China University of Technology
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The China University of Technology (CUTe in short) (Traditional Chinese: 中國科技大學; Simplified Chinese: 中国科技大学;) was established on 1965, situated in Wenshan District, Taipei City, Republic Of China(Taiwan). The CUTe was initially named "Chinese Municipal Vocational School" had the mission to foster young talents in the municipal constructional field. Due to the changes in social structures as time passed by, in response to the rising needs of developing commercial activities and in order to concretely strengthen the educational function of the vocational school, the school was renamed as the "Chinese Junior College of Industrial and Commercial Management" in 1983.
In July 1999, in order to cooperate with the development of "Vocational Skills Education System", the school acquired 15 acres of land in Hu Ko Hsin-Chu for the future expansion of a 2nd campus in Hsinchu County. Later, on August 1 2000, the shcool was officially re-christened and reorganized as the Chung Kuo Institute of Technology(China Institute of Technology). To meet its commitment to teaching and research, the school employs a team of highly educated, professional, practically-focused and enthusiastic academic staff with Ph.D and M.A. degrees from local and overseas universities. With a total of 347 full-time elite academic/teaching staff in the school and numerous outstanding National Science Council projects and other great achievements the school has made over the years, it has taken a giant step forward to finally get promoted by the Ministry of Education as a university in the summer of 2005. Because of these many successes and achievements, the school, now called China University of Technology, has won nationwide praise and acclaim and has become very popular with students within a broader community all over Taiwan.
These successes are reflected by the extremely high ratings achieved in inspections and evaluations conducted by the Ministry of Education. Now as an outstanding university, with its twin campuses in Taipei and Hsinchu, China University of Technology entertains a higher ambition to develop into a first-class university of technology, bearing the characteristics of "Knowledge Generalization," "Specialization", "Computerization", "Internationalization," "Diversification," and "Technology Integration."