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== Re: Psychosocial Interpellation and Histamines. ==


Free Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License is available to this webpage.

Histamine is a bodily function created by the nitrogenous compound (nitrogen from breathing atmosphere in sleep and daytime relaxation methods) that has the involvement with the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems and immune responses as well. It also has methods of digestion in regulating the body functions in the viscera, but also acting as a neurotransmitter. The production of the latter is via the body/brain equilibrium of a balanced diet that feeds the life force in the lungs as well via Hydroplasma. Part of the Vagus nerve (Medulla Oblongata) is involved in the viscera where it controls the vital organs in the body. The Vagus nerve also has implications to the vocal reactions via the Glossopharyngeal nerve in the lower jaw that relates to Tardive Dyskinesia of inner Psycho-effective voices. The physical side of the latter condition is physically known as Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. A non-physical illness phenomena of the Vagus nerve.

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia is a condition whereby there are repeated episodes of pain in the ears, tongue and throat and the tonsils. This pain can last from seconds to minutes. Scary, but it is necessary to the state of alleviating towards Psychosocial mental wellbeing as an Ego Identity. That means someone that has re-established themselves away from mental health illness.

Histamine causes effects that bind it to G protein-coupled histamine receptors, designed in evolution towards the bodily electro-chemical receptors known as H1 – H4.

In binding to the H2 receptor, histamine is protonated at the end-chain (finality) amine group. This amine group interacts with aspartic acid in the transmembrane domains of the receptor (body/brain links). The other nitrogens interact with threonine and aspartic acid in different transmembrane domains – collectively - this is referred to as a three-pronged interaction. Bringing the transmembrane domains close to each other, it initiates a signal transduction cascade. This cascade is a state of other electro-chemicals reducing the state of the electro-chemical signals given in the body/brain divide. It should be noted that all of the known physiological reactions of histamine are a series of weak interactions.

Histamines H1, H2 and H3 are an issue where Anxiety, paranoia and panic can lead to Schizophrenia. It also has implications to other Psycho-effective disorders of sublime voices and are the causation of voices due to subliminal waking modes where you are actually sleepwalking because of H1 over-production.

In the Peripheral nervous system (PNS) the ability to become alert to sights and sounds is the dysfunction in mental health illness due to H1 imbalances caused by motion sickness not being acknowledged as a physical effect.

Explained another way, the motion sickness is your Psychosocial dysfunction caused in the sleep/wake cycle of how a person should react to outer stimulus of the Core Identity (Self) during wakefulness. This is further explained via the body’s notional reactions of looking up at someone approaching you or to the crowds noisy Buzz that should cause you to become alert again. A PNS effect that can cause the Sympathetic nervous system to cause that alertness. At this point confusion can be caused and can lead to Anxiety or panic. Panic is the natural effect of the Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) causing the need for more communication. Medication should cause dizziness or alertness. Dizziness is the balance point of THETA sleep where the body/brain barrier of conscious and sublime wordlessness exists prior to full NREM sleep patterns that begins at NREM2. In mental health your SNS has been removed causing irrational states in the wake/sleep divide of the THETA frequency of pleasure and mentality re-stabilisation in the day/night/day continuum of Cortical rebooting. The latter is the art of blinking momentary unconsciousness to stabilise the mind/body barrier in the daytime.

The first instigation into a mental health state is confusion that leads to anxiousness of uncoordinated bodily motion in your reactions to the Norm of Societies noises and sounds. This is a state of the electro-chemical soup (Script and localized Performances) that you carry around as your own digestive juices of reactions keeping you conscious. Or put another way the loss of Theory of Mind (reactions) to overt behavioralism in the Buzzed noise when in a Setting (establishment) and Performance (your character reactions) in ‘localised’ Script (Erving Goffman). The Setting is the establishment and the Performance relates to how you and others react to sublime notions as a whole scene of sublime interactions reacting to one and other’s. These come from the crowds Buzz of noise and the electro-chemical soup of scent that you take to your home for sleep analysis (Symbolic Data Analysis).

In the Core Identity (Self) paranoia or anxiety may start to develop if your Psychosocial Buzz that does not cause the desired effect of alerting you as a person in your Sympathetic nervous system (brain and heart) response of needing to relocate to another position in a Performance (relative to spiritual locations). This can cause the emergence of a panic attack or anxiousness. Here the need to escape is not defined in your Core Identity because there is no conscious reason to physically escape. Even that of going to the bar for another drink or finding a need to move to another Performance area, such as, “I have drunk enough coffee - enough I’m going home”. Those are the physical excuses that are need to develop if you feel yourself becoming confused, anxious or suffering a panic attack.

