Preuss School
Preuss School was established on the UCSD campus in Fall 1999. Preuss is chartered under San Diego Unified School District. Its mission is to provide an intensive college preparatory curriculum to low-income student populations and to improve educational practices in grades 6-12. If these goals are realized, the school will matriculate students who are competitively eligible to enter the University of California or other selective institutions of higher education. The School opened with 150 students in grades 6 – 8, and now is fully enrolled with 767 students in grades 6 – 12.
Preuss 2004/05 demographics are: 59.5% Hispanic, 12.9% African American, 21.7% Asian, 6% White.
Preuss students are selected through a process of application and lottery. Eligibility is based on: student is from a low-income family (per Federal school lunch criteria); student has no parent or guardian who has graduated from a 4-year college or university; student has the academic potential and motivation to benefit from an intensive college preparatory program.
Preuss School is housed in a $14 million dollar facility on the UCSD campus. One hundred percent of the design and construction funds came from community donors.