Arguably the largest celebration of the year. Most of the traditions that were originally associated with Christmas in Russia (Father Frost, a decorated fir-tree) were moved to New Year's Eve after the Revolution and are associated with New Year's Eve to this day.
День Советской Армии и Военно-морского флота ("Day of the Soviet Army and Navy")
Formation of the Red Army in February 1918. It wasn't an official holiday, unlike the others. [citation needed] It is currently called День защитника отечества ("Day of the Defender of the Fatherland") in Russia.
Годовщина Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции or Седьмое ноября
Celebrating October Revolution of 1917. It has now been replaced with День примирения и согласия ("Day of Reconciliation and Agreement"), celebrated on a Nov. 7 (at least officially) before amendments in Labour Codex (adopted in December 2004, new holiday, which celebrates at November 4 is the People Unity Day ("День народного единства)" in Russia.