afghanistan Argentina: Medanos - Australia: Dajarra, Queensland - Palm Valley, Northern Territory - Austria: Zell am See - Botswana: Chobe National Park - Canada: Beinn Bhreagh - Cite de l'Or, Quebec - Crimson Route - Earnest Harmon Air Force Base - Greater Saskatoon Area, Saskatchewan - Greater Winnipeg Area, Manitoba - Haliburton Highlands - Husband Hill - China: Celestial Empire - Mount Wuyi - Dubai Mina Jebel Ali France Novigentum Germany Freiberg Castle, Freiberg, Black Forest Greece: List of mountains in Greece - India: Kamareddy - Iraq: Hewler Ireland: See Towns of the Republic of Ireland - Italy: Piazza della Signoria (Florence) - Japan: Goryokaku (Hakodate, Hokkaido) - Kenya: Meru National Park - Maldives North Male Atoll - Mexico Cueva de Villa Luz - [Río Grijalva]] - Río Balsas - Río Pánuco -Río Yaqui Mongolia Uvs Nuur Basin (crosses into Russia) - New Zealand: Ernest Legouve Reef and Maria Theresa Reef (currently latitude and longitude) - Pakistan Shaharah-e-Islamabad - Peru: Tarapoto - Slovakia: Michalovce - South Africa: Mapungubwe - Swartkrans - uKhahlamba Park - for more see List of towns in South Africa - UK: Hundreds of Cornwall, Cornwall (the old "kevrangow") - Crackington Haven, Cornwall - South Woodham Ferrers - See also List of towns in England - Scotland - Northern Ireland Ukraine: Boryslav - Khodoriv - Sambir - Stryi - U.S.: Condit Crossing, Pennsylvania - Costa Brava - Eagle Mountain, Minnesota (highest point in Minnesota) - Echo Canyon (Utah, though there's also a Simpsons episode ;-) - Helper, Colorado - Lake Hart, Indiana - Mount Meridian, Indiana - New Providence, Indiana - Pines, Indiana - Tutelelake, California - Franconia-Springfield, Virginia - Funk, Ohio Lake Barkley, Tennessee - North Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas - Steedman, Missouri - Clifton City, Missouri - Beaverhead Rock - Jersey Airport - See also neighborhoods of: Pittsburgh, PA; Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD; Minneapolis, MNAny information about michaelstadt germany (I think its in bavaria).' 'The Artic (Geographical Terrain)'

Recreation and National Parks

Adams National Historical Park - Blandair Farm in Columbia, Maryland - Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site - Hell Creek - Lehman Caves National Monument - Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park in Texas - Miguasha Provincial Park - Tatshenshini-Alsek - Providence Canyon State Park -

Hirvatistan (could be anywhere)


List of African place name etymologies - List of Asian place name etymologies - List of South American place name etymologies - List of Central American place name etymologies - List of North American place name etymologies - List of Caribbean place name etymologies - List of European place name etymologies - List of Australian place name etymologies -

Governance / Governments / Politics / Political Science

Code Enforcement (Especially tyranny thereof) - Culper Ring - Democratic Consolidation Democratic Ideals (or democratic idealism/democratic ideology) - Dual kingship - Economic democracy - Food politics - Fiscal Responsibility - Hartal - Heartland Institute- Historical institutionalism- Liberal nationalism - party institutionalization (Panebianco's theories) - Regulatory Impact Analysis - Rope line - Nathan Sproul - Voting lever - wing-nut -


Donald Barrios - Enrique Bermudez - Adolfo Calero - Havana Charter - Corporate Republic - crypto-fascism - Hama Thai - Kadura Fares - Imperial Overstretch - Indigenous Peoples' Rights - Magtymguly International Prize - Max Fischer - Modern Western Imperialism - Neo-imperialism Economic imperialism NATO Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) - Privileges and Immunities Abuse - Edmondo Rossoni - Hasan Rowhani - Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo - social tyranny - Soebandrio - United States Aid to Pakistan - The Samba Effect - No action motion (a United Nations procedure?) - No Banana Union (European Organization Against Software Patents) - The Meltzer Report- Constitutive Political Theory- Child Poverty- Formosa Resolution of 1955 - principal asylum applicants -