Paranoia can set into your Core Identity in the day/night/day continuum (sleep/waking barriers) if the immune system cannot obtain the necessary balance of electro-chemical re-stabilization for the next day’s interaction in societal functioning of the noised Buzz. Put another way, it is also because the digestive juices are not present for the bodily reactions of the Sympathetic nervous system not having the digestive nutrients available via the vagus nerves inclusion. This is the major cause of anxiety and panic due to the 'Fight or Flight' imbalance. This I say can be caused by Histamine content in the body/brain barrier. It also causes a dysfunction in the conscious state of your minds thinking processes causing sublime issues.

"Metabolites (digestion system) of histamine are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of people with schizophrenia and other psychotic episodes. While the efficiency of H1 Histamine receptor binding sites (body/brain barrier) in your biological digestion and breath health is decreased. Many antipsychotic medications have the effect of decreasing histamine production as an antagonist, because its use seems to be imbalanced in people with that disorder".

So once Interpellation (scent interaction) in the Psychosocial Buzz assesses that the body/brain lacks the necessary Histamines the cascade effect causes the state of Paranoid Schizophrenia or other Psycho-effective disorders of sublime voices due to yourself becoming sleepy. Seek advice if you feel confused or are feeling anxious for absolutely no apparent reason. Medication should stabilize the lack of those antagonists. They should cause you an alert reaction to the approach of someone towards your aura or a noise should make you look upwards. Those are the two effects of medicaments: pleasant dizziness or alertness.

"Histamine is released as a neurotransmitter. The cell bodies of histamine neurons (electro-chemicals dividing the brain/body) are found in the posterior hypothalamus, in the tuberomammillary nuclei. From here, these neurons project throughout the brain, including towards the cortex, through to the medial forebrain bundle. Histamine neurons increase wakefulness and prevent sleep. Classically, antihistamines (H1 histamine receptor antagonists) which cross the blood-brain (to the body) barrier produce drowsiness. Antagonists are the curing system that wipe out those bothersome H1 Histamines". A sleeping tablet may be advisable should they be needed when using antihistamines.

Newer antihistamines are designed to not cross into the brain and so do not have this effect. Similar to the effect of older antihistamines, destruction of histamine releasing neurons, or inhibition of histamine synthesis leads to an inability to maintain vigilance (causing drowsiness) via a Sympathetic nervous system dysfunction that should in fact cause the ‘Fight or Flight’ or ‘Disassociation’ towards a panic attack or leading to confusion. A panic attack or confusion are a physical feeling and the use of medication here inhibits the extension into anxiety or furtherance to paranoia and sublime voices.

H3 receptor antagonists increase wakefulness but may also increase the alertness towards conscious sightfulness and Psychosocial sublime sounds of noise in what is your Buzzed interaction via the Peripheral nervous system (PNS). Antagonists cause the cascade effect I mentioned earlier and are what medicaments are meant to cause. This is via making you look towards that PNS sublime interaction as ‘Disassociation’ or ‘Fight or Flight’. That is what confirms facial and body ignorance acceptance to your Performance in a power struggle of your Theory of mind and how the bodies of narration purvey your own life story. It’s a bit like a body/brain reaction via blood interaction of life’s negotiations’ within societal interactions towards the standards of power plays in the life and death narration causes Script of commonalities. The latter is known as Fashion Trends where similarities are a complex system that your electro-chemicals of body cause your brain functions to look and hear other similar sounds and sightfulness.

Histaminergic neurons (electro-chemicals) have a wakefulness-related (day) chemical firing pattern in the normality of how humanity naturally responds to circumstances of human electro-chemical evolution. These chemicals are a part of the soup that is caused in your Psychosocial of ‘localised’ Script (Spiritual homeostasis) interaction. The Histamine reaction releases chemicals rapidly during waking and fire more slowly during periods of relaxation/tiredness (Parasympathetic nervous system) of ‘Rest and Digest’ or ‘Ignore’ in the day. They completely stop firing during REM (dreaming) and NREM (non-REM) sleep.

