In computer science, quickselect is an algorithm to select the nth smallest element of an array, based on the quicksort algorithm. For applications, see Order Statistic
The algorithm
Like quicksort, quickselect applies a divide-and-conquer strategy to find the nth smallest element by dividing the list of elements in the array into two sublists.
The steps are:
- Pick any element from the array A. This element is called the pivot element.
- Reorder the array A such that all elements that are less than the pivot go to the left of it, and all values that are larger go to the right of it. Elements which are identical to the pivot can be put on either side. This step is called the partition step which is also central to the Quicksort algorithm.
We will call the elements to the left of the pivot A1 and the elements to the right of the pivot A2.
- If the number of elements of A1 is exactly n-1, return the pivot element as the nth smallest element.
- If the size of A1 is less than n-1, let k be the size of A1 together with the pivot element, i.e. the size of A1 plus 1, and apply this algorithm recursively to A2 to find the n-kth largest element.
- If the size of A1 is greater than n-1, apply the algorithm recursively to A1 to find the nth largest element.
If we are looking for the smallest element in a one-element array, this algorithm will pick this element as pivot. Since the size of A1 will be zero, this returns the pivot as smallest element.
Now, if we are looking for the nth largest element in an array with k elements, we can reorder this array as follows: We choose a pivot element as above and partition the array. If the number of elements that are smaller than the pivot elements is n-1, it will be at position n now, and therefore the nth smallest element. On the other hand, if there are less than n-1 smaller elements, we find that the pivot element must be the mth smallest element, thus we continue looking for the n-mth smallest element in those that are bigger. Finally, if there are at least n elements that are smaller than the pivot, the nth smallest is among them.
Since the size of the arrays in which the search is conducted is always decreased by at least one in each recursive call, this algorithm always terminates.
A simple pseudo-code implementation may look like this:
function quickselect(n,A) var list less, greater if (n > length(A) or n < 1) return that there is no such element if (length(A) = 1 and n = 1) return the first element of A select a pivot value pivot from A for all elements x of A except pivot if x < pivot add x to less else add x to greater if length(less) > n-1 return quickselect(n,less) else if length(less) < n-1 return quickselect(n-length(less)-1,greater) else return pivot
The worst-case time complexity for this algorithm is for an array with elements: If we want to find the smallest element and always choose the currently-largest element as pivot, we call the partition step times, and this step takes time.
See also
- This article incorporates public domain material from Paul E. Black. "Select". Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures. NIST.
- Schöning, U.: Algorithmik. Spektrum, 2001. ISBN 3-8274-1092-4. Page 126 in section 2.7: Selektionsalgorithmen.