Firstly Shetty balija is category belong to Balija Naidu community
This shetty balija is also called as Balija Shettys
These setti balijas are more populated in Rayalaseema , Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
Shettys, Shetty castes, Shetty Balijas. - balija naidu caste history
Shetty, Shetty castes, Shetty castes, Shetty Balijas, these are the people from ancient times who used to do businesses with hundreds like pepper, yalakulu…spices & perfumes, pearls, corals, gold, silver etc.
The one who do trading and if the trader is head of that particular business group he gets the tittle shetty , if the head is from balija caste he gets the tittle shetty or balija shetty that the reason till now balija caste and komati caste have shetty tittles because these are the castes who used to do trading from ancient times.
And here if we discuss about the word shetty , if another form of sanskrit word “Shresti” , “श्रेस्ठी “ , “శ్రేష్టి”
When a person from a group / clan is ellected as headman he is called as “shresti”and if he from balija / Naidu caste he is called as Balija Shetty
1.left hand faction 2.right hand factions
Right hand factions have 18 castes involved
left hand have 9 castes involved.
1.gajula balija
2.24 manai chettiar
3.yaga kshatriya
4.sadhu shetty
5.janappan shetty
6.desai shetty
(Note; In 1920, the Ediga castes living in Godavari, Krishna, Visakha districts for generations changed their caste name to ′′ Shettybalija ′′ to seek a respectable name for their caste , these Edigas do not belong to the Shettybalija caste which has been there for hundreds of years).
From 1920 Ediga caste ( toddy tapping caste ) changed their caste name to chetti balija by requesting government order no : 10/07/1920 D.S No.2140 REVENUE
they changed epfrom ediga to chetti balija
-chetti represent “Chettu”(tree in telugu) because they tap toddy by climbing tree
-balija representing business
and changed their caste name to chetti balija and that slowing from 1920 it became shetty balija and these ediga dont have any connection with the real “shresti” or the real “shetty balijas” who ruled the right hand castes.
The Settibalija, also known as Balija Setty is a subgroup of the Balija social group in India.
Setti balija groups are spread throughout the Rayalaseema areas along with Nellore and Prakasam districts.
These are war-like merchants and Nayaka - kings of south India were ruled by this setti balija (balija Naidu) castes.
Kapu refers to a social grouping of agriculturists found primarily in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Kapus are primarily an agrarian community, forming a heterogeneous peasant caste.
A Kapu newlywed couple, Madras Presidency, 1909