Dooby Duck's Disco Bus
Dooby Duck's Disco Bus was a children's puppet show presented by Dooby Duck, a puppet duck with a shiny showbiz jacket, and a pink bow-tie who introduced puppets singing contemporary songs of the day. Dooby signed off each show laughing and saying "Dooby Dooby Dooby Dooby Dooby Quack Quack".
The show was broadcast from 1989 to 1992 on BBC TV.
Series guide
- Dooby Duck's Disco Bus 13 editions - Broadcast 05 January 1989 - 30 March 1989
- Dooby's Duck Truck 13 editions - Broadcast 03 January 1991 - 28 March 1991
- Dooby Duck's Euro Tour 13 editions - Broadcast 30 September 1992 - 23 December 1992