Economy of Salem, Tamil Nadu
Economy of Salem is mostly influenced by Information Technology, Steel, Textile industry, Agriculture and more . Salem is most popularly known as Steel city and Mangoes city of India . GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Salem city is 12,134.10 GDP (IN RS. CR.). and growth rate is Growth Rate % (YOY) is 10.31 . It is 3rd largest Economical district in TamilNadu while GDP growth in Chennai GDP (IN RS. CR.) 20,847.32 (1) , Coimbatore GDP (IN RS. CR.) 23,371.63 (2) , Madurai GDP (IN RS. CR.) 10,401.02 (5) , Tiruchirappalli GDP (IN RS. CR.) 10,493.93 (4) [1]. Salem has one Special Economic zone over 40 in TamilNadu ,ELCOT has established an IT SEZ at Jagirammapalayam village, Salem, in an extent of 53.33 acres of land at an investment of Rs. 40.53 crore[2].
- ^ "Districtwise GDP and Growth Rate Based at Current Price (1999-00) From 1999-00 to 2006-07 - Tamilnadu, India -". Knoema. Retrieved 2021-05-14.
- ^ "MEPZ SEZ — Tamilnadu". Retrieved 2021-05-14.