Alkali Acts - American Missionary Association - Banana Wara - Belgian nobility - Budget Affairs Commission - of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China Cadre party - Chinese Socialist Democracy - Corporate Fraud Task Force (US) - David Elliott Ritch (Cayman Islands) David Tatel - Exploratory Committee - Faith-Based Initiatives - French nobility - Guardian ad Litem - Integral Nationalism - James Goodby, chief negotiator for nuclear threat reduction agreements (the Nunn-Lugar program) - Jeremy Corbin, UK MP - Massachusetts Body of Liberties - Moon-Mars Initiative - National Industrial Relations Act - Partnership for a Drug-Free America - PhotoStamps.com Reconquista (Mexico) (see: Reconquista (Disambiguation)) - Republican Motherhood - Ricardo Granda - Second Vermont Republic - Sonia Sotomayor - TVA v. Hill (see: snail darter) - Jessie Street (Australian peace activist) - Stuart v. Laird (US Supreme Court Case) - System of Foreign Politics in the US - United States Election audits and electoral fraud - William Warren Conolly (Cayman Islands) Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota Minority Treaties and the significance of stateless people in the lead up to WW2, the rise of totalitarianism, and antisemitism - Theories on The Legality of The United States Income Tax System - Berkeley mafia (Indonesia) - Indonesia 1998 riot - Welsh independence - Politics of Wales - Statute for Religious Freedom -


Jimmy Griffin (former mayor of Buffalo, New York) - International Hotel (of San Francisco) - Anthony Masiello (mayor of Buffalo, New York) - Colorado River Interstate Compact - Free State of San Francisco (political movement) - Purpose of city/county governments - Homowner's associations -


Tax Farming 1982 Debt Crisis Missile Gap

Human Rights

If removing a human rights article from this list please ensure that it is listed at Human_rights#Country-specific_articles

Human rights in Iran - Human rights in Mexico - Human rights in South Africa - Human rights in Zimbabwe - Human rights in Albania - Human rights in Andorra - Human rights in Armenia - Human rights in Austria - Human rights in Azerbaijan - Human rights in Belarus - Human rights in Belgium - Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Human rights in Bulgaria - Human rights in Croatia - Human rights in Cyprus - Human rights in the Czech Republic - Human rights in Denmark - Human rights in Estonia - Human rights in Finland - Human rights in France - Human rights in Georgia - Human rights in Germany - Human rights in Greece - Human rights in Hungary - Human rights in Iceland - Human rights in Ireland - Human rights in Italy - Human rights in Latvia - Human rights in Liechtenstein - Human rights in Lithuania - Human rights in Luxembourg - Human rights in FYR Macedonia - Human rights in Malta - Human rights in Moldova - Human rights in Monaco - Human rights in the Netherlands - Human rights in Norway - Human rights in Poland - Human rights in Portugal - Human rights in Romania - Human rights in San Marino - Human rights in Serbia and Montenegro - Human rights in Slovakia - Human rights in Slovenia - Human rights in Spain - Human rights in Sweden - Human rights in Switzerland - Human rights in Ukraine - Human rights in the Vatican City - Show Trials - Human Rights Commission

Arthur Finkelstein[8][9][10][11] - Ralph Miliband - seditionist - Adolat (islamist movement in central asia) - Youth Culture - Iris Marion Young Anti-Nebraska Party - election observer

