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* [[Water impurities]]
* [[Water impurities]]
* [[ICID Water Dictionary]] - what is it, who writes it?
* [[ICID Water Dictionary]] - what is it, who writes it?

===Plant, animal and other living species===
* [[Cyprus Tree]]

===Other, environment and geology===
===Other, environment and geology===

Revision as of 10:04, 28 August 2007


AB Doradus Moving Group - Alpha Persei Moving Cluster - Astronomy Week - Boson star - Coal Sack - Color-color diagram - Core collapse (globular) - Cosmological distance equations - Dark comet - de Vaucouleurs galaxy classification system - Doppler beaming - Donut theory of universe - Dredge-up (of heavy elements from cores of massive stars) - Galactic ridge - Gordon Dachborden ? - Heim-Dröscher space - Intermediate stars - Interplanetary scintillation - Jupiter's radio emissions - k-essence - κ-mechanism (Kappa) - Kyoto DST & PFSS - Natural broadening - Phase Curve - Photoevaporation (of protoplanetary disk) - Quintuplet Cluster - R Coronae Borealis variable - Rectified image - Safe Slot - Sagittarius B2 - Silk damping - Small Bang Theory - Soapbubble Superstructure of Galactic Walls - Soliton star - Solunar and Feeding Time Calculations - Spatial singularity - Spite plateau - stellar density - Stellar pulsations - Super-soft x-ray source - Triple quasar - Vogt-Russell theorem - Z Andromedae variable - z branch, banana branch - Zeta Herculis Moving Group Captured rotation dark matter behavior

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y we can't dope a semiconductor with group 2A and 6A of periodic table Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) - cavity reactor - Cavradyne Engines - Elastic hysteresis - Phonon bottleneck - Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (Portugal) - Sommerfeld parameter quadratic gravity - ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) - space tug - stretching frequency - bending frequency -


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Solid state physics

Greninger chart - Piezospectroscopic Tensor - Anistropy energy - Slip Model - Free Carrier Concentration - Semiconductor Equilibrium - Optical Transitions - Acoustic Transitions


Linear Acoustic Equations - Normal hearing level - Spacial Resolution - Sabine's Formula - Sound Isolation - Sound Reproducer Lamps - Singer's Formant Echea - Tuned pots used by the ancient greeks to make voices clearer by enhancing resonations at key frequencies and absorbing others. Dumbhole -- Acoustic analogue of a general relatavistic black hole. W.G. Unruh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1351 (1981)


gravity tractor - Mohr Diagram - Lock step (astronomy) - shock response spectra - velocity ratio - pferdestärkenstunde pure shear physical pendulum - coupled maps - Bhaskara's wheel - Gyro-ring ([1]) Concertina top Dueling top Bei-goma Whistling top Gasing leper Gasing jantung

Electricity and magnetism

Perendev magnetic motor- potentiometry- Charge pumping method - CBRAM (also called programmable metallization cell) - Electric resonance - Equatorial electrojet - Evanescent wave coupler - Faraday's Sunburst Homopolar Generator (N-Machine) - Magnetic field power spectrum - magnetologic and magnetologic gate - Moliere Radius - Rated current - Rated voltage - Reynolds and Hough rule - Virtual cathode - Body voltage- Efros-Shklovskii variable-range hopping law- percolation-hopping conductance Railway dynamics - Generator Excitation - Tesla shield - Septum magents - Static electrification - Ground Current Pollution AKA "Tingle Current" - Oscillation Mode - Magnetic Gear - Shunt Choke- Hydratus- foil electrec- cymometer

History of physics

Atomicron - Bernard Bruno Kinsey - Bernhard Mecking - Davy-Faraday Laboratory - Experimental method in the Islamic world - undefineds of List of physicists Song Jin-joo - Andreas von Ettingshausen - Shih-I Pai - Leo Piilonen - Silvan Schweber - Fu-Kwun Hwang - Pair Approximation - Steve Chou - Robert Marcley (and Marcley apparatus)-

Named effects, theories & equipment


Nuclear Physics

Mirror nuclei · Methods in nuclear physics · Principles of Nuclear Magnetism

Optics and wave theory

A: Absorption (physics) - Anti-Stokes Raman Laser(ASRL) - AC-Stark effect - B: Beam expander - Beam walking - Bidwell's disc - Birefraction - C: Cross Gain Modulation (XGM) - Curve of growth (spectroscopy) - Channel waveguides (integrated optical waveguide on a substrate) - Cylinder lens - D: Deuteranomalous - Diffraction effects - Diffusor - DKL color model - E: External cavity diode laser - Equifrequency surface - F: four-quadrant phase mask (FQPM) - Fresnel's Distance (in single slit diffraction) - G: Guoy Phase Shift - H: hyperlens (nanostructure magnifies objects smaller than the wavelength of light) - heat retention I: Impedance spectroscopy - L: Lasing without inversion (LWI) - Lenslet.com - Light diffusion -

