Super Trivia
"Super Trivia" |
"Super Trivia" is the twenty-eighth episode of the animated series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was first broadcast on September 21, 2003.
Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad participate in a trivia game at a local bar. Their only opponent, the short yet large-headed Wayne 'The Brain' McClane, wins, perhaps due to Meatwad and Shake's putting down 'The Backstreet Boys' for most of the answers.
Back at home, Frylock bemoans their loss, while Shake blames Frylock and Meatwad. Frylock straps Meatwad and Shake to chairs, forces their eyes open with clips, and has them watch 'all the knowledge in the world' on his computer without sleeping. Unfortunately, he realizes after the training is done that he forgot to put sports on the DVD (which is 7.2 million exabytes large), so he recruits Carl for the trivia event that night.
At the bar, Frylock entices Carl to stay by telling him that there are hot women in the back - though Carl does sit in a separate booth, where he orders a large plate of hot wings. As the game progresses, "The One-Eyed Wonder Weasels and Their Two Balls", as the team was officially named by Carl, answer every question correctly, tying with Wayne. For the final question, about 'hydro-magnetic magnatoidal dimensions', Shake finally collapses on the floor, and Frylock does not know the answer. Meatwad says the answer is not in fact 'The Backstreet Boys', but 'N'Sync', which Frylock writes as their team's answer. The trivia host announces that only Wayne (now Wayne 'The Main Brain' McClane) has answered correctly, winning again.
Frylock floats over to Wayne to ask him what the answer to the last question was, and Wayne removes his green 'hair' to reveal his huge brain-shaped head. Meatwad chews on the 'hair', which is actually grass, while Wayne reveals that the answer to the question was in fact 'The Backstreet Boys'. Wayne further reveals that the booth, the trivia host, the wings Carl was eating, and the entire bar are an illusion created by him so that he could impress everyone with how smart he was.
Having made everything disappear, they are now outside in a vast grassy field, and Wayne expresses his sadness over being unable to 'get tail', despite his efforts. Frylock suggests Wayne make himself a girlfriend rather than trying to impress the existing women with illusions, and Wayne agrees, creates a soap-sud covered hottie, and floats away with her up into the sky. Meatwad points to Shake passed out nearby and mentions that he is being eaten by aphids, but they leave him.
Cold opening
Dr. Weird uses his buttocks to talk into a microphone.