User:Gcpolerio/Codexes of Polerio
Codexes of Polerio
It is not possible to describe the analyst, and in particular reporter, of chess games and openings Giulio Cesare Polerio without describing his work.
The work of Giulio Cesare Polerio consist exclusively in handwritten Codexes. Accordingly, there is always a single, original Codex of Giulio Cesare Polerio existant. Sanvito 2005 has organised these 8 original Codexes of Giulio Cesare Polerio both by location and by supposed age. Abbreviations 1 Sv - 8 Sv are used to refer to this organisation primarily done by supposed age. Among these 8 Codexes , one has a questionable existance/Polerio provenience (8 Sv). Another has a missing location (7 Sv = the so called "Doazan"). In doubt, reference is made to Salvio 2005 (4 Sv = Codex # 4 as organised by Sanvito 2005).
Polerio Codexes by age
1 Sv = "7.8.1584?" (Sanvito [Baffioni])
2 Sv = "1579/80" (Baffioni)
3 Sv = "later than 1579 but earlier than 1585" (Baffioni)
4 Sv = "1594, before June 30" (Sanvito [Murry])
5 Sv = "20.06.1594, Rome" (Sanvito [Baffioni])
6 Sv = "XVIth century for sure (Leon)
7 Sv = (undetermined?)
8 Sv = (questionable Polerio)
Polerio Codexes by location
1 Sv = Bibliothèque nationale de France "955"
2 Sv = Vatican Library "Boncompagni 3"
3 Sv = Vatican Library "Boncompagni 2"
4 Sv = Bibliothèques de Toulouse "Tolosa"
5 Sv = Bibliothèque nationale de France "948
6 Sv = Cleveland Public Library "Leon"
7 Sv = unknown "Doazan"
8 Sv ? Cleveland Public Library L'elegantia"
Games of Polerio by move order
Polerio (G. C.). Questo libro e di Giulio Cesare Polerio Lancianese al suo comando e del amici à presso, 376 etc. in Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana The Chess player's chronicle, The light and lustre of chess, by George Walker, 1843 VAN DER LINDE, ANTONIUS: Das Schachspiel des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Nach unedirten Quellen bearbeitet, Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin 1874 LEON, J.A.: Forty-Six Games of Chess: by Giulio Cesare Polerio, from a hitherto unpublished Manuscript. 16 pp. "Reprinted from the 'British Chess Magazine, August,1894'.", 1894 BARON VON DER LASA, TASILO: Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels, Verlag von Veit & Comp., Leipzig, 1897 MURRAY, HAROLD JAMES RUTHVEN: A History of Chess, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1913 BAFFIONI, PROF. GIOVANNI: Giulio Cesare Polerio Lancianese Maestro di Scacchi (XVI-XVII) Regione Abruzzo, Centro Servizi Culturali, Lanciano, 1993 SANVITO, ALESSANDRO: Il Boncompagni-Ludovisi era ritenuto disperso: Ritrovato un codice di Polerio, L’Italia Scacchistica: 311, 1994 BAFFIONI, PROF. GIOVANNI: Lectura Polerii Regione Abruzzo, Centro Servizi Culturali, Lanciano, undated (gift from Biblioteca “R. Liberatore”, Lanciano) BAFFIONI, PROF. GIOVANNI: Giulio Cesare Polerio, l’Apruzzese, Maestro di Scacchi Europeo (XVI-XVII), Litografia Botolini srl, Lanciano, 1995 SANVITO, ALESSANDRO: Bibliografia italiana degli scacchi, Degli origini al 1999, Edizione Sylvestre Bonnard sas, Mailand, 1999 SANVITO, ALESSANDRO: I codici scacchistici di Giulio Cesare Polerio e Gioacchino Greco, Messaggerie Scacchistiche, ISBN 88-901525-8-3, Brescia, 2005