M: Mode competition - Modulation depth - O: Oscillator strength - Optical beam-induced currents (OBIC) - Optical bottle beam - Optical contacting - optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) - optical vortices (Sometimes the terms "phase dislocations", "phase singularity lines" and "optical vortices" are used equivalently) - P: Perfect lense - Phase locking in lasers - Pockels readout optical modulator - polarization tensor- Pulsed-Laser Photoacoustics - R: Radiative Power Law - Ramsey-borde interferometer S: Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) - sonoluminessence - spectral imagery - Spectrodensitometer- (instrument, measures light) spatial hole burning - spectral hole burning - spectral intensity - spin squeezing - supercontinuum laser light T: thermonuclear transcorder - Transistor laser - Tabot Effect- Z: Z-scan

Candidatus Chloracidobacterium thermophilum- nitrogen catabolite repression(NCR)-

photoelectric scanner(PES) - Kramers-Kronig inversion of the reflectance spectra - Cavity Dumper

Particle physics

A: analytic regularization - anomalous gauge boson interaction - anomaly inflow - anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking - anti-de Sitter supersymmetry - Atiyah-Segal axioms - B: bare vertex approximation - Belinfante-Rosenfeld stress-energy tensor - Bern-Kosower formalism - C: chaotic quantization - charge condensate - chiral quantum electrodynamics - closed time path formalism - collective symmetry breaking - conformal compensator - Connes-Lott model - Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action - D: Delta(I)=1/2 rule - DHR analysis - Dielectric Traveling Wave Tubes - dispersion relations (QFT) - double scaling limit - E: Eguchi-Kawai model - electron positron lattice - electron spin resonance dating - F: Fayet-Iliopoulos action - Fayet-Sohnius hypermultiplet - Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism - G: gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking - GPS implants- Rajaram Goundar Duality Effect - H: Haag-Ruelle scattering - helicity conservation - higher dimensional supersymmetry - hodoscope - holographic renormalization group - Holomorphy (SUSY) - Hosotani mechanism - Howe-Stelle-Townsend hypermultiplet - I: Isotropic sphere - J: Julia-Zee dyon - K: Källén-Lehmann spectral representation - Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation - K-shell transitions - L: ladder approximation - lattice string theory - Lee-Yang model - light cone gauge - light front quantization - linear dilaton model - Liouville action - Luescher term - M: mass texture - Matsubara formalism - minimal string theory - multiple point principle - N: Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem - nonequilibrium quantum field theory - nonrenormalization theorem - O: Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements - P: Paschen notation - photon-gluon fusion creation process for hadrons - pinch approximation - pion superfluid - potential well model - precision tests of electroweak theory - prepotential - Primakoff conversion - projective superspace - Q: QCD sum rules - quasiprimary field - quark-quark correlations - quaternionic Hilbert space R: radial quantization - S: Segal's axioms - short supermultiplet - skeleton diagram - sliding VEV mechanism - Slow positrons - spurion - string ball - T: 't Hooft matching condition - Thirring sine-Gordon duality - twisted supersymmetry - two particle irreducible - type 0A string theory - type 0B string theory - U: V: Verlinde's formula W: Wess-Zumino consistency condition - Weyl notation - Wick-Cutkosky model - Wilson-Ginsparg action X:

Plasma physics

B: Beam acoustic instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Bump-in-tail instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Buneman instability - C: Cherenkov instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Chute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Collapse instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Complex plasmas - Counter-streaming instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Cyclotron instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability for list of Cyclotron instabilities to define) - D: Diocotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Double emission instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Drift wave instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - E: Edge-localised mode (Plasma instability; see Instability) - F: Fan instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Farley-Buneman instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Filamentation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability; may be synonymous with or a section could be added to Pinch (plasma physics)) - Flute instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Free electron maser instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - G: Gyrotron instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - H: Helical instability / Helical kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Hose instability (Plasma instability; also called Firehose instability) - I: Interchange instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Ion beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - K: Kink instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - M: Magnetic buoyancy instability / Parker instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Magnetic drift instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Modulation instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - N: Non-Abelian instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Non-linear coalescence instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - P: Pair instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Peratt instabilities (Plasma instability; see Instability) - S: Sausage instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Slow drift Instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - T: Tearing mode instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - W: Weak beam instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) - Weibel instability (Plasma instability; see Instability) -

