ATWA is an acronym of Air, Trees, Water, Animals'and All The Way Alive. It was created by Charles Manson in the early 1970's and is also a song performed by System of a Down. ATWA is not an organization, the name represents the life support system of the Earth. Charles Manson and his associates, most notably Lynette Fromme (Red) and Sandra Good (Blue) use the term to name the force of life and the opposition to that which destroys the ecological balance of the Earth. Since ATWA is not an organization, there is no membership. Manson has said all life is ATWA.
ATWA is associated with the so-called Manson Family. Also associated are the music group Family Jams and Order of Rainbow
Order of Rainbow are as follows:
It is believed, especially by supporters themselves, that their philosophy was the starting point for world-recognized charities, such as Green Peace.
Sandra Good was imprisoned for 10 years for conspiracy to send threatening letters to corporate executives unless their corporations ceased polluting the environment.
System of a Down
System Of A Down wrote a song on the album Toxicity about Charles Manson called ATWA. ATWA is the 9th track on the album Toxicity.
Quotations from Manson concerning ATWA
"ATWA -- Air, Trees, Water, Animals. ATWA is your survival on earth. It's a revolution against pollution. ATWA is ATWAR with pollution -- a holy war. You are either working for ATWA -- life -- or you're working for death. Fix it and live or run from it and die."Charles Manson on ATWA Philosophy.
"The ones who won't let me live live in & for my death which is their own - the ones who let me live live in my life which is their life for there is only one life one god one world one all is one all rain is one river all rivers are one lake all lakes are one sea all seas are water man in ATWA - got nothing to do with me - I'm a made up me by the judgements of money people." ...Charles Manson excerpt from letter April 2003
Interview with Sandra Good
Excerpt from an interview with Sandra Good on ATWA's Purpose:
- SG: The movements of the late 60's/early 70's were in a large part people selling "revolution", "peace", and "love". The for real people were what the media tagged as "The Manson Family". That's why the people who fake for money have for 27 years been covering us up with lies and distortions. A lot of people sell anything they can, including concern for life on earth. Part of my 15 year sentence was for telling all the environmental groups "Quit faking!". We gave our lives for brother and for ATWA and after all these years none of those groups saw or responded. They can't see our real because they are fakes. They play all that, "It's wrong to kill or go to war to save your own life on earth." I'd say: This is a war on pollution, on the problems, a war for life.
People can say that the "enemy" is all that is in the human psyche that sets it against itself -- self destructiveness: that which moves one to defeat one's self, one's life on earth, one's peace, one's love, one's joy in the experience of living, one's soul, one's creativity, one's children, family, kin, and kind. Millions of trees are cut to print more and more books analyzing the human condition and how to deal with the worldwide breakdown of order, health and sanity. More cups, posters and shirts are sold showing what has and is becoming extinct. You can name the human condition however you will -- alienated, wrongly conditioned, inherently good or evil, in need of... etc. There are countless people to tell us what is wrong and to sell us their physical, metaphysical, or spiritual cures. You can attempt to stave off the creeping poisoning of one's own body. Air and water are life. If your air and water are full of the emissions of millions of cars and factories, your life is poisoned. So you can try all kinds of things to stave off the nightmare that each knows in his soul is growing worse each day -- a world with no order, no leadership, no trees, 100's of millions of cars, brown, smelly skies, and frenzied two-legged creatures mindlessly ravaging the earth till there's nothing left. Only the walking dead can be blindly accepting of what's happening in the world today. Starving Third Worlders who move to First World countries aren't apathetic of the fact that the quality of life where they came from has been rendered no good. The impact of immigration, added to the damage already ongoing, will mean a growing man-made hell. And the end of life on earth.
- The Manson File by Nikolas Schreck (Amok Press, 1988, ISBN 0-941693-04-X)
- Charles Manson Superstar documentary directed by Nikolas Schreck (Music Video Distribu, DVD Release Date: 2002)