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Dmazingo (talk | contribs)
Undid revision 436178989 by Crusio (talk) - When citing journal names in APA reference lists, there is a difference between journals that paginate by volume and those that paginate by issue.
Dmazingo (talk | contribs)
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Certain publication styles (such as [[APA style]] and [[MLA style]]) require different formats for journals that are paginated by volume and by issue. For this reason it is important to be aware of the pagination of a given journal.
Certain publication styles (such as [[APA style]] and [[MLA style]]) require different formats for journals that are paginated by volume and by issue. For this reason it is important to be aware of the pagination of a given journal.

Below is an alphabetical list of academic journals and their pagination.
For an alphabetical list of academic journals and their pagination, please visit http://dmazingo.wikispaces.com/Journal+Pagination.

*Academy of Management Review (''by volume'')
*Academic Exchange Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Academic Medicine (''by volume'')
*Acta Neurologica Scandinavica (''by volume'')
*Acta Sociologica (''by volume'')
*Action in Teacher Education (''by issue'')
*Addiction (''by volume'')
*Addictive Behaviors (''by volume'')
*Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Advances in Nursing Science (''by volume'')
*Administrative Science Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Aggressive Behavior (''by volume'')
*Aging & Mental Health (''by volume'')
*AIDS (''by volume'')
*AIDS and Behavior (''by volume'')
*AIDS Care (''by volume'')
*AIDS Education and Prevention (''by volume'')
*AIDS Patient Care and STDs (''by volume'')
*Alcohol Research and Health (''by volume'')
*Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (''by volume'')
*Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (''by issue'')
*American Educational Research Journal (''by volume'')
*American Educator (''by issue'')
*American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Epidemiology (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Evaluation (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Health and Behavior (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Health Behavior (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Medicine (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Perinatology (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Physics (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Political Science (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Psychotherapy (''by volume'')
*American Journal of Public Health (''by volume'')
*American Journal on Addictions (''by volume'')
*American Mathematical Monthly, The (''by volume'')
*American Political Science Review (''by volume'')
*American Psychologist (''by volume'')
*American Scientist (''by volume'')
*American Secondary Education (''by issue'')
*American Sociological Review (''by volume'')
*American Speech (''by volume'')
*American Statistician (''by volume'')
*Annals of Behavioral Medicine (''by volume'')
*Annals of Internal Medicine (''by volume'')
*Annals of Thoracic Surgery (''by volume'')
*Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Annual Review of Sociology (''by volume'')
*Annual Review of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Anthropology and Education Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Antiviral Therapy (''by volume'')
*Anxiety, Stress, & Coping (''by volume'')
*Appetite (''by volume'')
*Applied Economics (''by volume'')
*Applied Linguistics (''by volume'')
*Applied Measurement in Education (''by volume'')
*Applied Psychological Measurment (''by volume'')
*Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (''by volume'')
*Appraisal Journal (''by volume'')
*Archive for History of Exact Science (''by volume'')
*Archives of General Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Archives of Neurology (''by volume'')
*Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine (''by volume'')
*Arithmetic Teacher (''by issue'')
*Artificial Intelligence (''by volume'')
*Asia Pacific Education Review (''by volume'')
*Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Assessment for Effective Instruction (''by volume'')
*Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice (''by volume'')
*Attachment & Human Development (''by volume'')
*Australasian Journal of Special Education (''by issue'')
*Australian Journal of Chemistry (''by volume'')
*Australian Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Australian Journal of Guidance & Counselling (''by volume'')
*Australian Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*[http://www.anzjft.com Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy] (''by volume'')
*Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (''by volume'')
*Autism (''by volume'')

*Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care (''by volume'')
*Basic and Applied Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Behavior Analyst Today (''by volume'')
*Behavior Modification (''by volume'')
*Behavior Research Methods (''by volume'')
*Behavior Therapist (''by volume'')
*Behavior Therapy (''by volume'')
*Behavioral and Brain Sciences (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Interventions (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Medicine (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Sciences & the Law (''by volume'')
*Behavioral Sleep Medicine (''by volume'')
*Behaviour & Information Technology (''by volume'')
*Behaviour Research and Therapy (''by volume'')
*Biological Psychology (''by volume'')
*Biometrics (''by volume'')
*Biometrika (''by volume'')
*Blood (''by volume'')
*Body Image (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Dermatology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Educational Technology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Industrial Relations (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Medical Psychology (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Music Education (''by volume'')
*British Journal of Sociology of Education (''by volume'')
*British Medical Journal (''by volume'')
*Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (''by volume'')

