Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences: Difference between revisions
Charliesome (talk | contribs) |
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* [[Water impurities]] |
* [[Water impurities]] |
* [[ICID Water Dictionary]] - what is it, who writes it? |
* [[ICID Water Dictionary]] - what is it, who writes it? |
===Plant, animal and other living species=== |
==Plants== |
* [[Cyprus Tree]] |
===Other, environment and geology=== |
===Other, environment and geology=== |
Revision as of 10:04, 28 August 2007
- Mathematical topics now have their own page: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics. Please put them there.
- Given size concerns, biology topics have a sub-page: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences/Biology
AB Doradus Moving Group - Alpha Persei Moving Cluster - Astronomy Week - Boson star - Coal Sack - Color-color diagram - Core collapse (globular) - Cosmological distance equations - Dark comet - de Vaucouleurs galaxy classification system - Doppler beaming - Donut theory of universe - Dredge-up (of heavy elements from cores of massive stars) - Galactic ridge - Gordon Dachborden ? - Heim-Dröscher space - Intermediate stars - Interplanetary scintillation - Jupiter's radio emissions - k-essence - κ-mechanism (Kappa) - Kyoto DST & PFSS - Natural broadening - Phase Curve - Photoevaporation (of protoplanetary disk) - Quintuplet Cluster - R Coronae Borealis variable - Rectified image - Safe Slot - Sagittarius B2 - Silk damping - Small Bang Theory - Soapbubble Superstructure of Galactic Walls - Soliton star - Solunar and Feeding Time Calculations - Spatial singularity - Spite plateau - stellar density - Stellar pulsations - Super-soft x-ray source - Triple quasar - Vogt-Russell theorem - Z Andromedae variable - z branch, banana branch - Zeta Herculis Moving Group Captured rotation dark matter behavior
Observatories, telescopes, and surveys
- (See also: List of observatories)
- Brussels Observatory -
- California & Carnegie Planet Search -
- Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team -
- GOODS survey -
- Gotha Observatory -
- Johannesburg Observatory -
- N2K Consortium -
- Panzano Observatory -
- Rim Star System -
- Tasco (company) - (website here)
y we can't dope a semiconductor with group 2A and 6A of periodic table Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) - cavity reactor - Cavradyne Engines - Elastic hysteresis - Phonon bottleneck - Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (Portugal) - Sommerfeld parameter quadratic gravity - ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) - space tug - stretching frequency - bending frequency -
Solid state physics
Greninger chart - Piezospectroscopic Tensor - Anistropy energy - Slip Model - Free Carrier Concentration - Semiconductor Equilibrium - Optical Transitions - Acoustic Transitions
Linear Acoustic Equations - Normal hearing level - Spacial Resolution - Sabine's Formula - Sound Isolation - Sound Reproducer Lamps - Singer's Formant Echea - Tuned pots used by the ancient greeks to make voices clearer by enhancing resonations at key frequencies and absorbing others. Dumbhole -- Acoustic analogue of a general relatavistic black hole. W.G. Unruh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1351 (1981)
gravity tractor - Mohr Diagram - Lock step (astronomy) - shock response spectra - velocity ratio - pferdestärkenstunde pure shear physical pendulum - coupled maps - Bhaskara's wheel - Gyro-ring ([1]) Concertina top Dueling top Bei-goma Whistling top Gasing leper Gasing jantung
Electricity and magnetism
Perendev magnetic motor- potentiometry- Charge pumping method - CBRAM (also called programmable metallization cell) - Electric resonance - Equatorial electrojet - Evanescent wave coupler - Faraday's Sunburst Homopolar Generator (N-Machine) - Magnetic field power spectrum - magnetologic and magnetologic gate - Moliere Radius - Rated current - Rated voltage - Reynolds and Hough rule - Virtual cathode - Body voltage- Efros-Shklovskii variable-range hopping law- percolation-hopping conductance Railway dynamics - Generator Excitation - Tesla shield - Septum magents - Static electrification - Ground Current Pollution AKA "Tingle Current" - Oscillation Mode - Magnetic Gear - Shunt Choke- Hydratus- foil electrec- cymometer
History of physics
Atomicron - Bernard Bruno Kinsey - Bernhard Mecking - Davy-Faraday Laboratory - Experimental method in the Islamic world - undefineds of List of physicists Song Jin-joo - Andreas von Ettingshausen - Shih-I Pai - Leo Piilonen - Silvan Schweber - Fu-Kwun Hwang - Pair Approximation - Steve Chou - Robert Marcley (and Marcley apparatus)-
Named effects, theories & equipment
Nuclear Physics
Mirror nuclei · Methods in nuclear physics · Principles of Nuclear Magnetism
Optics and wave theory
A: Absorption (physics) - Anti-Stokes Raman Laser(ASRL) - AC-Stark effect - B: Beam expander - Beam walking - Bidwell's disc - Birefraction - C: Cross Gain Modulation (XGM) - Curve of growth (spectroscopy) - Channel waveguides (integrated optical waveguide on a substrate) - Cylinder lens - D: Deuteranomalous - Diffraction effects - Diffusor - DKL color model - E: External cavity diode laser - Equifrequency surface - F: four-quadrant phase mask (FQPM) - Fresnel's Distance (in single slit diffraction) - G: Guoy Phase Shift - H: hyperlens (nanostructure magnifies objects smaller than the wavelength of light) - heat retention I: Impedance spectroscopy - L: Lasing without inversion (LWI) - - Light diffusion -
M: Mode competition - Modulation depth - O: Oscillator strength - Optical beam-induced currents (OBIC) - Optical bottle beam - Optical contacting - optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) - optical vortices (Sometimes the terms "phase dislocations", "phase singularity lines" and "optical vortices" are used equivalently) - P: Perfect lense - Phase locking in lasers - Pockels readout optical modulator - polarization tensor- Pulsed-Laser Photoacoustics - R: Radiative Power Law - Ramsey-borde interferometer S: Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) - sonoluminessence - spectral imagery - Spectrodensitometer- (instrument, measures light) spatial hole burning - spectral hole burning - spectral intensity - spin squeezing - supercontinuum laser light T: thermonuclear transcorder - Transistor laser - Tabot Effect- Z: Z-scan
Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophilum- nitrogen catabolite repression(NCR)-
