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‘Wannenberg’ family sigil from 1344 in Johann Siebmacher's 1978 Die Wappen des Adels in Pommern und Mecklenburg. Volume 18 of Grosses Wappenbuch.

Wannenburgh is an old and relatively rare South German toponymic surname[1] meaning "tub[2][-shaped] castle", or "tub[-shaped] mountain" in the case of Wannenberg(h).[3][4][5] Among variant forms are Wannenberg(h), Wanenbergh, Wanenberc(h), Wanenberg(e), and Wa(h)neberg(en [plural form]).[6][7][8]

In medieval literature, the "gh" digraph is usually replaced with a "ch". Renaissance-era Dutch Republic archives have it written as Wannenbúrg(h).[9] The Schleswig-Holsteinische Regesten und Urkunden refers to the first instance of someone bearing this family name as early as 1162—namely the Ministerialis and Advocatus ('Vogt zu Verden'), Conrad I von Wanebergen, of Verden an der Aller in Lower Saxony.[10][11][12] Conrad I, whose ancestors likely also lived near the Weser, was a vassal of Henry the Lion by 1162.[13][14][15][16] The oldest variant form, Wa(h)nebergen, is notably found in the Verdener Urkundenbuches or Urkundenbuch der Bischöfe und des Domkapitels von Verden and Wilhelm Freiherr von Hodenberg's Lüneburger Urkundenbuch: Archiv des Klosters St. Johannis zu Walsrode.


The exact etymological origin of the earliest varient form, Wa(h)ne(n)bergen,[17] was inter-textually debated in the 1800s and early 1900s among authors like Wilhelm von Hodenberg (a distant relation of the early Wahnebergen knights through the Counts of Hoya), Ernst Peter Johann Spangenberg, Wilhelm von Hammerstein-Loxten, and Christoph Gottlieb Pfannkuche.

Prince-Bishop Iso von Wölpe of Verden (Aller).

Spangenberg examines that the family were also recorded as 'von Bergen' and 'de Monte' (a latinised form meaning 'from the mountain') which may or may not correctly speak to the etymological origin of the surname.[18] The latinised form of the name used in the late 1100s and early 1200s arising from standard practice in Roman Catholic ecclesiastical records, may have muddled the original root of the name. Hodenburg believes there to be no verifiable connection between the von Wa(h)ne(n)bergen and the 'Dynasten de Monte' of Minden and also states that their name likely came from the rural farming village of Wahnebergen near Verden ('Amt Westen') which may have also been a von Wahnebergen feudal possession for a time.[19] However, Pfannkuche explores the theory that the de Monte and von Wahnebergen families were two branches of the same dynasty holding secular church offices (Vogtei Verden and Vogtei Minden) in Verden and Minden.[20] Spangenberg affirms that the von Wahnebergen family must have held significant power in the High Middle Ages (and possibly earlier) to have enabled the Bishopric of Verden under Iso von Wölpe to at last gain autonomy over the surrounding agrarian territories predominantly through their negotiated renouncement to the office of Vogt zu Verden, the waived von Westen bequest, and the expedited sale and surrender of numerous feudal dominions comprising farming villages, windmills, and access/water rights to nearby rivers. The connection (if any) between the von dem Berge/vom Berge and Wahnebergen is further muddled by a Hildesheim cathedral provost named Johannes de Monte (1219-1230) who was erroneously thought to be Conrad I von Wahnebergen's nephew, but is more likely a similarly named vom Berge/von dem Berge (of Minden) relation of Prince-Bishop Iso von Wölpe of Verden.[21][22]

Medieval decline, migration, and variant forms

These variant forms likely arose from early phonetic spellings, widespread illiteracy, and various contending vernaculars alongside 'Vulgar' and Classical Latin which influenced orthography (spelling) and phonology (stress or accent) used in Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, respectively—particularly during the Obotrite ascendancy and Ostsiedlung of the High and Late Middle Ages in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg.[23][24]

Sarmstorf church.

