Wikipedia:Requested articles/Business and economics: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 11:11, 31 August 2005
Businesses and Organizations
A: Aegon - Antofagasta Plc - ASML or ASM Lithography (one article and one redirect) - B: Bunzl Plc - C: Chinergy [1] - Clay-Adams, Inc. - Comet Cups (Brand Ice Cream Cones) - D: Dabney Oil Syndicate - E: Eden Foods (Health food company) - Engineered Cement Composites (ECC) - F: Franklin Community Credit Union [2] - G: Garage Technology Ventures (Technology Venture Capital Group) - H: Hay (UK company) - Helene Curtis - High Frontier (building operations in orbit) - HighMark - I: IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement - International Clearing Union - Interval Research Corporation - J: JetGreen - Johnson Family of Companies - K: Kingdom holdings - Knaack - Kongo Gumi (Reputedly world's oldest continously operated company) - KPN Qwest - M: Mandarake (Tokyo-based used manga and doujinshi retail outlet) - N: National Frozen Pizza Institute - Nedlloyd - Neptune Society - O: Océ - OD Practitioner Network [3] - Old Mutual - Osprey Publishing - P: P&O Line - Peel Holdings - PicoPoint Technologies - PJ's Pancake House (Princeton, NJ) - Professional Service Firms - Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana [4] - Purity Distillng Company - R: Rexam - S: S. E. Johnson Companies large, secretive private company - Sakakibara Kikai - Scottish and Southern Energy - Self-marketing - ServiceMaster - Spindler & Hoyer - U: Umpqua Bank (Oregon-based reatail bank that operates from Bellevue to Sacremento; symbol: UMPQ) - V: Vendex KBB - Vopak - W: Wild Oats (Natural Foods Supermarket Chain) - World's largest organisations Supposedly - 1) Indian National Railways, 2) Chinese State Army 3) United Kingdom National Health Service - X: Xanterra Parks & Resorts (US's Largest Park & Resorts Management Company [5]) - Y: Yashica (Camera company purchased by Kyocera) - Z: Zentec
Pharmaceutical companies
AdipoGenix [6] - Amylin Pharmaceuticals ([7] disambiguate against Amylin) - Arena Pharmaceuticals ([8] disambiguate with Arena (disambiguation)) - Athersys [9] - CombinatoRx [10] - Galileo Pharmaceuticals ([11] disambiguate with Galileo (disambiguation)) - Noxxon [12] - Par Pharmaceutical ([13] disambiguate against PAR) - Regeneron [14] - Solvay (International chemical and pharmaceutical company [15])
Administrative Associate - Archibald Putt - Audemars Piguet - Claims Adjuster - Dr. Massouma al-Mubarak (1st female Kuwaiti Cabinet Member) [16] - Elfriede Sallmutter (wife of Frank Stronach) [17] [18] - Greg Voisin and Mac Voisin - Isaac Wolfson, Sir (British philanthropist) - Jerry Speyer - Julian Morris - Karl Brunner - Max Steuer (corporate lawyer-Triangle shirtwaist factory) - Reuven Brenner (distinquished economic scholar) [19] [20] - Simon Anholt (nation branding expert) - Subrahamanyan Chandrasekhar (Bangladeshi politician) - William Esrey
C: CID (credit) - CV2 (credit) - CVV2 (credit) - D: Debt compliance - disbursement E: Economic diversification - Economic fascism - Export Performance (OECD indicator) - F: french profanity - Financial databases - Flat organization - Formulary - H: Happiness economics - Hay Grade (Job/position responsibility garding) - I: Indirect reseller - Interbank pricing - L: Latin American debt crisis - Level-of-effort (contractual term) - Leveraged portfolio - M: Mandatory tender offer - minimalist architecture - N: New political economy - O: Organization dynamic - P: Paired choice matrix - Phillips machine - Pre-industrial society - Private sector development (an new strategy of the Worldbank) - R: Reach through claims (relating to patents and intellectual property) - Rolling turbo - S: Stock watering - Storefront lender - U: UN Sustainable Development [21] - Underinvestment employment relationship - W: Work for welfare
Labor and Labor movements
BPLPSA Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association - congressional pension - FESAL - Full-time and part-time work - Grunwick dispute - The New York Public Library Guild - Precariat - Undocumented workers
Diversity management - Participatory management
Business Unsorted / Other
British Airways Ads - College Athletics - Cross-Border-Leasing - Exon-Florio - Fortress Re[22] - Grattan - Indian Ocean Trade
Robert Theobald, Ha-Joon Chang, Karl Polanyi
Economic theory
A: Asian Economic Model The Asian Way - B: Bidding function - C: Calculus of voting - Capital Outflow - Capital-augmenting - Cash-in-advance constraint - Censored dependent variable - CES technology - Chartalism - Common pool resource - Constant elasticity of substitution - Consumption beta - Cowles Commission - D: Decision rule - Demand set - Divisia index - Domar aggregation - E: Economic crime (see also White-collar crime) - Economic discrimination - Economic environment - Education production function - Educational economics - Effective labor - Efficiency units - Engel elasticity - Entrenchment (management) - Epsilon-equilibrium - Epsilon-proper equilibrium - Event studies - Exponential utility - Extensive margin - F: Fiscalist view - Fisherian criterion - Flexible-accelerator model - Free reserves - G: Generalized Ozaki cost function - GGH preferences - Gorman form - H: Habakkuk