photoelectric scanner(PES) - Kramers-Kronig inversion of the reflectance spectra - Cavity Dumper
Particle physics
A: analytic regularization - anomalous gauge boson interaction - anomaly inflow - anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking - anti-de Sitter supersymmetry - Atiyah-Segal axioms - B: bare vertex approximation - Belinfante-Rosenfeld stress-energy tensor - Bern-Kosower formalism - C: chaotic quantization - charge condensate - chiral quantum electrodynamics - closed time path formalism - collective symmetry breaking - conformal compensator - Connes-Lott model - Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action - D: Delta(I)=1/2 rule - DHR analysis - Dielectric Traveling Wave Tubes - dispersion relations (QFT) - double scaling limit - E: Eguchi-Kawai model - electron positron lattice - electron spin resonance dating - F: Fayet-Iliopoulos action - Fayet-Sohnius hypermultiplet - Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism - G: gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking - GPS implants- Rajaram Goundar Duality Effect - H: Haag-Ruelle scattering - helicity conservation - higher dimensional supersymmetry - hodoscope - holographic renormalization group - Holomorphy (SUSY) - Hosotani mechanism - Howe-Stelle-Townsend hypermultiplet - I: Isotropic sphere - J: Julia-Zee dyon - K: Källén-Lehmann spectral representation - Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation - K-shell transitions - L: ladder approximation - lattice string theory - Lee-Yang model - light cone gauge - light front quantization - linear dilaton model - Liouville action - Luescher term - M: mass texture - Matsubara formalism - minimal string theory - multiple point principle - N: Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem - nonequilibrium quantum field theory - nonrenormalization theorem - O: Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements - P: Paschen notation - photon-gluon fusion creation process for hadrons - pinch approximation - pion superfluid - potential well model - precision tests of electroweak theory - prepotential - Primakoff conversion - projective superspace - Q: QCD sum rules - quasiprimary field - quark-quark correlations - quaternionic Hilbert space R: radial quantization - S: Segal's axioms - short supermultiplet - skeleton diagram - sliding VEV mechanism - Slow positrons - spurion - string ball - T: 't Hooft matching condition - Thirring sine-Gordon duality - twisted supersymmetry - two particle irreducible - type 0A string theory - type 0B string theory - U: V: Verlinde's formula W: Wess-Zumino consistency condition - Weyl notation - Wick-Cutkosky model - Wilson-Ginsparg action X:
Plasma physics
B: Beam acoustic instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Bump-in-tail instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Buneman instability - C: Cherenkov instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Chute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Collapse instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Complex plasmas - Counter-streaming instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Cyclotron instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability for list of Cyclotron instabilities to define) - D: Diocotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Double emission instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Drift wave instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - E: Edge-localised mode (Plasma instability; see Instability) - F: Fan instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Farley-Buneman instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Filamentation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability; may be synonymous with or a section could be added to Pinch (plasma physics)) - Flute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Free electron maser instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - G: Gyrotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - H: Helical instability / Helical kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Hose instability (Plasma instability; also called Firehose instability) - I: Interchange instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Ion beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - K: Kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - M: Magnetic buoyancy instability / Parker instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Magnetic drift instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Modulation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - N: Non-Abelian instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Non-linear coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - P: Pair instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Peratt instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability) - S: Sausage instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Slow drift Instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - T: Tearing mode instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - W: Weak beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Weibel instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) -
Physical chemistry
A: Agaritine - Ahmad-Cohen - Alignment layers - Used to induce molecular alignment in liquid crystals allowed/forbidden electronic transitions - Andrussov process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - Anti-material bio-catalysts - Auto-Protolysis of Water C: colloidal silica - Capillary condensation - Cell Diagram - Changing color objects in a cold place - color changing ink [2] - conservation of orbital symmetry - cylotron - D: Degussa process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - density holes [3] - Dilatometry - disjoining force - double-sided feynman diagrams - E: Electroosmotic drag - Exhaled Air - F: Flame Photometer - G: Gas transferLike Oxygen or CO2 into water H: Haber-Weiss reaction HIstory of elements- I: isotope exchange - K: Kac potential - Kirkendall void - Kjeldhal nitrogen - L: landau expansion - Lepion - LEPS potential - Liquid color measurement indexes - List of plastics Lunar Uranium- M: Major and minor rotamer signals (NMR Spectroscopy) - Mass absorption coefficent - Mesostructural - Meninga coccemia - MIP energy - Monoatomic gold - Macromer - N: neutron spin-echo spectroscopy - niter paper - O: osmotic pressure agent - P: Particulate theory - Powder of projection - Polyhide - R: raolut's law- rayleigh distillation- Refractive index increment - Regge behavior - reorganization energy - Residual gas analysis - S: Sabatier reactor - Single-molecule spectroscopy - Skeletal catalyst - spectral profile - Sulfur trifluoride -