By the mid-1400s, the remaining Knappen von Wanenberg(h) held local political and minor diplomatic posts in Mecklenburg, but had already sold (1347) their possessions in Mików (Mücka) and three-quarters of Sarmstorf (a rural Rostock farming village) and a constitutent or nearby elevation ('hebungen')—which was their primary squirely possession (a recognised, hereditary 'knappenbesitz').[25] The elevation was sold by Henneke and Heinrich to Knappen Henneke Bengersdorp (November 29, 1342), the three-quarters of Sarmstorf by Johann and Heinrich (and Elisabeth Wanenberg née von Mikow) to Johann von Köln and Jacob Wörpel (December 29, 1339 to January 20/27, 1347 [after their father, N.N. Wanenberg, either assented or died) along with an oath (December 27, 1343) given at Güstrow to only recruit from their estate in Mików when performingrossdienst[26] (a noble's military service) and to request no further aid from Sarmstorf.[27][28] On November 1, 1346, the brothers promised to allow Johann von Köln to take occupancy once N.N. Wanenberg (their undisclosed father) sells the Sarmstorf estate.[29] By 20 Januay 1347, N.N. Wanenberg was likely dead and the agreement was ratified by his widow and heirs.[30] This promise was followed by a later confirmation of property transferal on 27 January 1347. To this end, Notably, the Wanenberg(h)s recorded after 1347 are no longer accorded the knappen honorific, but remained lower untitled nobility.[31]

If the Lower Saxon, Mecklenburgian, and North Hollander branches are related, of which the two earliest 'branches' conceivably are,[32][33] then the spelling used by the North Hollander branch was further changed by their pre-1647 migration to North Holland,[34][35] where Dutch only began standardising in the second half of the seventeenth century and achieved 'unity in the written language' by that century's end.[36]

There they resided in Gouwe, Opmeer for two of more generations and then in Amsterdam for four generations—beginning with (the progenitor?) Adolff Hendrikszoon Wannenbúrgh van der Gouwé—before Pieter Wannenburg(h) van Amsterdam left for the Cape of Good Hope, arriving 153 days later aboard the Petronella Alida,[37][38] and subsequently sent for his wife,[39] Alida Johanna de Waal (sister of burgher lieutenant and former quartermaster of the Doornik, 'Jan' de Waal),[40][41][42] and son, Abraham Wannenburg (along with Abraham's wife, Engela Eversdijck).[43][44][45][46] Pieter Wannenburgh asked for Free Burgher status between 1729 and 1732.[47] Notable people with the surname include:

Wa(h)nebergen of Verden (Aller)



Unknown ('Das Wappen der Herren von Wanebergen ist nicht bekannt' [instead, Count Burchard von Wölpe loaned his seal to Ritter Heinrich]).[55][56] Despite this confirmation from Hodenberg, a former feudal possession of the Edelherren von Wa(h)nebergen know today as the (farming) village of Wahnebergen uses civic arms that claims some inspiration from the uncorroborated 'arms' of the since departed knights von Wa(h)nebergen.[57]

Medieval sigillum of the Adelsgeschlecht von Wölpe of Lower Saxony and the Adelsgeschlecht von Holstein-Itzehoe of Holstein.

Duration of records

From 1162 to 1269/73[58][59] (ending with the death of 'Heinrich [Ritter] von Waneberg').[60][61] In 1186, Cuno I von Wahnebergen ('advocatus in Urda [Verda]') was on a list of vassals of the then extinct von Ricklingen noble family, drawn up by a Bishop of Minden.[62] Some records confuse the Edelherren von Wanebergen[63] with the related but distinct Adelseschlecht de Monte due to the etymologically similar latinised form of the former in church documents.[64]

Feudal dominions & knightley possessions

The (unter-)vogtei of Verden (Aller), the Burgfelde(s) or Burgstelle and the Alte Burg erdburg (earth castle) outside central Verden, a tithe from Nieder-Averbergen (sold for 40 marks before 1227), a tithe to Sibudeswerthere (a waived bequest from the Edelherren von Westen), Wahnebergen village, 2 hufen or 60 morgen and 7 more (bailwick) hufen (210 morgen) at Stedesdorf,[65] 2 and a 1/2 tithes from Sibudeswerthere (the 'Werder near Döhlebergen' [includes Sibrandeswerthere]), Altenwerder,[66] 4 hufen or 120 morgen and a mill in Moule/Mölme/Mauloh (a Ricklinger fief),[67] von Diepenau possessions (5 hufen)[68] in Moulme (sold for a settlement of 9 marks) left to Countess Lutchardis von Wa(h)nebergen—Count Volrad von Diepenau's heiress, rights to the Ochtum ('Ochtmund') river in Hannover owned independently by Countess Lutchardis,[69] Norderstedt (an unsuccessful Guelphic installment), episcopal estates in Müßleringen and Röden, and an annuity from the saltworks in Lüneburg left by Bishop Gerhard Graf von Hoya of Verden (1251-1269) to his widowed sister, Countess Ermengard von Wa(h)nebergen.