*Cambridge Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Canadian Journal of Botany (''by volume'')
*Canadian Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Canadian Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Canadian Modern Language Review (''by volume'')
*Child & Family Behavior Therapy (''by volume'')
*Child & Family Social Work (''by volume'')
*Child Abuse & Neglect (''by volume'')
*[http://www.springer.com/psychology/personality+%26+social+psychology/journal/10560 Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal](''by volume'' )
*Child Development (''by volume'')
*Child Development Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Child Welfare (''by issue'')
*Childhood Education (''by volume'')
*Children & Schools (''by volume'')
*Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Clinical Infectious Diseases (''by volume'')
*Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (''by volume'')
*Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (''by volume'')
*Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (''by volume'')
*Clinical Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Cognition (''by volume'')
*Cognition and Emotion (''by volume'')
*Cognition and Instruction (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Psychology (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Science (''by volume'')
*Cognitive Therapy and Research (''by volume'')
*Communication Education (''by volume'')
*Communication Monographs (''by volume'')
*Communications of the ACM (''by issue'')
*Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Community, Work, and Family (''by volume'')
*Comparative Education Review (''by volume'')
*Comprehensive Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Computers & Education (''by volume'')
*Constructivism in the Human Sciences (''by issue'')
*Contemporary Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Contemporary Family Therapy (''by volume'')
*Controlled Clinical Trials (''by volume'')
*Counseling Psychologist (''by volume'')
*Counselling and Psychotherapy (''by volume'') Note: Spelling is correct, journal changed name to Therapy Today in 2005.
*Counselling and Psychotherapy Review (''by volume'')
*Counselor Education & Supervision (''by volume'')
*Criminal Justice and Behavior (''by volume'')
*Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Current Directions in Psychological Science (''by volume'')
*Current Drug Abuse Reviews (''by volume'')
*Current HIV/AIDS Reports (''by volume'')
*Current Issues in Molecular Biology (''by volume'')
*Curriculum Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Cybernetics and Human Knowing (''by issue'')
*Cyberpsychology & Behavior (''by volume'')

*Death Studies (''by volume'')
*Depression and Anxiety (''by volume'')
*Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Developmental Review (''by volume'')
*Discourse Processes (''by volume'')
*Distance Education (''by volume'')
*Document Design (''by volume'')
*Drug and Alcohol Dependence (''by volume'')
*Durham Anthropology Journal (''by issue'')

*Early Childhood Education Journal (''by volume'')
*Early Human Development (''by volume'')
*Eating Behaviors (''by volume'')
*Economics and Human Biology (''by volume'')
*Economics of Education Review (''by volume'')
*Education Canada (''by issue'')
*Education Digest (''by issue'')
*Education Week (''by issue'')
*Educational and Psychological Measurement (''by volume'')
*Educational Assessment (''by volume'')
*Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (''by volume'')
*Educational Leadership (''by issue'')
*Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (''by issue'')
*Educational Media International (''by volume'')
*Educational Policy (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychologist (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology in Practice (''by volume'')
*Educational Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Educational Research and Evaluation (''by volume'')
*Educational Researcher (''by issue'' prior to 2007, beginning in 2007 with volume 36 it paginates ''by volume'')
*Educational Studies (''by volume'')
*Educational Studies in Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Elementary School Journal, The (''by volume'')
*Emotion (''by volume'')
*Encounter (''by issue'')
*Equity & Excellence in Education (''by volume'')
*Ergonomics (''by volume'')
*ETC: A Review of General Semantics (''by volume'')
*Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (''by volume'')
*European Eating Disorders Review (''by volume'')
*European Heart Journal (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Applied Physiology (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Psychology of Education (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Science Education (''by volume'')
*European Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Evaluation Review (''by volume'')
*Exceptional Children (''by volume'')
*Exceptionality (''by volume'')
*Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology (''by volume'')
*Experimental Psychology (''by volume'')

*Family Journal (''by volume'')
*Family Planning Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Family Relations (''by volume'')
*FASEB Journal (''by volume'')
*First Language (''by volume'')
*Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (''by volume'')
*Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics (''by issue'')
*For the Learning of Mathematics (''by issue'')
*Forensic Science International (''by volume'')
*Future of Children (''by issue'')