T: Tin Iodide
V: vibrational rotational energy -
analog model of gravity - black hole remnant - black hole stability theorem - Bondi energy - brane bubble - Dynamical triangulations - Einstein pseudotensor - Friedel-Starodubtsev action - Gravitational wind - higher derivative gravity - Killing spinor (supergravity) - Landau energy - lapse field - MacDowell-Mansouri action - Matter field - modified dispersion relation - Moller energy - Pauli-Fierz theory / Fierz-Pauli theory - Principle of Relativity as applied with space being a plenum - Polar metric - Rubber Sheet Model - Virbhadra-Ellis Lens Equation- Vaidya metric- Bonnor-Vaidya Metric- Charged tachyon- Trapped surface theorem- Relativistic Images- Weakly and Strongly Naked Singularities- Photon surface- Energy-momentum complexes- Goldberg-Sachs Theorem- Burke Theorem- Causal curves- Achronal boundaries- Causality COnditions- Asymptotically simple spaces- Curvarure tensor - Bekenstein conformal black hole- Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves- Asymptotic flatness- Initial value formulation- Taub-Nut space- The initial singularity in the universe- Chowlson-Einstein ring- Gravitational self-energy-
#: 10j symbol - 15j symbol - 3 body recombination - A: Adiabatic algorithms B: Bell's interconnectedness theorem - is this the same as Bell's Theorem? If yes, then a redirect is in order; if no, then a full article. Bohm-deBroglie - C: Coulomb staircase - E: Exchange degeneracy - Evans Boney - F: Feynman's relativistic chessboard model - Flucidity Theory - Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation [4] G: Ground State Fluctuations - H: Hartman effect - Heim-Dröscher space - J: Joined density of states - L: Lower dimensional quantum field theory - N: Numerov's method - O: Optical Bloch equations - P: Phase-covariant cloning machine (PQCM) - Photoassociation - Power broadening - Q: Quantum addresses - Quantum coding - Quantum communication - Quantum coupling - Quantum Critical - Quantum Hologram - quaternionic Hilbert space - Quantum Vacuum R: reduced density matrix S: Saturated absorption - Strong and Weak Equivalence - Super Selection Rules shadow brane - Solar System Barycenter T: Thomas-Fermi profile -
Solutions to (including transmission/reflection and diagrams)
Bubblon model - Dirac Equation in curved spacetime -
Bicritical point - Convection from electrical conductors - critical line (thermodynamics) - Emissitivity - Entropy production - Ideal room temperature - Irreversible dynamics - Isothermal conductivity - Jarzinski Theorem - Jaynes' principle - Maxwell construction - Molar enthalpy - Mollier Chart - Nonextensive thermodynamics - Partial molar entropy - Phase envelope - Replica Exchange - Response theory - scaling relation - tetracritical point - thermal transpiration the effect that drives a Crookes' radiometer - Transport theory - Tricritical point - Yang-Lee zeros - Energy Flux Density - Jules-Thomson Theory - XYZ model - XXZ model - XXX model
Adiabatic free expansion - charge ordering - Crowdion - Deformation Potential - disinclination - double exchange - Holstein-Primakoff representation (or transformation) - impenetrability of matter - Laughlin wavefunction - magnetoroton - Onsager's solution - Plastic crystal - Phason - quasicontinuum - Ranque-Hilsch vortex-tube effect - Rouse Model - resonating valence band - Snoek relaxation (should be in metallurgy) - spin band - spin liquid - strongly correlated electrons - super exchange - Systematic Absence - crystallography t-J model - transfer matrix (physics) - Restrahlen band - Matrix Potential - Mr. SQUID -
Prandtl equation - Carman–Kozeny equation - Chaotic Advection - chinewalking - Diapycnal - Eliassen-Palm flux - Eulerian fluid dynamics - Eulerian Turbulence - Homogeneous turbulence - Kozeny–Carman equation - Lagrangian fluid dynamics - Lagrangian Turbulence - Microfluids - Palinstrophy - Shallow water model - Shock cocoon - Starling resistor - Swirl chamber - isolation valve - Sonic Velocity -
Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) - temperature dependent fluorescence - Thermo-Calc) - spinodal decomposition - vermicular graphite - wear coefficient
Other terms to be sorted
A: Antihuman Rabbit Serum - anticyclonic tide - C: chemicurrent - coherent interface - constitutive law - Corrosion in shipwrecks - covariant anomaly - cultured collagen D: Dirac cone - E: Energetic Particles - Ergodic problem - Escape distance - F: Food physics - Formation Fluid - Fungi - G: Greninger Chart - Geonium - H: Halogen Counter - J: Jungersol - K: L: Langmuir balance - M: Mach-Lorentz thruster - Motor effect - N: Nanospheres - O: OPDrms - P: Partial Oxidation Power Scavenging Pauli Blocking - R: Raman Cooling - S: Simple albedo - T: Taylor-Couette cell - Texton - y we can't dope a semiconductor with group 2A and 6A of periodic table
Analytical chemistry
- Refractive Index Increment (used in static light scattering measurement) -
- Total-reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis -
- lab-on-capillary -
- pressure shuttle -
- Interferograph (i.e. as performed by a Johnson and Johnson Ektachem 700XR Analyser C Series in a medical lab)
Chemistry concepts, classes of compounds
A: Allodyne - B: Baralyme - C: Chemistry of radioactive waste (What makes it so radioactive?) - Colors of compounds - Geometry of compounds - Cobalt Carbonate - What are it's chemical properties and practical uses? D: Dendronized polymer - probably refers to Dendrimer - Diketal - E: Electroactive organic compounds - Electropolymerization - Energy gap variation - Exodiffusion - F: Faradaic efficiency - G: Gel point - L: Liquid temperature - N: Neutralization equivalent (how to find molecular weight of unknown) - O: Organic carbon - P: Paracrystalline (what is it, in what way does it differ from amorphous and crystalline substances?) Pore strips - Pseudochirality - R: Rate of combustion - Reactive powder concrete - S: Steric Number T: tensio-active U: Uncommon phases of water ice see Ice#Phases_of_ice (perhaps more detail wanted?) - V: Void space fraction - Vinylidenes W: Water analysis test strips How do they work? - Weiner Index of Compounds -
Mineral Compounds
- chelated minerals - what are they, and why are they in my dog's food?