Connected noble families

Arms of the Counts of Hoya.

Namely the von Wölpe, von Hoya,[70] vom Berge (?), von Diepenau, von Hilligsfeld (?),[71] von Westen, von Brockhusen,[72] and von Werpe/Warpke (?).[73]


Site of the now lost Alte Burg (old castle) in Verden an der Aller.

An earth castle known as the Alte Burg, a common construction method before 1200, situated on '8 Morgen 27 R' of land stretching from the river banks of the 'Old Aller' river to a section of hills on the outskirts of Verden known then as the Burgfeldes.[74] After a bishop had 4 vineyards cultivated at the old castle, in 1816, a large part of the rampart was pulled down (and some years therafter the last part of it) to gain more arable land. And so this Lower Saxon monument of antiquity has almost so completely disappeared that it is now difficult to find even a trace of the old castle on the hills of the old castle field; the railway has also since swallowed up part of the outer embankment with its excavations of earth. The defensive site was walled in such a distinct way and on such a large scale for the time that some writers, perhaps not without reason, assume that it was precisely there where the Frankish king Charlemagne operated from during his Massacre of Verden some time between 782–85 during the Saxon Wars.


A Henry the Lion statue at Braunschweig Cathedral.

The prevailing theories and conjecture submitted by Ernst Peter Johann Spangenberg, Christoph Gottlieb Pfannkuche, and Baron Wilhelm von Hodenberg suggest that the 'dynasten' von Wa(h)nebergen might have once been 'edelfreies' (free nobles),[75] prior to their becoming Guelphic ministerialen circa 1162,[76] that possibly shared a common descent with the Grafen von Wölpe, Edelherren von Westen, and/or the extinct von Ricklingen noble family—given their morgonatic marriages in the 1200s, as miles (knights) and advocati (vogts), to spouses from prominent noble dynasties of Lower Saxony during the High Middle Ages.[77][78][79]

Wanenberg(h)/Wanenberc(h)/Wannenberg of Güstrow & Malchin


  • Bürgermeister Joachym Wanenberch (also: Achim Wanenberg), acting mayor of Malchin, Mecklenburg circa 1443[80][81]
  • Ratmann Bandowe[82] Wanenberg (also: Wanenberch), councillor to Güstrow circa 1442[83][84][85]
  • Knappe[86] Johann von Wanenberg of Hoya (c. 1339), Mecklenburgian nobleman,[87] landowner, and squire of Sarmstorf[88]
  • Knappe Heinrich von Wanenberg of Hoya (? [but residing in Güstrow]), Mecklenburgian nobleman, landowner, and squire of Sarmstorf
  • Knappe Henneke von Wanenberg (c. 1366),[89] Mecklenburgian nobleman, landowner, and squire of Sarmstorf
  • Elisabeth von Wanenberg (formerly von Rensow[en] | née von Mikow), Sorbian noblewomen and widow of Ritter[90] (milites) Conrad von Renzow (vassal to Nicolaus, Fürst von Werle [c. 1210–14 May 1277] of the House of Mecklenburg)[91][92][93][94]
  • Knappe Kurt von Rensow (c. 1317), son[95] from Elisabeth's ('Ilsebe' or 'Ylsebe') first marriage to Ritter Conrad von Rensow(e).[96][97]


Registered in Güstrow by the brothers Johann and Heinrich von Wanenberg(h) in 1344,[98] it is simply described in vernacular German as follows: '[I]m stehenden Schild eine schräg rechts gestellte Lanzenspitze' (Mecklenburgisches Urkunden: Bd. 1-25, Teil A; 786/1250-1400, Volume 25).[99][100][101] Original artefacts ('Wanenbergschen Siegel.—Vgl. Nr. 6246, 6364, 6689') relating to the family arms like wax seals belonging to Johann, Heinrich, and Henneke (and Kurt von Renzow) on parchment ribbons once held at Güstrow's medieval Pfarrkirche St. Marien (St. Mary's Parish Church)[102]—where the Wanenberg(h)s were patrons—can now be found at the Güstrow City Archive (Rostock district, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).[103] On June 26, 1503, a lightning strike burned the original church down to the ground.[104][105]

A cover of one of J. Siebmacher's famed wappenbuchs.

