Coolitude was devised in Cale d'étoiles-Coolitude (Azalées Editions, La Réunion, 1992) by francophone poet Khal Torabully, to chart the coolie's voyage, giving a mosaic twist to this recollection, and insisting on the centrality of the seavoyage, which goes beyond the taboo of the kala pani, symbolising the forbidding of the seavoyage in Hinduism.
Coined from the word coolie, Torabully worked on a non-essentialist poetics, enlarging the coolie's odyssey to the meeting of languages and cultures, much in keeping with a neobaroque, postmodern and postructuralist construction.
This concept describes the present relationships in various fields wherein the Indies are related to other human spaces, through cinema, literature, fashion or other activites.
Coolitude represents the development of a Humanism of Diversity in the wake of the coolie trade.