Noodle (Gorillaz)
Noodle is a fictional member of the animated band, Gorillaz, created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. She the youngest member of the band and she plays the guitar. Noodle was born in Osaka, Japan in 1991. Her past remained a mystery during Phase One, but some light was shone on it during Phase Two (See below)
At age 10, Noodle arrived on the Gorillaz' doorstep in a FedEx crate, in response to the ad they placed for a guitarist in the NME. She previously could not speak any English beyond the word "Noodle," (thus earning her the nickname) although oddly enough, she has in recent times discovered her ability to actually speak fluent English. Among her influences are Haiku poetry, Loa Zi, & Richie Sambora. As she has recently discovered about her own past, she is actually a powerful experimental Japanese super-soldier. Her interests include the Powerpuff Girls, Tamagotchi pets, Pokemon, Yo-yo's, and her a radio headphone hat.
In November 2003, Noodle went back to Japan to find out the truth about her past. only to found out that she was a test subject in a secret government super soldier project.