Physical chemistry

A: Agaritine - Ahmad-Cohen - Alignment layers - Used to induce molecular alignment in liquid crystals allowed/forbidden electronic transitions - Andrussov process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - Anti-material bio-catalysts - Auto-Protolysis of Water C: colloidal silica - Capillary condensation - Cell Diagram - Changing color objects in a cold place - color changing ink [2] - conservation of orbital symmetry - cylotron - D: Degussa process (mentioned in Hydrogen cyanide) - density holes [3] - Dilatometry - disjoining force - double-sided feynman diagrams - E: Electroosmotic drag - Exhaled Air - F: Flame Photometer - G: Gas transferLike Oxygen or CO2 into water H: Haber-Weiss reaction HIstory of elements- I: isotope exchange - K: Kac potential - Kirkendall void - Kjeldhal nitrogen - L: landau expansion - Lepion - LEPS potential - Liquid color measurement indexes - List of plastics Lunar Uranium- M: Major and minor rotamer signals (NMR Spectroscopy) - Mass absorption coefficent - Mesostructural - Meninga coccemia - MIP energy - Monoatomic gold - Macromer - N: neutron spin-echo spectroscopy - niter paper - O: osmotic pressure agent - P: Particulate theory - Powder of projection - Polyhide - R: raolut's law- rayleigh distillation- Refractive index increment - Regge behavior - reorganization energy - Residual gas analysis - S: Sabatier reactor - Single-molecule spectroscopy - Skeletal catalyst - spectral profile - Sulfur trifluoride -

T: Tin Iodide

V: vibrational rotational energy -

analog model of gravity - black hole remnant - black hole stability theorem - Bondi energy - brane bubble - Dynamical triangulations - Einstein pseudotensor - Friedel-Starodubtsev action - Gravitational wind - higher derivative gravity - Killing spinor (supergravity) - Landau energy - lapse field - MacDowell-Mansouri action - Matter field - modified dispersion relation - Moller energy - Pauli-Fierz theory / Fierz-Pauli theory - Principle of Relativity as applied with space being a plenum - Polar metric - Rubber Sheet Model - Virbhadra-Ellis Lens Equation- Vaidya metric- Bonnor-Vaidya Metric- Charged tachyon- Trapped surface theorem- Relativistic Images- Weakly and Strongly Naked Singularities- Photon surface- Energy-momentum complexes- Goldberg-Sachs Theorem- Burke Theorem- Causal curves- Achronal boundaries- Causality COnditions- Asymptotically simple spaces- Curvarure tensor - Bekenstein conformal black hole- Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves- Asymptotic flatness- Initial value formulation- Taub-Nut space- The initial singularity in the universe- Chowlson-Einstein ring- Gravitational self-energy-

#: 10j symbol - 15j symbol - 3 body recombination - A: Adiabatic algorithms B: Bell's interconnectedness theorem - is this the same as Bell's Theorem? If yes, then a redirect is in order; if no, then a full article. Bohm-deBroglie - C: Coulomb staircase - E: Exchange degeneracy - Evans Boney - F: Feynman's relativistic chessboard model - Flucidity Theory - Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation [4] G: Ground State Fluctuations - H: Hartman effect - Heim-Dröscher space - J: Joined density of states - L: Lower dimensional quantum field theory - N: Numerov's method - O: Optical Bloch equations - P: Phase-covariant cloning machine (PQCM) - Photoassociation - Power broadening - Q: Quantum addresses - Quantum coding - Quantum communication - Quantum coupling - Quantum Critical - Quantum Hologram - quaternionic Hilbert space - Quantum Vacuum R: reduced density matrix S: Saturated absorption - Strong and Weak Equivalence - Super Selection Rules shadow brane - Solar System Barycenter T: Thomas-Fermi profile -

Solutions to (including transmission/reflection and diagrams)

Bubblon model - Dirac Equation in curved spacetime -

Bicritical point - Convection from electrical conductors - critical line (thermodynamics) - Emissitivity - Entropy production - Ideal room temperature - Irreversible dynamics - Isothermal conductivity - Jarzinski Theorem - Jaynes' principle - Maxwell construction - Molar enthalpy - Mollier Chart - Nonextensive thermodynamics - Partial molar entropy - Phase envelope - Replica Exchange - Response theory - scaling relation - tetracritical point - thermal transpiration the effect that drives a Crookes' radiometer - Transport theory - Tricritical point - Yang-Lee zeros - Energy Flux Density - Jules-Thomson Theory - XYZ model - XXZ model - XXX model

