Tales from the Darkside: The Movie
Tales from the Darkside is a 1990 movie based on the anthology television series of the same name. The film, shot in anthologhy style, tells the story of a child who tells three stories of horror to keep from being eaten by a witch.
The film was a collection of short horror stories. Two were based on stories from notable authors. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the story "Lot 249" and Stephen King wrote the short story for the segment "Cat From Hell". George A. Romero adapted the King story for the screen.
Main cast
- Deborah Harry (in the wrap-around segments between stories as Betty, the witch)
- Christian Slater
- Steve Buscemi
- Julianne Moore
- William Hickey
- Robert Klein
- Rae Dawn Chong
Deborah Harry, Christian Slater and William Hickey also appeared on the television program.