If you're curious, I pronounce my name as "Zen" + "if", whereas the original name itself is pronounced as "Zeen" + "if" (I'll try to add IPA later). English speakers (and Google) usually assume to spell/pronounce it as Zenith, Zennif, etc. Similarly, variations occur in Japanese ( "ゼネフ" or "ゼニフ" ) and Korean ( "제네프", "제니프", "지니프", or even "제넾" (I think). "제니퍼" is quite wrong, though :P ). In Mandarin Chinese, given by one of my first Chinese language teachers, and I guess mostly based on sound (no meaning for the characters together) is: "馬澤輔" (pinyin: "Ma3 Ze2 fu3"). I'd be happy to hear about other ways to write/say it for those or any other languages. :)