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{{Nihongo|'''''Hakengiri'''''|派遣切り}} is the Japanese term for the firing of employees assigned to companies by [[Temporary work|temporary agencies]] in Japan. The phenomenon began in November 2008 when the world economy entered a recession following the bankruptcy of [[Lehman Brothers]] in the United States.
{{Nihongo|'''''Haken-giri'''''|派遣切り}} is the Japanese term for the firing of employees assigned to companies by [[Temporary work|temporary agencies]] in Japan. The phenomenon began in November 2008 when the world economy entered a recession following the bankruptcy of [[Lehman Brothers]] in the United States.

Originally ''kiru'' means "to injure with the sword," but one metaphorical meaning is "to fire."
Originally ''kiru'' means "to injure with the sword," but one metaphorical meaning is "to fire."

Revision as of 00:58, 17 March 2009

Haken-giri (派遣切り) is the Japanese term for the firing of employees assigned to companies by temporary agencies in Japan. The phenomenon began in November 2008 when the world economy entered a recession following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in the United States.

Originally kiru means "to injure with the sword," but one metaphorical meaning is "to fire."

A temporary worker who doesn't enter a direct employment agreement with the contract company is in unstable employment conditions compared with the period worker in the direct hire. Not only the expiring contract termination, in many case there are expiration of indenture before the expiring bond. Of course cut a employment agreement one-sidedly on the contract way means a dismissing a laborer. It is reasonable that in depression period the capitalist dismiss a workers, but criticism is paid to them not showing an interest to live after a laborer is dismissed. To cancel a contract before the period of employment expiration is "firing", Unless meeting for Koyō-seiri yon yōken (解雇整理四要件, the four condition about the firing agreement), it is a unduly dismissing, and is against the employment contract law too, and is against the employment contract law, but there is not a penalty regulation of the criminal law or the public administration, then the laborer must have recourse to the civil lawsuit.

Junichiro Koizumi

In addition, in the process of the deregulation policy about the sending laborer in Seiiki naki Kōzō Kaikaku (聖域なき構造改革, the structuralreforms not contain any sanctuary) Koizumi cabinet, the outplacement service companies expand, the situation of laborers are relatively weak, then they give up to complain to the tribunal. Or it is said that by the 2009 matter, the regulation of the law that the manufacturing company was pressed to employ a sending laborer directly, capitalists takes advantage of this opportunity and dismisses a laborer. There are sending of the manufacturing and approximately 1,000,000 piece-workers the whole Japan, the report was published that about 400,000 are unemployed by the trade association in the manufacturing sending and the contractor, but someone said the number would be 700,000-1,000,000 too.

After mass communication report

Because the actual state of haken giri was extensively televised in the mass communication, for avoid damaging a corporate image, some companies withdrew cancellation of a contract in the halfway period or offered the lodging in the fixed period.

Reference books

  • 21世紀型民富論 : 日本経済の見取り図 / 竹中平蔵[講師]. -- 日本放送出版協会, 1999. -- (NHK人間講座 ; 1999 4-6月期)
  • IT革命 : 新世紀への挑戦 / 竹中平蔵, 船橋洋一編. -- 朝日新聞社, 2000
  • 「ソフトパワー」日本復権への道 : ポストIT革命 / 竹中平蔵, 袖川芳之, フジタ未来経営研究所編著. -- 実業之日本社, 2001
  • 「強い日本」の創り方 : 経済・社会大改革の海図 / 竹中平蔵, 東京財団・政策ビジョン21著. -- PHP研究所, 2001
  • やさしい経済学 / 竹中平蔵[著]. -- 幻冬舎, 2005. -- (幻冬舎文庫)
  • 現代経済学の巨人たち : 20世紀の人・時代・思想 / 日本経済新聞社編. --日本経済新聞社, 1994
  • ズバリ!先読み日本経済 : 改革停止、日本が危ない! : 緊急分析! / 竹中平蔵, 田原総一朗著. -- アスコム, 2008
  • 対外不均衡のマクロ分析 : 貯蓄・投資バランスと政策協調 / 竹中平蔵, 小川一夫著. -- 東洋経済新報社, 1987
  • 日米経済論争 : 「言いわけ」の時代は終わった / 竹中平蔵, 石井菜穂子著.-- TBSブリタニカ, 1988
  • ニッポン経済の「ここ」が危ない! : 最新版・わかりやすい経済学教室 / 竹中平蔵, 幸田真音著. -- 文芸春秋, 2008
  • 日本経済は生き残れるか : 進展するAPEC・NAFTA・EU / 竹中平蔵, NHK取材班編著. -- 日本放送出版協会, 1995
  • 世界標準で生きられますか / 竹中平蔵, 阿川尚之著. -- 徳間書店, 1999
  • 竹中平蔵・上田晋也のニッポンの作り方 / 竹中平蔵, 上田晋也著. -- 朝日新聞出版, 2008
  • 挑戦日本再生 : 「公」と「私」の境界を超えて / 竹内健蔵, 中条潮編著 ; 竹中平蔵 [ほか述]. -- NTT出版, 2008
  • 日本経済再生の条件 : 経済戦略会議答申の意義 / 竹中平蔵[講演]. -- 航空政策研究会, 1999. -- (航政研シリーズ ; 365)
  • 立ち上がれ!日本 : 「力強い国家」を創る戦略 / 竹中平蔵, 櫻井よしこ著. -- PHP研究所, 2001
  • 立国は私なり、公にあらず : 日本再生への提言 / 加藤寛著者代表 ; 竹中平蔵[ほか述]. -- 第一法規, 2005
  • 「構造改革」という幻想 : 経済危機からどう脱出するか / 山家悠紀夫著. -- 岩波書店, 2001
  • 「構造改革」と健康増進法 : 住民と保健師の協同で切り開く保健活動 / 篠崎次男著. -- 萌文社, 2003
  • 「構造改革」と憲法改悪の新段階 : 今、問われる日本の進路 / 梅田欽治
  • どうする派遣切り2009年問題 / 高井晃, 鴨桃代著. -- 旬報社, 2009