Adiabatic free expansion - charge ordering - Crowdion - Deformation Potential - disinclination - double exchange - Holstein-Primakoff representation (or transformation) - impenetrability of matter - Laughlin wavefunction - magnetoroton - Onsager's solution - Plastic crystal - Phason - quasicontinuum - Ranque-Hilsch vortex-tube effect - Rouse Model - resonating valence band - Snoek relaxation (should be in metallurgy) - spin band - spin liquid - strongly correlated electrons - super exchange - Systematic Absence - crystallography t-J model - transfer matrix (physics) - Restrahlen band - Matrix Potential - Mr. SQUID -

Prandtl equation - Carman–Kozeny equation - Chaotic Advection - chinewalking - Diapycnal - Eliassen-Palm flux - Eulerian fluid dynamics - Eulerian Turbulence - Homogeneous turbulence - Kozeny–Carman equation - Lagrangian fluid dynamics - Lagrangian Turbulence - Microfluids - Palinstrophy - Shallow water model - Shock cocoon - Starling resistor - Swirl chamber - isolation valve - Sonic Velocity -

Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) - temperature dependent fluorescence - Thermo-Calc) - spinodal decomposition - vermicular graphite - wear coefficient

Other terms to be sorted

A: Antihuman Rabbit Serum - anticyclonic tide - C: chemicurrent - coherent interface - constitutive law - Corrosion in shipwrecks - covariant anomaly - cultured collagen D: Dirac cone - E: Energetic Particles - Ergodic problem - Escape distance - F: Food physics - Formation Fluid - Fungi Perfecti.com - G: Greninger Chart - Geonium - H: Halogen Counter - J: Jungersol - K: L: Langmuir balance - M: Mach-Lorentz thruster - Motor effect - N: Nanospheres - O: OPDrms - P: Partial Oxidation Power Scavenging Pauli Blocking - R: Raman Cooling - S: Simple albedo - T: Taylor-Couette cell - Texton - y we can't dope a semiconductor with group 2A and 6A of periodic table


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Analytical chemistry

Chemistry concepts, classes of compounds

A: Allodyne - B: Baralyme - C: Chemistry of radioactive waste (What makes it so radioactive?) - Colors of compounds - Geometry of compounds - Cobalt Carbonate - What are it's chemical properties and practical uses? D: Dendronized polymer - probably refers to Dendrimer - Diketal - E: Electroactive organic compounds - Electropolymerization - Energy gap variation - Exodiffusion - F: Faradaic efficiency - G: Gel point - L: Liquid temperature - N: Neutralization equivalent (how to find molecular weight of unknown) - O: Organic carbon - P: Paracrystalline (what is it, in what way does it differ from amorphous and crystalline substances?) Pore strips - Pseudochirality - R: Rate of combustion - Reactive powder concrete - S: Steric Number T: tensio-active U: Uncommon phases of water ice see Ice#Phases_of_ice (perhaps more detail wanted?) - V: Void space fraction - Vinylidenes W: Water analysis test strips How do they work? - Weiner Index of Compounds -

Mineral Compounds

Chemical compounds
























Other, unsorted chemistry terms

Environmental policy


  • Armacolite - apparently some moon mineral named after Armstrong, Aldrin and Collin
  • Rulite - Thin golden rutile hairs from which titanium is derived.

Geologic time periods

Flandrian transgression - riparian areas

Geologic features & environments




  • The Darrans granodioritic range of the New Zealand Southern Alps
















Plant, animal and other living species


Other, environment and geology




















See also: #Fluid mechanics




















Not geologic or environmental topics

Journals and trade publications





People in science/Scientists

For help on how to write biographies, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Biography
Editors, please check in this general catch-all for scientists.


(See: List of astronomers for more information)
A: B: Al Bayroni (physicist) - probably referring to Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Bayrouni. See [12] - Binjacka, (zaboravljeni potok) - Charles Thomas Bolton - James Steven Bullock - D: Duvone Dale (NASA) - See [13] Bernard Dawson - Franjo Dominko - Yvan Dutil - F: Scott Forbush - G: Jean Gay - Leo Goldberg - H: Michael G. Hauser - Cyril Hazard - K: James B. Kaler/Jim Kaler - Muraoka Kenji - Kennedy and Illingworth who researched aether-theories. - Savvas Michael Koushiappas - L: Francis Preserved Leavenworth - Duncan Lorimer - M: Stephen Maran - Maura McLaughlin - George Michanowsky - Samuel Molyneux - W. H. S. Monck - N: Gerry Neugebauer - O: Friedrich Wilhelm Opelt - P: B. Paczynski - gamma ray burst researcher Galianni Pasquale - Frans Pretorius - R: Pavla Ranzinger - Jean Richer - R: Scott Ransom - S: John M. Scalo - Qutb eddin Shirazi - Bruce Slee - Steinn Sigurdsson - T: Gonzalo Tancredi - V: Heinrich Vogt (astronomer) - W: Z: Andrew Ronald Zentner