Interpellation that is: (chemical stimulus of interaction causing Fashion Trend conjoining in a Setting). This can be seen as a dysfunction that can cause a lack of Cortical rebooting via the daytime of the Parasympathetic nervous system causing the lack of blinking into a momentary shutting down of the consciousness. In that state of momentary blinking many sufferers of mental illness lack the ability to blink into Cortical rebooting that does cause the re-stabilisation of the conscious state of mind.

The immune system is affected by sleep and rest. sleep deprivation is detrimental to the immune function. Conscious sleepwalking is a bi-product of mental illness in the ‘Rest and Digest’ of the Parasympathetic nervous system where Cortical rebooting (blinking into momentary unconsciousness) is not achieved. So the sleep becomes affected in the conscious enhancement that is Cortical rebooting of the sleep/wakefulness barrier.

"Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α produced in response to infection, may also play a role in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement in the days circadian cycle of Cortical rebooting causing Alpha wave overloads due to a non-blinking method that creates Cortical rebooting. This I say also is due to the day/night/day continuum. So the immune response to sublime infection may result in changes to the circadian cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep (daydreaming). In the Circadian Cycle of the day/night/day continuum the immune system may have an effect of mental health inabilities via the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems harmony of that spiritual evolutionary continuum, or a non-physical illness phenomena This then causes sleep to enter the day system as a sleepwalking effect of sublime hearing of paranoid schizophrenia and other disorders involving Script narration of the Lower voice of significance. These are sublime voices as the Self of interpretations to noise and sounds. At its lesser extent it is the starting formula of Psychosocial reactants of anxiety and the first form of confusion.

In its relativity to Anxiety that builds from confusion. Confusion builds when confidence is compromised via the Psychosocial Buzz of the crowd’s humdrum of noises in its sublime reactions to the conscious stimulants of noises and sublime vocal worded babbled nonsense sounds’ that the spiritual Self relates its life force to. This is the point where electro-chemicals can become confused in the body/brain divide of Interpellation. In truth of the Norm of Society that is the sounds on the next table telling the football results. Whether that is heard in babble or otherwise you may find yourself repeating them as a continuance of the Psychosocial interaction of conversing or even a mental health aspect of denying those sublime voices. Either way, learning to redirect the hearing into normality is a key stage of denying and accepting those extended voices you have been told are delusional by ‘babble doctors’.

This page relates to how you are seeing Peripheral reactions (sublime reactions) to noise and your lack of sightfulness (alertness to Psychosocial approaches) in the nervous system via the body reacting to the brains chemical system of food regulation in the immune system.

In addition to the negative consequences of sleep and the intertwined circadian system of daytime interaction it could show to have strong regulatory effects on the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic functionality. But that affects both the innate and the adaptive immunity of social noises and sublime noise/voices that creates Interpellation in the electro-chemical soup of healthiness. This causes effects in my route of - escaping mental illness – of a non-physical illness phenomena of mental illnesses (Tardive Dyskinesia) instead of a physical condition such as Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia.

"Finally, in the early stages of slow-wave-sleep, a sudden drop in blood levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine induce increased blood levels of the hormones leptin, pituitary growth hormone, and prolactin. Think about it - food - but especially water with mineral supplements as well.....Here is some information regarding foods and the antihistamines that occur naturally in these products. Bioflavonoids (antihistamines) supplements can be bought from websites such as amazon.com

Flavonoids (specifically flavanoids such as the catechins) are "the most common group of polyphenolic compounds in the human diet and are found in plant material”. Flavonols, the original bioflavonoids such as quercetin, are also found, but in lesser degrees. The widespread distribution of flavonoids both in variety and also the relatively low toxicity compared to other active plant compounds mean that humans digest significant quantities into their dietary system. Foods with a high flavonoid content include onions and berries, green tea and oolong tea, bananas, all citrus fruits, Ginkgo biloba, sea-buckthorns. They can also be found in dark chocolate (where the cocoa content is 70% or higher). Further information on dietary sources of flavonoids can be obtained from the US Department of Agriculture in the flavonoid database.

Parsley, contains flavones.
Blueberries are a source for anthocyanidins.
Black tea is also a rich source of the human dietary flavan-3-ols.
The skin of Peanuts (red) also contain a significant amount of polyphenol. That also includes flavonoids.
Citrus fruits
The citrus flavonoids include hesperidin (a glycoside of the flavanone hesperetin), quercitrin, rutin (two glycosides of the flavonol quercetin), and the flavone tangeritin.
Red Wine
Polyphenols are present in wine


Flavonoids occur naturally in cocoa. However, because they can be bitter in taste, they are often removed from chocolate, sometimes even dark chocolate. Flavonoids also occur in milk chocolate, but the milk may interfere with digestion. However this ideal has been questioned though."