African history

See Wikipedia:List of Africa topics

General and unsorted

History of Massachusetts Elizabeth Hayward European Expansion from the 1400's through the 1700's MacMillan Indian Independence Strugle (1848-1947) - Scramble for Concessions - Nebuchadnezzer Chronicle - Ballot Security Task Force - Catholic Confederation 1641 - Comparative History - United States Comstock Laws Condado Portucalense [12][13][14][15] - Day of the Long Knives - - Di - Doukabour - Emmanuel Constant - Edward Constant II [16] [17]- Exchange of Minorities between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (1912-1928) - fin-de-siecle Vienna - Henry Trendley Dean (1893-1962, pioneer fluoridationist) - Henry Joy McCracken - History of Yokohama, Japan - Irish Clans - Inconfidência Mineira[18][19][20][21] - Coversion of Iceland - International Labor Defense or International Labour Defence if you insist Irish Covenant - Islamic medicine - Le Chapelier Law - Kingdom of England and Wales - Metallurgy during the Industrial Revolution - Margot Honecker(wife of Erich Honecker) - Minyue Kingdom - Newsagent - New Poor Law of 1834 - Ocala Demands - Operation Garden Plot - Penitentials - Prehispanic - Rassenhygiene - Reich Law Gazette - Republic of the Rio Grande - Spanish Alarm - Star Route frauds - Sterling Area - Submarine Pens - Walter E. Fernald School[22][23] - Farallon Steamship Disaster - Greek Holocaust or Minor Asia Catastrophe - customs racketeering (1770's) - Wang Kon - -zong (as in the suffix of many Emperors of China) - Causes of the Mexican War of Independence - Mary Draper - Caerlanrig and James V of Scotland - Trade between India and the Greco-Roman World - Daughters of Liberty - Anglo-french rivalry - Heidelberg Tun (see [24] - feoff system - Affair of the Poisons - 1920 Revolution Brigade Subaltern Studies World War II Allied Leaders (1939-1945) - two power standard [25] - Mass Execution at Krepiec Forest Yellow Hat Sect


Heinreich Graetz - Paul Buhle - Dmitri Volkogonov -

Sabine Expedition (1806) - Peoria War (1813) - Fever River War (1827) - Le Fèvre Indian War (1827) - Sac and Fox War (1831) - Sabine-Southwestern War (1836–1837) - Osage Indian War (1837) - Pitt River Expedition (1850) - Mariposa War (1850–1851) - Yuma Expedition (1851–1852) - Walker War (1853) - Yakima War (1855) - Snake River War (1855) - Klickitat War (1855) - Puget Sound War (1855–1856) - Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) - Klamath and Salmon Indian Wars (1855) - Florida Indian War (1855–1858) - Tintic War (1856) - Gila Expedition (1857) - Mendocino War (1858) - Spokane-Coeur d'Alene-Paloos War (1858) - Pecos Expedition (1859) - Antelope Hills Expedition (1859) - Bear River Expedition (1859) - Paiute War (1860) - Kiowa-Comanche War (1860) - Battle of Bird Creek (December 9, 1861) - Cheyenne Campaign (1861–1864) - Cheyenne-Arapaho-Kiowa-Comanche Wars (1863–1869) - Sheepeater Indian War (1879) - White River War (1879) - Ute War (1879-1880) - Enganche Labour System - Braddock's March (1755)-

Historic places

Apadana (palace in ancient Persia) - Washington's Birthplace, Virginia - Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Obelisk Monument - Cloyne Court Hotel - In Berkeley, California, USA - Fort de Chicago - List of tallest lighthouses in the United States - Mission of the Guardian Angel - San Diego history - Lux Hotel -

History of New York (Jewish & Knickerbocker)

A: Franz Aerns - Felix AlderJacob AlderJohn AhearnHermann AhlwardtNicholas AleinikoffModeste AltschulerB: Harriet BlatchDavid BlausteinSolomon BloomgardenBoris BogenPlaton BrounoffC: Stanton CoitD: Clara DamroschLeopold DamroschWalter DamroschMenahem DolitzkyE: David EdelstadtMax EinhornAbram ElkusF: A. Lincoln FileneHarrison Gray FiskeHarold FredericG: Ossip GabrilowitschHenry GoldfogleGustav GottheilH: Alexander HarkavyIsaac HorwichJames Hazen HydeJ: William Travers JeromeK: Bertha KalischGeorge KirchweyKaufmann KohlerArkady KremerL: Herry LehrClifton Harby LevyMeyer LondonHugh LuskM: Judah MagnesMax MaiselDavid MannesZevi MaslianskyR: Jonah RosenfeldGerson RosenzweigPesach RubinsteinS: Reuben SadowskyJacob SaphirsteinKasriel SarasohnSerge SchevitchWilliam SchieffelinBenjamin SchlesingerA. S. SchomerJustus SchwabGeorge SeikowitchJohn SpargoWaldeman StarkCharles StelzleSergius StepniakAdolph StrasserCyrus SulzbergerV: Ida Van EttenW: Abraham WalkowitzMorris WechslerPeter WiernikGaylord WilshireCarola WoerishofferY: Saul YanovskyZ: Michael ZametkinH. Idell ZeisloftChaim Zhitlowsky

