Subramaniapuram, Tirunelveli
Subramaniapuram(Tamil:சுப்ரமணியபுரம்) is a village in Tenkasi taluk, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu state, India . This is an old village which has the name of an Independent fighter Subramaniya Barathiyar. This village is 1.5 km away from Shenkottai. Now this village populated as 2344, i.e.; 45% of male and 55% of female. Illiteracy of 75% . This village is formed in the 18th century. People are working together for their agricultural land. Paddy, sugarcane, groundnuts, corn, coconut and Black dhaal are cultivated here.
Schools and educational institutions
- Govt. primary school
- New model English school
Religious places
A.G Church - This is the second A.G (Assemblies of God) church founded in India by the Mother Edwards in 1950s.