- methyl anhydride
Chemical compounds
- Adipic acid dihydrazide
- Alkyl polyglucoside
- Amidogen
- Aminomethyl propanol
- Ammonium tri-iodide
- Aphanmol I
- Asterane
- Cadmium acetate dihydrate (Ac2Cd.2H2O)
- Calcium bromate
- Calcium chromate
- Californidine
- Carbon silk
- Carnosol
- Ceteareth-12
- Chemical properties of bitumen
- Chlorhexidine digluconate
- Chloropolymer
- Chromium nitrate-possibly each form in separate pages. (In other words, Chromium(II) nitrate gets its own page)
- Chromium polynicotinate- a readily absorbed compound created by the USDA to alleviate chromium deficiency
- Chromium sulfide
- Cobalt acetate
- Cobalt bromide
- Cobalt sulfate
- Copper salicylate
- Cuprammonium
- 2-cyclooctylamino-5-nitropyridine (COANP)
- Cyclotriazene - Isomer of HN3
- Cynauric chloride
- 4-Dimethylamino-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium Tosylate (DAST)
- Decyl polyglucose
- Dicyclohexyl methyl-2-methyl succinate (DCMMS)
- Dimethyl bicarbonate
- dihydromyrcenol
- Dynogel
- Diphenyl carbonate
- Disodium EDTA copper
- Disodium cocoamphodiacetate
- dimethyldiethoxysilane (DMDEOS)
- Florabeads
- Fluorotriphenylstannane
- Fomblin
- Formal sublimate - (Mixture of formalin and mercury used in microscopy fixing)
- Hericene
- Hexyl cinnamal
- Hexachloricbenzine
- Hydrindantin
- Hydrixyisohexl 3-cyclohexenecarboxaldehyde
- Hydroxynaphthol Blue
- Ladderane
- Leonurine
- List of toxic chemicals as precursors in the manufacture of electronic devices
- List of toxic chemicals as components of electronic devices
- List of toxic chemicals as waste products from the manufacture of electronic devices
- List of toxic chemicals as waste products from the use of electronic devices
- Lithium stearate
- Lithium sulfite
- Manganese(II) acetate
- Manganese peroxidase
- Mercury(II) hydroxide
- Methoxylamine
- Methoxytrimethylsilane
- Methyl 3-carboxy-3-devinyl-pyropheophorobide a
- Miotine
- Monohydrogen phosphate
- Mossy zinc
- Myrtrimonium bromide
- N-(t-butyldimethylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide aka MTBSTFA
- Nanoclay
- Nanofilament
- Narkidrine
- Neopentyl glycol
- Nylar®
- Peyocactin
- PLC plastic
- Phenalene
- Phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM)
- Pinacolyl methylphosphonate (PMP)
- Poly(3-alkylthiophene)s (P3ATs)
- Poly(3-butylthiophene)s (P3BTs)
- Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-thiophene (PDOFT)
- Poly-3(octylthiophene) (P3OT)
- Polycal
- Polyenylphosphatidylcholine
- Polyethimines
- Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate (Tween 40) (see: Tween 20?)
- Polyvinylacetone (PVKA)
- Potassium argentocyanide
- Potassium hydrogen glutamate
- Potassium phosphite
- Protoplasma
- Purcellin oil - synthetic version of preen oil from birds
- Putrecine
- Pyrimidone
- SAM polymer
- Single-walled nanotubes - (SWNT currently redirects to Carbon nanotube)
- Silver hydroxide
- Sodium caseinate
- Sulfanilic acid
- Sodium hydrogen glutamate
- Sodium lactate
- Tanshinones
- Trimethyl anhydride
- terpenic alcohol
- Tetrahydropalmatine
- Tetraphenyl butadiene
- Thermoplastic polymer
- Tin-doped indium oxide
- Triclocarban
- Twistane
- Zinc ethyl - will diethylzinc do?
