Yamacraw Bluff
Yamacraw Bluff is a bluff situated on the bank of the Savannah River. The bluff is most notable for being the spot upon which General James Edward Oglethorpe landed to settle the colony of Georgia. The bluff was originally inhabited by the Yamacraw Indians. A stone marker and statue now adorn the bluff in honor of its historic value.
=BUMBACLAT 9/11 tomorrow yall middle easterners better watch out. people shooting
Monuments and markers
In 1906 a bench was erected in memorial of General Oglethorpe's landing in the New World. The bench stands in the spot were Oglethorpe pitched his tent on his first night after landing on the bluff.[1]
In anticipation of the bicentennial celebration a stone marker was laid on Bay Street. The marker, made in 1933, reads:
- "This is Yamacraw Bluff where the Colony of Georgia was founded, February 12, 1733, by General James Edward Oglethorpe. Voted by the Georgia Daughters of the American Revolution - the Most Historic Spot in Georgia."[2]
- ^ "Yamacraw Bluff Park." Web. 15 Sep 2010. <http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3ZA3_Yamacraw_Bluff_Park_Savannah_GA>.
- ^ "Yamacraw Bluff Marker on Bay Street West." Web. 15 Sep 2010. <http://www.ci.savannah.ga.us/cityweb/p&tweb.nsf/4bf6a0ca45844e1685256c2f0071a3fb/2a0630c387223b2585256c5a004a73d8?OpenDocument>.