Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext
Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext is a file present in certain versions of the Mac OS X Operating System requesting that users of Mac OS X not "steal" it (i.e., that they not hack Mac OS X to run on generic white box hardware).[citation needed] Currently the extension is only included with the version of OS X that runs on the Intel Core processor family and is located at /System/Library/Extensions on the volume containing the operating system.[citation needed]
According to softpedia and the OSX86 project the full text of the file reads:
<key>_name</key> <string>Dont Steal Mac OS X</string> <string>Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. <string>The purpose of this Apple software is to protect Apple copyrighted materials from unauthorized copying and use. You may not copy, modify, reverse engineer, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, transfer or redistribute this file, in whole or in part. If you have obtained a copy of this Apple software and do not have a valid license from Apple Computer to use it, please immediately destroy or delete it from your computer.</string>