Night Sweats
Night Sweats is a Canadian animated anthology series with live-action/CGI filler segments hosted by Bart Batchelor and Chris Nielsen. It was originally intended to premiere on Teletoon at Night,[1] but due to a change of schedule,[2] it premiered on Adult Swim on September 4, 2015,[3] and was first aired on Teletoon at Night on February 29, 2016.[4] It shows short segments of several cartoons being created by Canadian animators from Bite on Mondo, a joint venture of Blue Ant Media's BiteTV (now Makeful) and Mondo Media.
The show consists of 26 episodes.[5]
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- ^ "Television program logs". Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
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- 2010s Canadian adult animated television series
- 2015 Canadian television series debuts
- Teletoon original programming
- Canadian television series with live action and animation
- Canadian computer-animated television series
- Canadian adult animated anthology television series
- Television series by Blue Ant Studios