Main public logs
This is a combined display of all logs except the patrol, review, tag and thanks logs:
- Who performed the action – enter their name without prefix under "Performer".
- The page or user affected by an action – enter the page or user name (prefixed with "User:") under "Target".
- 18:56, 11 October 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page User:LanceBarber/Subpage to User:LanceBarber/Archive (More appropriate for its usage)
- 18:52, 30 September 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page 566th Intelligence Squadron to 566th Information Operations Squadron (old sqdn name to new sqdn name)
- 07:33, 24 September 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B18AwingsMus.jpg (Photo taken of B-18A 39-25(39-0025) at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, Denver, CO, by Lance Barber for public domain. Request the usual "Courtsey of " line for use out side of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 18:48, 23 September 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:F104C914usafMus.jpg ({{PD-USGov-Military-Air Force}} Downloaded from USAF Museum web, Cold War aircraft.)
- 04:12, 19 September 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MullicoupeTailAtVintageAeroMus.jpg (Photo taken by Lance Barber at Vintage Aero Flying Museum, Platte Valley Airpark, March 2007. Free to public domain. Request standard "Courtesy of" line for photo use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 03:59, 19 September 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MullicoupeAtVintageAeroMus.jpg (Photo taken by Lance Barber at Vintage Aero Flying Museum, Platte Valley Airpark, March 2007. Free to public domain. Request standard "Courtesy of" line for photo use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 09:20, 22 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:SGS233AwingsMuseum.jpg (Reconstructed from two airframes. Tail number assigned of majority of airaframe. Restoration performed by team of volunteers at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, Denver, CO. Photo taken by Lance Barber, volunteer. Request standard "C)
- 00:35, 13 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:KB29sRefueling.jpg (from USAF archive files)
- 19:11, 10 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page Eldorado AFS to Eldorado Air Force Station (correct nomenclature/titling)
- 05:02, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1BtailWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of tail section. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you)
- 04:58, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1AswingWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Top and rear view of swing wing. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia.)
- 04:57, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1ArudderWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of rudder. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 04:55, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1ArearWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of rear fuselage. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia. Thank yo)
- 04:54, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1AnosegearWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of nose gear and ground start. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipe)
- 04:53, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1AmaingearWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of main gear. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 04:51, 6 August 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1AbayWingsMus.JPG (B-1A Lancer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, taken by Lance Barber, July 2007, volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft. Photo of bomb bay. Photo for public domain. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for use outside of Wikipedia. Thank you.)
- 23:27, 29 July 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:C45HcafAT7.JPG (A C-45H/AT-7, Commemorative Air Force, taken at Platte Valley Airport, Hudson, Colorado. Flying up until July 19, 2007 crashed at Longmont, Colo. Crew survivored. Photo for public use, taken by Lance Barber, Aurora, Colo. Request "Courtesy of" line for ou)
- 03:54, 25 July 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:BP1101AnewpaintWingsMuseum.jpg (After in-depth research, new paint scheme for BP1101A, June 2007. Photo is not copyrighted and for public use. Painted by Martin Sagara, Volunteer Curator of Aerospace. Photo taken by Lance Barber, Volunteer Curator of Military Aircraft, July 23, 2007.)
- 09:29, 4 July 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B47pueblomuseum.jpg (B-47E at Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum, Pueblo CO. Photo courtesy of Lance Barber. Free and clear to public domain, 2006.)
- 04:54, 9 June 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:FokkerDr1andSE5.jpg (Photo of Vintage Aero Flying Museum's (Colorado) Fokker Dr.1 and SE.5 taxing at Platte Valley Airpark, Hudson Colorado. Photo courtesy of Lance Barber, Volunteer for Colorado Aviation Historical Society, May 2007. Photo free for public use. Request the us)
- 20:47, 5 June 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B1A160wingsmuseum.JPG (Photo courtesy of Lance Barber, volunteer at Wings Over the Rockies Museum, Denver CO, 2007. Photo free for public use. Request the usual "Courtesy of" line for outside of WIkipedia use. Thank you.)
- 19:11, 5 June 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:ColoAvHistSocHeritageHall.JPG (Photo courtesy of Lance Barber, volunteer for Colo Av Hist Society, Denver CO. Photo for public use. Request the usual "courtesy of" line for outside Wikipedia. Digital camera-Vivitar 3642.)
