The Asha'man are an organization of men who can channel in the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time.
The name Asha'man means "guardian" or "defender" in the Old Tongue; the meaning is uncertain, as with many words in the language, but what is known is that Asha'man could never be used to describe someone who did not fight for a just cause (It may be similar to the concept of a Paladin.) Asha'man (singular or plural) are men in the Third Age who can channel (i.e. control the One Power) who have taken part in a training program founded by Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn. They are roughly equivalent to the male Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends, although, out of necessity due to the Last Battle being very close, their training is greatly accelerated, something known as forcing, which can easily result in someone burning themselves out by making a mistake and made more perilous by the taint on saidin, but despite this, they have well over seven hundred men enrolled. The Asha'man are headquartered at the Black Tower, a former farmhouse outside the city of Caemlyn in Andor. Though the ultimate leader of the Asha'man is Rand al'Thor, in practice they are trained and led by Mazrim Taim, a former False Dragon appointed to the task when he responded to Rand's amnesty for male channelers.
Of the fifteen-hundred or so men enrolled, a faction is loyal to Logain. Taim also has his own faction. The one hundred men who attend his private classes are certainly his and, of these, very many (if not all) are likely Darkfriends. Some Soldiers and Dedicated would also feel loyal to the M’Hael—although Taim’s harsh behavior is unlikely to make him very popular. A large portion of the Soldiers and Dedicated do not have any specific loyalty, and we could assume that they would obey Rand over Taim.
It is also hinted in a Foretelling made by Nicola (a novice for the "rebel" Aes Sedai in Salidar at the time, though she later leaves to become a novice in the tower) that the Asha'man would bring balance to the Aes Sedai. "the Guardians will balance the Servants."
There are three official ranks of Asha'man:
- Soldier, the lowest rank; they wear no decoration on their collars
- Dedicated, those who have advanced a certain level of skill; they wear a silver sword pin on one side of their collars
- Asha'man; they wear the silver sword pin of the Dedicated as well as a gold-and-red Dragon pin on the other side of their collars
Beyond this system instituted by Rand al'Thor for the training program, however, the field organization of the Asha'man (instituted by Mazrim Taim) is akin to battle units. Modern female Aes Sedai have a very gradual hierarchy based on an individual's strength in the One Power; the Asha'man use a more explicitly militaristic system. However, it should be noted that Soldier, Dedicated, and Asha'man bear similarity to the Aes Sedai ranks of Novice, Accepted, and Aes Sedai, which is in keeping with the commonly repeated theme of the series in which men and women, while having equal-yet-different strengths and weaknesses, differing in their abilities but having a parity with each other. (see Yin and Yang, a common theme of the Wheel of Time.) One other important difference is that Soldiers and Dedicated are expected to serve in the field, being Soldiers ready to fight almost from the moment they can touch the Source. Aes Sedai do not allow Novices and Accepted (except in very rare cases) to go on field assignments, thinking they need to be protected until they are fully trained. Ranks have been created like Tsorovan'm'hael, "storm leader", and the rank below it, Baijan'm'hael, "attack leader"; these ranks have thus far only been confirmed to belong to Asha'man who follow Taim, and have ended up trying to kill Rand. Mazrim Taim himself holds the rank of M'hael, or simply "Leader" in the Old Tongue, and his position seems to combine the roles of Aes Sedai Mistress of Novices and Amyrlin Seat. This seems to be approximately equal to the Amyrlin Seat, but M'hael strongly implies leader of everything, not just the Asha'man. Though it seems more likely that Rand ought to hold that position in truth, since he is the Dragon Reborn, Rand does not have the time to train, and leaves it over to Taim, who is abusing his position to build his own power-base against Rand.
Taim's jealousy over Rand's destiny has led him to subvert commands given by Rand (such as who are to be placed on the Traitor's Tree list for desertion), so it is unclear exactly how much power Rand actually holds with the rank-and-file Asha'man. Those who have served directly under Rand seem to be loyal to him in his position as the Dragon Reborn.