- Zinc methyl
- 2-Nitrobenzenamine
- Aminomethylphosphonic acid -
- comparative toxicity of pesticides -
- Dicyclohexylitaconate -
- disodium octaborate tetrahydrate -
- fluvalinate -
- Hot Shot™ (insecticide) -
- Imiprothrin -
- Methomyl -
- n-propyl benzoate -
- Nemagon -
- Nicotinoid -
- Pirimicarb -
- Pirimiphos-methyl -
- Procymidone -
- Propargite -
- Propiconazole -
- Pyrimethanil -
- Tetradifon -
Other, unsorted chemistry terms
- add feature: add 1H and 13C-NMR signals on the compounds page -
- -ium -
- Acrylate-copolymer microsphere - The materials that make sticky-notes sticky.
- Alkane number -
- Anti-coplanar -
- Antifoggant -
- Bond site -
- Characteristic property -
- Chemical control -
- Distribution diagram -
- Elution -
- Fagain -
- Günzberg reagent
- Hand Boiler - Chemical Experimental Tool
- Induction point -
- Latimer Diagram - a way to represent the reduction potentials of various oxidation states of a single element
- Mesoionic compound -
- Photodeposition
- Pneumatic trough-
- Virtual coupling (as relates to NMR spectra)-
- Sesquioxidizing - Define.
- Soret band - related to heme and Fe binding
- Carbonyl Process-
- lower energy spin state spin aligned situation-
- Bubble point- and it's relation to dew point (
- Orbital diagrams- diagrams showing the orbits of electrons
- Cis-Trans Ratio-
Environment and geology
- Ashleworth Ham, Aylesbeare Common, Bowling Green Marsh, Catcott Lows, Cors Caron, Cors Geirch, Dawlish Warren National Nature Reserve, Edford Wood, Exminster Marshes, Farlington Marshes, Frodsham Marsh, Garston Wood, Gwent Levels reserve, Ham Wall, Highnam Woods, Kenwith Nature Reserve, Lackford wildfowl reserve, Lower Test Marshes, Marazion Marsh, Old Hall Marshes, South Huish Marsh, Stanpit Marsh, Stodmarsh, Swanton Novers Great Wood, Thurlbear Quarrylands, Titchfield Haven, Yarenr Wood
- Coleman Evans Superfund Site -
- Biltmore Stick -
- Bio-Fido-Remediation -
- Biomanipulation -
- Burn Barrels -
- Chelants -
- Ciliotoxic -
- Conservation Finance -
- Crane Rain Zone -
- Dissolved air floatation -
- Environmental Collapse -
- Environmental Sampling & Testing -
- Enviropreneurs -
- glassification temperature -
- La Isla Iguana Wildlife Refuge on the Azuero Peninsula in Panama -
- list of toxic chemicals as precursors in the manufacture of electronic devices
- list of toxic chemicals as components of electronic devices
- list of toxic chemicals as waste products from the manufacture of electronic devices
- list of toxic chemicals as waste products from the use of electronic devices
- Macrocrystaline (will this ever be more than a dictionary definition?) -
- Nicholas Lenssen -
- Ocean thermal gradients -
- Ozone Layer Myths (my whole whole college class thinks global warming is caused by OzoneLyr depletion help!)
- Photohydroionization - How the science of thunder storms is being used to purify air, and, on a larger scale, may help purify the planet!
- photosynthetic capacity -
- Pieter Verhulsel
- Plasma gasification -
- Pressure Bomb - Used to measure the water pressure of a leaf or plant stem.
- Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater
- Sediment load -
- Sediment yield -
- Stream Restoration -
- Stuffy air -
- Terra rossa - an important type of soil
- Turbidity meter -
- Zanthoxylum americanum
- The Mega Fish Recent marine biology discovery
Environmental policy
- Agriculture Appropriation Act - 1905 -
- California Assembly Bill 32 - California Global Warming Solutions Act
- Chopbar - small restuarants that fuel the trade in bushmeat in africa
- Clark McNary Act 1924 -
- Classification and multiple use act -
- Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES) -
- Congo Basin Forest Partnership -
- Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education -
- Environmental Inventory and Classification -
- Forest inventory analysis -
- Forest Management Act - 1897 -
- Forest Products -
- Forest Reserve Act - 1891 -
- GHG-footprint - being a combination of the Carbon footprint with other GHG-gases
- Habitat banking -
- Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity [5] -
- Lancefort - company/group of environmentalists/conservationists in Dublin, Ireland?
- Land Capability Analysis - Process in land use planning and urban planning
- Julia Marton-Lefèvre - new director of IUCN
- McSweeny McNary Act - 1928 -
- National Forest Commission -
- National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act -
- Nationwide Permit Program (NWP) - US Army Corps of Engineers
- Public Rangeland Improvement Act - 1978 -
- Pollution Tolerance Index -
- Spy Weather Balloon Program -
- Stabilization wedges -
- The Mega Fish Recent marine biology discovery ??
- Armacolite - apparently some moon mineral named after Armstrong, Aldrin and Collin
- Rulite - Thin golden rutile hairs from which titanium is derived.
Geologic time periods
Flandrian transgression - riparian areas
Geologic features & environments
- Bio-char -
- The Darrans granodioritic range of the New Zealand Southern Alps
- Fossil Falls
- Fallstreak holes - a cloud formation
- Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone - a particular feature on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Intrusive Structure - see Intrusion
- In Situ Leach - ISL - a method for mining Uranium
- Kosciuzsko National Park - a national park in Australia
- List of rivers by order of magnitude - this might not be classified correctly. If it belongs somewhere else, move it please.