- 20:45, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B-52BStratofortressAtWingsMuseum.jpg (Updated photo of Balls 5. Taken 10 May 07 by Lance Barber.)
- 20:38, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:Wings museum-facade2.jpg (Updated Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum front of the building. New pic taken by Lance Barber.)
- 20:29, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:AdamsAircraftM309.jpg (Sentry at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. Picture taken by Lance Barber.)
- 09:05, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B17turbocharger.jpg (B17 turbocharger, crash debris)
- 08:51, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:AircraftPartNumber.jpg (B-17 crash debris. Taken by LanceBarber.)
- 08:40, 10 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:AircraftDebrisCloseup.jpg (Aircraft crash debris. {{PD-self}})
- 04:44, 8 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page Talk:Manned Orbiting Laboratory to Talk:Manned Orbital Laboratory (NASA Archives verified the correct spelling)
- 04:44, 8 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page Manned Orbiting Laboratory to Manned Orbital Laboratory (NASA Archives verified the correct spelling)
- 00:23, 4 May 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:NORADheadquarters 2006 b.jpg (from
- 06:48, 27 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MerecuryBPescapeSystemTest.jpg ({{PD-NASA}})
- 06:37, 27 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MercuryBPwaterTest.jpeg ({{PD-NASA}})
- 06:36, 27 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MercuryBPparachuteTest.jpg ({{PD-NASA}} )
- 06:35, 27 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:MercuryBP.jpg ({{PD-NASA}} )
- 14:20, 7 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:BP1101Aplaque.JPG (This photo taken by myself and has no copyright. Photo taken at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, Denver, CO, March 2007. ~~~~)
- 13:59, 7 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:GeminiBPwaterTest.jpg ({{PD-NASA}})
- 13:58, 7 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:GeminiBPtankTest.jpg ({{PD-NASA}})
- 13:57, 7 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:GeminiBP3Amockup.jpg ({{PD-NASA}})
- 14:23, 6 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:BP1101Aside1.JPG (This photo taken by myself and has no copyright. Photo taken at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, Denver, CO, March 2007. LanceBarber 14:22, 6 April 2007 (UTC))
- 14:22, 6 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:BP1101Afront.JPG (This photo taken by myself and has no copyright. Photo taken at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, Denver, CO, March 2007. ~~~~)
- 00:34, 4 April 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:F100D 563417nose2.jpg (This photo is for discussion purposes only. I will mark the photo for deletion in 3-4 calendar day. ~~~~)
- 18:17, 28 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B5B 008hatch.JPG (Personal photograph taken by Lance Barber at Edwards AFB Summer Airshow, 2004. No copyrights. Free to the public, release to public domain, and fair use. LanceBarber 08:05, 28 March 2007 (UTC))
- 17:52, 28 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B5B 008hatch.JPG (Personal photograph taken by Lance Barber at Edwards AFB Summer Airshow, 2004. No copyrights. Free to the public, release to public domain, and fair use. LanceBarber 08:05, 28 March 2007 (UTC))
- 17:39, 28 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B52B 008tail.JPG (Personal photograph taken by Lance Barber at Edwards AFB Summer Airshow, 2004. No copyrights. Free to the public, release to public domain, and fair use. LanceBarber 08:05, 28 March 2007 (UTC))
- 08:30, 28 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B52B 005nose.jpg (Personal photograph taken by Lance Barber at Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum, 2006. No copyrights, free and fare use to public. Request "Courtesy of Lance Barber, Wings Over the Rockies Museum" line to be used by public. Thank you. ~~~~)
- 08:05, 28 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:B52B 008nose.jpg (Personal photograph taken by Lance Barber at Edwards AFB Summer Airshow, 2004. No copyrights. Free to the public, release to public domain, and fair use. ~~~~)
- 04:12, 24 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs uploaded File:460thSW.jpg (460th Space Wing patch from website for use in Military Unit infobox for WIki-article 460th Space Wing)
- 08:09, 12 March 2007 LanceBarber talk contribs moved page Pueblo Weisbrod Aviation Museum to Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum (Correct title name is with Aircraft, not Aviation.)
- 07:04, 20 February 2007 User account LanceBarber talk contribs was created