Due to the Last Battle being very close, Asha'man training is much more militaristic and battle-oriented than the training of Aes Sedai, as they are being trained purely to fight in the Last Battle. Training also proceeds at a much faster pace than that of Aes Sedai, and consequently the percentage of training Asha'man who burn themselves out or kill themselves accidentally is much higher than the comparative percentage for the Aes Sedai. The number of students they are finding, however, is comparatively greater, since no one has searched systematically for men who can be taught to channel (as opposed to those with the spark) in thousands of years.
Males who can channel saidin often describe it as a torrential storm of fire and of ice which they must continually fight to maintain control, whereas women are taught to surrender to saidar, and in surrendering to it they gain control over it. In addition, the taint placed on saidin by the Dark One makes their training particularly hazardous, and several Asha'man have already had to be "put to sleep" with poisoned wine due to growing insanity. Rand's instructions to Mazrim Taim were explicit: he needs an army of male channelers to help fight the Last Battle with him. However, he does not have time to train them himself. This seems to be the reason that he continues to allow Taim to train his Asha'man despite growing evidence that Taim has priorities that conflict with Rand's eventual purpose.
From the start Asha'man do all their chores with saidin, even if it takes them much longer than the normal time it would take to do a chore by hand. Although their primary purpose is to learn how to inflict damage with the One Power, all Ashaman learn Healing and, at Rand's instruction, how to use a sword as well as unarmed Aiel martial arts. Should an Asha'man defect, they are hunted down and have their head hung on the Traitor's Tree.
Recently an offer from Rand himself has been accepted by the Salidar Aes Sedai to bond Soldiers and Dedicated to a total of forty seven of their number. However the Red Ajah have also made a truce with the Asha'man, allowing the bonding of Asha'man to members of their Ajah, done by Mazrim Taim without the knowledge of Rand or his most powerful Asha'man ally, Logain Ablar. How these two separate agreements will converge in the future is uncertain.
The last time official rolls were given, the counts were 29 Asha'man, 97 Dedicated, and 322 Soldiers. These numbers are almost certainly low, as there has been a substantial time lapse between this roll call and current events. According to Logain, there are 41 Asha'man by Knife of Dreams, but this may not include those Asha'man outside of the Black Tower. Also in the last chapter the Aes Sedai see some one hundred men with dragon and sword pins when they meet Taim. It is also stated that the Black Tower almost matches the White Tower in numbers, something which has also been hinted at by prophecies spoken during the series.
Notable Members
Rand al'Thor
Logain Ablar
Mazrim Taim
Corlan Dashiva
Damer Flinn
Damer Flinn is one of the oldest Asha'man, the first to be tested for the ability by Mazrim Taim himself. Before joining the Black Tower, he had been a member of the Queen's Guards in Andor, only removed from service after a Murandian lance took him in the thigh. Left with a limp, he came to the early Black Tower and began by teaching the students the use of the sword (although he is not particularly skilled with it).His main reason for joining the Black Tower was to learn the art of healing. In this he is quite skilled. His healing abilities were demonstrated when he saved Rand al'Thor's life after he had been wounded by the Shadar Logoth dagger; he was able to heal it (temporarily, by sealing it and the scar given by Balzamon) while the best of the Yellow Ajah could not do much with it. Flinn was also able to heal the three Aes Sedai who Rand stilled.
Rising to the rank of Dedicated after the Battle of Dumai's Wells, Flinn was among those Asha'man who were sent by Mazrim Taim to remain at Rand al'Thor's side. His loyalty was quickly proven, as the assassination attempt on Rand committed by a number of his fellow Asha'man left him alone and targeted by his remaining comrades at the Black Tower. With no other chance at safety, he allowed himself to be bonded as a Warder by an Aes Sedai (his sister is Corele Hovian of the Yellow Ajah). In this role, he continued to accompany Rand, even confronting Demandred at Shadar Logoth during the cleansing of saidin.
Eben Hopwil
Hopwil is only a teenager when he was recruited by Mazrim Taim. He (along with Damer Flinn, Jur Grady, and Fedwin Morr) is among the first men to be tested for the ability to channel.
He is in Cairhien when the traitor Asha'man led by Corlan Dashiva (Osan'gar) try to kill the Dragon Reborn. Fearing that his colleagues in the Black Tower will suspect him of being part of the failed assassination, he agrees to be bonded by an Aes Sedai (his sister is Daigian Moseneillin of the White Ajah). During the cleansing of saidin he is killed by Aran'gar as he attempts to shield his Aes Sedai from the Forsaken's attack.
