Happy Monster Band
Happy Monster Band is an American Television Show aired on Playhouse Disney produced by Kick Start Productions and Walt Disney Television Animation, series is Created by Steve Loter. The show centers on a group of preschool-age monsters that perform songs about friendship, love, exercising, chores, and other preschool related themes. Season 2 centers around the world.
Major Characters
There are four monsters that make up the Happy Monster Band; Ink, Bluz, L.O., and Frred. All of the monsters' names echo their colors: Ink's trademark color is pink, Bluz's is blue, L.O.'s is yellow, and Frred's is red.
Ink- is the band's drummer. She has three eyes. She is pink. Unlike the other band members, Ink only sings in choruses. During the World Tour, she carries a globe and is fluent in several languages.
Bluz- acts as the band's keyboardist, and has four legs. He often contradicts L.O.'s opinions, stating that monsters should scare and not care about art. He is blue. During the World Tour, he doesn't know about foreign languages.
Frred- is the band's vocal output, and plays electric guitar. He is red.
L.O.- is the other lead singer, and plays bass guitar. L.O. is the only monster in the band that goes against traditional thinking, preferring to paint and draw instead of scaring. He is yellow.
Minor Characters
Roc and Raoul- are two conjoined, purple monsters that are the shows hosts. They speak in rhyme to introduce the show and the judges, but they don't speak in rhyme while backstage. They are also in Season two.
La, Dee, and Da- are the show's judges, who parody Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell respectively from American Idol. They do not return in season two.
World Tour Characters
Akito- is the band's pen pal in Tokyo, Japan.
Joey- is a kangaroo in Sydney, Australia.
Dwight - is a giant Italian monster who is often hungry.
Episode List
Season 1 - In Concert
- I Will Be Your Friend - L.O. made friendship bracelets for the rest of the band because he's happy to be their friend
- Do The Monster Stomp - The band tried so hard to try out their dance moves until Bluz found what was missing, the stomp
- Monster Hoe Down - The band members dress up as cowboys and cowgirl and are ready to hoe down
- Dirty, Smelly Monster Chores - L.O. arrives late because he had so much chores to do
- Scare Up Some Fun - Roc and Raoul sees the room empty and no band, but...BOO! They were actually trying to scare them
- I'm The Best At Being Me - L.O. would rather not be so scary as Bluz preferred
- Do Re Me-Me-Me - Ink tries to do the rhyming with little success and doesn't want any help
- Even Monsters Cry Sometimes - Frred is sad because his dad has a flat tire and he might not make it to the concert
- Get Up And Go Go Go - The band had a conversation about getting ready for their day
- Practice Makes Progress - Ink is practicing jump rope for the jump rope contest
Season 2 - World Tour
- At The Rodeo - The band visits Texas after being invited by a ranch owner
- A Wonderful Time In France - The band are in hot pursuit of a monster wearing a beret in Paris, France.
- The Italian Way - The band visits Italy
- Yin & Yang - The band visits Hong Kong
- Here In Australia - The band visits Australia after receiving fan mail from Joey.
- In India - The band visits India
- Siesta Siesta - The band enters the soccer stadium in Spain to play soccer.
- Konichiwa! - The band travels to Tokyo, Japan to see their pen pal, Akito and learn how to say hello in Japanese.
- The Monster Tangle - The band visits Argentina and made a new dance move; the monster tangle
- London Town - Since their own bus has a flat tire, the band had to take a double-decker bus to go the Buckingham Palace to perform for the Queen of the United Kingdom.
Happy Monster Band Facts
The actual music and vocals are done by Tally Hall, an American rock band.
The characters and concept for the show were created by children's book author/illustrator, Don Carter. His work can be seen at [1]
When "Da", the last judge, parodying Simon Cowell, gives his judgement, he starts out negative, but ends up with the line: "It's fantastic!