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Seung-Goo Lee

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Seung-Goo Lee
Professor Seung-Goo Lee(이승구 교수)
Born (1959-02-01) February 1, 1959 (age 65)
South Korea
NationalitySouth Korean
Occupation(s)Professor, Academic and Theologian
Known forReformed Theology, Modern Theology, Christianity, Calvinism
TitleChair Professor of the Systematic Theology, Reformed Theology
Academic background
EducationTh.B., M.Ed., M.Div, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Alma materUniversity of St. Andrews
Academic work
InstitutionsHapdong Theological Seminary

Seung-Goo Lee (李承九, Korean이승구,February 1, 1959 ~) is a professor of the Hapdong Theological Seminary in South Korea and currently teaches systematic theology.[1] He was selected as one of the most influential scholars in the field of the Bible and theology in 2011.[2][3][4] He is currently the president of the Korean Evangelical Theological Society (2020-2022).[5] He was the president of the Korean Presbyterian Theological Society, and of the Korean Reformed Theological Society. He found the Korean Presbyterian Theological Society, the Korean Biblical Theological Society, the Korean kierkegaard Society, and the Peter Paul Johannes Beyerhaus Society for celebrating Peter Beyerhaus . He has published many books and translations. He has written two books in English and more than 20 books in Korean, and has translated 26 books from English to Korean.[6] He interpreted lectures of many foreign scholars, and gave several presentations at the international conferences. He studied Christian Education (B.A.) at Chongshin University,, Seoul National University Graduate School (Ethics Education, M. Ed.) Hapdong Theological Graduate University (M. Div.), University of St. Andrews (M. Phil., Ph.D). He had Research Fellow in Yale University Divinity School (1990-1992).

Dr. Seung-Goo Lee
Dr. Seung-Goo Lee presenting the reformation 500 year anniversary in 2017


  • Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Graduate School of Theology (1992.1-1999.2.)[7]
  • Professor of Systematic Theology, International Graduate School of Theology (1999.3-2009.2)
  • Professor of Systematic Theology, Hapdong Graduate School of Theology (2009,3-present)[8]
  • Visiting Scholar, Calvin College, Calvin Institute (Summer 2000)
  • Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Theology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (fall 2006)
  • president of the Korean Evangelical Systematic Theology Society (2000-2002), editor-in-chief of the Research Systematic Theology (2009)[9]
  • Auditor of the Korean Evangelical Theological Society (2004- 2006), Editor-in-Chief (2006)
  • Secretary of the Korean Bible Theological Society (1997-present)
  • General Secretary of the Korean Society for Reformation (2004-2006), Director of General Affairs (2008-2012)
  • Secretary of the Korean Presbyterian Theological Society (2004-2006), Secretary (2008-present), Editor-in-Chief of Presbyterian Church and Theology (2009)
  • President of the Korean Society ofkierkegaard (2005)
  • Chairman of Education Committee, Christian Research Institute (2003-2005), Research Fellow (2001-present)
  • Chairman of the Executive Committee for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (2011-present)
  • Journal of Reformed Theology, Asian Editor (2006-Present)[10]
  • Vice-President, Korean Reformation Society (2012-2018)
  • Member of Korean Academy of Christian Studies
  • Senior Vice President, Korean Evangelical Theological Society (2018-2020)
  • President of the Korean Presbyterian Theological Society (2016-2018)[11]
  • Vice-President, Korean Reformation Society (2012-2018)
  • President of the Korean Reformation Society (2018-2020)
  • Director and executive secretary of the Beyer House Society (2018-)[12]