Bioflavonoids supplements can be bought from websites such as amazon.
Omega 3 fatty acids are also a good dietary antihistamine as is culinary hemp oil (legal in the U.K).

<ref>((DD100)(Phil Woodward, Lecturer: Social Sciences)). Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K. 2007</ref>
<ref>((DSE212)(Richard Cooper, Lecturer: Evolutionary Psychology)). Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K. 2012</ref>
1: DD100 Open University, Social Sciences.
2: DSE212 Open University, Evolutionary Psychology.
3: Histamine|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histamine
4: www.thetraumaofvoices.com
[[User:Drwhomark09|Drwhomark09]] ([[User talk:Drwhomark09|talk]]) 16:09, 26 August 2015 (UTC)

Revision as of 16:09, 26 August 2015


Goffman is often associated with anti-psychiatry, see [1] , but that doesn't come through in this article. Goffman is mentioned 6 times in the anti-psychiatry article. Johnfos (talk) 01:48, 5 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

As a starting point, I've added the Anti-psych cat and template. Johnfos (talk) 22:07, 5 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've reviewed the sources and I agree, this is a notable claim. I've added the refs; in the future please do not add categories based on what other Wikipedia articles say; categories should be backed up by references in text. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 03:51, 7 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

GA Review

GA toolbox
This review is transcluded from Talk:Erving Goffman/GA1. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: DASonnenfeld (talk · contribs) 13:03, 22 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

