Tigerfish is the common name for a variety of species from several different families of fish.
Aquarium fish
Siamese tigerfish
Aquarists most frequently use the name "tigerfish" to refer to any one of the several species of Datnioides (family Datnioididae). These are large, predatory fish usually kept in either freshwater or brackish aquaria. They are big, predatory fish that cannot be kept in community aquaria except with other large species. The most commonly traded species is the Siamese tigerfish, Datnioides microlepis, a primarily freshwater species from South East Asia. Less often seen, but very highly prized, is the New Guinea tigerfish, Datnoides campbelli, a larger brackish water species [1].
The name "Malawi Barracuda" has occasionally been used for species of cichlid in the genus Rhamphochromis, silver-colored fishes that may have one or two black horizontal lines running the length of the body. These fish are native to Lake Malawi (see also Malawi cichlid).
Game fish
Several species in the genus Hydrocynus of the family Characidae are called tigerfish and are often prized as gamefish. For example, Hydrocynus Vittatus is an African fish found in many rivers and lakes on the continent. It has sharp, protruding teeth and is a fierce predator. The species is a prized catch among sports fisherman.