he!ko (talk·contribs) - One of the developers of this tool, I hopefully will be able to answer all technical questions. Further I plan to operate (and further develop) a bot which automatically generates a bookshelf (example), listing all books. 11:17, 6 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Headbomb (talk·contribs) - I'll coordinate the efforts of this project as best I can. Basically I'll make sure things run smoothly and that resources and tools are readily available and up to date. I'll also act as a link between the devs and the community. 18:15, 28 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
h9x (talk·contribs) - totally amazed with this tool, and willing to provide bug reports (found some). Currently preparing a wikipedia-based reader for Greyscale Press (artist-run publishing house). 21:32, 23 January 2010 (CET)
Pjoef (talk·contribs) ~ I'm using this tool since 2009, I created and updated many books, and I am "intrigued" (more correctly interested) to see where it will go. I'm very pleased to be here... hope to be of some help in the future, of course. 00:28, 20 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Bci2 (talk·contribs) - Developed a number of contributed Wikipedia entry books on Mathematical/theoretical physics, Nuclear structure and processes, Spectroscopy and Physical chemistry,Algebraic topology,category theory, meta-mathematics and logic, DNA structure, modeling and dynamics, Mathematical biophysics, Theoretical and Mathematical biology. 09:55, 8 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Jubileeclipman (talk·contribs) - I know nothing about the technical aspects (bots, coding and whatnot) but I have experienced WP-Books in-the-wild now and intend to create more Classical (Musician, Style/Genre, etc.) Books in the future. Will help out by fielding questions on talkpages or referring editors to one of the above people if I don't know the answer. 19:54, 5 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]