*Gender and Education (''by volume'')
*Gender Issues ((''by volume'')
*Gender, Work & Organization (''by volume'')
*Geology (''by volume'')
*Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (''by volume'')
*Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law (''by volume'')
*The Gerontologist (''by volume'')
*Gifted Child Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice (''by volume'')

*Harvard Educational Review (''by volume'')
*Harvard Law Review (''by volume'')
*Health & Social Work (''by volume'')
*Health Communication (''by volume'')
*Health Promotion International (''by volume'')
*Health Psychology (''by volume'')
*Health Services Research (''by volume'')
*Health Sociology Review (''by volume'')
*High School Journal, The (''by issue'')
*Higher Education Research & Development (''by volume'')
*History and Philosophy of Logic (''by volume'')
*HIV Medicine (''by volume'')
*Hospital and Community Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Human Development (''by volume'')
*Human Factors (''by volume'')
*Human Resource Management Journal (''by volume'')

*Industrial Relations (''by volume'')
*Intelligence (''by volume'')
*Interchange (Volumes 1-22, ''by issue''; Volumes 23-present, ''by volume'')
*International Journal of Applied Linguistics (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Behavioral Development (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Cognitive Therapy (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Disability, Development and Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Drug Policy (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Eating Disorders (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Educational Reform (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Human Resource Management (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Immunopharmacology (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Inclusive Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Infectious Diseases (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Obesity (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Public Opinion Research (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of Science Education (''by volume'')
*International Journal of STD & AIDS (''by volume'')
*International Journal of the Addictions (''by volume'')
*International Nursing Review (''by volume'')
*International Organization (''by volume'')
*International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education (''by volume'')
*International Reviews on Mathematical Education (''by volume'')
*Intervention in School and Clinic (''by volume'')

*Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (''by volume'')
*Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Abnormal Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (''by volume'')
*Journal of Addictions Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Adolescent Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of Advanced Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, The (''by volume'')
*Journal of African American Men (''by issue'')
*Journal of American College Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of American Indian Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of American Medical Women's Association (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (''by volume'')
*Journal of Behavioral Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Behavioral Medicine (''by volume'')
*Journal of Black Studies (''by volume'')
*Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media (''by volume'')
*Journal of Business and Technical Communication (''by volume'')
*Journal of Career Assessment (''by volume'')
*Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (''by volume'')
*Journal of Children's Mathematical Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Cognition and Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of College Student Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Community Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of Community Health Nursing (''by volume'')
*Journal of Community Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (''by volume'')
*Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (''by issue'')
*Journal of Computing in Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Conflict Resolution (''by volume'')
*Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, The (''by volume'')
*Journal of Correctional Health Care (''by volume'')
*Journal of Counseling and Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Counseling Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Criminal Justice (''by volume'')
*Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Dental Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Economic Literature (''by volume'')
*Journal of Economic Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Journal of Education Finance (''by volume'')
*Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Computing Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders (''by volume'')
*Journal of Environmental Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Environmental Health (''by issue'')
*Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition (''by volume'')
*Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Family Issues (''by volume'')
*Journal of Family Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Forensic Sciences (''by volume'')
*Journal of General Internal Medicine (''by volume'')
*Journal of Genetic Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Health and Social Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (''by volume'')
*Journal of Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services (''by volume'')
*Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development (''by volume'')
*Journal of Instructional Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques (''by volume'')
*Journal of Latinos and Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Learning Disabilities (''by volume'')
*Journal of Management in Engineering (''by volume'')
*Journal of Managerial Issues (''by volume'')
*Journal of Marital And Family Therapy (''by volume'')
*Journal of Marriage and Family (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematical Sociology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Mechanical Working Technology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Memory and Language (''by volume'')
*Journal of Negro Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (''by volume'')
*Journal of Neuroimmunology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Neurovirology (''by volume'')
*[[Journal of Nursing Education]] (''by issue'')
*Journal of Nursing Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (''by issue'')
*Journal of Occupational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Opiod Management (''by volume'')
*Journal of Organizational Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Peace Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Personality (''by volume'')
*Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Philosophy (''by volume'')
*Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (''by volume'')
*Journal of Pragmatics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Psychosomatic Research (''by volume'')
*Journal of Quality (''by volume'')
*Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research and Development in Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Research in Music Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research in Reading (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research in Science Teaching (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (''by volume'')
*Journal of Research on Technology in Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of School Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of School Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Sexual Medicine (''by volume'')
*Journal of Social Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions (''by volume'')
*Journal of Sociology (''by volume'')
*Journal of Special Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Staff Development (''by issue'')
*Journal of Structural Learning (''by issue'')
*Journal of Studies on Alcohol (''by volume'')
*Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (''by volume'')
*Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (''by volume'')
*Journal of Teacher Education (''by volume'' except for Volumes 28 through 41 which were paginated ''by issue'')
*Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (''by volume'')
*Journal of the American Dietetic Association (''by volume'')
*Journal of the American Medical Association (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Learning Sciences (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners (''by volume'')
*Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) (''by volume'')
*Journal of Urban Economics (''by volume'')
*Journal of Urban Health (''by volume'')
*Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (''by issue'')
*Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Vocational Behavior (''by volume'')
*Journal of Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine (''by volume'')
*Journal of Youth and Adolescence (''by volume'')

