User talk:Ajaxrools
Welcome to Insane Ostrich Village. Cannibalism is the national religion.
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Sargeant Jason Defess thought he had seen it all. Serving as a National Guardsman in Iraq, he thought he had seen it all. On August 31, 2005, he set foot in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Apalled, he said, “To tell you the truth, I’d rather be in Iraq.” The devestation had killed well 1,836 innocent lives, with 705 still missing, cost $81.2 billion in damages, and left the proud city of New Orleans ravaged and under feet of water. That year, there were a record 28 hurricanes during the hurricance season, going beyond what many thought possible. Around the same time, scientists were concluding that the quantity and veracity of hurricanes in recent years were directly influenced by global warming. Global warming has been a serious problem. One of the leading propositions to combat it are the Kyoto Protocols, a set of protocols set in the last ten years to set a monetary consequence if a country exceeds a certain greenhouse gas quota. However, our government is unwilling to ratify these protocols. Agreeing to the Kyoto Protocols would reduce global warming and give us more allies in a world that we have few. It is astounding that we have not ratified the Kyoto Protocols is spite of the surmounting evidence that humans are causing global warming. Just a month ago, the IPCC or Intragovernmental Panel of Climate Control, agreed that there is a “95% chance” that global warming has been caused by human beings. Global warming is damaging our wildlife and continually sending numerous species of flora and fauna into extinction. Tragedies, such as those caused by Hurricane Katrina, are directly influenced by global warming, which shows that the dangers of global warming already have ramifications on our lives. Worst of all, scientific evidence also strongly supports that global warming could lead to massive climate change, such as the world eventually falling into another ice age. These consequences would create dastardly results on mankind. It is mind-boggling that although these dangers stare us in the eye, we do not do our part in ratifying the Kyoto Protocols. Ratifying the Kyoto Protocols would also increase our international respect. We live in a world where almost all of the countries in the world have animosity towards the United States. We have few allies and little international respect. Following the Iraq war, we already have few allies. Ignoring the Kyoto Protocols has only made it worse. In June of 2001, President Bush visited Europe. People lined the streets to protest Bush’s olicies regarding the Kyoto Protcols. The foreign leaders addressed the situation with similar tenacity. As of December 2006, 169 countries and other government entities have ratified the Kyoto Protocols. Only we and Austrailia have refused to ratify it and have faced severe criticism from the rest of the world. As we have learned through history, a nation without allies has been placed in a precarious situation. It would be bad and even dangerous for the overall state of our country However, the government remains adamant about not ratifying the Kyoto Protocols. The government claims that ratifying the Kyoto Protocols would be harmful to our governments budget. However, financial experts have calculated that the cost of implementing the Kyoto Protocols would be less than .1% of our current budget. It would cost $213 billion over the course of 11 years. Compare that to the cost of the War in Iraq which has cost us $365 billion just through the course of less than four years. Statiscians also support that the Kyoto Protocols would even save us $600 billion in the long run. Our governments also states that they will not ratify the protocols because developing nations, like India and China, have no monetary consequence if they do not achieve a certain quota of emissions. Since when did two wrongs make a right? Instead of sitting there and do nothing to help our deteriorating enviroment, we could at least implement some policies to help our enviroment. Instead, our carbon dioxide emissions have risen by 10% past our 1990 levels as of December 2006. Why do we remain stubborn about refusing these protocols? This question leaves many puzzled.
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Со смертью пожизненного президента Сапармурата Ниязова у правительства Туркменистана появляется шанс положить конец многолетним репрессиям и открыть новую главу для прав человека в этой богатой газом центральноазиатской стране. За 21 год своего правления Ниязов превратил Туркменистан в одно из самых закрытых и репрессивных государств мира. Туркменбаши не терпел никакой оппозиции и гражданского общества, отправляя за решетку или в эмиграцию оппозиционеров, правозащитников, журналистов и членов их семей. Постоянные политически чистки и гротескный культ личности напоминали сталинизм. Социально-экономическая политика Ниязова отбрасывала страну назад. Хьюман Райтс Вотч призывает правительство Туркменистана немедленно освободить всех политзаключенных, отменить ограничения на свободу передвижения в стране, а также на въезд и выезд, и провести свободные и справедливые президентские выбор В условиях, когда голос Соединенных Штатов утратил вес из-за использования администрацией Буша-младшего пыток и содержания под стражей без суда, образовавшуюся брешь в глобальном правозащитном лидерстве должен заполнить Евросоюз, говорится в публикуемом сегодня Всемирном докладе Хьюман Райтс Вотч 12:36, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
Hey B**j*m*n Z***
good job on the geo bee! I award you this-
2 Years With Victory in the GeoBee | ||
For winning the geobee two times in a row. hope you make it to state and represent the sate! Josephseagullstalin 03:48, 26 January 2007 (UTC) |
you're welcome! its fine im over it- i still have next year. This is the last chance you will ever get, so i think you deserve it fair and square!