User:Careena.El-Khatib/Food security/Bibliography
This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Please refer to the following resources for help:
- “Food Security.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Apr. 2020,
- Álvares, Luísa, and Teresa F. Amaral. “Food Insecurity and Associated Factors in the Portuguese Population.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 4, 2014, doi:10.1177/156482651403500401.
- “Who Are the World's Food Insecure? Identifying the Risk Factors of Food Insecurity Around the World.” USDA ERS - Who Are the World's Food Insecure? Identifying the Risk Factors of Food Insecurity Around the World,
- “National Institute of Food and Agriculture.” Global Food Security | National Institute of Food and Agriculture,
- “News.” European Green Capital Lisbon Is the 2020 European Green Capital Award Winner Comments,
- Pollard, Christina M, and Sue Booth. “Food Insecurity and Hunger in Rich Countries-It Is Time for Action against Inequality.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 16,10 1804. 21 May. 2019, doi:10.3390/ijerph16101804
- Adding citations
- Evaluating articles and sources