- Littoral island - should be a section in Littoral first.
- Laminite - created at Lamainar flow
- Nematophyte -
- Newport Submarine Canyon -
- navajo national monument
- Nitrogen pathways and NPK in soils
- Omega Gaia -
- Ore Shoot -
- Orca Basin -
- Orthomagmatic -
- Ostrov Morzhovets - island in north Russia
- Paleomegalandslide -
- Paraconformity (see addition at unconformity)
- Playfair's Law - the law of accordant junctions
- Potohar Plateu -
- Polyphant Stone -
- Pristine environment - definition
- Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta - river delta in the Netherlands
- Sand plain/Sand sheet - you can start here [6]
- Semuc Champey - A natural limestone bridge in Guatemala
- Salt Weld -
- Seabed hydrates -
- Synthetic seismogram -
- Strelley Pool Chert -
- Temple of Sinawava (geological feature in Zion Canyon, Utah)
- Terra rossa - an important type of soil
- Water impurities
- ICID Water Dictionary - what is it, who writes it?
Plant, animal and other living species
Other, environment and geology
- Bingham analysis - in relation to Stereoplots
- Blue Ghost Firefly - Appalachian Mountains phenom
- Black dirt - what kind of black dirt?
- Charles Forsling -
- Chatham Break -
- Coal mine bump - a.k.a. "mountain bump" or "mine bump" or "seismic bump"; for example: the 1958 Springhill mining bump or the recent Utah mine bump; for references see this and this.
- Cretaceous thermal maximum - see Cretaceous#Climate
- Gravity map - see Gravimetry, though that article needs something on gravimetric mapping. See also Geodesy.
- Holly Blue Agate - Anything Please -
- History of water - more detail please - history of human water use? of water engineering?
- Human impact on the environment -
- Impact glass - see Shocked quartz
- interdiffusion -
- La Crescenta-Montrose flood of 1934 -
- Land and Water Conservation Fund Act - which one?
- Lynch's Crater -
- Longleaf Lumber -
- NanoSIMS
- North American Sylva (by Andre Francois Michaux) - does a book need its own article?
- New Zealand Geology
- Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA) [7] [8] -
- Patti katla (mineral) -
- Phantom Quartz - A Quartz crystal in which a smaller 'ghostlike' crystal can be seen encompassed in the larger crystal.
- Pindan -
- Piper diagram -
- Pisolite -
- Planar deformation feature (PDF), -
- Planar fracture (PF) -
- PPMD compression method -
- Progradation -
- Pulverized crystal -
- Sehoo Highstand -
- Sludge retention time -
- Stockholm Declaration - text here.[9]
- Striped Flint - is a type of flint only fould in one place in the world
- Terra Research - is this a company? Is it prominent enough for an article per WP:CORP?
- Turlough (geology) -
- Trans-European Suture Zone - TESZ
- True polar wander
- Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone - TTZ
- Trapped wave
- Unglaciated - see Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau, Glaciation, and Glacier
- See also: #Fluid mechanics
- 1995 Mayfest Storm - significant Texas weather event briefly noted in the hail article.
- 700 mb temperature
- 2007 Elie, Manitoba Tornado
- Adiabatic Fog
- Aerographersmate -
- Atmospheric Optics - needs cross-references from physics and astronomy. Should refer to existing articles on atmospheric refraction, mirages, rainbows and halos, etc.
- Bowl Lightning - Do you mean Ball lightning?
- Carbon-Silicate cycle -
- Center for International Climate and Environmental Research / CICERO
- Climate of North America - A briefer on the climates in different regions in North America. Average temperatures, etc...
- Cloud Liquid Water Content (LWC) -
- Convective potential -
- Friction Velocity -
- Fallstreak Holes - holes in high clouds caused by rapid freezing of supercooled water. [10]
- Geological equipment -
- Global warming on other planets -
- General Mean Surface Temperature (GMST) -
- Gringorten formula return period - wind speed formula
- Haines Index -
- Hard Frost - see Frost. That article could use help.
- Interactive Carboncycle - Concerning temperature rise as an effect of global warming. See Carbon cycle#Carbon cycle modeling
- Interactive Weather Information Network - a National Weather Service (USA) program that was terminated as of fall 2005, then "replaced" in December 2006, been around for many years. [11]
- Eugenia Kalnay (AAAS Fellow)
- Les Suetes - south-easterly winds
- Man-computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS)
- Gunnar Myhre - climatologist, University of Oslo ( ) and Center for International Climate and Environmental Research / CICERO ( ), associated with debate on global climate change / global warming.
- Q-G Omega -
- QG Field(s) -
- Tropical Easterly Jet -
- Texas Natural Resources- what are the natural resources of Texas?
- Water budget graphs -
- Water vapour concentration -
- Weather in 2005 (and Weather in 2004, Weather in 2003...) - Overview articles of worldwide weather during the respective year - useful for e.g. helping illustrate climate change and global warming, and for creating an archive of annual weather history articles. (Weather in 2006 and 2007 already created.
- Weather reconnaissance -
- WeatherQuests -
- Woodpecker grid
- Agua Fria Aquifer -
- Cave of Swords (Chihuahua, Mexico) - largest crystals on earth
- Devil's Lake outlet -
- Hodges Seamount -
- Kahna National Tiger Reserve -
- Kirvas - A South Pacific island nation threatened by rising water levels
- Kispest - A neighbourhood in Budapest, birth place of Ferenc Puskás
- Kufra and Sareer Basins -
- Last Chance Valley - A valley where Richard Stoddard claimed there was a lake filled with gold nuggets
- Litsianski Island
- Midnight Reserves (Roosevelt / Pinchot Forest Reserves) -
- Niobrara Sea - A prehistoric sea covering parts of North America during the Mesozoic era.