His fellow Asha'man Jahar Narishma tells the Salidar Aes Sedai to remember Hopwil's sacrifice.
Jahar Narishma
A native of the borderland nation of Arafel, Narishma is described as being "not much past twenty", with large dark eyes and braided hair. An early recruit to the Asha'man, he was first mentioned to Rand by Mazrim Taim, who brought it up in reference to Rand's previous warning to watch out for students who learned too fast. While having a powerful spark of saidin within him, Narishma was not one of the Forsaken in disguise. Along with 200 other Asha'man, he participated in the Battle of Dumai's Wells, and was among the group who accompanied Rand to Cairhien.
Narishma is among the Asha'man who were briefly suspected of attempting to kill Rand, and thus was forced to become a Warder to an Aes Sedai to escape his vengeful comrades. He is currently bonded to Merise Sedai of the Green Ajah. Rand later sent him to recover Callandor from the Stone of Tear, which according to a line in the Prophecies of the Dragon, "Who draws it out shall follow after". This suggests that Narishma will somehow follow in Rand's steps, and Rand determined that the prophecy meant that the person who drew Callandor was someone he could trust. Narishma is a full Asha'man, although Merise didn't give him the Dragon pin at first. He also formed part of the group who helped to protect Rand and Nynaeve when they were cleansing saidin in Winter's Heart.
Minor members
- Jonan Adley: Joined the Black Tower in the very early stages of its development. He was killed when Rand al'Thor lost control of Callandor in Altara.
- Algarin: A Tairen Lord whose estates Rand took refuge in following the cleansing of saidin. Algarin once had a brother who could channel, but who was gentled and died long before Rand was born and the Black Tower came to be. Because of this, he asked Rand to test him for the potential to channel, and was last heard of departing for the Black Tower.
- Saml al'Seen: One of the gate guards when a party of the Red Ajah came to the Black Tower to propose bonding of Warders, Saml al'Seen is a native to Emond's Field. He was described by a fellow Asha'man as being quite an astute learner, able to pick up on almost any weave he sees. The Red sisters believe him to be too young to be an Asha'man and agree among each other not to bond men as young as he.
- Canler: A somewhat unknown Asha'man, Canler was recognized by Jur Grady as the one responsible for the bond used by Asha'man to bond their wives or captive Aes Sedai. He is later revealed to be a member of the faction in the Black Tower loyal to Logain, and by association, the Dragon Reborn.
- Enkazin: One of two Asha'man on guard duty at the gates of the Black Tower when the Red Ajah came to propose bonding male channelers as Warders. He hints to the Aes Sedai that there is some division in the Black Tower. Enkazin is described as having the appearance of a clerk, but when angered becomes as dangerous in presence as any other Asha'man. He also appears to have developed a friendship with Saml al'Seen from the Two Rivers. It is suspected that he is not particularly powerful due to the relatively small gateway he makes in the presence of the Red sisters.
- Charl Gedwyn: One of the traitor Asha'man whose body is found by Rand al'Thor in Far Madding. He, along with Peral Torval, was killed by Padan Fain.
- Androl Genhald: Androl Genhald is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar.
- Jur Grady: Grady is one of the original four recruits found by Mazrim Taim. He is a former farmer in his mid-twenties and has risen to the rank of Dedicated. He has bonded his wife, Sora, in order to reassure himself she is safe while he is away. Grady accompanies Perrin Aybara on his mission to find Masema Dagar and bring him back to Rand al'Thor. His primary purpose on the mission is to make gateways for Traveling. After the kidnapping of Faile Bashere and some of her followers by the Shaido, Grady becomes instrumental in Perrin's rescue plan.
- Harldin: Harldin is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar.
- Welyn Kajima
- Raefar Kisman: One of the traitors who tried to assassinate Rand al'Thor, Kisman was almost certainly a Darkfriend. It is revealed that he was receiving orders from two of the Forsaken. He and Manel Rochaid attempt to kill al'Thor again in Far Madding. Padan Fain later kills him with the Shadar Logoth dagger.