  • Support - very nice, well-written & well-structured article. For further improvement, would be useful to develop more Goffman's subsequent intellectual influences, and also review discussions, debates and criticisms that his work engendered. Regards, DA Sonnenfeld (talk) 13:03, 22 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • This still requires a detailed review that covers the specific Good Article criteria. It appears to have the qualities mentioned above, but a quick scan reveals that there are still problematic sentences, incorrect use of hyphens and dashes, etc., which would preclude immediate passage. Examples include:
  1. Life section, paragraph 3: the gambling portion is a fragment that uses parenthetical comments and shouldn't. Also, as the first two sentences have the same source, one inline citation for two consecutive sentences is sufficient.
  2. Influence and legacy, first sentence: either the influences were specifically in developing the theoretical framework, in which case the fact should not be separated by commas, or the influences went far beyond this, in which case the sentence needs to be recast. Right now, the theoretical framework appears to be a point that could be omitted, and the nearly alphabetical list doesn't work as well as putting Hughes first, as the most influential (and removing that statement from parentheses), and then perhaps the rest as alphabetic if there's nothing to support another order.
  3. Note 2 refers to "Fine, Manning, and Smith (2000)", but there isn't such a three-author source in the Bibliography section. This could involve a missing source or missing author in the biblio, or extra author in the note
Once a complete review is done and the various (inevitable) issues noted, I imagine it won't be long before they're fixed and this becomes a Good Article. BlueMoonset (talk) 16:17, 12 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • Note - have replaced the 'infobox person' with 'infobox scientist' and added material from the text. Will try to take a further look at article, re: Good Article criteria. Thanks & Kind regards, DA Sonnenfeld (talk) 10:08, 14 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • Elaboration in relation to the Good Article criteria:
  1. Well written? Yes, a well written article, though there is room for further improvement. As mentioned above, I think it would strengthen the article to develop and add a new section reviewing discussions, debates and criticisms of Goffman's work. In addition, I find the current section on 'Influence and legacy' in need of some editing. This section actually contains more than suggested by the title. Not only what was Goffman's influence and legacy - something that would typically be seen as a later section in an article on a major intellectual - but also what were his major contributions, who was he influenced by, who were his students, how was he recognized... Perhaps this section can be divided into two or three sections. The summary of his key contributions should, in my opinion, be the main one, coming perhaps even earlier in the article.
  2. Verifiable/ no original research? Yes, the article is well documented.
  3. Broad in coverage? Yes, though here, too, there is room for further development. E.g. how has Goffman's work been built on, utilized by, or influenced various fields? General sociology, social psychology, communication studies, postmodern theory, etc.
  4. Neutral? Yes, though, as noted, would be strengthened by development and addition of a 'discussions, debates, and criticisms section.
  5. Stable? Yes, in the sense that there are no apparent edit wars or disputes currently involving this page. From 30 April 2013 until now, the article has been developed quite a bit; hopefully this will continue, with the contribution of a number of editors.
  6. Illustrated? Only one image at present, a photo of Goffman. It is copyrighted, but with fair use rationale explained. The article would benefit from the addition of further images, if these can be located and added.
Kind regards, DA Sonnenfeld (talk) 09:42, 16 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. Oh, and one other suggestion: the External links would benefit from brief elaborations/ descriptions for each link - there are multiple 'Goffman biography' links, for example - what are the sources? the authors? date? etc.
@User:DASonnenfeld: thank you for the more extensive points. I think you make some valid proposals, through I currently don't have the sources to expand the article further. Nor am I sure I fully understand how we should go about splitting the influence and legacy section. Perhaps you'd be willing to do some edits to the article yourself? To be honest, I am not sure if your remarks above are suggestions for post-GA improvements, or requirements of what needs to be done for this to pass the GA review. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 12:43, 19 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • With all due respect, this is not ready for the review to be finalized. Above, I gave some examples of prose and grammar issues, but I had noticed a few others at that time, and was hoping that the review would include a thorough prose review. The "well written" part of GA has a number of requirements, including "and the spelling and grammar are correct". This means typos, missing periods, grammatical hiccoughs, and similar problems are identified and fixed. (The reviewer can fix them if he or she wants, or list them for the nominator to correct, but this is a necessary step.) This is a nicely done article that has some fixes that need doing—the missing period, for one—but the review needs to be at that specific a level for GA. I'd prefer it if DASonnenfeld did this, since it is part of a reviewer's mandate, but it does need to be done. BlueMoonset (talk) 21:19, 20 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • I am not a native English speaker, and I always ask others for help with prose. This was c/e by Nihil Novi, and that's about as much help as I ever get on Wikipedia (I don't know any other copyeditors willing to help, and their project is backlogged for months). So if any of you know someone who can help, or could c/e the prose yourself, please do, otherwise this will fail and remain and its current state. There's only so much I can do :( --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 04:40, 21 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • It looks good to me, too, in the main; I've just made a bunch of tiny changes, mostly involving punctuation. While doing a closer read-through, I found one thing that bothered me in the prose: it's the many uses of "s/he" in the discussion of two of his books (two in Stigma, six in Interaction Ritual). The Manual of Style doesn't mention this particular usage, not even on the gender-neutral page, but I think it's problematic when used so densely (and don't like it myself). I've just changed the two in the Stigma section, which was the easy one; it's the six uses in three sentences in the second paragraph of Interaction Ritual, which discusses the "On Face-work" essay, that are problematic. Can you or Piotrus think of a way to make this smoother, perhaps by recasting to reduce the need for pronouns? (There is one use of "himself" alone which does need to be adjusted, assuming it's still there after the revision.) My preference would be for "s/he" to be eliminated entirely, but that might not be feasible. BlueMoonset (talk) 16:32, 24 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • @User:BlueMoonset How's that? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| reply here 07:25, 25 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • Very nice, Piotrus. I did change one word and fix a typo. I also took the liberty of reducing the number of repeated citations of the same source within a few paragraphs. With the exception of quoted material, which needs an immediate inline citation, a source citation at the end of a paragraph is assumed to cover the entire paragraph, so I've removed extras. I think this is ready for listing as a GA. DA Sonnenfeld, the instructions for doing this are at WP:Good article nominations/Instructions#Passing. BlueMoonset (talk) 15:56, 25 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Psychosocial Interpellation and Histamines.


Free Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License is available to this webpage. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

Histamine is a bodily function created by the nitrogenous compound (nitrogen from breathing atmosphere in sleep and daytime relaxation methods) that has the involvement with the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems and immune responses as well. It also has methods of digestion in regulating the body functions in the viscera, but also acting as a neurotransmitter. The production of the latter is via the body/brain equilibrium of a balanced diet that feeds the life force in the lungs as well via Hydroplasma. Part of the Vagus nerve (Medulla Oblongata) is involved in the viscera where it controls the vital organs in the body. The Vagus nerve also has implications to the vocal reactions via the Glossopharyngeal nerve in the lower jaw that relates to Tardive Dyskinesia of inner Psycho-effective voices. The physical side of the latter condition is physically known as Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. A non-physical illness phenomena of the Vagus nerve.

