Index of anatomy articles: Difference between revisions
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[[descending aorta]] -- [[diaphragm]] -- [[digestive system]] -- [[ductless gland]] -- [[ductus deferens]] -- |
[[descending aorta]] -- [[diaphragm]] -- [[digestive system]] -- [[ductless gland]] -- [[ductus deferens]] -- |
== E == |
== E == |
[[ear]] -- [[ejaculatory duct]] -- [[embryo]] -- [[embryology]] -- [[endocrine system]] -- [[endothelial tissue]] -- [[epithelial tissue]] -- [[esophagus]] -- [[excretory system]] -- [[exoskeleton]] -- [[external carotid artery]] -- [[external iliac artery]] -- [[eye]] -- [[eyelid]] -- |
[[ear]] -- [[ejaculatory duct]] -- [[embryo]] -- [[embryology]] -- [[endocrine gland]] -- [[endocrine system]] -- [[endothelial tissue]] -- [[epithelial tissue]] -- [[esophagus]] -- [[excretory system]] -- [[exocrine gland]] -- [[exoskeleton]] -- [[external carotid artery]] -- [[external iliac artery]] -- [[eye]] -- [[eyelid]] -- |
== F == |
== F == |
[[face]] -- [[facial bone]] -- [[facial nerve]] -- [[fauces]] -- [[femoral artery]] -- [[femur]] -- [[fetus]] -- [[fibula]] -- [[foot]] -- [[fore-brain]] -- [[forearm]] -- [[frontal bone]] -- |
[[face]] -- [[facial bone]] -- [[facial nerve]] -- [[fauces]] -- [[femoral artery]] -- [[femur]] -- [[fetus]] -- [[fibula]] -- [[foot]] -- [[fore-brain]] -- [[forearm]] -- [[frontal bone]] -- |
Revision as of 21:20, 3 May 2003
This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to anatomy. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page.
This list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please update the page accordingly.
abdomen -- abdominal aorta -- abducent nerve -- accessory nerve -- acoustic nerve -- adrenal gland -- amatory anatomy -- Anatomical pathology -- Angiology -- animal morphology -- ankle -- anterior tibial artery -- anterior vertebral muscle -- anterolateral region of the neck -- anus -- aorta -- appendix -- Aretery -- arm -- arteria dorsalis pedis -- artery -- auditory ossicle -- axilla -- axillary artery --
back -- Bartholin's gland -- biological cell -- biology -- blood -- bone -- brachial artery -- brain -- breast -- bronchi -- bulbourethral gland -- butt --
Cardiovascular system -- carpus -- cerebrospinal fluid -- cervical vertebrae -- chest -- circulatory system -- clavicle -- clitoris -- coelom -- collar bone -- colon (organ) -- common carotid artery -- comparative anatomy -- connective tissue -- costal cartilages -- cranial bone -- cranial nerve --
descending aorta -- diaphragm -- digestive system -- ductless gland -- ductus deferens --
ear -- ejaculatory duct -- embryo -- embryology -- endocrine gland -- endocrine system -- endothelial tissue -- epithelial tissue -- esophagus -- excretory system -- exocrine gland -- exoskeleton -- external carotid artery -- external iliac artery -- eye -- eyelid --
face -- facial bone -- facial nerve -- fauces -- femoral artery -- femur -- fetus -- fibula -- foot -- fore-brain -- forearm -- frontal bone --
gastrointestinal tract -- genitals -- Gland -- glandular tissue -- glossopharyngeal nerve -- Gray's Anatomy -- Greek language --
hair -- hand -- head -- hearing -- heart -- hind-brain -- hip bone -- histology -- History of anatomy -- hormone -- human anatomy -- human body -- human skeleton -- humerus -- hyoid bone -- hypogastric artery -- hypoglossal nerve -- hypophysis cerebri --
iliac region -- Immune system -- inferior nasal concha -- infrahyoid muscle -- integumentary system -- internal carotid artery -- internal ear -- intestine --
kidney --
labia -- labyrinth -- lacrimal bone -- large intestine -- larynx -- lateral cervical muscle -- lateral vertebral muscle -- leg -- lip -- List of human anatomical features -- liver -- lumbar vertebrae -- lumbosacral plexus -- lung -- Lymphatic system --
mammae -- mammary gland -- mandible -- mastication -- maxillae -- mediastinum -- meninges -- metacarpus -- metatarsus -- mid-brain -- middle ear -- mouth -- muscle -- muscles of the thorax -- muscular system -- Myology --
nail -- nasal bone -- neck -- nerve -- nervous system -- neural groove -- Neurology -- nose -- notochord --
occipital bone -- oculomotor nerve -- olfactory nerve -- ontogeny -- optic nerve -- organ (anatomy) -- organelle -- Osteology -- ovary -- ovum --
palatine bone -- pancreas -- parathyroid gland -- parietal bone -- patella -- pelvis -- penis -- pericardium -- perineum -- peritoneum -- phalanges of the foot -- phalanges of the hand -- pharynx -- phylogeny -- phytotomy -- pineal body -- pituitary gland -- placenta -- pleura -- popliteal artery -- popliteal fossa -- posterior tibial artery -- prostate -- public domain -- pulmonary vein --
radial artery -- radius -- rectum -- reproductive system -- respiratory system -- rib -- ribs --
sacral and coccygeal vertebrae -- salivary gland -- scalp -- scapula -- serous membrane -- sesamoid bone -- sex organ -- shoulder -- sight -- skeletal system -- skeleton -- skin -- skull -- small intestine -- smell -- spermatozoön -- sphenoid bone -- spinal cord -- spinal nerve -- Splanchnology -- spleen -- sternum -- stomach -- subclavian artery -- suboccipital muscle -- Superficial anatomy -- superficial cervical muscle -- sympathetic nerve -- Syndesmology -- systemic vein --
tarsus -- taste -- temporal bone -- Terms for anatomical location -- testes -- thigh bone -- thigh -- thoracic aorta -- thoracic cavity -- thoracic vertebrae -- thoractic duct -- thorax -- thymus -- thyroid gland -- tibia -- tongue -- tooth -- trachea -- triangles of the neck -- trigeminal nerve -- trochlear nerve -- tympanic cavity --
ulna -- ulnar artery -- ureter -- urethra -- urinary bladder -- uterus --
vagina -- vagus nerve -- vascular system -- vein -- vertebrae -- vertebral column -- vesiculae seminales -- vomer --
zootomy -- zygomatic bone --