  1. 『현대영국신학자들과의대담』서울: 엠마오,1992.
  2. 『개혁신학에의한탐구』서울: 웨스트민스터출판부, 1995. 개정판, 2004.
  3. 『교회론강설: 교회란무엇인가?』서울: 여수룬,1996. 재판, 2002. 개정판. 서울: 나눔과섬김,2011, 2014.
  4. Barth and Kierkegaard. Seoul: Westminster Theological Press, 1996.
  5. 『진정한기독교적위로』서울: 여수룬, 1998. 개정판. 서울: 나눔과섬김, 2007, 2013.
  6. 『개혁신학탐구』서울: 도서출판하나, 1999. 재판, 2002. 개정판: 합신대학원출판부, 2012.
  7. 『성령의위로와교회』서울: 이레, 2001. 개정판,2005. 개정 2 판, 2007.
  8. 『인간복제, 그위험한도전』서울: 예영, 2003. 개정판, 2006.
  9. 『기독교세계관이란무엇인가?』서울: SFC,2003. 개정판, 2005.
  10. 『사도신경』서울: SFC, 2004. 개정판, 2005. 재개정판, 2009.
  11. 『기독교세계관으로바라보는 21 세기한국사회와교회』서울: SFC, 2005. 2 쇄, 2006.
  12. 『21 세기개혁신학의방향』서울: SFC, 2005. 3쇄 2008.
  13. 『코넬리우스반틸: 개혁파변증학의선구자』살림, 2007. 2 쇄, 2012.
  14. 『한국교회가나아갈길』서울: SFC, 2007. 2 쇄,2011.
  15. 『전환기의개혁신학』서울: SFC, 2008. 2 쇄.
  16. 『광장의신학』수원: 합신대학원출판부, 2010.2 쇄.
  17. 『우리사회속의기독교』서울: 나눔과섬김, 2010.2 쇄. 그리고개정판『거짓과분별』서울: 예책,2014.
  18. 『톰라이트에대한개혁신학적반응』수원: 합신대학원출판부, 2013. 2 쇄발행.
  19. 『우리이웃의신학들』서울: 나눔과섬김, 2014.
  20. 『묵상과기도생각과실천』서울: 나눔과섬김,2015.
  21. 『성경신학과 조직신학』 서울:SFC, 2018.
  22. 『21세기 개혁 신학의 방향』 서울:CCP, 2018.
  23. 『한국교회를 빛낸 칼빈주의자들』2020, 공저, 킹덤북스.
  24. 『전염병과 마주한 기독교』,공저, 2020, 다함.
  25. 『교회통찰』, 공저, 2020, 세움북스.
  26. 『하이델베르크 요리문답 강해시리즈 IV: 하나님께 아룁니다』, 2020, 말씀과 언약.


  • "도르트 결정문의 타락후 선택설적 표현의 의의”. 「신학정론」 38/1 (2020년 6월): 233-62. (2018년에 발표한 영어 논문의 번역본). ISSN 1229-0599.
  • “하나님 나라 논의에 대한 톰 라이트의 기여와 문제점”, 「목회와 신학」 375 (2020년 2월호): 148-53.
  • “데이비드 웰스가 말하는 현대 복음주의 운동의 문제점들과 개혁 방안”, 「교회와 문화」 44 (2020년 여름): 109-46. ISSN 1598-4730.
  • “개혁자들의 칭의론의 일치성”, 『가난하나 부요케: 조병수 박사 은퇴기념논총집』 (서울: 가르침, 2020), 415-36. 2020년 8월 31일 발행. ISBN 979-11-968579-2-9.
  • “데이비드 웰스의 현대 문화 분석에 대한 한 논의”, 「조직신학연구」 35 (2020년 8월 30일): 26-64. ISSN 1738-4508.
  • “성적 지향에 대한 신학적 이해와 차별금지법”, 「기독교 사상」 743 (2020년 11월호): 43-52. 2020년 11월 1일 발간. ISSN 1227-3503.
  • “코로나19 이후 상황에서의 성경적 교회의 모습과 성경적 목회”, 「장로교회와 신학」 16 (2020): 107-26. 2020년 12월 10일 발간. ISSN 2005-9647.
  • “죽산과 정암의 천년왕국 이해”, 「신학정론」 38/2 (2020년 12월): 471-501. ISSN 1229-0599. 2020년 12월 15일 발간.


See also