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia is a condition whereby there are repeated episodes of pain in the ears, tongue and throat and the tonsils. This pain can last from seconds to minutes. Scary, but it is necessary to the state of alleviating towards Psychosocial mental wellbeing as an Ego Identity. That means someone that has re-established themselves away from mental health illness.

Histamine causes effects that bind it to G protein-coupled histamine receptors, designed in evolution towards the bodily electro-chemical receptors known as H1 – H4.

In binding to the H2 receptor, histamine is protonated at the end-chain (finality) amine group. This amine group interacts with aspartic acid in the transmembrane domains of the receptor (body/brain links). The other nitrogens interact with threonine and aspartic acid in different transmembrane domains – collectively - this is referred to as a three-pronged interaction. Bringing the transmembrane domains close to each other, it initiates a signal transduction cascade. This cascade is a state of other electro-chemicals reducing the state of the electro-chemical signals given in the body/brain divide. It should be noted that all of the known physiological reactions of histamine are a series of weak interactions.

Histamines H1, H2 and H3 are an issue where Anxiety, paranoia and panic can lead to Schizophrenia. It also has implications to other Psycho-effective disorders of sublime voices and are the causation of voices due to subliminal waking modes where you are actually sleepwalking because of H1 over-production.

In the Peripheral nervous system (PNS) the ability to become alert to sights and sounds is the dysfunction in mental health illness due to H1 imbalances caused by motion sickness not being acknowledged as a physical effect.

Explained another way, the motion sickness is your Psychosocial dysfunction caused in the sleep/wake cycle of how a person should react to outer stimulus of the Core Identity (Self) during wakefulness. This is further explained via the body’s notional reactions of looking up at someone approaching you or to the crowds noisy Buzz that should cause you to become alert again. A PNS effect that can cause the Sympathetic nervous system to cause that alertness. At this point confusion can be caused and can lead to Anxiety or panic. Panic is the natural effect of the Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) causing the need for more communication. Medication should cause dizziness or alertness. Dizziness is the balance point of THETA sleep where the body/brain barrier of conscious and sublime wordlessness exists prior to full NREM sleep patterns that begins at NREM2. In mental health your SNS has been removed causing irrational states in the wake/sleep divide of the THETA frequency of pleasure and mentality re-stabilisation in the day/night/day continuum of Cortical rebooting. The latter is the art of blinking momentary unconsciousness to stabilise the mind/body barrier in the daytime.

The first instigation into a mental health state is confusion that leads to anxiousness of uncoordinated bodily motion in your reactions to the Norm of Societies noises and sounds. This is a state of the electro-chemical soup (Script and localized Performances) that you carry around as your own digestive juices of reactions keeping you conscious. Or put another way the loss of Theory of Mind (reactions) to overt behavioralism in the Buzzed noise when in a Setting (establishment) and Performance (your character reactions) in ‘localised’ Script (Erving Goffman). The Setting is the establishment and the Performance relates to how you and others react to sublime notions as a whole scene of sublime interactions reacting to one and other’s. These come from the crowds Buzz of noise and the electro-chemical soup of scent that you take to your home for sleep analysis (Symbolic Data Analysis).

In the Core Identity (Self) paranoia or anxiety may start to develop if your Psychosocial Buzz that does not cause the desired effect of alerting you as a person in your Sympathetic nervous system (brain and heart) response of needing to relocate to another position in a Performance (relative to spiritual locations). This can cause the emergence of a panic attack or anxiousness. Here the need to escape is not defined in your Core Identity because there is no conscious reason to physically escape. Even that of going to the bar for another drink or finding a need to move to another Performance area, such as, “I have drunk enough coffee - enough I’m going home”. Those are the physical excuses that are need to develop if you feel yourself becoming confused, anxious or suffering a panic attack.

Paranoia can set into your Core Identity in the day/night/day continuum (sleep/waking barriers) if the immune system cannot obtain the necessary balance of electro-chemical re-stabilization for the next day’s interaction in societal functioning of the noised Buzz. Put another way, it is also because the digestive juices are not present for the bodily reactions of the Sympathetic nervous system not having the digestive nutrients available via the vagus nerves inclusion. This is the major cause of anxiety and panic due to the 'Fight or Flight' imbalance. This I say can be caused by Histamine content in the body/brain barrier. It also causes a dysfunction in the conscious state of your minds thinking processes causing sublime issues.