Duration of records

From 1339[106][107] to 1442 or the early 1450s.[108][109][110]

Wannenburg(h) of Amsterdam, Utrecht, & the Cape Colony

Pieter Wannenburg(h) of Amsterdam was the first Wannenburgh to settle at the Cape of Good Hope in 1727 during the Dutch East India Company governorship of either Jan de la Fontaine or Pieter Gysbert Noodt (Governors of the Dutch Cape Colony).[111][112] Dr. Cornelis Pama regarded them as one of the old families of the Cape.[1] The earliest available records digitised by Dutch and Belgian archives via Open Archives' online database inlcludes overlapping entries for the same family members with the alternative or erroneous spellings; 'Wannenberg',[113] 'Wannenbergh',[114] 'Wanenbergh',[115] and 'Wanenberg'.[116] The family is connected through blood and marriage to the following families:[117][118]

The House of Egmond (via Jacob 'Bastaardzoon' de Wael van Egmond); the de Wael/de Waal patricii of Haarlem and Rosenburch; the regental Eversdijcks[119][120][121] of Goes, Zeeland;[122][123][124] the Broussons[125][126] of Nîmes (which include the Seigneurs de Paradès of Gajan, Sauzet, and Fons); the Graaff Baronets of Tygerberg (de Grendal);[127][128][129] the knightly von Kotzes of Magdeburg; the Kirst(en) burghers/patricii of Eberstedt and Rudolstadt;[130][131][132][133][134] the Mosterts/Mostaerts of Mostert's Mill and 'Welgelegen' farm;[135] and Ireland's Wolfes of Forenaughts, Blackhall, and Baronrath, situated in the district of Naas, County Kildare.[136][137][138][139]