{{Empty section|date=July 2010}}
*Language Testing (''by volume'')
*Law and Human Behavior (''by volume'')
*Learning and Individual Differences (''by volume'')
*Learning and Instruction (''by volume'')
*Learning Disabilities Research and Practice (''by volume'')
*Learning Disability Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Life Sciences (''by volume'')

*Management Science (''by volume'')
*Mathematical Cognition (''by volume'')
*Mathematical Thinking and Learning (''by volume'')
*Mathematics and Computer Education (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Education Research Journal (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Educator (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Magazine (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Teacher (''by volume'')
*Mathematics Teaching (''by issue'')
*Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (''by volume'')
*Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (''by volume'')
*Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (''by volume'')
*Medical Care (''by volume'')
*Medical Education (''by volume'')
*Medicine, Science, and the Law (''by volume'')
*Memory (''by volume'')
*Memory and Cognition (''by volume'')
*Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Military Medicine (''by volume'')
*Mind, Culture, and Activity (''by volume'')
*Motivation and Emotion (''by volume'')
*Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine (''by volume'')
*Multicultural Education (''by issue'')
*Multivariate Behavioral Research (''by volume'')

*Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift (''by volume'')
*Nature (''by volume'')
*Nature Medicine (''by volume'')
*Neurology (''by volume'')
*Neuropsychopharmacology (''by volume'')
*New England Journal of Medicine (''by volume'')
*New Zealand Journal of Psychology (''by issue'')
*Nicotine & Tobacco Research (''by volume'')
*Nordic Journal of Botany (''by volume'')
*Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Notices of the American Mathematical Society (''by volume'')

*Obesity: A Research Journal (''by volume'')
*Obesity Reviews (''by volume'')
*Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America (''by volume'')
*Oncology Nursing Forum (''by volume'')
*Online (''by issue'')
*Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (''by volume'')
*Oxford Review of Education (''by volume'')

*Pacific Sociological Review (''by volume'')
*Pathology Research and Practice (''by volume'')
*Peabody Journal of Education (''by issue'')
*Pediatrics (''by volume'')
*Perception and Psychophysics (''by volume'')
*Perceptual and Motor Skills (''by volume'')
*Personality and Individual Differences (''by volume'')
*Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (''by volume'')
*Personality and Social Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*Personnel Psychology (''by volume'')
*Perspectives in Psychiatric Care (''by volume'')
*Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education (''by volume'')
*Phenomenology and Pedagogy (''by volume'')
*Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (''by volume'')
*Phi Delta Kappan (''by volume'')
*Philosophica (''by issue'')
*Physical Educator (''by volume'')
*Physical Review Letters (''by volume'')
*Phytopathology (''by volume'')
*Political Behavior (''by volume'')
*Preventing School Failure (''by volume'') [changed from ''by issue'' 6/20/2011]
*Principal (''by issue'')
*PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (''by volume'')
*Prison Journal (''by volume'')
*Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (''by volume'' http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/pro/)
*Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (''by volume'')
*[http://www.springer.com/medicine/psychiatry/journal/11126, Psychiatric Quarterly] (''by volume'')
*Psychiatry Research (''by volume'')
*Psychological Bulletin (''by volume'')
*Psychological Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Psychological Medicine (''by volume'')
*Psychological Methods (''by volume'')
*Psychological Review (''by volume'')
*Psychological Science (''by volume'')
*Psychological Science in the Public Interest (''by volume'')
*Psychology & Health (''by volume'')
*Psychology, Crime & Law (''by volume'')
*Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (''by volume'')
*Psychology in the Schools (''by volume'')
*Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (''by volume'')
*Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (''by volume'')
*Psychopharmacology (''by volume'')
*Psychophysiology (''by volume'')
*Psychosomatic Medicine (''by volume'')
*Psychosomatics (''by volume'')
*Psychotherapy (''by volume'')
*Psychotherapy Research (''by volume'')
*Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training (''by volume'')
*Public Opinion Quarterly (''by volume'')