Nazi Uniforms - Water wars - Political Warfare - Herza region - United Nations Command (Korea) - Red Eyebrow Rebellion - Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion - l'union sacrée - postapocalytpic scenarios - Poverty Draft - IMDEX - Military Sociology - Carthaginian peace - Military Linguistics - Smart Acquisition - Black Reconnaissance - United Nations Partisan Forces Korea - Holocaust slave labor litigation - Holocaust slave labor - nuclear monopoly - Women in the military - Army Airborne School War Heroes - Japanese heraldry - Soviet South Army Group Based in Hungary during the Cold War. Last commander a General Bulukov? (sic) - Sinchon massacre - Bombing of Osaka in World War II - Operation Jaywick WWII Allied commando raid on Singapore harbour [26] -


Croatian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - Ethiopian Civil War - List of English wars - List of French wars - Macedonian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - Slovenian War (one of the Yugoslav Wars) - British-Zanzibar War - Philippine Scout Mutiny - Ridda Wars (War of Apostasy) - Ramree Island Massacre - Easter Revolution - Direct Order - Gabriel's Rebellion


Acronym Institute - Peggy Duff, activist, general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament from 1958 to 1967. Noam Chomsky called her "one of the people who really changed modern history." -


Rabinder Singh[27] - Camp 020 (Merrie England's information-extraction shop, later Latchmere House prison[28][29][30][31]) - Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge--longtime CIA field agent (NE & SE Asia) and administrator pardoned by GHW Bush for Iran-Contra involvement; was Aldrich Ames' supervisor - Clandestine operations--Military or political activities that are secret and disguised. See covert operations

Military/Industrial Complex

spike bayonet - sword bayonet -


Battle of Belorussia - Battle of West Ukraine (1944) - Battle of the Caucasus - Battle of West Ukraine (1941) - Battle of the Lower Dnieper - Battle of Königsberg - Battle of Budapest - Battle of Chernikov-Poltava - Battle of Smolensk (1943) - Battle of the Baltic (1941) - Battle of Belgorod - Battle of Lvov-Sandomir - Battle of the Baltic (1944) - Battle of Voronezh (1943) - Fourth Battle of Kharkov - Battle of the Crimea (1944) - Battle of the Seelow Heights - Battle of the Aisne (1917) - Battle of the Aisne (1918) - Battle of Artois (1915) - Eleventh Battle of the Isonzo - Battle of Basra - Battle of Hsuchow - Siege of Leiden - Battle of Dingjunshan - Battle of Breakneck Ridge - St. Mere Eglise

Alabaster brow - Alphabet to E-mail: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading - Cohort Model - First Grammatical Treatise - Gaudere's Law - Hysterica passio - Interrogatives in Esperanto - Implicative "we" - Interrogatives in Ido - Joint Incrementation - Labiodental R - List of colloquialisms - List of English copulas - Logogen - Pierre Maillard (c1710-1762)[32], with attention to Barry Fell's assertions - Paisachi - past historic - Quotes - Semantic framing - Spoken word recognition - Syntactic saturation - Word-recognition - epistemic commitment- Semantic saturation - Origins of popular expressions and phrases - syntactic saturation - TRACE - triconsonantal root - Categorical perception - Mantaro Hashimoto -

When the glass falls low - Six ways from Sunday - let the sun creep on you - furry tooth - articles of faith - hat tip - coin the term

Barallete - Bron - Broun - Fala dos arxinas (Verbo dos arginas) - Gacería - Mascuence - Xíriga -

Fey (Language) - Gibson Code - JLRT (Japanese Business Proficiency Test conducted by JETRO) - Languages of Angola - Languages of Cameroon - Languages of Chad - Languages of Egypt - Languages of Ethiopia - Languages of Ghana - Languages of Kenya - Languages of Nigeria - Languages of Russia - Languages of Sudan - Languages of Tanzania - Languages of Togo - Languages of Zimbabwe - Mediaglyph - Solitreo (the cursive script used to write Ladino by Sephardic Jews) - Tamil-Malayalam languages - toki pona dictionary - Translation Theory - Zapoteco (an indigenous language of Mexico, approx. 400,000 speakers)