thesis - Hahn problem - Harrod-neutral - Hicks-Hansen IS-LM Model - Hicks-Kaldor criterion - Hicks-neutral - Hicks-neutral technical change - Horulism - I: IC constraint - IIA Irrelevance of Independent Alternatives - Implementable - Inada conditions - Inadmissible - Individually rational - Intensive margin - Interim efficient - Interior solution - Internal knowledge spillover - Internal labor markets - International Trade Agreement - Inverse demand function - IR constraint individually rational - IRR Modeling - K: K percent rule - L: Labor productivity - Labor-augmenting - Labor-leisure tradeoff - Lerman ratio - Lerner index - Linear pricing schedule - Liquidity constraint - Locally nonsatiated - Log utility - M: Malmquist index - Market for corporate control - Market power theory of advertising - Markov perfect - Markov strategy - Metaproduction function - Monetized economy - Money-in-the-utility-function models - Mundell-Tobin effect - N: Nash product - National innovation systems - Nondivisibility of labor - Nonlinear pricing - Nonuse value - O: Organization chart - Organizational capital - Outcarving - Overallotment option - Overshooting - P: Perfect equilibrium - Pre-fisc - Precautionary savings - Pricing schedule - Private ordering - Property income - Putty-putty - Q: Quasi-hyperbolic discounting - R: R&D intensity - Rationalizable - Rationalize - Real price rigidity - Recursice economics - Residual claimant - Resiliency - Return to skills - Revelation principle - S: Schumpeterian growth - Scitovsky paradox - Screening game - Second Welfare Theorem - Semi-strong form - Shakeout - Sharing rule - Shubik model - Smithian growth - Social savings - Sonnenshein-Mantel-Debreu theorem - Staggered contracting - State price - State price vector - Strategy-proof - Strong incentive - Superlative index numbers - Survival function - T: Team production - Terje Hansen - Tightness (market) - Tornqvist index - Townsend inefficiency - Transition economics - Translog - Treatment effects - Trembling hand perfect equilibrium - Two-factor model - U: Union threat model - V: Value function - Vintage growth model - W: WACM, Weak axiom of cost minimization - Wage equation - Walrasian general equilibrium - Weak incentive
A: Asymptotic normality - Asymptotic variance - Asymptotically equivalent - Asymptotically unbiased - Augmented Dickey-Fuller test - B: Basin of attraction - BHHH (numerical optimization by Berndt, Hall, Hall, and Hausman) - Bonferroni criterion - Box-Pierce statistic - Breusch-Pagan statistic - Burr distribution - BVAR, Bayesian VAR (Vector Autoregression) - C: Chow test - CLAD Censored least absolute deviations estimator - Clustered data - Cochrane-Orcutt estimation - Conditional variance - Control variable - Cook's distance - D: Delta method - Donsker's theorem or Functional central limit theorem, FCLT - Durbin's h test - Durbin-Watson statistic - Dynamic multipliers - Dynamic optimization - E: EGARCH - Ergodic properties - Ergodic set - Error-correction model - Essentially stationary - Euler equation - Exclusion restrictions - F: FGLS - Full information maximum likelihood - Fisher consistency - Fixed effects estimator - Frechet derivative - Frechet differentiable - Frequency function - G: Generalized Tobit - Generalized Wiener process - Grenander conditions - H: Hausman test - Heckit - Heckman two-step estimation - Huber-White standard errors - I: Identification (parameter) - IGARCH Integrated GARCH - ILS Indirect Least Squares - Incidental parameters - Information matrix - Inverse Mills ratio - Invertibility - J: J statistic - Jackknife estimator - K: Kernel function - Kitchen sink regression - K-nearest-neighbor estimator - Knots (regression) - Kruskal's theorem - L: LAD, Least absolute deviations - LAN, locally asymptotically normal - Least squares learning - Limited dependent variable - Limited information maximum likelihood - Locally identified - Lower hemicontinuous - M: Martingale difference sequence - Maximum score estimator - M-estimators - Mixing (stochastics) - Monotone likelihood ratio property - Multinomial logit - Multinomial probit - N: Nadaraya-Watson estimator - Noncentral chi-squared distribution - Nonergodic - O: Order condition - P: Partially linear model - Phase portrait - Phillips-Perron test - Prais-Winsten transformation - Proper equilibrium - QLR, quasi-likelihood ratio statistic - QML, quasi-maximum likelihood - Q: Q-statistic - Quasi-differencing - Quasi-maximum likelihood - R: Random effects estimation - Ridit scoring - Robust smoother - Roughness penalty - S: Sargan test - Scedastic function - Self-generating - Semilog - Semi-nonparametric - Semiparametric - Sieve estimators - Single-crossing property - SMA, Structural moving average model - Smoothers - Smoothing - Spatial autocorrelation - Spline function - Spline regression - Spline smoothing - Stable steady state - State-space approach to linearization - Stochastic difference equation - Stochastic dominance - Strongly dependent - Strongly ergodic - Structural change - Structural moving average model - Structural parameters - Structure (model) - Subdifferential - Submartingale - SUR, SURE, Seemingly unrelated regressions - SVAR - T: Test for structural change - Test of identifying restrictions - Time-varying covariates, Time-dependent covariates - Tobit model - Top-coded - Transversality condition - Truncated dependent variable - Tukey boxplot - Two stage least squares - Type I extreme value distribution - Unbalanced data - U: Univariate binary model - Upper hemicontinuous - UVAR, Unstructured VAR - UWLLN, Uniform weak law of large numbers - VAR, Vector autoregression - V: Variance decomposition - Variance ratio statistic - W: Wallis statistic - Weakly dependent - Weakly ergodic - Wold decomposition - Wold's theorem
