Pleasure is a positive sensation. It is commonly conceptualized as somehow opposed to pain, though it has received much less scientific attention. Pleasure can be brought about in different ways, depending on how every individual feels the feeling of pleasure. Some feel this phenomenon through music, sexuality, writing, accomplishment, recognition, service, and any other imaginable activity; even pain.
It also refers to "enjoyment" related to certain physical, sensual, emotional or mental experience.
Pleasure also means (as a starting point to quote [1]): " Etymology: Middle English plesure, alteration of plesir, from Middle French plaisir, from plaisir to please
- 1
- Desire, Inclination (...wait upon his pleasure -- Shakespeare)
- 2
- a state of gratification
- 3
- a. sensual gratification b. frivolous amusement
- 4
- a source of delight or joy "
Pleasure may also be defined, at least in some contexts, to be a significant reduction in discomfort.