Chapter One: The Hellfire Club
"Chapter One: The Hellfire Club" is the first episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction horror television series Stranger Things. The release date is unknown, but expected to premiere in 2021. History The fourth season was announced by Netflix on September 30th 2019. A minute-long teaser was released on YouTube, revealing the logo of the fourth season. The teaser showed a ticking grandfather clock, along with the tagline "We're not in Hawkins anymore", leading news outlets to speculate and theorise that the show's new setting would be Russia. On November 6th 2019 (Stranger Things Day - the day Will Byers went missing in the Upside Down in 1983), the show's writing room social media accounts revealed the title of the fourth season's first episode: "", and that it was written by the Duffer Brothers.
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