  1. ^ a b Pama, C. (1983). Die groot Afrikaanse familienaamboek (in Afrikaans). Human & Rousseau. p. 363. ISBN 978-0-7981-1561-2.
  2. ^ The Contemporary Review. A. Strahan. 1881. p. 419.
  3. ^ Rosenthal, Eric (1965). South African Surnames. H. Timmins.
  4. ^ Puy, William Harrison De; Inc, Encyclopaedia Britannica (1891). American Revisions and Additions to the Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature. R.S. Peale. p. 254. {{cite book}}: |last2= has generic name (help)
  5. ^ "Wannenburg Surname Definition". Forebears. Retrieved 1 August 2022.
  6. ^ Meklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: Orts- und Personen-Register zu Bd. 5 – 10 (in German). Stiller. 1878. p. 645.
  7. ^ Die Landkreise in Niedersachsen (in German). W. Dorn. 1962. p. 143.
  8. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von Baron (1856). Hoyer-Urkundenbuch. (Alphabetisch-chronologische Register.). p. 401.
  9. ^ "Notice of marriage on April 5, 1680". Openarchives.
  10. ^ Studien und Vorarbeiten zum Historischen Atlas Niedersachsens (in German). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1914. p. 11.
  11. ^ Zillmann, Sigurd (1975). Die welfische Territorialpolitik im 13. [i.e. dreizehnten] Jahrhundert (1218–1267) (in German). Waisenhaus-Buchdruckerei und Verlag. pp. 180–183. ISBN 978-3-87884-001-5.
  12. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1869). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. p. 149.
  13. ^ Rietschel, Siegfried (1905). Das burggrafenamt und die hohe gerichtsbarkeit: in den deutschen bischofsstädten während des früheren mittelalters (in German). Veit & comp. p. 282.
  14. ^ Jakobs, Hermann (2003). Germania Pontificia. Vol. V/1: Provincia Maguntinensis, Pars V (in Latin). Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht. p. 202. ISBN 978-3-525-36035-4.
  15. ^ Zillmann, Sigurd (1975). Die welfische Territorialpolitik im 13. [i.e. dreizehnten] Jahrhundert (1218-1267) (in German). Waisenhaus-Buchdruckerei und Verlag. p. 182. ISBN 978-3-87884-001-5.
  16. ^ Bocholtz-Asseburg, Johannes Bernhard von (1876). Asseburger Urkundenbuch: Urkunden und Regesten zur Geschichte des Geschlechts Wolfenbüttel-Asseburg und seiner Besitzungen. Bis zum Jahre 1300 (in Latin). Hahn. p. 125.
  17. ^ Zeitschrift für vaterländische Geschichte und Altertumskunde (in German). 1906. p. 470.
  18. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1856). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. p. 68.
  19. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1856). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa. p. 243.
  20. ^ Pfannkuche, Christoph Gottlieb (1834). Die aeltere und neuere Geschichte des vormaligen Bisthums Verden: ¬Die neuere Geschichte des vormaligen Bisthumes und jetzigen Herzogthumes Verden (in German). Bauer. pp. 209–210.
  21. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1857). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa'sche Buchhandlung. pp. 246–248.
  22. ^ Hammerstein-Loxten (1869). Der Bardengau, eine hist. Untersuchung über dessen Verhältnisse u. über den Güterbesitz der Billunger (in German). p. 463.
  23. ^ Classen, Albrecht (2016-09-12). Multilingualism in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age: Communication and Miscommunication in the Premodern World. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. p. 114. ISBN 978-3-11-047144-1.
  24. ^ The Languages of Early Medieval Charters: Latin, Germanic Vernaculars, and the Written Word. BRILL. 2020-11-23. pp. 10, 91, 117, 120, 123, 134, 136, 138, 142, 145, 148, 159, 165, 168, 190, 196, 202, 310, & 403. ISBN 978-90-04-43233-8.
  25. ^ Meklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: 1337–1345 (in Latin). Stiller. 1875. p. 416.
  26. ^ Kirby, David (2014-01-14). Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period: The Baltic World 1492–1772. Routledge. p. 216. ISBN 978-1-317-90215-7.
  27. ^ Mecklenburg (1882). Meklenburgisches Urkundenbuch. (Verein für meklenburg. Gesch. u. Alterthumskunde) (in German). p. 112.
  28. ^ Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: herausgegeben von dem Verein für meklenburgische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Bd. 1-25A; 786-1400 (in Latin). 1936. pp. 306 & 308.
  29. ^ Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: herausgegeben von dem Verein für meklenburgische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Bd. 1-25A; 786-1400 (in Latin). 1936. p. 304.
  30. ^ Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: herausgegeben von dem Verein für meklenburgische Geschichte und Alterthumskunde. Bd. 1-25A; 786-1400 (in Latin). 1936. p. 306.
  31. ^ Bremen, Historische Kommission für Niedersachsen und (2015-11-30). Niedersächsisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte (in German). Wallstein Verlag. p. 70. ISBN 978-3-8353-2831-0.
  32. ^ Meklenburgisches Urkundenbuch: Orts- und Personen-Register zu Bd. 5 – 10 (in German). Stiller. 1878. p. 645.
  33. ^ Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher (in German). 1887. p. 162.
  34. ^ "Notice of marriage on April 5, 1680". Open Archives. Dutch and Belgian Archives. October 16, 2020.
