User talk:SavageKieran
Talk page of SavageKieran. Please do not leave messages here, instead create a new heading and leave your message under that. Thank you!
ADtranz 170s
OK you win this one as I heard that after Bombardier took over Derby works they actually made some changes to many of those existing units (what exactly I don't know), but I'm guessing to bring them more in line with the way they built them post-takeover. Ironically I remember being on 170273, a unit built 1 year after the takeover, but I saw the ADtranz logo on a pane of window glass, presumably just using up leftover parts until they ran out. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:23, 2 October 2020 (UTC)
Thanks. Best to just call them Bombardier Turbostars then. --SavageKieran (talk) 12:18, 2 October 2020 (UTC)
On here, yes. (talk) 21:26, 11 December 2020 (UTC)