Glossographia (1656) - Inkhorn terms - John Simpson (Lexicographer) - Six links rule (see discussion on Dictionary article)

Kropotnik - Robins Burling - William Bright (linguist; co-author of The World's Writing Systems. ISBN 0195079930) - David Diringer (linguist of well-known books about writing systems; author of The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind; ISBN 8121507480; History of the Alphabet, 1977; ISBN 0905418123; The Book Before Printing: Ancient, Medieval and Oriental; ISBN 0486242439; The Alphabet, ISBN 0090676424; The Illuminated Book; ISBN 0571080774) - Monte Melkonian (Armenian-American soldier and terrorist) - Alice Kober - Nick Land (Philosopher, writer) - Francisco Bulnes - Guy Sorman (French journalist) - List of unusually tall men - Our Lady of the Wayside (Patron Saint of California) - Walter Scheib (White house executive chef) - Ray Raphael (Author of Edges) [33] - vivekenanda (Philosopher) [34] - Yuri Kochiyama - Michael Lind (Author of "Vietnam, The Necessary War") - Billy Talen (aka Reverend Billy, leader of the Church of Stop Shopping) - Hernan Bermudez (Current ambassador of Honduras to the UK (?)) - Zefrank -


Heinreich Graetz - Omeljan Pritsak - Paul Buhle - Dmitri Volkogonov -

Historical figures

Anyone redlinked from Lists of U.S. county name etymologies

African-American history

Z. Alexander Looby (civil rights leader) - Henry Clay Wilson (son claims he killed MLK, not James Earl Ray) - Colonel John Alexander Bannerman - Governor of Penang during the colonial period - Anthony Burns - impact of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act - James M. Nabrit -

Cabinet secretaries (Former U.S.)

Robert Selmer Bergland - Wilson S. Bissell - John Rusling Block - Otis Raymond Bowen - Orville Hickman Browning - James H. Burnley IV - Joseph A. Califano - Oscar Littleton Chaplin - Wilbur J. Cohen - William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr. - William Patrick Clark - Norman Jay Coleman - Jacob M. Dickinson - Jesse M. Donaldson - Walter Lowrie Fisher - James W. Good - Robert E. Hannegan - Clifford Morris Hardin - Frank Hatton - John S. Herrington - Frank H. Hitchcock - Timothy O. Howe - Thomas S. Kleppe - John Albert Knebel - Andrew L. Lewis, Jr. - James W. Marshall - F. David Matthews - Donald McHenry - Edward J. Perkins - Thomas J. Pickering - John A. Scali - William W. Scranton - Michael Hoke Smith - Charles Sinclair Weeks - James Russell Wiggins

AAdriaan Adriaanszoon (known as Metius) - Agrippa (astronomer) - Nur Ed-Din Al Betrugi - John Augustus Anderson - Nikolai Alekhin - Al-Marrakushi - Dinsmore Alter - Fiorino Ameghino (or Florentino) - Karel Andĕl - John August Anderson - Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville - Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Andronov - Aristillus - Franciszek Armiński - Christoph Arnold - Nikolay N. Artamonov - Vladimir Artemyev - Giuseppe Asclepi

BErnst Emil Alexander Back - William Ball - Wilder Dwight Bancroft - Daniel Barbier - Francesco Barocius - Julius Bartels - Léonce Élie de Beaumont - Igor V. Bel'kovich - Francis Gano Benedict - Carl Östen Emanuel Bergstrand - Lloyd Viel Berkner - Berosus the Chaldean - Mario Bettinus - Giuseppe Biancani - Theodore Maximillian Bilharz - Jacques de Billy - George Birkhoff - William Radcliff Birt - Sergei N. Blazhko - Étienne Bobillier - Jorge Bobone - Palon Heinrich Ludwig von Boguslawsky - Johann Gottlob Friedrich von Bohnenberger - Priscilla Fairfield Bok - Chandra Bose - John Alfred Brashear - Edward William Brayley - Scipione Breislak - Leo Brenner - Detlev Wulf Bronk - William Otto Brunner - Johann Karl Burckhardt - Johann Tobias Bürg - Anton Friedrich Büsching -