  35. ^ "Burial on February 16, 1693". Open Archives. Dutch and Belgian Archives. March 11, 2020.
  36. ^ Smakman, Dick (2006). Standard Dutch in the Netherlands: A Sociolinguistic and Phonetic Description. LOT. p. 23. ISBN 978-90-78328-04-9.
  37. ^ "Pieter Wannenburg, on November 7, 1726 in the service of the Dutch East India Company". Open Archives. Dutch and Belgian Archives.
  38. ^ Archives, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) (1989). Requesten (memorials) 1715–1806: 1715–1806: T-Z, with supplements. 1977: A-Z. 1792–1795: A-Z. Cape Times. p. 1329. ISBN 978-0-86968-084-1.
  39. ^ Resolusies van die Politieke Raad (in Dutch). Kantoor van die Hoofargivaris. 1975. p. 164. ISBN 978-0-621-02476-0.
  40. ^ "Bo-Kaap Museum". Iziko Museums. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  41. ^ "De Waal Family Story". De Waal Wines. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  42. ^ Worden, Nigel (2012). Cape Town Between East and West: Social Identities in a Dutch Colonial Town. Jacana Media (Pty) Limited. p. 216. ISBN 978-1-4314-0292-2.
  43. ^ "Adolff Hendriksz (Hendrikszoon) Wannenburgh, I (de Eerste), van der Goúw(e)". geni_family_tree. Retrieved 2022-08-04.
  44. ^ Geslacht-register der oude Kaapsche familiën (in Dutch). Van de Sandt de Villiers & Company. 1894. p. 563.
  45. ^ Archives, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) (1989). Requesten (memorials) 1715–1806: 1715–1806: T-Z, with supplements. 1977: A-Z. 1792–1795: A-Z. Cape Times. p. 1365. ISBN 978-0-86968-084-1.
  46. ^ Archives, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa); Leibbrandt, H. C. V. (1905). Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requesten (memorials), 1715–1806. 5 v. W. A. Richards & sons. p. 368.
  47. ^ Archives, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa); Leibbrandt, H. C. V. (1905). Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requesten (memorials), 1715–1806. 5 v. W. A. Richards & sons. p. 367.
  48. ^ Mindermann, Arend (2001). Urkundenbuch der Bischöfe und des Domkapitels von Verden: Verdener Urkundenbuch, 1. Abteilung (in German). Landschaftsverband der Ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden. p. 904. ISBN 978-3-931879-07-5.
  49. ^ Heinemann, Lothar von (1882). Heinrich von Braunschweig, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des staufischen Zeitalters (in German). F. A. Perthes. pp. 222–223.
  50. ^ Hoyer Urkundenbuch: Hoyer Hausarchiv (in German). Jänecke. 1855. pp. xxiii, 10, & 12.
  51. ^ Heinemann, Lothar von (1882). Heinrich von Braunschweig, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des staufischen Zeitalters (in German). F. A. Perthes. p. 223.
  52. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1856). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa. p. 242.
  53. ^ Altpreussische Bibliographie (in German). Thomas & Oppermann. 1902. p. 87.
  54. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1869). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. p. 96.
  55. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1856). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa. p. 243.
  56. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1856). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa. p. 237.
  57. ^ Dörverden, Gemeinde. "Wahnebergen". Gemeinde Dörverden (in German). Retrieved 2022-08-03.
  58. ^ Oldenburger Studien (in German). H. Holzberger Verlag. 1969. p. 137.
  59. ^ Hodenberg, Wilhelm von (1856). Verdener Geschichtsquellen (in German). Capaun-Karlowa. p. 237.
  60. ^ Niedersachsen, Historischer Verein für (1872). Zeitschrift (in German). p. 375.
  61. ^ Heliopolis), Stephan Alexander Würdtwein (bp of (1780). Subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris ecclesiastici Germaniae et historiarum capita elucidanda, ex originalibus aliisque authenticis documentis congesta, notis illustr. et ed. à S.A. Würdtwein. [With] Nova subsidia (in Latin). p. 132.
  62. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1869). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. p. 151.
  63. ^ Battaglia, Otto Forst de (1915). Katalog des Westfalischen Herrenstandes: Heft II des Buches: vom Herrenstande (in German). Ludwig. p. 50.
  64. ^ Hammerstein, Wilhelm “von”; Hammerstein-Soxten, Wilhelm-Carl-Conrad Freiherr von (1869). "Der" Bardengau: eine Historische Untersuchung über dessen Verhältnisse und über den Güterbesitz der Billunger (in German). Hahn. pp. 463–464.
  65. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1869). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. pp. 153–155.
  66. ^ Lappenberg, Johann Martin (1847). Die Elbkarte des Melchior Lorichs vom Jahre 1568 (in German). Meissner. p. 53.
  67. ^ Spangenberg, Ernst (1869). Neues vaterländisches Archiv oder Beiträge zur allseitigen Kenntniß des Königreichs Hannover wie es war und ist ; Herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel ... Fortgesetzt von Ernst Spangenberg (in German). Herold u. Wahlstab. p. 151.
  68. ^ Bremen, Historische Kommission für Niedersachsen und (2020-03-02). Urkundenbuch des Klosters Loccum (in Latin). Wallstein Verlag. p. 335. ISBN 978-3-8353-4194-4.
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