- Mezar Kurin: Mezar Kurin is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar.
- Arel Malevin
- Karldin Manfor: A foul-tempered Asha'man who poses as a stone mason along with Loial the Ogier. He was sent with Loial on a mission by Rand Al'Thor, to all the steddings to convince the Ogier to lock or the very least guard the waygates to prevent their use by forces of the shadow. He also never entered the stedding preferring to sleep in the open rather than be cut off from the One Source, even for a short period of time. In Knife of Dreams, just before the meeting of Rand with the Daughter of the Nine Moons, it is implied that Karldin was bonded as Warder by Beldeine Nyram of Green Ajah.
- Atal Mishraile: Atal Mishraile is one of the many Asha'man loyal to Mazrim Taim, and a member of his private classes at the Black Tower. Mishraile is the embodiment of all that is undesirable in an Asha'man: he is arrogant, condescending, and has little regard for anyone who doesn't wear the Sword and Dragon pins. When the Red Ajah sent an embassy to the Black Tower to speak about bonding Asha'man as Warders, he regarded them distastefully. As a result, Taim struck him with a weave of Air that cracked his skull and broke his jaw. Taim said that he would be healed if he survived until that night, but it is unknown whether he did.
- Fedwin Morr: Morr is one of the Black Tower's first members. He's 16 years old and bears the Sword and Dragon of a full Asha'man. He has two of what Taim describes as a bar. In the first, he believes he cannot affect things at a distance with the Power, and his abilities begin to fade the further away something is. In the second, he cannot weave Healing unless he uses a particular gesture. After the attack on Rand al'Thor by rebel Asha'man, the Dragon Reborn sends orders Morr to protect Min Farshaw. Rand later finds Fedwin in a cellar playing with building blocks. The taint on saidin had driven Morr insane, and as a result he reverted to an infantile state. Rand, following Mazrim Taim's example, then kills Morr painlessly by serving him poisoned wine.
- Arlen Nalaam: Arlen Nalaam was one of the Asha'man army to accompany Rand al'Thor when Rand went to battle the Seanchan in Altara. Whilst there, Arlen Nalaam commented on the strangeness of Saidin around Altara, when he went to deliver a captured Sul'dam to Rand in accordance with his standing order.
- Fager Neald: A soldier who accompanies Perrin Aybara in his mission to find Masema. He's in the habit of putting on airs.
- Varil Nensen: A Taraboner Asha'man, Varil Nensen participated in the battles against the Seanchan in Altara. It is unknown whether or not he survived Rand's loss of control over Callandor.
- Norley: Norley is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar.
- Manel Rochaid: One of the Asha'man who attempted to assassinate Rand al'Thor in Cairhien. Rochaid is around 18 years old and quite arrogant. Despite his youth, he was made a full Asha'man and given the title of Baijan-M'hael (Attack Leader). Rochaid allowed Rand to find him in Far Madding in an attempt to lure him into a trap. He and fellow traitor Raefer Kisman were to wait until the other conspirators show up. However, demonstrating his arrogance, Rochaid wanted the honour of killing the Dragon Reborn himself. His plan backfires and Rochaid is himself killed by Rand.
- Donalo Sandomere: Donalo Sandomere is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar. He bonds one of the 51 Aes Sedai sent to the Black Tower to gentle and execute any man able to channel. He gains full Asha'man status after helping Rand al'Thor repel an attack by Shadowspawn. He also accompanies Rand to his meeting with Semirhage and helps Narishma and Logain to shield her once she reveals herself.
- Peral Torval: A native of Tarabon, Peral Torval was the first recruit from whom Rand heard the name Black Tower. During one of his many visits there, Rand met Torval, who sneered upon learning who Rand was and didn't think him so powerful. Mazrim Taim quickly had him disciplined, demonstrating the hardness that was expected as one of the Asha'man. Despite his insolent attitude, Torval was among the first to rise to the rank of full Asha'man. Torval was part of the plot to kill Rand in Cairhien. Rand finds his corpse in Far Madding. He had been killed by Padan Fain.
- Evin Vinchova: Evin Vinchova is one of the Asha'man in the Black Tower loyal to Logain Ablar.