CNiccolo Cabeo - Andre Cailleux - Calippus of Cyzicus - Robert Curry Cameron - Giovanni Campano - Leon Campbell - Francesco Carlini - Leonard Carmichael - James Carpenter - Edwin Francis Carpenter - Flores Nabor Carrillo - Paolo Casati - Giovanni Cassegrain - Miguel Ángel Catalán - Buonaventura Cavalieri - Joseph Bienaime Caventou - Daniel Chalonge - Clarence Augustus Chant - Sergej Alekseevich Chaplygin - Temple Chevallier - Franceso Degli Stabili Cichus - Cleomedes - Cleostratus - Karl Taylor Compton - George Cary Comstock - Edward Uhler Condon - Andre Couder - Gaetano Arturo Crocco - Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier - Peter Crüger - Albert Curtz - Jean-Baptiste Cysat -

Jules Alfred Pierrot Deseilligny - Paul Hainzel - Johann Kies - Hermann Joseph Klein - Wolfgang Ludwig Krafft - Heinrich Eduard von Lade - John Lamont - Michel Florent van Langren - Jacob Heinrich Wilhelm Lehmann - William Duncan MacMillan - Thomas Logie McDonald - Michael Maestlin - Giovanni Antonio Magini - Russell Henry Manners - Théodore Moretus - Karl Müller - Johann Jacob Friedrich Wilhelm Parrot - Denis Petau - Alessandro Piccolomini - Marc-Auguste Pictet - Pietro Pitati - Lewis Morris Rutherfurd - Julius Schiller - Anton Maria Schyrleus of Rheita (Rheita) - Hugo Hans Ritter von Seeliger - Gerolamo Sersale (Sirsalis) - Jan Stade (or Jean; often Estadius) - Josiah Edward Spurr - Étienne Léopold Trouvelot - Bernard Walter (Walther) - Moritz Ludwig George Wichmann - Abraham Ben Samuel Zagut (or Zaguth) - Joseph Zähringer - Ernst Zinner - Giovanni Battista Zupi -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Crater nomenclature.

Emile Argand - Felix de Azara - William Barlow - Walter Hermann Bucher - Lucien Cayeux - Hans Cloos - Carl Bernard von Cotta - Joseph Augustine Cushman - Sainte-Claire Charles Deville - William Maurice Ewing - Paul Werner Gast - Amadeus William Grabau - Alfred Harker - Riad Higazy - William Nicol - Albert Oppel - George Owen - William Walden Rubey - Agostino Scilla - Hans Stille - Pierre-Marie Termier - Mikhail Mikhailovich Tetyaev -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Feature nomenclature.


Aiven Andrians The founder of the infamous and now inactive independent right-wing religion based political party called Humanistic American Religious Party . ( HARP ) - Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov (Allegedly Arkhipov, a submariner, saved the world in 1962 by preventing the launch of a Russian nuclear tipped torpedo) - Ignacio Bonnilas - Manlio Brosio [35] - Joe Carr - Joseph Chatoyer - Jean Clemens (daughter of Mark Twain) - Commonwealth writers (school of socialist-leaning writers in Tudor England) - Leo Daft - Death Valley Scotty - David Hansemann - Félix Díaz - David Philipson (Important American Jewish Rabbi, antizionist) - Eugene Grace (CEO of Bethlehem Steel) - Rodolfo Herrera - Abdi İpekçi - Rudolf Kastner/Kasztner - Anatolii Lamanov - many in List of kings of Persia - Peter Llewellyn-Davies - Francisco Sabate Llopart - Chevalier de la Luzerne - Madame Montour and Andrew Montour - Robert Moses - Jean-Christophe Napoléon - Franczek Piper - many under Baron de Ros - Manuelita Saenz - Rafael Sanzio - George Schuyler - Philippa Schuyler (George's daughter who was killed in Vietnam) - Viridomarus - Wapasha (several Sioux chiefs) - Dima Yurasov (Soviet independent historian) - Francisco Bulnes - Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (royal family) - Basheba Spooner, first women executed in the US for killing a Minute man - Cristóbal de Acuna, explorer - Spotted Tail - Admiral Edward Hughes - William Bean (first permanent white settler in Tennessee) - Bart Huges (the founder of the New World Trepanation) Edmund Morel - Major General O.O. Howard, head of the Freedmen's Bureau - Nusaybah - saved the life of Muhammad

