Delicious Library
Delicious Library is a media cataloguing application for Mac OS X. It was awarded the Macworld SF 2005 Showtime Award. It allows users to manage their collections of books, DVDs, and video games by either entering them manually or by using a barcode scanner.
Delicious Library was lauded for its slick user interface, as well as several innovative features, including:
- Use of an iSight camera as a barcode reader.
- Use of a bluetooth barcode scanner.
- Compatibility with ratings, to suggest other items to a user.
- Integration with Apple's native Address Book application to allow "lending" management".
Some users criticize Delicious Library for:
- Incomplete support of all barcoded media. Most notably missing is support for comic books and graphic novels.
- A somewhat "heavy" interface, in comparison to other, simpler cataloguing tools.