- Rainbow Basin (California) -
- Seaton Marshes -
- South Patagonian Icefield -
- Strawberry River (Utah) -
- Terkezi oasis -
- Salinas Grandes -
- Tsingy (Madagascar) -
- Forests of India -
- Ol'donyo Lengai -
- Kangeroo Island - Koalas culled due to pest status
- Ashleworth Ham, Aylesbeare Common, Bowling Green Marsh, Catcott Lows, Cors Caron, Cors Geirch, Dawlish Warren National Nature Reserve, Edford Wood, Exminster Marshes, Farlington Marshes, Frodsham Marsh, Garston Wood, Gwent Levels reserve, Ham Wall, Highnam Woods, Kenwith Nature Reserve, Lackford wildfowl reserve, Lower Test Marshes, Marazion Marsh, Old Hall Marshes, South Huish Marsh, Stanpit Marsh, Stodmarsh, Swanton Novers Great Wood, Thurlbear Quarrylands, Titchfield Haven, Yarenr Wood
Not geologic or environmental topics
Journals and trade publications
- Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (external link)
- Arnoldia journal of Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University (external link)
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (external link)
- International Journal of Product Development IJPD (external link)
- International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry IJPD (external link)
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology (external link)
- Journal of Information Science (external link)
- Journal of Lipid Research (external link)
People in science/Scientists
For help on how to write biographies, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography
Editors, please check in this general catch-all for scientists.
(See: List of astronomers for more information)
Al Bayroni (physicist) - probably referring to Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Bayrouni. See [12] -
Binjacka, (zaboravljeni potok) -
Charles Thomas Bolton -
James Steven Bullock -
Duvone Dale (NASA) - See [13]
Bernard Dawson -
Franjo Dominko -
Yvan Dutil -
Scott Forbush -
Jean Gay -
Leo Goldberg -
Michael G. Hauser -
Cyril Hazard -
James B. Kaler/Jim Kaler -
Muraoka Kenji -
Kennedy and Illingworth who researched aether-theories. -
Savvas Michael Koushiappas -
Francis Preserved Leavenworth -
Duncan Lorimer -
Stephen Maran -
Maura McLaughlin -
George Michanowsky -
Samuel Molyneux -
W. H. S. Monck -
Gerry Neugebauer -
Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt -
B. Paczynski - gamma ray burst researcher
Galianni Pasquale -
Frans Pretorius -
Pavla Ranzinger -
Jean Richer -
Scott Ransom -
John M. Scalo -
Qutb eddin Shirazi -
Bruce Slee -
Steinn Sigurdsson -
Gonzalo Tancredi -
Heinrich Vogt (astronomer) -
Andrew Ronald Zentner
Please look in: Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Natural_sciences/Biology#Biologists
- Acharya Kapil ?who? –—
- Johan August Arfvedson] -
- Orlando Aloysius Battista All I can ever find are his quotes. JFK quoted him as saying, "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." and there are many more. I believe he is either a catholic author or an American chemist. Who is this man?
- Michael T. Beachem, Jr., Ph.D (One of the 4 chemists that invented the Lightstick, while he worked at American Cyanamid. He was also a holder of 21 patents of other inventions.)
- Franklin C. Bing who? -
- Steven Buckwell who? -
- Kingsley Cavell who? -
- Athanasia Dervisi who? -
- Ian Fallis who? -
- Lloyd N. Ferguson - (African-American Chemist, educator at California State University)
- Bart Hessen who? -
- Gottlieb Kirchhoff - Russian chemist, inventor of (a process to make?) corn syrup
- Carl Langer - (Worked with Ludwig Mond)
- John Leffler - enthalpy/entropy; "Leffler plots"
- G.K. Surya Prakash who? -
- Friedrich Quincke - (19th century chemist)
- Malcolm Renfrew (from the University of Idaho) -
- Jan H. Teuben who? -
- Mikhail Usanovich - a Russian chemist who given the Usanovich definition.
