8th millennium
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The eighth millennium of the Gregorian calendar will begin on January 1, 7001, and end on December 31, 8000. It will be the eighth millennium in the Anno Domini or Common Era.
Astronomical events
All these dates are in a uniform time scale such as Terrestrial Time. When converted to our ordinary solar time or Universal Time, which is decidedly non-uniform, via ΔT, the dates would be about one day earlier.
- 7016 October 3: Mean solar time and atomic time will be one day apart.
- 7152 September 11: Mars occults Regulus.
- ~7200: The Gregorian calendar is one day out of step with the vernal equinox.[1]
- 7256 October 12: Mercury occults Regulus.
- 7276 September 19: Venus occults Regulus.
- 7278 September 15: Mars occults Regulus.
- 7321 December 21: Venus occults Regulus.
- 7404 September 20: Mars occults Regulus.
- 7541 February 14: Jupiter occults Saturn.[2]
- 7541 June 18: Jupiter occults Saturn.[2]
- 7565 October 17: Mercury occults Regulus.
- ~7800: Plutoid 90377 Sedna will pass its aphelion in the decades around the year 7800.
- 7874 October 22: Mercury occults Regulus.
Science predictions
- 7800: Formation of a Type III Civilization under the Kardashev scale, according to Kardashev's extrapolation of 1% energy usage growth per year.[3]
- 7603, Anno 7603 comedy play takes place.
- The events of Ergo Proxy are believed to be set in the year 7207 after the Earth had been destroyed five thousand years earlier.
- 7000-7500, Scrapped Princess
- Xenosaga takes place between 7100 and 7300, with the first game taking place in 7276.
- The song "In the Year 2525" by Zager and Evans predicts that by the year 7510, God will have already commenced Judgement Day, or will soon.
- ^ John Meeus, More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels. Section 6.3. Willmann-Bell, 2002. ISBN 978-0-943396-74-3
- ^ a b Solex - Dates of occultations of Saturn by Jupiter, from Earth It will be the first time of this type of occultation since Prehistoric times. And certainly would be the unique double row in a year for perhaps one million years, or more...
- ^ Kaku, Michio (26 April 2004). "How Advanced Could They Be?". Astrobiology Magazine. , an interview with Michio Kaku.