*Qualitative Inquiry (''by volume'')
*Qualitative Report (''by volume'')
*Quarterly Review of Distance Education (''by volume'')

*Reading Improvement (''by volume'')
*Reading & Writing Quarterly (''by volume'')
*[http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/10573569.asp Reading Research Quarterly] (''by volume'')
*Reading Teacher (''by volume'')
*Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques (''by volume'')
*Reclaiming Children and Youth (''by issue'')
*Remedial and Special Education (''by volume'')
*Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (''by volume'')
*Research in Mathematics Education (''by volume'')
*Research in Middle Level Education Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Residential Treatment for Children & Youth (''by issue'')
*Research in Nursing & Health (''by volume'')
*Review of Educational Research (''by volume'')
*Review of General Psychology (''by volume'')
*Review of Research in Education (''by volume'')
*Roeper Review (''by volume'')
*Rural Special Education Quarterly (''by issue'')

*School Administrator, The (''by issue'')
*School Effectiveness and School Improvement (''by volume'')
*School Psychology International (''by volume'')
*School Psychology Quarterly (''by volume'')
*School Psychology Review (''by volume'')
*School Science and Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Science and Education (''by volume'')
*Science in Context (''by volume'')
*Scientific Studies of Reading (''by volume'')
*Semiotica (''by volume'')
*Sex Roles (''by volume'')
*Sexually Transmitted Diseases (''by volume'')
*Sexually Trasmitted Infections (''by volume'')
*SIAM Review (''by volume'')
*Social Behavior and Personality (''by volume'')
*Social Development (''by volume'')
*Social Forces (''by volume'')
*Social Indicators Research (''by volume'')
*Social Psychology Quarterly (''by volume'')
*Social Research (''by volume'')
*Social Science and Medicine (''by volume'')
*Sociological Review, The (''by volume'')
*Sociological Spectrum (''by volume'')
*South African Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, The (''by issue'')
*Stress and Health (''by issue'')
*Substance Abuse (''by volume'')
*Substance Use and Misuse (''by volume'')
*Support for Learning (''by volume'')
*Supportive Care in Cancer (''by volume'')
*Survey Research Methods (''by volume'')
*Synthese (''by volume'')

*Teacher Education Quarterly (''by issue'')
*Teachers College Record (''by volume'')
*Teaching and Teacher Education (''by volume'')
*Teaching Exceptional Children (''by issue'')
*Teaching Children Mathematics (''by volume'')
*Teaching of Psychology (''by volume'')
*TESOL Quarterly (''by volume'')
*The Annals of Thoaric Surgery (''by volume'')
*The Clearing House (''by volume'')
*The Grounded Theory Review (''by issue'')
*The Review of Economics and Statistics (''by volume'')
*Theory Into Practice (''by volume'')
*Trends in Cognitive Sciences (''by volume'')
*Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (''by issue'')

*Urban Education (''by volume'')
*Urban Review (''by volume'')

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*Waikato Journal of Education (''by volume'')
*Western Journal of Medicine (''by volume'')
*Work and Occupations (''by volume'')
*Work, Employment & Society (''by volume'')
*Work & Stress (''by volume'')

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{{Empty section|date=July 2010}}
*Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathmatik (''by volume'')

==External links==
[[Academic journals]]
[[Academic publishing]]


Revision as of 21:57, 25 June 2011

Journal pagination refers to the manner in which academic journals assign page numbers to their publications. Academic journals usually organize their published articles into volumes (often by year) and issues (anywhere from 2 - 24 per year). When a journal restarts page numbering with each issue they are said to paginate by issue; when page numbering restarts after each volume they are said to paginate by volume.

Certain publication styles (such as APA style and MLA style) require different formats for journals that are paginated by volume and by issue. For this reason it is important to be aware of the pagination of a given journal.

For an alphabetical list of academic journals and their pagination, please visit http://dmazingo.wikispaces.com/Journal+Pagination.