S. Harrison Dogole - Samuel M. Lambert - James Pucillo - S. Sterling Munro, Jr. - Arnold M. Picker - Howard Stein - Edward Bennett Williams

Politicians (UK)

Leo Abse - Henry Crookshanks - Tom Driberg - Hugh Fraser (politician) - Eric Heffer - John Strachey

Watergate figures (Major)

Donald E. Campbell - Seymour Glanzer - Cord Meyer, Jr. - Robert C. Odle, Jr. - Herbert L. Porter - Harry M. Rosenfeld -

White House intruders

[36] Marshall Fields - Gerald Gainous - Anthony Henry - David Mahonski - Robert Latta - Gustav Leijohhufved - Chester Plummer -

Agonistic liberalism - Joseph Raz - Ars Inveniendi - Emile M. Cioran - Existentialist Ethics - Enargeia - Fabre d'Olivet - "Fido"-Fido principle - Cause and Effect and Mill's Methods - Communicative Action - Marx and Engels on Religious Belief - Metaconstitution - Methodological Solipsism - Mongolian communism - Moral Epistemology - Non-maleficence - Nonconceptual Content - Oppositional Logic - Opportunism- Phenomology Philosophy of Magick (ie, spells) - Philosophy of Fashion Philosophy of Humor Psychologism - Prof Martin Rowlands of the University of Hertfordshire - Samkara (Indian philosopher) - Somaesthetics - Swadeshi - Terrence Parsons- Theodicity - Theodice problem - William Cleghorn - Enumerative Induction - Wei Wu Wei (Buddhist/Taoist philosopher and essayist) - Moral Fallibility - Conjunctive Forks - Lewis Gordon (Africana existentialist/phenomonologist)- Sophology (The study of wisdom) -

Adolescent psychology - Alpha-conditioning - Bloodlust - Consumer psychology - Contrast gaining - Dare (or should this go under "sociology"?) Edifice Complex - Egotrip (is this really psychological concept) - Five Stages of Denial - Fudoshin (martial art-related topic, as mentioned in the Jujutsu article) - Adam Phillips - Julian Rotter - Psychology of games (could also go under computer science) - triadic reciprocal causation - Rene Spitz - sore loser - Spontaneous Trait Inference - Anasteemaphilia - Head Case - James Mckeen Cattell - Platonic reality - Existential Psychology - Military Psychology - Madonna-Whore Complex - Participative Management - Emotional Failure - Annihilation ECS - volley principle - Margaret Mahler - Conditioned Taste Aversion - Relational Frame Theory - Self Actualization - Shaping in Operant conditioning -


American Council of the Blind - Trinh Minh-ha - Tara Foundation - DAAA Collective

Ti-Grace Atkinson - Tammy Rae Carland - Laura Cottingham - cyborg feminism - Vivienne Dick - Carol Downer DJ Kuttin Kandi - Valie Export - Tammy Hart - Bridget Irish - Mr. Lady - Lookism - Juliana Lueking - Lorraine O'Grady - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - Cathy Sissler - Ariel Skrag - Krystal Wakem - Laurie Weeks -

The Cerne Society (circa 1805, England) - The Jungstadt

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender

Glenn Burke - Lipstick Feminism - Franklin E. Kameny - Josh Altesman - Marriage Protection Act of 2004 - Normgiving Diversity - Evan Wolfson - phallogocentric - Thai Gay History - Una Vincenzo, Lady Troubridge - Fa'afafine See also: List of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community centers and List of LGBT publications

Sleepover Bandits (Terry Lee Collins & Joseph Blake) - Yankee Swap - Jesus Malverde - iGeneration - Misogyny and Raeggaton - Costa Rica Lifestyles - Coolhunting - Mother's Little Helper - The Battle of Berlin - Hatefucking - Jocelyne Wildenstein -