A: Annual Equivalent Rate (or AER) as used in the UK - Annual Percentage Yield (APY) - Annuity formula - Asset-pricing function - B: Bond Exchange Offer - Bond ladder - Bond Tender Offer - C: Capital ratio - CCAPM, Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model - Chit Fund - continuously priced bond tenders - Covered Call / Call Writing Strategy - credit card verification - cross over credit - Cumulative average adjusted return - Cumulative average return - D: Debt refunding / Bond refunding - Dummy company - E: exit consent - F: Factor loadings - Fama-MacBeth regression - Financial swap - Fund Accounting - H: heritage high yield - I: ICAPM - Intertemporal CAPM - L: List of stock symbols - List of US States by GDP (nominal) - List of US States by GDP (PPP) - List of US States by GDP per capita (nominal) - List of US States by GDP per capita (PPP) - N: new money component in a bond exchange offer - Nominal ledgers - O: Overdraft - P: parent subordinated debt - Pricing kernel - R: recovery rate - Rediscount rate - Regional Economic Communities - Reverse listing - Revolving account - Roll critique - rolling bond tenders - S: SEATS - SEC filing codes - Sukkuk - Swap de Taux - T: Tax receipt - Term sheet (venture capital) - Thin capitalisation rules - Time Averages - U: Unit Registry - W: Wall Street-Treasury Complex - Warehouse Credit
National economies
Economic history of Australia - Economic history of Europe - Economy of Montenegro - Economy of Northern Ireland - Economy of Palestine - Economy of Scotland - Economy of Wales
Central banks
Once an article from this section has been created, please ensure it is linked to both from the article Central Bank, and the appropriate "Economy of Continent" article.
B: Bahrain Monetary Agency - Banco Central de Bolivia - Banco Central de Chile - Banco Central de Costa Rica - Banco Central de Honduras - Banco Central de la Republica Argentina - Banco Central de la Republica Dominicana - Banco Central de Nicaragua - Banco Central de Reserva del Peru - Banco Central de Venezuela - Banco Central del Ecuador - Banco Central del Paraguay - Banco Central del Uruguay - Banco de Guatemala - Bank Indonesia - Bank of Albania - Bank of Algeria - Bank of Botswana - Bank of Central African States - Bank of Ghana - Bank of Guyana - Bank of Jamaica - Bank of Mauritius - The Bank of Mongolia - Bank of Mozambique - Bank of Namibia - Bank of Papua New Guinea - Bank of Sierra Leone - Bank of Sudan - Bank of Zambia - Bank van de Nederlandse Antillen - Banque Centrale de Tunisie - Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - Banque Centrale des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - Banque des États de l'Afrique Centrale - Banque du Liban - Banque Nationale du Rwanda - C: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority - Central Bank of Armenia - Central Bank of Belize - Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Central Bank of Cyprus - Central Bank of Egypt - Central Bank of Haiti - Central Bank of Kenya - Central Bank of Kuwait - Central Bank of Lesotho - Central Bank of Libya - Central Bank of Madagascar - Central Bank of Malta - Central Bank of Montenegro - Central Bank of Nigeria - Central Bank of Oman - Central Bank of Samoa - Central Bank of Seychelles - Central Bank of Solomon Islands - Central Bank of Sri Lanka - The Central Bank of Swaziland - Central Bank of The Bahamas - The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino - Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago - Central Bank of United Arab Emirates - Central Bank of Yemen - The Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador - Centrale Bank van Aruba - Centrale Bank van Suriname - D: Danmarks Nationalbank - E: The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - N: National Bank of Azerbaijan - National Bank of Ethiopia - National Bank of Georgia - National Bank of Hungary - National Bank of Kazakhstan - The National Bank of Moldova - National Bank of Slovakia - National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic - National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia - National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan - National Reserve Bank of Tonga - Q: Qatar Central Bank - R: Reserve Bank of Fiji - Reserve Bank of Malawi - Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe - Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Once an article from this section has been created, please ensure it is linked to from the article List of currencies, and the appropriate State's article, as well as the appropriate "Economy of Continent" article. (Most of these articles exist except with different capitalizatino. ie. Algerian dinar) Djiboutian Franc - Malagasy Franc