"Metabolites (digestion system) of histamine are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of people with schizophrenia and other psychotic episodes. While the efficiency of H1 Histamine receptor binding sites (body/brain barrier) in your biological digestion and breath health is decreased. Many antipsychotic medications have the effect of decreasing histamine production as an antagonist, because its use seems to be imbalanced in people with that disorder".

So once Interpellation (scent interaction) in the Psychosocial Buzz assesses that the body/brain lacks the necessary Histamines the cascade effect causes the state of Paranoid Schizophrenia or other Psycho-effective disorders of sublime voices due to yourself becoming sleepy. Seek advice if you feel confused or are feeling anxious for absolutely no apparent reason. Medication should stabilize the lack of those antagonists. They should cause you an alert reaction to the approach of someone towards your aura or a noise should make you look upwards. Those are the two effects of medicaments: pleasant dizziness or alertness.

"Histamine is released as a neurotransmitter. The cell bodies of histamine neurons (electro-chemicals dividing the brain/body) are found in the posterior hypothalamus, in the tuberomammillary nuclei. From here, these neurons project throughout the brain, including towards the cortex, through to the medial forebrain bundle. Histamine neurons increase wakefulness and prevent sleep. Classically, antihistamines (H1 histamine receptor antagonists) which cross the blood-brain (to the body) barrier produce drowsiness. Antagonists are the curing system that wipe out those bothersome H1 Histamines". A sleeping tablet may be advisable should they be needed when using antihistamines.

Newer antihistamines are designed to not cross into the brain and so do not have this effect. Similar to the effect of older antihistamines, destruction of histamine releasing neurons, or inhibition of histamine synthesis leads to an inability to maintain vigilance (causing drowsiness) via a Sympathetic nervous system dysfunction that should in fact cause the ‘Fight or Flight’ or ‘Disassociation’ towards a panic attack or leading to confusion. A panic attack or confusion are a physical feeling and the use of medication here inhibits the extension into anxiety or furtherance to paranoia and sublime voices.

H3 receptor antagonists increase wakefulness but may also increase the alertness towards conscious sightfulness and Psychosocial sublime sounds of noise in what is your Buzzed interaction via the Peripheral nervous system (PNS). Antagonists cause the cascade effect I mentioned earlier and are what medicaments are meant to cause. This is via making you look towards that PNS sublime interaction as ‘Disassociation’ or ‘Fight or Flight’. That is what confirms facial and body ignorance acceptance to your Performance in a power struggle of your Theory of mind and how the bodies of narration purvey your own life story. It’s a bit like a body/brain reaction via blood interaction of life’s negotiations’ within societal interactions towards the standards of power plays in the life and death narration causes Script of commonalities. The latter is known as Fashion Trends where similarities are a complex system that your electro-chemicals of body cause your brain functions to look and hear other similar sounds and sightfulness.

Histaminergic neurons (electro-chemicals) have a wakefulness-related (day) chemical firing pattern in the normality of how humanity naturally responds to circumstances of human electro-chemical evolution. These chemicals are a part of the soup that is caused in your Psychosocial of ‘localised’ Script (Spiritual homeostasis) interaction. The Histamine reaction releases chemicals rapidly during waking and fire more slowly during periods of relaxation/tiredness (Parasympathetic nervous system) of ‘Rest and Digest’ or ‘Ignore’ in the day. They completely stop firing during REM (dreaming) and NREM (non-REM) sleep.

Interpellation that is: (chemical stimulus of interaction causing Fashion Trend conjoining in a Setting). This can be seen as a dysfunction that can cause a lack of Cortical rebooting via the daytime of the Parasympathetic nervous system causing the lack of blinking into a momentary shutting down of the consciousness. In that state of momentary blinking many sufferers of mental illness lack the ability to blink into Cortical rebooting that does cause the re-stabilisation of the conscious state of mind.

The immune system is affected by sleep and rest. sleep deprivation is detrimental to the immune function. Conscious sleepwalking is a bi-product of mental illness in the ‘Rest and Digest’ of the Parasympathetic nervous system where Cortical rebooting (blinking into momentary unconsciousness) is not achieved. So the sleep becomes affected in the conscious enhancement that is Cortical rebooting of the sleep/wakefulness barrier.

"Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α produced in response to infection, may also play a role in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement in the days circadian cycle of Cortical rebooting causing Alpha wave overloads due to a non-blinking method that creates Cortical rebooting. This I say also is due to the day/night/day continuum. So the immune response to sublime infection may result in changes to the circadian cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep (daydreaming). In the Circadian Cycle of the day/night/day continuum the immune system may have an effect of mental health inabilities via the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems harmony of that spiritual evolutionary continuum, or a non-physical illness phenomena This then causes sleep to enter the day system as a sleepwalking effect of sublime hearing of paranoid schizophrenia and other disorders involving Script narration of the Lower voice of significance. These are sublime voices as the Self of interpretations to noise and sounds. At its lesser extent it is the starting formula of Psychosocial reactants of anxiety and the first form of confusion.

In its relativity to Anxiety that builds from confusion. Confusion builds when confidence is compromised via the Psychosocial Buzz of the crowd’s humdrum of noises in its sublime reactions to the conscious stimulants of noises and sublime vocal worded babbled nonsense sounds’ that the spiritual Self relates its life force to. This is the point where electro-chemicals can become confused in the body/brain divide of Interpellation. In truth of the Norm of Society that is the sounds on the next table telling the football results. Whether that is heard in babble or otherwise you may find yourself repeating them as a continuance of the Psychosocial interaction of conversing or even a mental health aspect of denying those sublime voices. Either way, learning to redirect the hearing into normality is a key stage of denying and accepting those extended voices you have been told are delusional by ‘babble doctors’.

This page relates to how you are seeing Peripheral reactions (sublime reactions) to noise and your lack of sightfulness (alertness to Psychosocial approaches) in the nervous system via the body reacting to the brains chemical system of food regulation in the immune system.

In addition to the negative consequences of sleep and the intertwined circadian system of daytime interaction it could show to have strong regulatory effects on the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic functionality. But that affects both the innate and the adaptive immunity of social noises and sublime noise/voices that creates Interpellation in the electro-chemical soup of healthiness. This causes effects in my route of - escaping mental illness – of a non-physical illness phenomena of mental illnesses (Tardive Dyskinesia) instead of a physical condition such as Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia.

"Finally, in the early stages of slow-wave-sleep, a sudden drop in blood levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine induce increased blood levels of the hormones leptin, pituitary growth hormone, and prolactin. Think about it - food - but especially water with mineral supplements as well.....Here is some information regarding foods and the antihistamines that occur naturally in these products. Bioflavonoids (antihistamines) supplements can be bought from websites such as amazon.com

Flavonoids (specifically flavanoids such as the catechins) are "the most common group of polyphenolic compounds in the human diet and are found in plant material”. Flavonols, the original bioflavonoids such as quercetin, are also found, but in lesser degrees. The widespread distribution of flavonoids both in variety and also the relatively low toxicity compared to other active plant compounds mean that humans digest significant quantities into their dietary system. Foods with a high flavonoid content include onions and berries, green tea and oolong tea, bananas, all citrus fruits, Ginkgo biloba, sea-buckthorns. They can also be found in dark chocolate (where the cocoa content is 70% or higher). Further information on dietary sources of flavonoids can be obtained from the US Department of Agriculture in the flavonoid database.

Parsley, contains flavones. Blueberries are a source for anthocyanidins. Black tea is also a rich source of the human dietary flavan-3-ols. The skin of Peanuts (red) also contain a significant amount of polyphenol. That also includes flavonoids. Citrus fruits The citrus flavonoids include hesperidin (a glycoside of the flavanone hesperetin), quercitrin, rutin (two glycosides of the flavonol quercetin), and the flavone tangeritin. Red Wine Polyphenols are present in wine


Flavonoids occur naturally in cocoa. However, because they can be bitter in taste, they are often removed from chocolate, sometimes even dark chocolate. Flavonoids also occur in milk chocolate, but the milk may interfere with digestion. However this ideal has been questioned though."

Bioflavonoids supplements can be bought from websites such as amazon. Omega 3 fatty acids are also a good dietary antihistamine as is culinary hemp oil (legal in the U.K).

[1] [2] [3] [4] 1: DD100 Open University, Social Sciences. 2: DSE212 Open University, Evolutionary Psychology. 3: Histamine|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histamine 4: www.thetraumaofvoices.com Drwhomark09 (talk) 16:09, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ ((DD100)(Phil Woodward, Lecturer: Social Sciences)). Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K. 2007
  2. ^ ((DSE212)(Richard Cooper, Lecturer: Evolutionary Psychology)). Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K. 2012
  3. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histamine
  4. ^ http://www.thetraumaofvoices.com/#