- Gregory L. Verdine who? -
- Christopher T. Walsh who? -
- Edgar Bright Wilson (Professor at Harvard University, student of Linus Pauling)
- Roger Tsien - inventor of Fura-2 and major developer of GFP at UCSD
- Bruce H Mahan - Author of World Famous "University Chemistry" and former head of the department of Chemistry at UC Berkeley
(See: List of physicists for more information)
Faye Ajzenberg-Selove (1926 - ) [14] --
Betsy Ancker-Johnson (1929 - ) [15] --
Anton F. Andreev -
Milla Baldo-Ceolin [16] --
Andrew Beckwith -
Wilson Bently ("Snowflake" Bently) -
Elihu Boldt -
Christiane Bonnelle [17] --
Jenny Bramley (1909 - 1997) [18] --
Marc H. Brodsky -
Yvette Cauchois (1908 - 1999) [19] --
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat (1923 - ) [20] --
Patricia Cladis (1937 - ) [21] --
Janine Connes [22] --
Esther Conwell (1922 - ) [23] --
Auguste De La Rive -
Cecile DeWitt-Morette (1922 - ) [24] --
Louise Dolan [25] --
Nancy M. Dowdy (1938 - ) [26] --
H. Frederick Dylla -
Titania Ehrenfest-Afanaseva (1876 - 1964) [27] --
Magda Ericson (1929 - ) [28] --
Scott E Forbush -
Judy Franz (1938 - ) [29] --
R. R. Freeman (Freeman resonances) -
Phyllis S. Freier (1921 - 1992) [30] --
Christopher Fuchs -
Mary K. Gaillard (1939 - ) [31] --
Fanny Gates (1872 - 1931) [32] --
Ellen Gleditsch (1879 - 1968) [33] --
Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber (1911 - 1998) [34] --
Sulamith Goldhaber (1923 - 1965) [35] --
Gail Hanson (1947 - ) [36] --
George Russell Harrison (physicist) (1898-1979) (famous MIT professor) -
Evans Hayward (1922 - ) [37] --
Thomas Hertog -
Caroline Herzenberg (1932 - ) [38] --
William Mitchinson Hicks (1850-1934) -
David Hochberg -
Bertha Swirles Jeffreys (1903 - 1999) [39] --
Claus Jonsson -
Renata Kallosh (1943 - ) [40] --
Berta Karlik (1904 - 1990) [41] --
Bruria Kaufman (1918 - ) [42] --
Marcia Keith (1859 - 1950) [43] --
Thomas Kephart -
Margaret Kivelson (1928 - ) [44] --
Noemie Benczer Koller (1933 - ) [45] --
Martha Krebs -
Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf (1922 - ) [46] --
Kazuo Kuroda -
Elizabeth Laird (1874 - 1969) [47] --
Rolf Landua -
Donald N. Langenberg -
Juliet Lee-Franzini (1933 - ) [48] --
Thomas Rankin Lyle -
David D. Lynch -
Margaret Maltby (1860 - 1944) [49] --
Bernd Matthias -
Alexander Franklin Mayer -
Helen Megaw (1907 - ) [50] --
Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister (1915 - 1981) [51] --
Marcia Neugebauer [52] --
Gertrude Neumark (1927 - ) [53] --
Ida Tacke Noddack (1896 - 1979) [54] --
Jorge C. Novarini-
Keith Olive -
John M. Palms -
P. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina (1899 - ) [55] --
Sandu Popescu --
Edith Quimby (1891 - 1982) [56] --
L. David Roper -
Mendel Sachs -
Myriam Sarachik (1933 - ) [57] --
Bice Sechi-Zorn (1928 - 1984) [58] --
Johanna Levelt Sengers [59] --
Igor Smolyaninov -
George A. Snow (?-2000) -
Hartland Snyder -
Hertha Sponer (1895 - 1968) [60] --
Isabelle Stone (1868 - 1944) [61] --
Tuomo Suntola -
Richard Manliffe Sutton -
Julius Tafel -
Team Physicks (Physics Team) -
Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat -
Katharine Way (1903 - 1995) [62] --
Sau Lan Wu [63] --
Valentina Zhelyazkova -
Multi-Category & Other Scientists
Also, unorganized people from other pages
- Norris Alderson - Associate Commissioner of Science, FDA
- Michael Ashley - Professor of Astrophysics and Optics at University of South New Wales
- André Berger - meteorologist
- Jacob Bigelow - doctor, pharmacist, botanist [64]
- Borislav Bogdanović - chemist
- Seymour Cohen - molecular biologist
- Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao - chemist
- Pol Doti - molecular biologist
- Pantó György - Geochemical scientist
- Dionigi Galletto - physicist - mathematician
- Drago Grdenić - chemist
- William Francis Hildebrand || William Hildebrand - American chemist
- Dušan Hadži - chemist
- John Knox (scientist) - meteorologist & mathematician, found new method of calculating e.
- Velibor Krsmanović - biochemist
- Bogdan Maglić - nuclear physicist
- Tihomir Novakov - physico-chemist
- John O'Mara Bockris - physico-chemist
- Guy Ourisson - chemist - biochemistry
- Michael Simic - chemist
- Emil Špaldon - engineer of agronomy
- Constantin E. Sekeris - biochemist
- Miha Tišler - chemist
- Igor Vladimirovich Torgov - chemist
- Dietrich H. Welte - geochemist
- Julius Erich Wess - physicist
- George M. Woodwell - World-renowned biologist and ecologist, partially responsible for the ban of DDT
- Tamio Yamakawa - biochemist
- Vilen Andreyevich Zharikov - geologist
Currently unsorted
:(Please try to place items in the appropriate category) #:
- Bill S. 517 -
- bimodal structure - bimodal structure of what?
- Borealis Planitia - polar plain on Mercury
- Cuttlefish casting (like sand casting with cuttlebone for matrix, traditional technique)
- Deoxyadenosol -
- Dingle Johnson Act -
- Dolphin-assisted therapy (DAT)
- dolphin human therapy (DHT)
- Double-nosed Andean Tiger Hound - [65] and [66]
- Dowker-Kent critique -
- Dumorterite -
- Diminutive male or parasitic male - example
- Maritime Disasters -
- Maxim- cat, survived 18 story fall with minimum injuries, Chicago
- Molecular paleontology
- Rinsing illusion - See Optical illusion, and perhaps add this to the list.
- Sergiu Gorun -
- Sox9 -
- Storm Wallet -
- ultracontig (should be in the genetics section, but where is it?) -
- umbrella effect -