Please look in: Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Natural_sciences/Biology#Biologists



(See: List of physicists for more information)
A: Faye Ajzenberg-Selove (1926 - ) [14] -- Betsy Ancker-Johnson (1929 - ) [15] -- Anton F. Andreev - B: Milla Baldo-Ceolin [16] -- Andrew Beckwith - Wilson Bently ("Snowflake" Bently) - Elihu Boldt - Christiane Bonnelle [17] -- Jenny Bramley (1909 - 1997) [18] -- Marc H. Brodsky - C: Yvette Cauchois (1908 - 1999) [19] -- Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat (1923 - ) [20] -- Patricia Cladis (1937 - ) [21] -- Janine Connes [22] -- Esther Conwell (1922 - ) [23] -- D: Auguste De La Rive - Cecile DeWitt-Morette (1922 - ) [24] -- Louise Dolan [25] -- Nancy M. Dowdy (1938 - ) [26] -- H. Frederick Dylla - E: Titania Ehrenfest-Afanaseva (1876 - 1964) [27] -- Magda Ericson (1929 - ) [28] -- F: Scott E Forbush - Judy Franz (1938 - ) [29] -- R. R. Freeman (Freeman resonances) - Phyllis S. Freier (1921 - 1992) [30] -- Christopher Fuchs - G: Mary K. Gaillard (1939 - ) [31] -- Fanny Gates (1872 - 1931) [32] -- Ellen Gleditsch (1879 - 1968) [33] -- Gertrude Scharff Goldhaber (1911 - 1998) [34] -- Sulamith Goldhaber (1923 - 1965) [35] -- H: Gail Hanson (1947 - ) [36] -- George Russell Harrison (physicist) (1898-1979) (famous MIT professor) - Evans Hayward (1922 - ) [37] -- Thomas Hertog - Caroline Herzenberg (1932 - ) [38] -- William Mitchinson Hicks (1850-1934) - David Hochberg - I: J: Bertha Swirles Jeffreys (1903 - 1999) [39] -- Claus Jonsson - K: Renata Kallosh (1943 - ) [40] -- Berta Karlik (1904 - 1990) [41] -- Bruria Kaufman (1918 - ) [42] -- Marcia Keith (1859 - 1950) [43] -- Thomas Kephart - Margaret Kivelson (1928 - ) [44] -- Noemie Benczer Koller (1933 - ) [45] -- Martha Krebs - Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf (1922 - ) [46] -- Kazuo Kuroda - L: Elizabeth Laird (1874 - 1969) [47] -- Rolf Landua - Donald N. Langenberg - Juliet Lee-Franzini (1933 - ) [48] -- Thomas Rankin Lyle - David D. Lynch - M: Margaret Maltby (1860 - 1944) [49] -- Bernd Matthias - Alexander Franklin Mayer - Helen Megaw (1907 - ) [50] -- Luise Meyer-Schutzmeister (1915 - 1981) [51] -- N: Marcia Neugebauer [52] -- Gertrude Neumark (1927 - ) [53] -- Ida Tacke Noddack (1896 - 1979) [54] -- Jorge C. Novarini- O: Keith Olive - P: John M. Palms - P. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina (1899 - ) [55] -- Sandu Popescu -- Q: Edith Quimby (1891 - 1982) [56] -- R: L. David Roper - S: Mendel Sachs - Myriam Sarachik (1933 - ) [57] -- Bice Sechi-Zorn (1928 - 1984) [58] -- Johanna Levelt Sengers [59] -- Igor Smolyaninov - George A. Snow (?-2000) - Hartland Snyder - Hertha Sponer (1895 - 1968) [60] -- Isabelle Stone (1868 - 1944) [61] -- Tuomo Suntola - Richard Manliffe Sutton - T: Julius Tafel - Team Physicks (Physics Team) - Marie-Antoinette Tonnelat - U: V: W: Katharine Way (1903 - 1995) [62] -- Sau Lan Wu [63] -- X: Y: Z: Valentina Zhelyazkova -

Multi-Category & Other Scientists

Also, unorganized people from other pages

Currently unsorted

:(Please try to place items in the appropriate category) #:





















