Painful inflammation of one more small sacs filled with synovial fluid that cushions adjacent structures and reduces friction.
Surgical removal of a bursa which is a sac or saclike bodily cavity, especially one containing a viscous lubricating fluid and located between a tendon and a bone or at points of friction between moving structures. (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bursectomy)
Surgical drainage and removal of an infected bursa.(http://www.ofc-clinic.com/definitions/bursectomy.htm)
Surgical Intervention: Incision and drainage of the prepatellar bursa usually is performed when symptoms of septic bursitis have not improved significantly within 36-48 hours. Surgical removal of the bursa (ie, bursectomy) may be necessary for chronic or recurrent prepatellar bursitis. Arthroscopic or endoscopic excision of the bursa has more recently been reported to have satisfactory results with less trauma than open excision. (http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic118.htm)