College Preparatory Center
Saudi Aramco's College Preparatory Center (CPC) is a highly selective program run by the Saudi national oil company; Saudi Aramco (established in 1985). It begins with a 9-month program of study at the Industrial Training Center in Dhahran, after which students move on to universities to finish their education.
Last year (2004-2005), the admission rate was 1.20%, 148 admitted from a pool of 12,300 qualified applicants. Admitted students receive a salary of $8,000 for their attendance. Each student is assigned in a Saudi ARAMCO department which is related to his concentration of study.
All students - after passing the first year in CPC - will have a full scholarship, mostly to universities in the United States and United Kingdom, all expenses covered. Moreover, each scholar will have the opportunity to continue graduate studies up to the PhD degree, while receiving a salary of full time employees.