User:Carrion Flower
Carrion Flower
Name Kat
Gender Female
Ethnicity Asian
Career: Student
Location: United States
About Carrion Flower
+ Japanese pop culture (manga, anime, fashion)
+ Chinese, Japanese, & Italian food
+ British & American novels
+ Greek & Roman mythology
+ Astronomy, biology, cell biology
+ Most sci-fi & action movies
+ MMORPGs, classic Pokémon games, Wii games
+ Unmotivated slackers & overly loud people
+ Badly written/edited novels
+ The sound of car alarms at two in the morning
+ Chain emails telling you that a girl in your closet will kill you at midnight if you don't forward to nine people within the next fifteen minutes
What's a Carrion Flower?
A carrion flower is a type of flower that smells like rotting meat to attract insects such as flies. I thought it was rather interesting.
“My train of thought is still boarding at the station.”
- Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes